"Capcom is introducing "sponsored content" to Street Fighter V: Arcade Edition on December 11th to promote its purchasable bundles, costumes and the Pro Tour. You'll see them on costumes, in certain stages and on pre-fight loading screens. This isn't concerning by itself (many real sports have ads, after all), but Capcom goes out of its way to discourage you from turning the ads off.

While you can switch off ads, you'll lose extra Fight Money and access to sponsored material like costumes. In essence, you'll have to either live with the ads or accept that you won't unlock as much content as your ad-friendly peers."


5 years ago

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The money machine lives again...
I like that game but this series has like MK just a huge DLC politics problem...
category: cool game, wrong publisher.

5 years ago

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I hope this won't turn into a "ads in games" thing in every game from now on.

5 years ago

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They are heading there...

This is not a F2P game, the whole thing costs over 60 dollars, and STILL they're pushing ads on us

5 years ago

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A great company in the future: "We're introducing a new game genre "Hack & Ads", with every enemy down a fun and informative ad will open for you. Don't bother with treasure, collect special ads for you collection. Be an Ad achiever now. Gotta catch'em all."

5 years ago

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What if we make a game that "secretly" mines bitcoins for us?? 80

That would never....

5 years ago

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You mean:

With every punch and hit you connect a marvelous ad will be displayed to you.

Base game just worth $60
Each DLC for just $30 (200 DLC's)

5 years ago

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And the name of the game would be: PUBG (PopUp BattleGrounds)

5 years ago

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oh no, i won't be able to enjoy it now that they added stuff that doesn't affect gameplay at all. 😒

Costumes: Ad Style – Every character will have an Ad Style costume where the sponsored content will appear somewhere on their clothing or model
Loading Ads – A sponsor will appear in the versus screen before a battle – this will not affect loading screen times
Stage Ads – Some tournament stages feature a sponsor like the Ring of Power

people are making a mountain out of a molehill, as usual.

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5 years ago

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It is always the tip of the iceberg. It is never the end.

Microtransactions were "optional" in some games, until they destroyed the progression in said games to force people to pay...

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5 years ago*

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stop it when its harmless so it donst become standard

5 years ago

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its just a first step

5 years ago

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It doesn't seem like an issue to me either. I wonder how many people think they are actually going to be watching a commercial before the match lol

5 years ago

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"Stupid people caring about things I don't care about"β„’

5 years ago

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"i like to assume stuff to make others look bad"β„’

5 years ago

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No, they're not assuming anything. You are upset that people are complain about obviously bad things just because you personally somehow don't find them bad. And now you are upset that people don't agree with you.

5 years ago

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can you point out where i called everyone stupid, or where am i angry?

ah, my bad. you are also playing the i like to assume stuff to make others look badβ„’

5 years ago

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personally, If it's optional, I would turn off the ads, "extra content" be damned.

5 years ago

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Not affecting gameplay until you turn it off and get a lower rate of Fight Money that is.

5 years ago

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since that ingame currency is a bonus when you enable ads, it's not a penalty. Β―\_(ツ)_/Β―

5 years ago

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You know, it's people like you who are a big part of the problem. This kind of shit is simply unacceptable in full price games, yet there are still people who will defend it using the same tired arguments, or in this case, no arguments at all. You're not helping anything.

5 years ago

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I'd say most of the world's problems boil down to people who can't accept the differing opinions of others and try to force their own. Just my opinion, of course.

In point of fact, you're the one who hasn't presented any sort of argument -- you say "this is simply unacceptable in full price games" (that's an opinion, by the way, and not an argument), yet I can show precedence for advertising in other paid media - magazines, television, movies, and even many other games, dating back decades.

Care to rebut with a valid argument?

5 years ago

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i disagree that these ads in particular are wrong so i'm part of the problem?
nice thinking there.

remember to collect your red lightsaber on your way out.

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5 years ago

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Aren't all opinions valid? You think it's a big deal. Cool. Are the rest of us not allowed to have our own opinion? If Mully doesn't see it as that big of a deal, she should be allowed to voice that opinion. And that doesn't make her "part of the problem". That just makes her someone telling you her opinion. A discussion is useless if only one side is allowed to speak, right?

5 years ago

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I'm probably one of the few people here that actually plays Street Fighter V. I'm cool with this.

5 years ago

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and everyone complaining and crying about this don't play at all.
that's how things work! 😁

5 years ago

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Microtransactions, now ads

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5 years ago

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Jim Sterling

Capcom #StreetFighterV #Ads

Street Fighter V Displays In-Game Ads That Offer Players Currency And Costumes


5 years ago

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I really like that Jim seems to be always on the right side in this kind of things.

