It was my cakeday, I made some gibs, posted a picture of myself and asked other people to follow my example. Much to my surprise they did!!

[Because I'm a lazy bum and didn't update the OP for cough cough let's say .. a long time cough cough our dear Fnord started a list, sorted alphabetically. Please go here, pro stalkers!]

A mosaic of all people Per3zat made for us:
Now with everybody ;):

By popular demand now: The brave SG users who participated (in order of appearance)
I linked the usernames with their first posted comments and added all pictures they spread across this thread.

Larren101: looking like a space cadet. hurr durr
PrinceOfJerusalem: picture - on a boat - less like a villain
Yazael: picture
SexyBudgie: the left one
AuthenticZac: JUST DO IT
Kathleen: dreamy - TerrorMieze - horrornurse - fuull body horror nurse
zelghadis: before he became fat and (more) ugly - nowadays fatass ugly zelg1: nowadays fatass ugly zelg2 - nowadays fatass ugly zelg3 - unhealthy skinny - 1st from left
Yzil: picture with husky
hustlayo: guy in the black jacket - Aye 2
Ruaben: Ruaben's haircut
ZemunBRE: picture
Fnord - getting ready - hiking - with collection
MuahahahaMeow - picture - after going outside - Because why not
olfox1 - :3
vinirockman - HOG - recent
Idiosyncratic - brave selfie
heavenhairsixes - very serious - the young hhs
Bombaklats - on the beach
Sundance85 - smiling
Quisty - brave
Sugicloud - picture
deguzmanricardo - in the dark
DownwardConcept - click the link
CoralineCastell - happy smile
leonidas56 - with dog - @ hackaton - in da club - zombifiey
YunieRozier's dog - Bohème
AboveAverageJoe - with friend
MysticAarrgg - unshaved
coezo - with hat - with longer hair - - lion's mane - captions - spooky coezo - killing with forks
keohookalani - it's keo!
missmewx - okay
Aseed - he's the guy
DracoGriffin - trapped
MuIIins - click the link - Christmas!
xarabas - seducing selfie - not actually drunk for once - 30+ hours of no sleep - Some camping trip - Ruining perfectly good picture with crappy camera filters - hiking trip - quite dissapointed for some reason
MagnificentOne - the day gravity decided to give my hair a miss - with headphones
IgotElbows - Elbows!
MrWubbleStein - work photo
SpankyPie - Aaa
kraken9 - Hello SG - fancy photo edit
Dustmop - picture
cmiddlebrook - profile picture
Nightshifty - Top Gun costume
Pesmerga - at a wedding
Eduelmago - garden - cupboard - bed - kissing teddy
JustDucky - eating crab claws
Tort1 - picture
Ikkebott - with graffiti - right now! - without beard
xScreaMx - headphones
Luxy - peer pressure succeeded \o/
murk3 - cosplaying Yeliena - just being cute - beauty in the corner - with hat - in the "snow"
kukeemon - in better times
XyazanX - bert
BrekkeKktus - profile picture
cifudux - while competing
tristetea - few years back
RaPtUrA - picture - with his 5 year older sister - ready for Oktoberfest
Wallister - boy, not a grill
FameTaker - him - his dog - together
zibo86 - picture
drewmb10 - with his wife
Paxnit - in his younger years - now
Elunes - black & white beauty - part 2
bludshade - male equivalent of resting bitch face
lforlazy - cat! - purple
andreadandrea - on vacation
Misskpavd - classy - opening door - with parrots - video with parrots
Mattereye - one year ago - in space
SilentGuy - not a totally new picture
DominusFerrus - yum
JustinSane059 - third from right
Kaesestange - a silhouette - a hat - finally
Nemurenai - out of bed - very happy
LevTaylor - recent - older pic 1 - older pic 2
Extinox - needs love - slim and happy
NaztyFox - bold soldier - smiles
Fyantastic - grrr - parrot - dat hairdo - I'm so beautiful - true love - real true love - air guitar - is that a sombrero? - Fyan's love - ready to die
Winthorp - with his love - with is wife
KonOkami - Too smexy fo his shirt
Argyle31 - Crown Prince of Darkness
PHAZE7 - on stairs
Milliare - playing - working
cloudfan - pretty face
borsdy - holding a holographic wolf picture in the rain
LordVampyr - cute smile
VyleKillius - damn hot
Wissaul - okay, he's in
mushclone298 - forgot to shave
Abaction - not his real ribs
Undac - yum - on an airport - in the army now - something stinks - or does it? - with long hair
jbondguy007 - still not posting a picture
JoaoWho - groans - still cute
PsychoClown - so cute horrible - on Halloween - part 2
GhostZ - thinking
Angel9RakouCobra - smiling - flirting - happy - a true lady
m139 - the man
IronMaiden666 - blurry
tankerbell - the "i" was taken
AJIam - y so grumpy?
FoxCunning - tiptop
TheZooZ - 2 years old
aurorable - natural beauty
AnnieBolton - a fairy
CarlEric - bank robbery gang
s1N - BoringDay - pouting
HiroHiro - wild party
atb85 - butterbeer
Kabdzsi - with his cousin
Tyler889 - omg, he's hot
Venhiem - find him! - true selfie - with manly beard
