
5 years ago

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because people asked and the website has nothing to do with this one

5 years ago

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but it has...

5 years ago

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Ok, fair. They still have it the other way round too, just made me wonder.

5 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

5 years ago

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I'm glad they didn't mess around in this instance. Best result.

5 years ago

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Wasn't exactly removed.

They moved the link from the top of the page to the new guidelines.

5 years ago

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OP asked why it is removed at the top of the page, and as it is not there anymore, it was exactly removed :P

5 years ago

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Why has Steamgifts removed the link for Steamtrades at the top of the page?

But it has been removed from the top of the page

links to it elsewhere may be inevitable, but not the point.

5 years ago

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Its been removed entirely now from SG, even from the guidelines.

5 years ago

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Guess the updated guidelines got updated again after the post.

5 years ago

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It's strange that they would keep it at all after reading that post that tonsti linked.

It's almost as if someone wants it to stay...

5 years ago

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I was thinking something feels different but never realized lol :D

But i am glad they did. I can't see a reason to use both sites.

Either you are trading games, or you are giving away/winning games.

5 years ago

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or both.
I'm happy to trade a game I don't want for a game that I do. But I also give away leftover games.

View attached image.
5 years ago

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Both feel like hacking the system imo.

You trade games that worth something, giveaway others that don't. But at the same time, you have the same chance of winning a good game with someone who doesn't trade. (if the giveaway level is low)

5 years ago

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Or in my case I trade games that are worth something... so I can afford the occasional unbundled quality giveaways

5 years ago

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Hmm, never thought this way. Makes sense.

5 years ago

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so what? steamgifts is about giving, not trading. People gift games to random strangers. Some give high value gifts, some low value gifts. Some people don't give at all, and only take.

Even without steamtrades, If I buy a bundle, I keep the games I want, and only gift the ones I'm not interested in. How is that any different?

5 years ago

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It is different.

Only SG --> You buy 10 game bundle, activate 5 games, giveaway 5 games.

SG and ST --> You buy 10 game bundle, activate 5, trade other 3 and activate traded games, giveaway 2 games.

I know it is not against rules or something like that. I just think it kills the soul of the SG system.

5 years ago

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It's not different just because you came up with a random theory :P

You could say the same way, someone has no money but items and also wants to do giveaways
and trades them for games to give away here
In addition, more than 80% of all bundle games have no trade value and they abound.... in the long run, most of them end up in giveaways anyway, also ST gives you more games for your money, which means that if someone really wants to do giveaways, they can give away so much more
The only thing that can be said that ST reduces the number of "good" games that are given away from people using both ST and SG and only from these and even then it does not affect everyone

5 years ago

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Well, yours are random theories as well :)

You could say...

Are you talking about Steam Inventory items? They can sell them, then gift games here.

In addition...

If they end up in giveaways anyway, no need to bother with trading :) If i understand correctly, ST gives you more games because you trade an unbundled game for multiple bundled games, right? I personally think that is not a good idea and i believe most people would prefer unbundled game giveaway over bundled ones.

The only...

Well, i have a different "theory" as you read above. I think it kills the SG system (as i said before) which means it affects everyone.

5 years ago

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i have listed this because your theory doesnt include anything that ST could do good and only went in one direction
I only said that there can be more, which is particularly advantageous for people with little money and also for everyone else because it means more giveaways

The problem is that you assume that SG and ST users are the same the people who trade are not here for SG they may also use it
...or rather that the ST user would do giveaways here if ST didnt exist. The most wouldnt, because they wouldnt even be here

They certainly prefer that but actually everyone can be happy that something is given away...getting Free stuff but claims ..mehh
These arent really theories i have been using both sides for roughly 8 years now almost exclusively for trading and I know pretty well what people do with the games they buy especially if they got them from me :p

The SG system is not killed by it ...it benefits from it and certainly has a few disadvantages as a result
SG is killed by completely different things, or there are things that have a lot more influence cough groups/groupgiveaways cough

5 years ago

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I am not an old user, little more than a year. And even tho i heard "SG is dying" a lot, i didn't see its glorious times so i can't say something about that.

About ST, I don't say close ST completely. I mean it is completely ok if someone only trades.

I just say it is better to remove ST button from SG site. It doesn't make sense to have both icons because of reasons as i explained above. Honestly, i don't think there are a considerable amount of people who uses ST to give more/better etc. on SG.

