Workload on support is quite high. If it is a question, best ask it here.
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Please ... the "overworked and understaffed" myth was debunked YEARS ago. I'm too lazy to look it up, but there are pictures floating around the forums of Support members drinking champagne and getting lap dances during work hours.
It's deplorable. (Please let me in the club, guys.)
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workload as Oppenh4imer said.
if you have any tickets that are still open and no longer valid (if that game has been added since then), then it would make things easier on them if you closed them. also which game if you dont mind me asking? it may of been removed instead of needing added and they wont add it back so your ticket just got buried tbh.
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oh no need to be sorry at all, any valid tickets certainly leave open too. i just mean if they already solved an issue by adding the game or something that is literally no longer valid it would help from them having to close them and reply at the same time =)
on the price part sorry, i have no idea on pricing errors.
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which game`? btw checked on the freebie list
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Your googling skills suck ;)
It took me a few minutes to find its source.
Its a Russian commercial from a company named РЕСО-Гарантия (some insurance company).
(rightclick image -> use google image search, only Chrome)
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Why Google when I can feign ignorance and have someone else do it for me? ;)
Okay, you got me ... I'm just an idiot. Thanks for digging it up.
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I do not have Chrome, so I would never have found it!;)
Thank you for posting the source for us.:) I like commercials like this, as opposed to a lot of the stupid Canadian or American ones that are just aggravating. There are some gems in amongst the poop, however. The 'Got Milk' ones of yesteryear were hilarious!
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I hate the ones that "try" to be funny, but fail. There were commercials for some clothing store/company that had "everyday" women acting like they were models on a runway. Ugh. So stupid! LOL!
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As do I, but then knowing my luck my commercial would become the most reviled of all time. LOL!
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The tickets about rerolls are quite fast. All the other types of tickets are usually getting checked after months or years or probably never! So, don't expect an answer. :/
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Maybe they go alphabetically by user name.
So, you're screwed ;)
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I'm not sure how their system works, maybe I was just lucky^^
[According to previous staff comments on the topic:]
Once staff has finished reviewing all other categories of tickets (addressed in the order of oldest to most recent), they turn their attention to User Reports, which are addressed in the order of most recent to oldest. At that point, they get to what User Reports that they can, before turning their attention back to other support tickets.
Meaning, if your User Report was filed just recently, there's still a reasonable chance it'll get addressed. If it hasn't been, you'll need to close it and resubmit it if you still want it to get answered, as staff assumes older user report tickets are no longer of immediate relevance if you don't do such (and won't ever manage to work down that backlog enough to reach your ticket, regardless).
In any case, since User Reports are addressed after all other report types, their being answered is a good sign toward staff being caught up on other support tickets.
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thanks for the info. it's kinda strange tho that report tickets are not queued (first to review old, then new) and also not sorted by most reports per 1 user. that means that many ppl can get away with their not activating and regifting, right? also I still got one reroll pending since yesterday, so I wouldn't say they caught up on other tickets^^ but I think they divide tickets somehow because the guy who reviewed my reports is not the one making rerolls
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kinda strange tho that report tickets are not queued (first to review old, then new) and also not sorted by
There's simply not enough staff to address all user report tickets, on top of all the other tickets. As I noted, they seem to work under a mindset of "If it's old enough, it's no longer relevant (or the user would have resubmitted it)", so newest-to-oldest ensures they can address things that are still of concern.
And, well, as I note in my reply below, only a subset of staff members can view all ticket categories [including User Reports]. Perhaps one of those members got whimsical and spent some time going through User Reports (or perhaps the indicated ticket prioritization isn't as firmly followed as suggested previously).
but I think they divide tickets somehow because the guy who reviewed my reports is not the one making rerolls
While there's a few staff members that don't seem to ever pop up in support ticket responses at all, and one staff member who seems to solely limit their staff activities to the capricious suspending of site users, every other staff member low-to-high has answered tickets for me by now. Obviously, since the lowest ranked staff members can't view [eg, User Reports], you'll only see a few of the staff members giving responses there. Likewise, higher-ranked staff members seem to be rarer sightings in the categories all staff members can address, presumably since they're busy handling the responsibilities only they can give attention to.
That said, I've had staff members swap out on responding even on the same ticket, so they definitely do all split up the workload so that whoever encounters a ticket can freely respond to it [if they have access to the ticket category].