kataztrophik - with his twin
Monukai - a nice guy
anktejp - you're not Bob Ross!!!
Khazadson - the baron's beard
jbondguy007 - handdrawn selfie
Oppenh4imer - the left one
Futome - smile!
CrystalSoulSpear - at work
Khalaq - young him - old him
ShinNoChikara - Que?
Shenfara - sandwich
Teliko - blonde facial hair wasn't mean to be
Yupy - picture
nellyneko - in a hut - where's my food?
malabagaa - 2014 - it's in my nose! - 2013edition - 2012 - 2008/2009
Rauchen - cute with cat
zombiehug - he's shy - summer
OsakaMilkBar - Maverick - PewPew
gweedo007 - badass mofo - with his wife
tso184 - best friends in Berlin - those eyes - zombietso - In Oslo
jbmccune - as a kikd - today
Jonex - working - needs a haircut
taytothief - very British
Zomby2D - fresh for us
Spectre359 - topless & bold
Yirg - in Vilnius (Lithuania)
Foxpile - needs a mirror - eompile
TheChack - TheChack!!
ulvercarvalho - lightning tricks
BluewolfCA - in the car - on the deck
LinustheBold - playing Poins
rachellove - recent - freshman year in Chinatown - cold sophomore year - forgot - with biscuit (and father) - getting festive - Prom Queen 2013 - Prom Queen2013 - 2 - in the gym
fateshaper - big smile
HBNayr - picture
MBcoder - VR
MrWoodenSheep - Longer hair with beard - Shorter hair - Shorter hair while playing drums
Quaestio - when browsing SG - standard selfie - pikachu!!
SquireZed - prepared for an interview
Bonsai393 - skeptical bunny - fucking loser
Eisenzange - omg, a naked man! - now with shirt
Sighery - cute and happy
xMisiu - picture
JonathanKalo - Pre-larp photo - Post-larp photo - Philosopher edition - Did-you-finish edition - I'm-gonna-do-something-stupid edition - Cute pic with his pet
ndx8 - an industrial - metalhead ~20 years ago - part 2
EsE - wearing a DIY "princess crown"
VovanVV1982 - loves Pandas
reasaurus - profile picture - cute with puppy
darveshpreet - profile picture - with his better half
deadxobbit - person on the left
Shaide - him - on Halloween
Shannara55 - Is she a fairy?
srcross - two years ago
silencium9 - pretty girl - more prettyness
SSJBardock - wearing his majestic hat
mariganza - (not) too much light?
Ville - sleepy
NotableSilva aka TheSnake - on a bench - in a lab
SweetDalilah - lady's got style - sparkly - sassy - more sassyness
littlekuillyboo - taken two weeks ago
Tzaar - couple years ago sexy mofo - clean cut tamed Tzaar
missmewx - ain't she sweet?
paVVin - From Russia with love
MrBron99 - innocent - handsome
robocub - with his boy
unfuurl - beauty in the snow
Mehamatica - shy girl
Fleder - profile picture
Dnomyar96 - devoted musician
HA66 - my persian prince
Triisken - true beauty
Lemistio - a gamer and believer
InquisitorAles - on a trip
lxlt - dollface - is she real?
HardeKak - friendly smile, warm eyes
ndx8 - "too many sales this winter" edition
KatAwhYeah - weeeee, redhead curlz :D
Dianatrix - Le Halloween daaaamn, you're hot - Le Christmas
SadisticChicken - Christmas 2015 - Before going out for a meal - Going to see Bruno Mars live - Easter 2015 - I like bunnies heads - natural hair on an alright day - maybe 2013? - Prom Day in 6th year - late 2012
Draconis79 - April 2009 - driving - March 2010 - December 2015
Silent62 - a real gentleman... - ...without a beard
elmerenges - before long hair and beard - after long hair and beard
Olarte - smiling - bald - with cat - with flowers - Halloween - without PC - with stickers - tuxedo
hyperxduell - amazing blue eyes
bonesof87 - all dramaatic and shit
Mullins drunk
TinyPurple - tongue out - drunk again
Fnord - cool in the park - partylion
fateshaper - on the hill
leonidas56 - 2016 - 6k celebratory pic
tso184 - in the desert - posing - portrait
Voidy - serious
numeron - all dressed up
eldeezo - pokerface - junkfood overload - DJing - mighty beard - mightier beard
ozo2003 - rare selfie
keksinator - no smile - smile
Cerint - yo, sup?
kOROMOShYdOpOlOuS - he's fly
Tewam - GoT
Jonex - hair?
MBcoder - big scarf
Tzaar - in the bathroom - still not smilin - half smilin :)
gothrana - smirkin - with beard
SillyScream - bumpin
Dianatrix - introducing her avatar - singing with kitty - on a trip - several pics
JoaoWho - beary
Lemistio - thinking - [teatime]()
CrazyGuacamole - huh?
ProgDroid - intense
noonemakesnoise - does that count?
Soulflyr - smokin - with random chick we all know who that is :P
geogllitch - @ Gamescom - in Iceland - foxcuddlin
Asperyules - with Luna - with headphones
anthracis1 - first and last selfie
Fistrake - so cool fail
MarineSloth - young sloth

tso discovered a thread of similar nature from a few years ago! Pro stalkers go here:

8 years ago*

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BTW, eve, Happy cake day! Keep on shining! ;)

8 years ago

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Happy Cake Day!