5 years ago

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you're basically saying I'm an asshole because I don't give away enough games.

If I buy a bundle with 10 games, keep 2, trade 3, and give away 5 you think it's wrong because I could have given away 8 games. But I'm still giving away 5 games, which is 5 more than I have to. I could just as easily have gone to bundle splits, and shared the bundle, only buying the games I want, and not giving away anything. Or I could activate the games myself, even if I have no interest in playing them..

Besides, maybe I wouldn't have bought the bundle just for those 2 games. Maybe I only bought the bundle knowing I'd get those 2 games and that I could trade for something more to make it worthwhile.

5 years ago

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you're basically saying I'm an asshole because I don't give away enough games.

Well, if that is what you understand from what i say, i can't see a reason to talk anymore.

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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I think they broke the site because if you goto it now all you can do is view your profile, you can't post or view trades from what im seeing so the site serves no purpose now

5 years ago

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works fine for me :)

5 years ago

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me as well

5 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

5 years ago

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What if you are giving away games and purchasing specific games for yourself?

5 years ago

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Ofc you can buy games you want?

5 years ago

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It was in response to your "Either you are trading games, or you are giving away/winning games"
I was just stating that you can trade games AND give away games as well. You don't have to belong to one group or the other.

5 years ago

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This simply isn't true. Look at my record as an example. I trade regularly and have for years. I found SG through ST, not the other way around. But I've also given away many games (though I've done less of each since my daughter was born a few years back).

You sound like you think trading and giving serve the same function. But to me they don't at all. I'm not rich, so I try to make my dollars count. If I buy a bundle, I'm likely to trade the parts of it I don't want so that my limited money goes farther. In contrast, I don't give things away on SG as a benefit maximizing strategy. And, well, that's probably a good thing because I haven't done so well winning things here! (My profile informs me that I've "been unlucky, and won 7 fewer gifts than estimated since [I] first joined." I had no idea!)

5 years ago

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Congratulations on your daughter :)

(I hope this is correct way to say on English :)

5 years ago

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It is indeed, and thank you! She's actually three now, but my online activities drop off suddenly about three years ago and have been coming back only slowly.

5 years ago

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Well, as long as you spend your gaming time for her, i think it is more than worth it :)

5 years ago

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for glory and honor 💃

5 years ago

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View attached image.
5 years ago

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For the horde? What's this from?

5 years ago

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You winking avatar makes me wonder if your question is serious!

It's from World of Warcraft ;)

5 years ago

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I guessed it must have been warcraft, but Is it an in-game cutscene, or something?

5 years ago

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Yeah inro cinematic/cutscene, from the Battle for Azeroth expansion I think

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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It was time. I've been thinking about removing the link from the navigation for a while and in a recent discussion a number of people expressed similar thoughts. Only a small percentage of our users participate in both communities, so it simply didn't make sense for the link to be displayed in such a prominent location in the navigation. It also seemed to cause confusion with some users believing SteamGifts support could assist with issues on SteamTrades when that is not the case.

5 years ago

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Will you remove the SteamGifts button from the SteamTrades website as well?

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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Steamtrades is a scam though Steamgifts is not!

5 years ago

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it's not a scam. While there are scammers there, most traders are legit

5 years ago

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I have never scammed anybody or been scammed since I joined.

5 years ago

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It isn't a scam. That's sort of like saying "Mexico City is a scam" because you can get scammed there. There's a good trading community operating over there. Many worthwhile trades take place. I made four trades there this month. There are also some scammers hanging about. But I was only ever scammed once, out of a very low value item, and that was years back when the sites were still connected.

In several ways, I prefer ST to Barter.vg or other competitors.

5 years ago*

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

4 years ago

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sadly that's kinda agreeing on the argument, that SteamTrades does not give any support. Its basically just a Wild West of scamming, lowballing and fake trusts.

5 years ago

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There is no argument that SteamTrades does not give any support. Severing ties is the best thing.

5 years ago

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Yes there is. ô.o Have you ever tried getting support there? You can only hope, that the community votes right on false -reps, that's it.

5 years ago

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lol, you did read what I just wrote, right?

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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"SteamTrades doesn't have any Support."
"But SteamTrades doesn't have any Support!"