5 years ago

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That guy is too damned annoying to watch.
I'd honestly rather watch a game full of ads.

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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Good thing you'll have that option soon enough then. Well unless you'd venture into mobile games which I hear could fit your desires

5 years ago

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Fortunately, I have the option to not watch that shit Jim Sterling right now.

5 years ago

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I'm way too entertained how bad those faces in the game are, I thought they were photoshoped on some pictures :D

5 years ago

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Street Fighter III: Third Strike was the last one for me anyways. I donΒ΄t like these 3D models at all.

5 years ago

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Well, we need a new curator on steam to warn about this now.

5 years ago

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We don't need any new curators...

5 years ago

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Just played the trial. Uninstalled after halfway through an arcade run. Just say NO to ads. They were just annoying.

5 years ago

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Now I'm curious. Killing Floor 1 has this small screen on the low left corner when you're waiting for more players. They promote KF2 and Rising Storm. No big deal. How bad is here?

5 years ago

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Ads between matches and on the choices screen. SO annoying.

5 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 months ago.

5 years ago

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Only saw a couple but not those yet. But they only started today so give it time.

5 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 months ago.

5 years ago

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The usual. Buy my overpriced DLC or bundled costumes and things. SFV is nothing more than a cash grab.

5 years ago

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it's not new idea, many games have that in their EULA (even when not using, they keep the gate open).
dont like it? vote with wallet

5 years ago

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A problem with this is that people already bought the game, paid for DLC, etc.

5 years ago

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My guess is, depending on country of residence, if it was not in EULA before time of buying you could argue for refund regardless of playtime. I can point you to EULA's that have ''possibility'' of future ad placement with no ads at this moment, just ''simple'' backdoor ;(
and still, by opting out, yo do not loos anything more than graphics, right? (in this case at least)

5 years ago

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It cuts Fight Money currency used to unlock stuff. Only thing I'm unsure about is if they boosted how much you earn when advertising was added, or if it used the default amount and decreased income for those unwilling to put up with adverts.

5 years ago

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Playing the game without ads enabled earns you the same amount of fight money as before. They didn't decrease anything, instead you get a small bonus amount for enabling the ads.

5 years ago

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Thanks. I was curious about that. Bad enough that they add this to a game people paid for already, but if they had chosen to decrease the reward, I think I'd never pay them for this game. As it is, I'll still be waiting for a big PSN sale first.

5 years ago

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After reading the Steam forums, most current players don't care, and only see the addition of the ads as an optional way to earn more fight money. (Conversely, there are also several who say that the amount of the bonus isn't enough to care about).

5 years ago

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I could accept something like this in a free game, but this was a full priced game. It then got multiple DLC passes which don't even include all the DLC, you still need to get some separately if you want them.

Ad support belongs in free games. No one should pay to look at ads.

5 years ago

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In my opinion, this is one of the best cases.

The addition of ads doesn't change the game-play at all (you get exactly the same game you paid for if you disable them), it's entirely optional (and you can choose which to enable or disable), and provides a bonus rather than a decrease. Prior to the ads, the loading screens were simply blank white screens, for instance.

DLC is a different topic, so I'll refrain from addressing that.

5 years ago

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if it's default for non advert and boost for ads, than no problem, if decreased for non-ad, than maybe, just maybe, refund possible?

5 years ago

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Back in my day Street Fighter didn't have any ads. Ryu only had one clone. And RaΓΊl JuliΓ‘ was commenting on his normal Tuesday activities.

5 years ago

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Your comment could be the tweet of the day. I kid you not.

5 years ago

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downloaded and tested it, unlike most people blinded by the hate idiot-youtubers have pushed in less than 1 day.

this is how unpleasant/annoying/inconvenient these ads are: (sorry for the quality, but i'm using an old laptop and it can barely run new games ^^)

  1. first battle: they ruined my costume! omg i won't be able to fight properly now, look at that thing they added!!!

  2. second battle ad: this is unfair! i want to fight! another 3 seconds of my super productive life wasted ;_;

  3. third ad: what the hell? they repeat ads :O this is unbearable! pls delete my steam account!