Really nice idea. At first I thought it was gonna be awkward, but it's really nice to see people taking part and finally be able to put a face to those words we read daily. =)

8 years ago

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Bump. Left the photo in one of the giveaways. Thanks!

8 years ago

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Woohoo~! I love seeing all of the gamer chicks in the midst! :D I generally don't post pictures of myself on the internet, at least not for public consumption, but it's nice to put some faces to the names!

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

8 years ago*

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So... Which are you?

8 years ago

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The guy. There are no girls on the Internet, don't shame yourself!

8 years ago

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You look like Paul Walker, nice :D

8 years ago

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What? How? :D

8 years ago

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I don't know, it was the first thing that came to my mind when I saw you on the photo :D

8 years ago

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Well thank you! He is a handsome man in my opinion, so I'll take it as a compliment! ^.^

8 years ago

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Good talk...

Who's the girl? :P

Sorry, couldn't resist... :P
Level it with us though, you just posted the pic to show her off, right? :P
And yes, it's still a compliment. ;)

8 years ago

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She is my girlfriend for 5 years now and I really have no other photo of me. I only take photos 'cause she wants to.
I'd like to apologize if anyone thought I posted this to show off. :)
As for the compliment, thank you kind sir! (I'd say stranger but we are not strangers anymore, at least half way :D )

8 years ago

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Oh man, i was seriously joking, really! :)
I'm a goof, you can't take 99% of what i say seriously... err.. except for this actual post... :P
And heh, i caved too, so more than half way... But shhh, maybe people miss it. ;)

8 years ago

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Oh okay then. Let's all chill and enjoy the selfies :D

8 years ago

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This was a beautiful trap.

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8 years ago*

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Huh? A trap? Why?

8 years ago

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Oh... because lot of females are posting and other users are like "hurr durr girl on internet".

I'm sure you've picked up on this!

8 years ago

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walks away unsuspiciouslly

8 years ago

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You spelled unsuspiciously ... wrong! WHERE'S THE HIDDEN GIVEAWAY?

8 years ago

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Not our fault if some men here don't know what women look like.

Turn down for what plays on the background whilst I drown in laughter

8 years ago

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Women? You all look the same to me; delicious bags of flesh for impregnating.

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8 years ago

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That was actually disturbingly rude. No, seriously.

I know you were joking, but I can't find the fun.

8 years ago

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The fun is that just as races/ethnicities say "they can't tell X type of people apart/X people all look the same"; to aliens, I'm sure humans would look all the same, especially alien species that are mono-gender or completely hermaphroditic.

It's more of a "don't be a closed-minded human thinking alien species will only utilize human logic, rather than being their own separate entity of history, culture, tradition, belief, etc..." or just a Sci-Fi person.

8 years ago

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Yeah, I get it now. I was a bit tired when I read it before, no worries. (:

I'm sure we'd all look like the bloody same, too. Don't we all, already?

8 years ago

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"bloody same"...

Notice the fine dining table and chairs in the background.

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8 years ago

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Yup. That's my cue to flee.

8 years ago

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walks away unsuspiciously again but this time with a tear falling from his eyes </3

8 years ago

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Wow, you're much younger than i expected. Cute lookin' fella tho.

And who's that weird bearded dude you're riding?
Is it like a Master-Blaster sort of thing and do you have him under firm control? Because he looks a lot more psychotic than the guy in the movie.

8 years ago

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He's the master 'tard of which I command my many forces to invade.

As you can tell by the leg lock, he's not going anywhere! Plus, if I pull his hair hard enough, he'll do whatever I want in short order.

8 years ago

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Why hadnt I see this thread before? :O
Hapy cake day eev! (yay for change of nick, Troi! Updating my list)
I'm too shy for posting a photo of myself, sorry :/
And thanks for the presents!!

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8 years ago

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Damn, I was hoping to see the real you, perro.

8 years ago

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This night, privately, on Skype ;)

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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you gonna make us solve puzzle to get your skype id. aren't you?

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Thank you perrolijo :)

8 years ago

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Happy cake day eeeeeeeeev, congratulations on your new name!
Definitely felt like more than a year. :)

8 years ago

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Thanks, Tumalu :)

8 years ago

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Sorry about not fulling fulfilling (too early in the morning to spell) your request this time. :)
I have not quite come out of my shell yet.
Or bomb shelter, rather.
I have opened up to talking more about myself though, so I got that going for me.

8 years ago*

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Oh? Ok...