5 years ago*

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don't forget to use italic

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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5 years ago

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Good call my dude

5 years ago

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out of curiosity; you wanted to make a site for gifts (S.Gifts) and one for keys (S.Keys)?

5 years ago

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and only a small part of the users of this website, participate in the forums. So then perhaps separate the forums too?

5 years ago

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Like all your helpful discussions? Why would you suggest that? Or by forums, are you talking about something else?

5 years ago

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I'm just pointing out it's flawed logic

5 years ago

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SteamTrades is a separate domain. It was in fact the only separate domain that had a menu button link. Everything else (including the discussion forum) linked through the menu buttons is part of the steamgifts.com domain.

Removing a link to a separate, unrelated website while keeping links to other sub-sections of the primary website is perfectly logical. You apparently don't like it, but that doesn't make it flawed logic.

5 years ago

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is there a way I can volunteer to be support for steamtrades? The biggest problem there is a lack of moderation.
Thank you

5 years ago

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I think there are no moderation tools whatsoever ST. They were removed after cg coded voting system.

5 years ago

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That would be really great. I second Dingbat as our new regent!

(Seriously, though, I would love to see some willing people take on running the community over there. I think there are core users enough. I'd hate to see it deteriorate into the place a bunch of people here think it already is.)

5 years ago*

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Regent? Well, I already have a castle

View attached image.
5 years ago

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use it in your plugins or smth.

let btn=document.createElement("div");
btn.innerHTML=`<div class="nav__button"><a href="https://www.steamtrades.com/">Trades</a></div>`;
View attached image.
5 years ago*

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can you explain a noob how to do that?

5 years ago

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You can either upload your own plugin to Chrome, for example, but that would require you to make a manifest.json also.
you can use a plugin like Tampermonkey, and upload scripts there.

View attached image.
View attached image.
5 years ago

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Wow thank you! Really kind of you to put so much work into the instructions. I put you on my WL. have a nice day.

5 years ago

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Cheers bud, needed this since I use both. Have a whitelist.

5 years ago

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+1 Thank you for that
Here a quick install button for lazy people like me on OpenUserJS
Link: https://openuserjs.org/scripts/The0Warrior/ST_Button
Source Code: https://openuserjs.org/scripts/The0Warrior/ST_Button/source
(basically the same, just changed the license to MIT and the author to Agrass)

PS: If you want me to remove it let me know

5 years ago

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Installed! Thank you!

5 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

5 years ago

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Because people ask for it.

5 years ago

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Well, Honestly, till today I was thinking ST was a part of SG website, cause there was a button of it in the main menu, that explains a lot of things... God.

5 years ago

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Without really having put much thought into it I also believed the same.

5 years ago

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View attached image.
5 years ago

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lol, that was fast

5 years ago

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Because ST users kept coming here to talk about ST and filling tickets regarding ST scammers.

5 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

5 years ago

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You might as well go ahead and remove it altogether. Actually, I encourage it. It will hopefully draw more people to barter.vg.

5 years ago

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SteamTrades is still a useful resource for the reputation system though.

5 years ago

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Barter has a rep system too, which is pretty automated too.

5 years ago

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Which is fine, but only for barter trades. Steamtrades rep is a centralized source of reputation that applies to trades across different platforms.

5 years ago

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which I argue is probably a bad thing.

5 years ago

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Why is having an external source for reputation a bad thing? What happens when barter or other trading sites go offline?

5 years ago

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Because you only verify the trades happening on your own site.

5 years ago

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Yeah, I get that and it's good that Barter has its own system for that purpose. Still, if barter goes away it would be nice to have a backup so everyone doesn't have to start from scratch. You can get by fine only using barter's rep system, but more options certainly doesn't hurt.

5 years ago

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I second this. It's an imperfect system but better than anything else currently available.

5 years ago

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what good is a rep system that isn't moderated?

5 years ago

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Bogus reviews can be voted against and removed by the community, which I think is preferable to being moderated by admins.

5 years ago

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Why should this draw more people to barter?
Hardly anyone knows the site and it is not advertised either and even if someone goes there because of it...
most people will stop using the site immediately after the first visit.... overloaded and unnecessarily "complicated" to use

5 years ago

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I'm wondering what is so complicated about barter? I mean it got lots of options, but most people don't need to use them all, they can just trade easily.