  4. a fourth ad before the last fight: i'm gonna call the fbi! 3 seconds waiting! i lost my tempo, now i will lose vs the last boss!

if people consider waiting 4 seconds between battles is something unbearable and absolutely terrible, ok, these ads are the worst thing a developer added to their games and they should be executed with a butter knife.
you can opt out of them and earn less rewards, so it's up to each player to balance things as they please. again, if they consider 4 seconds of their life aren't worth the extra ingame credits, go ahead and disable ads. now you guys have 4 more seconds in your life to idle cards and fill surveys in tremor-like sites

but considering they are letting people play SFV for free for a whole week and no one even cares about that, i might be inclined to think this is just the classic Overly Dramatic Gaming Topic Of The Week that doesn't affect gameplay at all but since it's fun to bash something, let's go ahead and find anything to complain about and make videos on youtube crying like babies. ^^

and before i'm tagged as a fanboy, let me be clear that i don't like any capcom games and i haven't played a fighting game in years. i would dislike popups and annoying ads in games a lot (youtube or facebook ads anyone?), but this is nowhere near any kind of advertising campaign used in other medias.
stop blowing things out of proportion.

5 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 months ago.

5 years ago

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"this is nowhere near any kind of advertising campaign used in other medias"

  • yet
5 years ago

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This isn't that intrusive, I agree.

But the concern isn't really about this specific case. More like the precedent it adds.

People were fine with microtransactions in games up until Shadow of War. Companies see that people are fine with this and they'll push the line to get maximum profits. Being fine with this will lead to the line getting pushed further and further. Literally check for any gaming trend and you'll see it.

Ironic how you call it "Overly Dramatic Gaming Topic Of The Week" while being overly dramatic about the coverage of this thing. You're the one who started with the narrative that you claim to go against and so on. Just found that to be a bit funny.

Trends don't support your argument.

5 years ago

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Ironic how you call it "Overly Dramatic Gaming Topic Of The Week" while being overly dramatic about the coverage of this thing.

yes, because no one is blowing things out of proportion in this thread, in youtube videos, or reviews. they literally can't play the game now because it's filled with 4 seconds pauses.
not that it matters, because you all can't even check the damn game for yourselves despite it being free for 1 week, and would rather cry nonstop based on what you read or hear from other sources. sources that are only famous for being drama kings, like that idiot jim sterling. ^^

btw, the precedent has been here for years already, in the form of telltale ads after each episode, obsidian/daedalic menu spam, and valve with their championship banners and flags. no one moved a finger then.
it's been years and i'm still waiting to see ads when i go to a tavern in rpg games.

objectively look at the issue here, instead of jumping on the bandwagon of overhyped hate. Β―\_(ツ)_/Β―

5 years ago

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yes, because no one is blowing things out of proportion in this thread, in youtube videos, or reviews. they literally can't play the game now because it's filled with 4 seconds pauses.

I read this thread and there's no such thing here. You were the third comment. One comment was definitely negative. The other was cautious. The OP was just a quote, objective info and a link. When I saw your comment, I thought it pertained to this thread, since this is the thread we're on and you didn't clearly state that it was about a 3rd party.

not that it matters, because you all can't even check the damn game for yourselves despite it being free for 1 week, and would rather cry nonstop based on what you read or hear from other sources. sources that are only famous for being drama kings, like that idiot jim sterling. ^^

Sorry, what? First of all, I don't have to play the game to have an opinion on a feature that is general enough to judge on its own. Second of all, I never claimed to have played the game, so why should anyone think I did. When reading my comment, this is a default state unless stated otherwise by the comment.
I'm just not interested in the game enough to look up where I can play it either for free or for a cheap price to say that I don't want ads to be in games. Plus, you yourself showed it. And I agreed with you. Literally saying "This isn't that intrusive, I agree.". Are you not credible in your opinion then? I never disputed what you said when making statements about this. But I guess you're a bad source and you should never be trusted? I dunno, you haven't given me a reason to not trust you on it, so I took what you said as the truth.

Is Engadget a dramatized source then? I don't follow them that much. I've come across them casually, so I'm probably out of the loop with their practices.

As to Jim Sterling, I agree, he's a drama queen. While he claims it's his persona being about it, it's obviously also his actual persona to an extent.

btw, the precedent has been here for years already, in the form of telltale ads after each episode, obsidian/daedalic menu spam, and valve with their championship banners and flags. no one moved a finger then.

Agreed. I also oppose companies advertising their Season Passes to you in-game. With the main objection being for Telltale's stuff. It's episodic, the whole game's supposed to be a season, so like a TV Show (which it's emulating with its format) it will try and get you to tune in for the next episode.
So when I oppose the same things, I don't know why you say that I'm not against it. It's dumb, whoever's doing it. I have no beef against SFV specifically.

it's been years and i'm still waiting to see ads when i go to a tavern in rpg games.