  1. Where are you from?
  2. What do you do?
  3. What's your name?
  4. M/F?
  5. Skype?
  6. What's your sign?
  7. You and Bear, truth or rumor?
  8. No, what REALLY happened between you 2?
  9. Do you do drugs?
  10. Does he? Nevermind, i think we all know the answer to that one.
  11. What do you mean against inter-species? Please ellaborate.
  12. Why do you discriminate against cats?
  13. Well, aren't you technically just a glorified bigger cat?
  14. Ok, what about red pandas?
  15. What do turtles have to do with this mess? You're making this way too confusing.
  16. Who has a bigger crush on Jensen Ackles, you or Luxy?
  17. What about Misha Collins?
  18. Does it really snow there?
  19. Why did your avatar from afar always looked like a badger to me, till i actually saw it was a wolf?
  20. So, tell me... how do you really feel?

Also, i don't get the expression "what's with the 20 questions?". Don't think it fits in this scenario, just saying.

8 years ago

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Very well. You caught me on a good day. I will humor you.

  1. My mother's womb.
  2. I browse Steam Gifts.
  3. Tumalu
  4. M
  5. No thanks.
  6. Scorpio
  7. What?
  8. I spoke to that guy like, two times. I don't know what you're talking about.
  9. No.
  10. Probably. Again, I wouldn't know since I bearly talk to him.
  11. Inter means within. Species means species. Inter-species means within the same species. Against inter-species means I'm against - wait what? I never said anything of the sort.
  12. I like cats too, so I don't know where you got that information from.
  13. No.
  14. They're awesome.
  15. Turtles are animals too. You can't discriminate.
  16. Luxy. I don't know who Jensen Ackles is.
  17. Luxy. I don't know who Misha Collins is.
  18. No, it doesn't snow here.
  19. I don't know how your brain works.
  20. I feel pretty. Oh so pretty.
8 years ago*

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I appreciate your honesty.
You truly are more open to talking about yourself!

You have my standing ovation!

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8 years ago

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Is this sarcasm? I can't tell if this is sarcasm.
In any case - do let me know if you want more serious answers, I was just trying to be a clever jerk.

8 years ago

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Actually i usually overdo it with sarcasm (it's that and cinammon, i'm weird that way), but in this instance, not even a sprinkle.
Swear to god. O.o

But no thanks, serious answers are kinda boring. I was expecting you to troll me harder, you have disappointed me a bit, as you were only a semi-jerk. :'(

Btw, your 20th answer brought back memories, forgot to add it to previous post:

8 years ago

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I'm not very good at trolling. As you can already see. :)

8 years ago

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happy cake day and thanks for the GAs <3


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8 years ago*

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

8 years ago

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i'm not straight so i don't have to question myself with yours :3

8 years ago

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get a room you two :)

8 years ago

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And stream it on twitch while playing LoL, you will make a fortune.

8 years ago

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I second the petition

8 years ago

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SG Community be like

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8 years ago

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she started it!

but i'll stop right here, don't wanna be reported by konrad for inappropriate behavior. :3

8 years ago

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looks like Yeliena has some competition

8 years ago

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OMG. I'm revisiting the thread and I finally got this comment. rip.

8 years ago

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+1 exactly what i thought lol

8 years ago

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Great pics!

Not straight either, but you are definitely a knock-out!

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Goes crying in a corner right now

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Okay, I feel a little bit better now.


8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Througback to when mullins was tempted and i posted this picture...

i still think that this is the face you make everytime when i reply to you mullins

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8 years ago*

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why are you replying to this... :|

this is the face i make

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8 years ago

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a friend told me that he saw the comment and the picture made him laught so i was like "Good times"

also i dont know what to think about that expression ;_;

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8 years ago

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Oh ho ho ho! I bet you didn't expect her comeback, eyyy?

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

8 years ago

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Well, that's a fine 'how do you do'.

I'ma just exit stage left.

8 years ago

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i like everything!

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8 years ago

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Damn you have red haired gifts for everything

8 years ago

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I'm glad i read all the chain this time before posting, was about to write about my sorrow.

So... that wasn't weird of me at all. Uh... bye now. O.o

8 years ago*

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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I know this is an old post but browsing the thread while listening to my newly acquired Garfunkel and Oates album made this seem oddly fitting:
The College Try

8 years ago

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I thought you're a guy because your avatar looks more manly than most people's anime avatars, but I suppose the eye belonged to a female character all along?

8 years ago

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it's from witcher 3, ciri <3

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8 years ago

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She is similiar to Geralt, on small picture you can really think it's him and not Ciri ;P

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 7 years ago.

8 years ago

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i know, those dwarves are awesome!

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8 years ago

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Couldn't agree more ;)

8 years ago

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Ooh freckles, so cute ;)

8 years ago

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somehow I knew you're cute ;3

8 years ago

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Those eyes! Your hair!!
Omg, I bet you hear that often, but I really like your wild beauty.
Thanks so much, Mullinx!

PS: I also thought you were a guy all the time because of your profile pic and your salted comments (which I like, hence the whitelist ;D)

8 years ago

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This threads is leaving me all sorts of confused about this community. I think I was better off in my ignorance.