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I've had a ticket open reporting one of my giveaway winner regifting a won game, yet that ticket hasn't been looked at for weeks.
I wonder if the ticket category matters.
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Category matters:User Reports are lower priority than other tickets, and can only be viewed by certain staff members. Certain other categories also can only be viewed by certain staff members.
As a general rule, if your topic isn't very clearly better suited for another category, you'll want to only file under "Other" and "Request New Winner". If you want a quick response, those seem to be the quickest to get replies on.
That doesn't mean you should miscategorize, so still file under User Reports if a subtopic there is suitable for your issue- but it means, for your specific example above (assuming you mean they had unactivated wins when they won from you), you would have been far better putting in a Request New Winner ticket (rather than a User Report, as your phrasing suggests you filed under). For one thing, a RNW ticket seems to be required to get a reroll on a winner, while a user can get suspended through any ticket. So even if your user report does get answered, you'll end up needing to file a RNW ticket anyway.
If you're saying it's your win that wasn't activated, then your best bet may be to simply close and refile the User Report, and make sure you've labeled the subtopic correctly- theoretically anything relating directly to giveaways should receive higher priority in response. If you're still not getting a response you can try to resubmit it as an Other ticket, though I can't say how appropriate a gesture that would be.
In any case, while I've encountered users that had dozens of games not activated, over several years, without anyone having bothered to report them, you also get the opposite- people who've already been reported and 'served their [suspension] time'. In that case, there's not much to do about the situation: The only way to completely lock out rulebreakers from your giveaways is to use SGTools filters for private giveaways, or manually check people and include them in your group giveaways.
In other words, it's always good to report rulebreakers, but if you want to avoid them entirely, the only way to do so is to avoid public giveaways (or at least start increasing your required contributor level, which at least lowers the chance of encountering one a bit [and perhaps as importantly, makes blacklisting rulebreakers you do encounter an actual feasible option]).
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Thanks for the reply. Sounds like User Report is correct since the user violated the SteamGifts rules.
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Sure, but if your primary intent in contacting staff was to see if you qualified for a reroll [which you would, if they user hadn't yet been suspended for the infraction or had been suspended for it within the past month], or to express concern over your own giveaways [not being activated by your winners], then Request New Winner and Other would be valid options, respectively. As I said, you can get User Report-style suspensions through the other tickets, so if you "qualify" for more generalized ticket, it's often a better option.
If your only intent is to express concern about the user, then yes, User Report is more suitable.
Put another way, staff appears to prioritize in the following manner: Site Exploitation, Giveaway-processing related matters, all other matters. So if it facilitates the completion of a giveaway [ie, request new winner, request giveaway feedback] it's theoretically likely to get more immediate attention to it, since it contributes directly to the smooth functioning of the site. Meanwhile, rulebreaking on its own is an unfortunate thing to leave hanging unaddressed, but is nevertheless comparatively low priority. (So if you want to get a user report addressed, if you can tie it into a giveaway-facilitation-related request you'll likely get a more reliable level of response.)
Well, that's all to my personal understanding of how things function, but at the least it is a pretty well known consideration on the site that User Reports.. well, they often fall through the cracks, as it were. If your User Report is something you've a strong concern about, you may want to check back in on your ticket after a few weeks and consider resubmitting it, if you feel it's still relevant.
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Well, someone has been looking at reports from the last few days. 3 of them were dealt with. But that's probably just because of the free game gifter surplus. After that probably back to normal i.e don't hold your breath
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You keep talking about "not getting paid" whenever someone complains about support.
I did that as well and you told me "donate XYZ per week or do something about it" ---> well I did. I have contacted the support members and asked them about donations and they told me "we do not accept any kind of donations" BAM .. another thing that came to my mind was "I am sitting ducks home bored, if they are terribly understaffed, why couldn't I join their team?" - I have created a ticket and offered them a lending hand - response? None so far.
So not sure if backing up someone who does not want any kind of help (or no help from just someone random) is at place. And it is not only about user reports. I have two tickets opened for reroll - one for 2 days, the other one only 13 hrs now.
I don't care anymore, I will be waiting, but the response time worsened in comparison to my previous experience 3 months ago.
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I have a problem/question about my contributor level, I wanted to write a ticket to support, and I have just realized that I have a ticket opened for 4 months without any answer (it wasn't important, just talking about the price of a game), so I don't know if there is any support there, or it is already dead and I should not send a ticket for my problem.
Thanks for your help!
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