You'd love Dragon Age 2 then. Fucking hell was that bad. In the HUB camp, you literally had a dwarven vendor that sold you DLC for the game. It was fucking bonkers. And people did have an uproar over it when it came out and most people still mock that part when discussing the game. It was ridiculous and still is. Fuck EA for that. (Don't actually fuck 'em though. I mean, it's your choice, but it's just an odd way to proceed with that issue)

objectively look at the issue here, instead of jumping on the bandwagon of overhyped hate.

I didn't jump on the bandwagon. I literally approved this specific case. I said it's fine. The fuck else do you want from me? Do you want me to just call it perfect and stick a fighting stick up my ass while singing Ryu's theme while saluting the flag in front of Capcom's HQ (if so, hit me up and I'll link you my Paypal details.). I approved the present case and said it was acceptable. Being cautious isn't being against something. It's being cautious.

5 years ago

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You forgot to add the Shark card ads in GTA Online when you listen to the radio(unless you are listening to self-radio which is ad-free) .

5 years ago

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Mimicking other people being melodramatic doesn't make one melodramatic any more than you saying "moo" makes you a cow.

5 years ago

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How's this mimicking? I'm guessing there's more evidence here than just "Well, obviously..."

Also, your analogy doesn't work in any way. We're humans. A human doesn't become a cow. A human can very easily be melodramatic though and there's no way to tell the difference in text if there's any info.

But maybe I've missed something, feel free to lay it on me.

5 years ago

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Your superhero name should be Captain Literal.

5 years ago

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Lol, like I'd be worthy enough to be a superhero in any way :D

5 years ago

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TBH, I'm used to this in some games, like the F2P Paladins. The main character screen (used to, haven't played in a while, so maybe not anymore) had a rather large portion of real estate reserved for an ad for the full character pack. I recall a number of other seasonal ads for this and that thrown in as well.

Overall, I don't see the ads themselves as a big issue. The examples you've provided seem pretty innocuous. The difference, albeit a small one, is that this is a "full" game at a AAA price. I have a much easier time accepting those ads when I otherwise haven't paid a cent (or at least very little) in the first place. I think that if any publisher/dev wants to go for an ad revenue model, then they should really consider a F2P base model as well, and that would (in theory) reduce the hate from players.

5 years ago

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Hm, I just read this VG247 article and it seems things are not as innocent as they seem. If anything, it feels like they're testing the model forf2p but in a rather tone-deaf way.

But regardless of all that at the moment, I'd like to ask you something personal if you don't mind. Do you ever look at the posts after you write them and notice any signs of vitriol, unguided resentment, and toxicity in general? I have to admit I'm not often in SG discussions, I log in before work to solve a bunch of support tickets, go to work, then home, browse SG a bit before bed and that's pretty much it. But more often than I would like to, I see comments/posts form you taking shots at people or just writing something sarcastic and mean-spirited in general (usually followed with a ^^).
I'm not trying to get into an argument or start something, I'm just a bit puzzled about all that negativity coming from you. You have that topic about depression and calling out so I imagine there is a certain level of empathy and kindness somewhere in you.

5 years ago

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Street Fighter 5 has in-game advertisements now, and they’re as hilariously stupid and inept as you’d expect
Capcom just added in-game advertisements to Street Fighter 5 – and if they weren’t so gross they’d actually be pretty funny.

a one-sided review and 100% biased, just like all the rest of the articles that are being released this week.
not to mention the cheap clickbait title. Β―\_(ツ)_/Β―

I'm not trying to get into an argument or start something

then why do you post here, in public?

i'll just say SHINE ON!, then. πŸ‘

5 years ago

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From time to time, I find it useful to take a step back for self-reflection. While it is important to measure oneself in respect to one's own expectations and morals, there is always the danger of being so close to your own behavior that you do not perceive it clearly. Do you truly feel yourself above being questioned? I would hope not, but your response does seem a bit flippant.

5 years ago

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i'm confused khalaq, i did exactly what you told me months ago in a ticket. instead of having an open confrontation with people which always results in useless drama, i told them to "shine on" (whatever that means).
now i do the same and i'm "flippant"?
i thought avoiding drama was the "grown up way" to handle issues in public.

honestly, i don't see why my comment got people so angry. i didn't insult anyone, i didn't treat people like idiots, i didn't support the developers like a blind fanboy.
i said my part after playing sfv for 30-40 minutes so i could post a non-biased opinion, something almost no one else did in this thread, yet they jumped on me like i'm being paid by capcom to lie for them.

you know, the only people i insulted are youtubers (and clickbait sites), because i truly despise the way they rile up people with their melodramatic speeches. and for this i won't apologize, because they are hurting the community more than some insignificant ads tested in a fighting game.