8 years ago

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back to the matrix, you

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8 years ago

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I've always thought that ignorance must be wonderful. Or to be the kind of person that can act without thinking.

8 years ago

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Yup, I also thought you were a dude for no clear reason. I guess I just assume people are males before I realize females also exist. shrugs

Truth is, you have a nice face! Ever thought of cosplaying Ygritte?

Also, I bet those piercings hurt to be put on D:
You're way braver than I am haha

8 years ago

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rip :(

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8 years ago

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I'll take that as a "yes" and eagerly await the day when you do cosplay her! <3

8 years ago

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It's OK. I thought she was a dude as well. In fact, there's quite a few on here who's gender has surprised me.

8 years ago

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Cool not to be alone (:

8 years ago

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You're never alone! Not even when you're sleeping!

8 years ago

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Of course not! I sleep with my pink unicorn.


8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Nope. (:

Just. Nope.

8 years ago

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I just hug myself to sleep.

8 years ago

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There there.

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8 years ago

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That ended up being a pretty cute movie. I watched it when I was visiting my mom, because she's a sucker for children's movies and I like to see my Mom happy.

8 years ago

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Man, I'm a sucker for animation myself! Your mom seems like my type of person, I hope you two had fun!
I also like to see my mom happy, and I think what you did for her is utterly endearing - just like the movie itself. (:

8 years ago

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I don't think sitting through a two-hour family movie every couple of months is too much for a son to do. :)

Besides, its nice to have someone to cook for.

8 years ago

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It may not be the mightiest of acts, but it's certainly a kind one.

I know nothing of cooking! I'm glad you do, though. I need a new cook, care to try these chains on for a quick test of something, please? innocent smile

8 years ago

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You're supposed to do it the way Sisyphus tricked Thanatos. Just have see if I can figure out how to put them on and then lock me in them.

I love cooking. I've got to do something with my free time, and since I live alone, someone's got to do it. Besides, its a lot of fun to take all of the separate ingredients and make something beautiful, especially when you're making it all from scratch.

8 years ago

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Thanks for telling me how to do it. You're doomed.

Aww I bet that's awesome! I'll just go back to frying my eggs, then ;-;
But seriously, it's so cool you know how to do it and love to do it. Doing what we love is always a pleasure, no matter what.

8 years ago

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I'm sure you could get the hang of it. Its usually best to start with simple things or things that are very forgiving (like soups, stews, or anything that will braise for hours). I'm fortunate enough that cooking seems to come naturally to me, so I've never had something come out less than great.

Tomorrow, I'm going to make a big batch of crepes with fresh peaches for my Dad and brothers, although I still haven't figured out what to cook this weekend (I'm off Monday & Tuesday). What sounds good?

8 years ago

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Those are very good tips! Although I'm pretty sure not even that can save me from utter disaster on the kitchen haha

God bless your kitchen skills, man. It's pretty rare to be that well gifted (:

I bet they'll love it! It makes my mouth water just to think of them. Hm... let me think. Do you like pasta? It's normally a great alternative, if you can work out a good sauce. Plus, I always like soups, but I dunno how's the weather there. Perhaps some lasagna? I heard people like those. Or fish! Fish is great (:

8 years ago

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That horn looks a lot like... his tail. O.O

8 years ago

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The funny part is, that's actually a children's toy. You should've seen the salacious ones that came up with I searched for Unicorn sex toy.

8 years ago

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That's strange concept of a children's toy hahah

8 years ago

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The world is full of toys that were poorly thought out. Here's another:

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8 years ago

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Poorly thought out indeed! We could make a gallery of those and have more to add still.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Hahaha! I love fucked up children toys xD ..

8 years ago

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You have a very... unique preference.

8 years ago

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Well, you got to admit it can be quite amusing seeing how they make children toys that is supposed to be innocent into something not so innocent ^^'

8 years ago

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You're right: I've got to admit it - it is quite amusing. (:

8 years ago

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mullinx duh! Why did I think you were a guy?

8 years ago

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i'm too manly.

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8 years ago

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This .gif. I shall use it to my heart's content.

8 years ago

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remember to ride a shark with rockets while setting off grenades and jumping into a live volcano.

extra manly!

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8 years ago

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I shall do it. kicks door

Where are these .gifs from, though? I remember watching the whole thing once upon a time but... Can't recall the name D:

8 years ago

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despicable me 2. :3

8 years ago

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Thank you, dear! <3

It all makes so much sense now it hurts :D

8 years ago

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Now I know, that it' really worth watching, thanks xD

8 years ago

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if beauty had a name...

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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You could not do otherwise

8 years ago

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Now I did

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Good, I need to be stalkerer from now on.

8 years ago

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there, stalk all you want. i put all the pics scattered throught the forum in the same post. :3

8 years ago

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You are pretty cute, why is everyone in here so damn attractive?

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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That still didn't answer my question.

