Well, after I saw those guys who gained a seat in our blacklist by popularity, I was thinking. I've thought, I can't find and blacklist all bad people here, we have hundred of thousands people in here. So we have our restriction options. And when I want to create a public or forum-wide invite only event, I use high level restrictions mosty to avoid those bad guys.

And I've been thinking, if there are still bad guys in high levels, we can blacklist them so they can't join our giveaways. But what about the opposite? If I make giveaways which requires high level enough, I can't give a chance to nice people those can't meet requirements. So, I've come up with this idea:

During or after we create giveaways, can we make room for special members to enter our public giveaways? So, when we come across nice people and if we want to join them to our giveaways we can simply select them and add them to our giveaways? Or even we don't have to do this seperately, maybe we can use our whitelist for this, like we're already doing this with blacklist to block people to enter our giveaways.

So, what do you think?

9 years ago

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A simple solution, as you suggest, would be to allow whitelist to bypass other public restrictions just like it currently bypasses group restrictions. A fine idea to me.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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How would you distinguish between whitelist only and whitelist plus public high level then?

9 years ago

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Like group only and group plus whitelist ones. Whitelist section could be different from group option, a seperate option. We can select it or deselect it, plus we can select our giveaways normally how we were doing before whitelist option set.

9 years ago

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But if I want to do a giveaway for my whitelist only?

9 years ago

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Make it so that giveaways work the way they do now, but introduce a small checkbox that says something like "Whitelist ignores level requirements", and make everyone on your WL see it as a level 0 GA.

9 years ago

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Well, then it should be better if it's a sub-option. If you choose one of the private, public and group only ones, it asks for your permission to set this one also for whitelist or not. If you choose whitelist, it doesn't ask.

9 years ago

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That might work. And is an excellent idea :)

9 years ago

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well dont think of creating a giveaway as you do now for this, a tiny bit should change in the creation of a giveaway, we would still have the option to create whitelist only or whitelist and group giveaways but when creating a public giveaway we could tick an option to allow the whitelist to join no mater what

9 years ago

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You can create a steam group of nice people and when you meet a new one, just invite him.
Don't mind my comment, I've read OP a second time and now I understand your suggestion. Sounds interesting.

9 years ago*

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But you can't make it public. The idea is here to give the game as public, to reach people as much as possible.

Edit: Not minding. :3.

9 years ago*

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That works fine as an independent whitelist, but OP is looking for a way to combine a general high level requirement with a way for specific people to gain a backdoor to the same giveaway.

EDIT: Don't mind my comment, I saw just now that you edited your comment to not mind your comment.

9 years ago

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It's not different from whitelist i guess. I like the cucooo's idea more and i would want to do this in public giveaways if i choose to make a high level giveaway.
Edit: Saw your edit now :D

9 years ago*

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Cucooo uses confusion

View attached image.
9 years ago

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He wants to be able to make an exception for nice low level people to be able to join higher level giveaways. Currently, if you create a public high level giveaway, there is no way to allow people to bypass the check.

9 years ago

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Get it now, thanks

9 years ago

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^^ :P

9 years ago

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I like your idea.

9 years ago

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Love this idea.

9 years ago

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So, essentially, you are asking for an option to move whitelist out of the group giveaway level and put it to public level as an overwrite function for level requirements.

9 years ago

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Not move, copy maybe. For both public and private ones. Private ones still need to be accessed via specific url of course.

9 years ago

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So more like an independent joker option?
The funny part is that it would probably give it some actual meaning and use on the site besides being an other form of friend list.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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When the whitelist feature was first introduced I actually assumed that's how it worked. I think it makes a lot of sense.

I started with a bunch of whitelist/7+ giveaways thinking it was an OR type option, not an AND. Noticing I was getting virtually no entries I had to go searching for some high level people to whitelist. Wasn't too hard when I looked in the charitable losers group!

9 years ago

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Yeah, I'm in shock that it doesn't work this way already.

9 years ago

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Like making a level 7 public AND whitelist GA!

Great idea!

9 years ago

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that sounds ok. :3

anyway, right now the only way is to use sgtools to set filters and give your friends the direct link to the giveaway.

9 years ago

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And using SGTools limits it to being invite-only, unfortunately. Though I guess it's still semi-public if it's posted openly in the Discussion forum :3

9 years ago

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1 Whitelist
2 No smoke, i want my name here as a good gifter, everybody has to know me. So use sgtools.

9 years ago

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I think that's a cool idea.. Having a high level giveaway that anybody can enter but letting people that don't meet the level requirements still enter if they're in a group.

Currently, if you have a group and a level requirement, you have to be in the group AND meet the level. It'd be nice to make it so that you could be in the group OR meet the level, instead of having to do both.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Interesting idea. Only problem is that this could be easily abused if you only need one entry like you usually do in public GAs.

9 years ago

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If it's set as public, whitelist will be an extra. So no need to get 5 entries. (Because everyone apart from your whitelist will still be able to enter.)

If it's set as private, we should need to get 5 entires like we do now.

9 years ago

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Well if you set it to level 10 and blacklist every level 10 user and only add your friend to WL/ giveaway.
This is how that system could easily be cheated.

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

9 years ago

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VIP list'd you.

9 years ago

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I kinda like this idea.

I've always felt that the whitelist was the creme de la creme anyway, and should be able to enter any gas I create, regardless of level.
There are many things I value more than level, and those whitelist people exemplify them.

9 years ago

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You have my vote! This would make blacklist and whitelist work parallelly: blacklist blacklists no matter what, now whitelist would whitelist no matter what.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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I like the way the whitelist works currently. If you want to add more options to it, that would be fine by me as long as it won't remove any of the current functions.

9 years ago

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Didn't know of this thread; suggested it in one of my own just today.

"If you're to make a GA bound to a Level and also include your White List, only those in the White List that are at or above that Level may enter.
What would y'all think about having both of those conditions being (able to be set) independent(ly), i.e. instead of "members of your White List who are Level #" have it be "SteamGifters who are Level # and every member of White List"?"

The time is nigh for this to be implemented, so sayeth the coincidence.

9 years ago

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Closed 8 years ago by cucooo.