5 years ago

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Judging from your response (to me), you seem to be viewing Xarabas' comment in a totally different light than he and I. My take on what he wrote (which is somewhat substantiated by things he has said to me) is that it was a simple question. "Do you notice how often your posts seem to bristle with hostility?" It was not a personal attack. In fact, it was not even criticism. It was a questioning of his perception and yours, and an invitation to consider the possibility that you may be giving a false impression of yourself.

I fail to see "confrontation" in that.

Changing the subject to people "getting angry" about you stating your opinion, I don't see why anyone should. Nonetheless, it seems that some of us are offended by the opinions of others simply because they differ from ours. That is not only irrational, it is a huge waste of time and energy. Individuals differ from one to another, as do their thoughts and opinions. To demand otherwise is spitting into the wind.

5 years ago

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If Xarabas had a "personal" question, perhaps taking it to a personal venue would have avoided the "flippancy." It's a dick move to say it's personal and then make it public, particularly when preaching tact. Kinda odd when a blunt instrument like me has to point that out.

Ironically it was you who suggested saying shine on (to me, in fact). Remember? That was your solution for dealing with the fellow who went around calling anyone who disagreed with him a Nazi for almost three years.

5 years ago

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I believe you have misinterpreted what Xarabas wrote. See my response to Mully for details.

5 years ago

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I believe you have misinterpreted what Xarabas wrote.

Yes, obviously I've misinterpreted because my opinion differs from yours. Ironic that's what this whole conversation is about, ultimately.

Changing the subject to people "getting angry" about you stating your opinion, I don't see why anyone should. Nonetheless, it seems that some of us are offended by the opinions of others simply because they differ from ours. That is not only irrational, it is a huge waste of time and energy. Individuals differ from one to another, as do their thoughts and opinions. To demand otherwise is spitting into the wind.

In not so many words, there was no reason for Xarabas to post anything but his dissenting opinion about the topic at hand. However, rather than simply posting his dissenting opinion about the actual topic, he took things to a personal level, to the point that him posting his opinion appears to have been done only so he had an excuse to make those personal remarks (in what could appear to some as a way to discredit Mully's very valid opinion about the topic).

I'll just be blunt - the two of you are overstepping the role of moderator when you take things to that personal level.

5 years ago

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Yes, obviously I've misinterpreted because my opinion differs from yours.

That makes no sense to me. Your interpretation of what Xarabas said and your opinion about it are two different things. Not only is it possible for both of us to have the same interpretation while still having differing opinions about what was written, your agreement with me has no bearing upon whether or not that interpretation is accurate. More to the point, I specifically stated my (current) belief that you seem to be inferring from Xarabas' words something other than what he intended. I stated it as my opinion, not a fact. Your response would seem to indicate that you do not feel I should be allowed to have that opinion. Why?

However, rather than simply posting his dissenting opinion about the actual topic, he took things to a personal level, to the point that him posting his opinion appears to have been done only so he had an excuse to make those personal remarks....

That is not how it appeared to me at all. I think I've already explained my interpretation of what he wrote, and you apparently have a different opinion. As neither of us is Xarabas, your guess is as good as mine as to what he actually intended or meant.

I'll just be blunt - the two of you are overstepping the role of moderator when you take things to that personal level.

You feel I am overstepping my role as Moderator when I "take things to that personal level?" What is this "thing" I have taken to a personal level? In what way have I "gotten personal" in regards to Mully? Looking back at my responses to her, I see myself expressing my view of what was written by a third party, and I see myself supporting Mully's right to her opinion. Both of those were public reactions to a public exchange while attempting to remain polite and civil to those involved. Your response appears condescending, sarcastic, and hostile to me. Why is that?

5 years ago*

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I've wasted enough time on this, so I'll keep it brief -

What makes no sense here is either of you lecturing her for stating her opinion about the ads in that game (or her reply to what were completely unrelated remarks directed at her personally). Had Xarabas left out the entire second paragraph, we wouldn't be having this discussion. So why did he even feel compelled to add it? It added nothing to the discussion, wasn't a rebuttal to her own comment, and was, quite simply put, his opinion of her comments. Meanwhile, nothing she said was toxic, vitriolic, attacking, rude, rule-breaking, or any combination of those things (and certainly no more than the article Xarabas posted).