8 years ago

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i could answer but you won't like my reply.

so i'll just shut up and avoid blacklists. :3

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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i was browsing the thread looking for a photo of my dog that i posted and realiced you posted a photo with friends... they are all red haired... do you even know any non red haired people? ;-;

8 years ago

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no one else wants us so we have to go out alone. ;_;

8 years ago

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if i ever go to uruguay i will hang with you <3 my beard is red haired so it wouldnt count though ;-;

8 years ago

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wait, your beard is red and your hair is not?
did you post a selfie? this sounds cool
so sad that i wrote selfie wrong and google knows how to fix it. such a sad word

8 years ago

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i did... though i dont have a beard in it, i dont have much photos with my beard :P i dont like it

8 years ago

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i also don't like my beard.

8 years ago

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I like how it look on you though... not so keen on the chest hair though... reminds me of an orc for some reason

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Such ginger. Many souls. :D

8 years ago

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im blacklisted, i cried a little v__v

8 years ago

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i too but he is bad. btw.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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because i can. blacklisted doing noise in my threads so i'm doing the same.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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doing noise in threads

i imagine something like this

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8 years ago

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That gif describes his "noise" actually very well :)

8 years ago

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This is hilarious.

8 years ago

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Happy cakeday!

8 years ago

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Thank you!

8 years ago

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8 years ago*

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You actually almost look like your avatar.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Well, it's closer than most people are I guess. lol

8 years ago

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My thoughts exactly ^^

8 years ago

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I had the same exact thought.
But holy shit those eyes.

8 years ago*

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are you 15? you look 15 :v

8 years ago

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Also you look 19 to me

8 years ago

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I am 15 and I would never recognize her to be in my age o.O

8 years ago

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i am 19 and thats why i recognize her as my age :P

8 years ago

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Yeah, I guess it was just a compliment or a joke with that 15 :P

8 years ago

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Also, still can't get it why you landed on my BL, sorry again, i cri evrytim :(

8 years ago

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Nah, you look like 18-21 imo. :)

8 years ago

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You've got big, expressive eyes! :)

EDIT: Just to clarify, they're nice! Maybe this is my new "best" terrible compliment? :P I guess I'm not good at that.

8 years ago*

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I'm afraid you have a serious case of kitty eyes, and that it's acute

8 years ago

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8 years ago*

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I had no idea about cat day.
I must now go find my kitty and hug it, even though that little monster is going to run away (if I can even find her in the first place).

But how could I be mad at her, that damn thing is way too cute

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8 years ago

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Point 3) made me love you <3

8 years ago

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This is closer; did you get work done on your eyes, like Lasik?

8 years ago

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8 years ago*

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I was referring to our other conversation where the pic you posted you had edited the eyes to have anime bubbly eyes and stuffz.

But yeah, that person has two eye colors!

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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You mean... those WEREN'T your natural eyes or possibly in the least contact lenses?

I've never heard of this "foto chop"; tell me more.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Those two chest hair hearts are getting ready to do some docking.

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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I edited in a picture because I totally forgot to do that part.

Where did you get the chest hair plugs from? ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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I'm hoping au naturel is foreign language for bare.

Otherwise youse gonna need a blood panel to see what your hormone levels are at.

Here's a quick doctor school lesson: What's the difference between a vitamin and a hormone?

You can't make a vitamin. ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)

You can't make a whore moan HAR HAR HAR HAR

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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I was thinking cardio- or neuro- surgeon but oh man; soooo many years and wait lists. :(

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8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

8 years ago

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Cat day? These are mine, they look the same but they are 2 different ones.

Happy cat day!

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8 years ago

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one has a bigger mask :D

and... omg, that's a crazy cat!

8 years ago

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Hahaha yeah he is the older one, 15 now. He can be a real pain in the ass sometimes.

8 years ago

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Bu-But, only one day for cats?! That's un-possible. Every day is cat day.

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8 years ago

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Mystery solved!

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Nah, I think you had a thread where people were discussing if you are male or female. Your age remains a mystery.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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It was unclear for me tho. I told Mullinx already, but for me everyone's a dude. Too many guys with kawaii anime girls for profile pics.

8 years ago

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I'd say she's in age of my sister, but which one? :D therefore she's 18-21

8 years ago

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This isn't at all with what I'm familiar with.

8 years ago

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WHOA! You're sooooo pretty! O.o
For some reason I always imagined you way more serious and not at all so doe-like

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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And again, I agree with you, Luxy. My thoughts exactly.

8 years ago

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Whoa. Your eyes.

◕ ‿ ◕

8 years ago

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looks like you have a face that would look good both with long and short hair. so don't worry about going bonkers and cutting your hair.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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don't forget to post photos.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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i don't know where i got the idea. this is the interwebz. and i'm goofy. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ don't tell me you felt insulted with that.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Luxy said it already but I need to say it again: sooo pretty!!
You look far more open (and younger) and less serious and ... I don't know ... scientific... than I had imagined you. Thanks for giving me a face to your name!
Also thanks for the wishes and the bravery, you lovely lady yourself :)

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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So you are less than 15? o.o

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Holy shit, that's not at all what I was expecting.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Whew, that's a relief!