5 years ago

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Therefore the "".... If you only have a few games then it’s okay
but when you really want to use the "features", everything takes an eternity, especially with many games
the quick way just copy your list...then why use it at all, you can do the same on ST as well

5 years ago

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I like Barter and use it regularly. But it's UI is a nightmare. I'm confident it is off-putting to people, though I have no way of knowing how many are turned away by it. I have a degree in computer science and still, on first signing up it was so arcane that I put off actually listing anything for months. It wasn't that it seemed impossible to use or anything--just prohibitively complex.

And that's not the only reason why Barter.vg isn't a good replacement for SteamTrades. ST is more flexible, and seems to have a culture more conducive to productive trading. Again, I use Barter, but there it seems like many active users drive really hard bargains (IE won't accept trades that don't obviously advantage them) and don't bother to respond to offer they don't like which wastes huge amounts of my time and makes counter-offering less possible. Barter is great for searching out obscure list matches, but if I want to arrange a trade for a desirable item in a with more speed and less bother I start on ST every time.

5 years ago

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It certainly would, but barter is not a replacement for steamtrades. There is more to trading than trading games for games (i.e. gems, cards, tf2, paypal), and I think barter is inappropriate then.

So if ST disappears, many traders would have to go to a site other than barter for these. If someone knows of a good one, I would be very interested. (there is reddit, which I don't find very good for this, possibly the forum section at lestrades, the bundle leftovers section on the group buy steamgroup, something else ?)

5 years ago

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Just fy, you can trade gems on barter.

5 years ago

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and other steam items

5 years ago

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Yeah, I'm with you. I use Barter and Bundle Leftovers as well, but there's no good replacement for ST right now. Even in its state (which is nowhere bad as some in this thread are saying) it's preferable in a number of ways to the alternatives, and provides good utility to many active users. I'd hate to loose the community that exists there.

5 years ago

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steamtrades is just no man"s land. this pretty much answer any question about steamtrades on steamgifts threads.

5 years ago

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I actually used this button regularly

5 years ago

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Same, I haven't typed steamtrades.com in my browser for so long, I always went to steamgifts and then clicked on the steamtrades button.

5 years ago

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I'm not sure if I have ever did this

5 years ago

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+1. It's pretty much the only way I get to Steamtrades and makes my SG Bookmarks bar bookmark serve dual purpose. I installed the short plugin discussed above and now I'm good to go. :)

5 years ago

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Same here. I dont do that much trading these days but still update my list.

5 years ago

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Same. Hope it'll be an option in a future ESGST update.

5 years ago

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A kind user above has written a script that puts it back.

5 years ago

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Already tried that, followed his tutorial but it didn't work. Appreciate the tip though :)

5 years ago

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It worked for me-- do you have Tampermonkey (or equivalent) installed? What browser are you using?

5 years ago

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Tampermonkey on Firefox.

5 years ago

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I'm using Tampermonkey on Chrome and just clicked on The0Warrior's first link and clicked Install on the resulting page. I assume you're using the same link, and not Agrass' original screenshots?

5 years ago

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Followed the screenshot, worked with the link, cheers!

5 years ago

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Damn that was fast

5 years ago

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How time flies... I remember when steamgifts and steamtrades were merged together on one site (steamgifts).

5 years ago

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Good times

5 years ago

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Nonsense, it was so useful

5 years ago

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The button at the top of SG is all that's gone, the site still remains in tact.

5 years ago

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yes, the button was so useful

5 years ago

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Yeah I'm mourning the button only😆

5 years ago

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A kind user has written a simple script that puts it back.

5 years ago

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Cool but I just added another fast bookmark so not really that necessary, I was just used to get there via SG

5 years ago

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I love how that not to be named site still has this scam giveaway site present...

5 years ago

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It escalated "quickly"

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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Since people are torn about this... I'd suggest adding it as a setting for the site (I know it takes a bit of work but it shouldn't be too bad). Probably start it as hidden to start and then give a warning above it saying they're separate sites etc etc but you can still have a button to link between them.

5 years ago

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If the point of removing is to fully distance oneself, adding such an option re-adds endorsement, making all of it moot.

5 years ago

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Someone said it was still linked to in guidelines or something like that. If it is somewhere there is already still some small endorsement.

Edit: Looks like it has been removed from the guidelines as well now so you're right it wouldn't really make sense to add it as an option.

5 years ago

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Closed 1 year ago by Fenchurch.