If either of you have an issue with her posting style, try talking TO her about it, not AT her about it on a public forum. But you go shoving your nose up someone's ass, don't act surprised when you get a "flippant" reply. At least she didn't lecture either of you.

Edit: and just to give you the TLDR version, to save you some time

In not so many words, there was no reason for Xarabas to post anything but his dissenting opinion about the topic at hand.

5 years ago*

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they’re as hilariously stupid and inept as you’d expect

really don't know where the guy found the "seriously smart and competent" ones.

that said: there's a "public mully", Mully. and i love that part. most of the times. not always (and as i'm lucky to know just a tiny bit of the "not that public mully" i'm 100% sure Mully can/could/should cope with that :P)

i think xara is kinda right, and in the right place. so, that "shine on" seems unfair to me.


5 years ago

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scusa, mully

i've lost another chance to shut this full cup of mine.

5 years ago

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Why would going free-to-play be a bad thing? I want more people to fight online not less. Fighting games have terrible player numbers, especially when compared to other genres.

5 years ago

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With an exception of Warframe, I can't think of any other f2p games offering a fair treatment to the player(s). It's usually a choice between paying for in-game stuff or grinding til your brain turns to mush if you want to earn something without the help of your wallet. And considering it's Capcom, I can't help but lean a bit on the pessimistic assumption

5 years ago

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So you just don't like the model because you want everything to be literally free. We'll agree to disagree. I think it could help bring more people to fighting games.

5 years ago

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Hmm, I never said that. This could go in either direction, good or bad, but in my book, Capcom isn't exactly a group that fills me with optimism

5 years ago

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I agree with xarabas. Knowing Capcom, they will probably nerf the economy to hell if the game becomes free to play. I am a casual SFV player, mostly local games, and I'm already having a hard time getting cosmetics. And I already paid for 3 season passes. I've never played a game before where rewards are literally on a bare minimum, especially when I already paid full for it, other than SFV.

5 years ago

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I was more talking about wanting a fighting game that is free-to-play that is not inspired by Smash Bros., and yeah, Capcom has definitely made a few questionable decisions with regards to fight money. They took out the Zenny currency because they didn't know what the hell they were doing.

5 years ago

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Told ya. Rip FM.

5 years ago

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SF5 has become an experimental tool for cashcom at this point. How much free to play crap can we put in our games before people start to react (probably much more heu).
There are plenty of games i like from cashcom but the future of their games is looking grim, starting with DMC5.

5 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

5 years ago

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I'd think SF 5 was doing just fine. But they're really going out of their way to increase exposure even more, so maybe I'd be wrong. With multiple free weekends and a very competitive price (for the base game, at least), now they add this free trial and ads in the game. More power to them. I'm all in for a return of fighting games, especially ones with a competitive scene. I wish The King of Fighters did stuff like this (to incentive a bigger player base, not necessarily talking about the ads here). That's the ultimate fighting franchise, in my opinion. But look at TKoF 14. Players number is abysmal and the price absurd. Oh, well. I played SF 5 back in a free weekend and didn't like it very much. It's just too simple in terms of mechanics. It feels a lot like a checkers match rather than a fighting game, in the sense that you have like five moves and the complexity is knowing when to use the movements, and not mastering the mechanics themselves.

5 years ago*

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Eh, this is not a new idea. I remember when one of the Splinter Cell games launched with the same idea. A lot of games also have license deals with other products. And as with a lot of other advertising, I'm guessing it won't be long before someone finds a way to block the connection for those that don't want to see ads. Less annoying than loot boxes and micro transactions to be honest.

5 years ago

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We will have both

5 years ago

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Yeah of course, especially once EA gets a hold of this idea.

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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Heh. You know I've been saying for years that EA actually gets the short end of the stick for being the worst company in the world, but Activision has long been higher on the hit list for me. Funny that in recent years it's catching up with them a bit more.

5 years ago

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EA sports games have had ads in them for years already (and lootboxes) so they just need to talk to those guys to see how it is done.

5 years ago

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Ahh true, forgot the sports games are like a massive billboard for brand names. They really are the pros.

5 years ago

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I had to enable the ads because they are off by default. There is no need to block anything.