Its hard to describe what I was expecting, without it sounding like I was expecting you to be hideous (which I didn't). More stern, with undercurrents of simmering resentment and a strong vibe of I'll-beat-your-ass.

But I certainly wasn't expecting... that.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Hun, you've always terrified me. :)

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Something about you reminds me of Lana Del Rey, but I can't quite place what.


8 years ago

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Its the way she's wearing her hair and the shape of her nose. Plus, the big, soulful eyes.

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8 years ago

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True! Thanks for placing it for me (:

8 years ago

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i had to reply. couldn't resist!

8 years ago

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This is...unexpected.

8 years ago

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Well, ye, that's pretty much how I imagined you... first corect guess!

8 years ago

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I can confirm. This is Yeliena. Wait until you see dem abs.

8 years ago

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Looks like you just got a whole bunch of nice fans!

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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>posts picture
>gets lots of nice replies

mfw all these people don't know they have shitty tastes

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8 years ago

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OMG Smoking!

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Shhhh.... it.
You too? K, if i see Luxy's pic in here somewhere, i'm Shia Lebouef the crap out of my sole selfie and upload it.

And damn girl. Now i feel bad about all those terribly bad compliment examples i left on your WL GA, as per your request. As in... can't use any... :3
Also, your eyes look as penetrating as i imagined them, it's like you're staring directly into my soul. Get away, pwease. :3

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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I would actually love to see you up a pic with that pose, i bet the resemblance would be uncanny. :D

Also... DOH! (regarding the 1st part)

I hate you girls. :3

8 years ago

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So big :o

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Why is awkward? There are just so big, so deep, so beautiful :o

8 years ago

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Why haven't I seen this till now..!?
My stalking skills.. they're failing me..

8 years ago

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Awwwww, it's gone :°(

8 years ago

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Happy Cake day!

  1. Here is a seducing selfie of myself

  2. And another one where I'm not actually drunk for once

  3. 30+ hours of no sleep (and poor attempt of a smile), but you can barely notice it

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8 years ago*

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"Selfie of myself".....well that's another one for history books.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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I just spit all over my laptop.

8 years ago

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That's ok, happens. :P
You look younger on those pics than in the movies though.
So will you be in the next Bond Movie again?

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8 years ago

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Aw, no fair, he hadn't posted the third picture when I saw the post D:

But yeah, I can kinda see the resemblance!

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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On page 13 someone said that half of the men who posted here look like James Bond villains, I guess I know what to do now.

8 years ago

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Hahaha. ;D
Happy hunting.

I'm one of the good guys, btw, Mr. Bond. Ahem... bye now!

8 years ago

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So... Basically you're hot... xD

8 years ago

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I agree :)

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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OMG, I'm a big fan! Loved the Bourne trilogy :3

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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You don't see the resemblance? :(

What about, uh, Mark Wahlberg?

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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kukee please, you let me down this time...
I mean, it's obvious who he is...

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8 years ago

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What Luxy said ^^
Thanks for the bravery, Xarabas!

8 years ago

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Oh it's not the first time I posted a pic of myself on SG. What's interesting is that this topic has the most posts (and pictures) compared to the previous "SG, how do you look like" threads. I guess people feel more at ease to show themselves when it's spontaneous.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Nice stance on the second one (:

And nice features, of course. But that has already been said.

8 years ago

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Took me around 3 tries, for some reason I felt like it was very important to catch that chandelier in the frame as well.
And thanks!

8 years ago

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I know that feel! Also, the last one you recently added is also very good! And so is the t-shirt!

And no worries: we appreciate you smile, even though it's not a broad one. It's what I always say: smiles bring out the best of people's features. (:

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Here's one of me on a day gravity decided to give my hair a miss.

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8 years ago*

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It's ! [description] (url) remove spaces

8 years ago

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"a day gravity decided to give my hair a miss" - so fitting, so funny :)
Thanks alot, magnificentone!

8 years ago

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Shameless self-bump

8 years ago

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Happy cake day!!! :D

and thanks for the giveaways ;)

8 years ago

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Thanks and you're welcome :)

8 years ago

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Happy Birthday! Is what I was writing as I wrote this, but then I realized it's your cake day, not Birthday. Happy steamgifts Birthday!

lol xD

Here's me sorry about the lack of clothes.

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8 years ago

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So your human is named Igol?

8 years ago

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My friends call me Eagle. ;D

8 years ago

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Are you this awesome and beatiful Eagle?

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8 years ago

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Haha, thanks for the good wishes, elbows.

Not sure what to make out of this picture. Is this the human you belong to, elbow, or is it just some random internet person?

8 years ago

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That's Hideo Kojima! D:

8 years ago

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8 years ago*

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I love you more now.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Or maybe it was part of my plan. ;3

Don't blink.

8 years ago

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Pff, you need a lesson in basic english.

Plural =/= Singular.


Elbows =/= Elbow.