5 years ago

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just like telltale puts ads in all their games and force you to watch a summary of previous episodes. but no one complains about that, instead they praise telltale for going bankrupt. holy telltale shouldn't be contradicted in any way. <3

or maybe obsidian with pillars of eternity, they also advertise their products in the main menu. but again, holy obsidian can't do anything bad <3

valve has been doing this for years with dota 2 championships. they fill the map with ads, but it's ok because it's valve <3

5 years ago

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Excuse me, TT's episode-ending credits and the unskippable "previously" section was the cancer of their episodic format. There was literally 0 reason to have those in the game after full release, or not making people be able to skip it.
Fuck, it wasn't even a real or a GOOD ad, as it was just talking more about the product one was already playing with. Street Fighter 5 sounds equally or less annoying and it actually making money for them, not just there to annoy the users.

5 years ago

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Yeah and in the splinter cell case and others it wasn't even for their own products. Someone paid them to sell Dr Pepper or something. But if this is solely for their own products? I know of a lot more games that do that. It's like... a cereal box with a little suggestion you 'try our new frosty bites' on the back of the box. Not as awful as you might think.

5 years ago

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Fifa has adds on trikots and in the stadiums...

5 years ago

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one more ^^

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5 years ago

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Are you talking about that Splinter Cell game where at one point in the game the whole city loses electricity and the only thing that has power is a glowing billboard with a real ad? I vaguely remember something like it

5 years ago

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Yeah it was Chaos theory, although apparently conviction also had it.

5 years ago

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How safe is this even, if they are pulling ads from the internet they can in theory be intercepted and something malicious put on your machine. Just saying.

5 years ago

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It's not those kind of ads. They are images during loading because otherwise that would lengthen the time to get to the match, which would definitely piss me off. It's more like the Red Bull costumes they did or when they advertise big tournaments on the screens of the Capcom Pro Tour stages.

5 years ago*

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Oh, okay. Still think they should offer premium version without ads and cheaper one with ads and everyone can decide what to buy, and leave prev. owners with premium. This way it seems a bit... anti consumer, but if consumers are not complaining...

5 years ago

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I can turn them on and off anytime I want. They are optional.

5 years ago

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Sure, but if I was buying it now and knew there are ads inside... I'd be more willing to deal with it if it was free or discounted for those ads. Tend to avoid premium games with ads and mtx inside. Just my "not born yesterday" policy. Not giving advice to anyone.

5 years ago

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I think they are testing for a free-to-play model. It's either going to be SFV or another fighting game. It's probably the only way for fighting games to reach a larger audience, without fundamentally changing the way they play. SFV is usually on sale for $10. They make most of their money from DLC, at this point.

5 years ago*

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The proof has been shown that this isn't intrusive.
But at the same time, this shouldn't even be a thing. It'll set a precedent and the video game industry is a great example of giving an inch and losing a mile.

This case is fine in my eyes. It's acceptable. It's tolerable. The real question for the apologists of this decision is... what do you stand to gain from this? At best you could say that more money means better content, but you can't prove this in any way. I want genuine examples of what this does to help you objectively.

5 years ago

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They are optional. I'll take the extra fight money.

5 years ago

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Reasonable. Didn't realize what fight money meant, so it didn't really register with me.
That's completely reasonable in my opinion. Actually, I'd even use that feature.

One thing though, I just want to remind people that this could also be like with microtransactions where normal revenue is lowered, so the extra stuff seemed more appealing. Though as long as it's not the case there, I'd say it's totally fine.

5 years ago

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For now, this is a non-issue, but yeah, they could abuse this by lowering the other ways to earn fight money and almost force you to turn on ads. If that is the case, people will definitely complain.

5 years ago

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Don't see the problem there as you can disable those ads. Those points you get for having them activated are BONUS points so no one gets punished for not having them. Oh and the ads are just for capcom related stuff, it's not like you will see a big Pepsi ad there.

5 years ago

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Capcom will almost certainly have other companies advertising. This is them trying to sell other companies on the idea.

5 years ago

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If they will do that in the future I will correct my statement. But until then I will not think that badly of Capcom.

5 years ago

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I don't think it's a bad thing.

5 years ago

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I never meant to say that you think that. I just think that it's two different things to promote your own products or those of other companies in your game.

5 years ago

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If Capcom wants to put ads in the game with the intention of making the game free-to-play, I'm okay with it. I want to have a larger pool of players to fight. I'll just buy what I want.

5 years ago

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Some concepts quite clearly at play: this, this, and also this. The question is whether it stops within acceptable boundaries or not, and I'm sure each of us already has their own answer to that.

5 years ago

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It is a non requested feature, that ultimately means more money for them. The objectives are clear, and people are tolerating it. As a company is an invitation to push further.

Very interesting links btw.

5 years ago*

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For certain very liberal values of "feature", amirite. :D

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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Yep. :D

Unfortunately, that concept is also common enough to warrant a word just for itself: "misfeature". From a linguistic point of view, I find it to be a supremely beautiful word; it's really sad that such a beautiful word should correspond to something as dodgy as an undesirable feature, but such is life.

5 years ago

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We faced the start of another misfeature. Remember that? Was not so bad. Was """""optional"""""


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5 years ago

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Oh yes, that DLC... Who could ever forget it. :)

5 years ago

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Fifa has adds for years. On every Trikot and in Stadiums...
Same with a lot of racing games.
Look at the Grid Games where you even have to play to put adds on your car...

But now, with SFv doing this, it's "the end of the world" and all games will be worse from today.

5 years ago

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Exactly, this is nothing new at all, and has been going on pretty much since video games began.

5 years ago

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I believe it was Quantum Break that had a bunch of Nissan ads as well. Everytime the protagonist was using his car you could see it was a nissan + some billboards. Edi: found the video. Apparently, Alan Wake as well.
All movies have ads nowadays as well. They always shoot it from the outside of the car just to show its brand and model. Whenever the character uses a notebook or a phone, they are shown from an angle that it's possible to see who made it as well and nobody cares. Same for Tv series. However, somehow, people get mad when there are stuff like that in games... Β―\_(ツ)_/Β―

5 years ago

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maybe they also idle their movies and miss ads? πŸ€”

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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FIFA in 1994 had Adidas ads in the game.
Everyone here has played a game with ads in it, most not even realizing it until it's pointed out to them.

5 years ago

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The only different I see is that capcom is not being as subtle as these other companies. Which, I don't care either way. I've been watching 30secs of ads every commercial break since I was a kid in the 90s. xD

5 years ago

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I simply couldn't care less about ads on loading screens.
Maybe they could add more boobs or something, but that's the most I can criticize.

5 years ago

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I believe Namco holds a patent for minigames and interactive shit during loading screens, which means could have had interactive boobs during loading screns for years, but nope. Nothing. Now that's a real reason to be mad about, but sadly I don't see anyone throwing a tantrum about that so I can join as well. (γƒŽΰ² η›Šΰ² )γƒŽ

5 years ago

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People are annoyed by product placement in cinema and TV but they don't have the opportunity to have their opinion heard early enough to influence production like they do with games. The trend of releasing unfinished games to market for trial or to secure early sales is what empowers the gaming community to be so critical. If games publishers waited until their products were finished before releasing them (this actually used to happen!) people wouldn't complain quite so much. Publishers wouldn't care what people said about their games, just whether they bought them, so people would realize that complaining was practically futile, as they have with TV and cinema.

5 years ago

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People are annoyed by product placement in cinema and TV

I'm not. Honestly, I never notice it. I'm surrounded by branding in my every day existence (just looking around the room I'm in, I can easily spot a dozen or more brands in under a minute), so I can't find a reason why it would annoy me in movies or television even if I did notice it.

5 years ago

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Most people tolerate product placement until it appears cynical and incongruent. It's not upsetting when James Bond conspicuously drives an Aston Martin because this is a premium British GT car that is appropriate for the character, and although he wears a Rolex in the books, most people are able to accept the lingering close-ups of his Omega watch in action. However, when he name drops the product in response to a compliment about it in Casino Royale or forgoes his traditional champagne or classic cocktails, e.g. Vesper or Vodka Martini, for a Heineken, it is so out of character and obvious an advertisement as to jarringly break immersion, damaging the enjoyment of the art as effectively as a formal commercial break.

5 years ago

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Did you watch any real football game? It's full of ads. A game also having them isn't out of place.

Having real ads in a fantasy fighting game, is.

5 years ago*

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Times have changed. Every street fighter had their motives to be in the tourney. Now they fight for money so they can buy pretty costumes. Now they celebrate Halloween just like your favorite actors :D At this point they don't care about making fun of themselves, they're too old now and need to be remembered somehow. They adapted to the times.

5 years ago*

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5 years ago

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Honestly surprised we don't see more of this in gaming today.

5 years ago

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As long as you have an option to turn off, and the restrctions aren’t on essential stuff, seems fine. I’ll bring my pitchfork next time.

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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"...shop". A few more lines would not drain EA's coffers.

5 years ago

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