8 years ago

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Well, happy day of cake to you. Thanks for the gibs. Here is my work photo:

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8 years ago

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And here is my yin and yang (the one on the left is the real MrWubblestein and the other one is Puck)

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8 years ago*

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Aren't those creatures the most loveable things on earth?

Here are my two beauties. The one on the left is Krötl and the one on the right is her daughter Mimi

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8 years ago

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You remind me of a former work colleague of mine. He always brought me Pop Tarts when he was over in the states. Do you have access to Pop Tarts? :D

8 years ago

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Pop Tarts are available in my area, yes. I guess that means I have access, which makes it sound like they are contraband in some parts. O_o

Probably considered dangerous substances in other areas :3

8 years ago

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Highly delicious substances where I'm from! They want 7 EUROS in an import shop, for one tiny box. The prices get better tho and they are available in more places, but still overpriced.
What do they cost where you are?

8 years ago

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Pop Tarts are usually less than $3 US where I'm from.

8 years ago

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Wow, that's... Unfair. :D
So I'm paying double or even triple the price here.

8 years ago

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The Pop Tart Tax is for your own good.

8 years ago

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I heard Ted Cruz runs his candidacy with these. And the money he makes off of machinegun bacon cooking tutorials on YouTube.

8 years ago

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I believe an 8 count box is usually around $2 to $2.50. Even cheaper in bulk.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Yeah, the more metropolitan the area, the cheaper they get.... I see them often on sale for $1.50

8 years ago

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Why do you have to rub salt into the wound? ;_;

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8 years ago

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Cause I totally understand your pain. I went to KaDeWe in Berlin when I was studying there for a year and was like WTF?!

8 years ago

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Been there maybe... 4 or 5 years ago. The prices were terrible. I don't if I didn't know better back then or if it really was that expensive, but I think even a can of Dr. Pepper was something around 5€?!

8 years ago

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Much better about 2 years ago. Mountain Dew and Dr. Pepper were closer to a Euro Fifty. ) And you could get them in various locations... regular stores... of course I was in Berlin... which caters to tourists soo....

8 years ago

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Yeah, it changed a lot after that. Dr Pepper is available everywhere or at least at gas stations and supermarkets usually have shelves with american products now (still overpriced tho)
What did you study and why have you been in Berlin for it? Did you enjoy Berlin? I don't get the hype about that city to be honest.

8 years ago

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I studied Linguistics... I'm obsessed with the science of languages, but I'm more interested in how that knowledge can be useful, so really I'm an EFL Teacher. Though I'm struggling to leave the country at the moment, to go actually be one instead of a Sub teacher. :P

I studied abroad there from 2012-2013. I actually really enjoyed Berlin. There are lots of people who want it more for the art, or the music, or the clubs, or whatever, but I loved it for the multi-culti aspect. Sure, I was a foreigner, but so were 33% of the people around me. That and I wasn't in the states -Yes I love my country, no I don't like it or its politics-

I really didn't like the housing situation, but I loved living there once I was there. For an American from a big suburban/urban center, to get used to living more day to day, at a slower speed, on a bike, never a car, taking subways that run almost always, too many things that are the opposite of LA. It was bliss. I'm sure I'd love living in most European Cities
except a few
Paris... no offense to Parisians
London... English won't take offense anyways

8 years ago

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That's great about Germany in general. Of course there are places like Bavaria or eastern Germany were not many foreigners are present and, well, the attitude is a bit... off, but I'm the only one in family that was born in Germany for example. My parents are from poland. I grew with different friends from different nationalities. It's great.
And yeah, most people want to go to Berlin because it's somewhat of a modern city that offers art and all that, but I couldn't really enjoy all that the first time I've been there, but my interests have changed, maybe a second visit will be completely different.
And you have an awesome job! I find it most interesting how language is used rather than just studying grammar, that's why I don't mastered that part but for me it has been more interesting to get rid of my accent and learn slang to speak casually without all that "Kids, oxford english, please!" bullshit. :D

8 years ago

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Feel free to ask me any questions about English and I'll be happy to provide technical rules for stuff, as well as casual rules (Because there are rules, which most native speakers don't get)

Analyzing your own language can be a fun process if you enjoy it. My GF there was German born, 2 generations out of Poland. She was awesome. But she liked to identify as something different PRUSSIAN!

Which I found amusing... and awesome at the same time. Anyways, one thing I will say is useful about oxford anything is the comma. But that's only in writing academically, outside that who cares. The point of language is to communicate, and so long as we understand what concepts and ideas are trying to be communicated HONESTLY WE CAN BREAK ALL THE RULES
Just don't let anyone who may hire me know I said that

8 years ago

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I will hit you up! But I have met one person on SG that always corrects me when we talk and punctuation seems to be my biggest flaw. I'm definitely not able to write a book, but talking works fine, I guess! I'd love to go to an english speaking country for a year or two to improve that, but that's only daydreaming at this point. For several years actually. :D
Gotta figure out where my life is heading first.

8 years ago

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What's your native language? headdesk - duh German

Just remember, that punctuation is completely an invented idea... So screwing it up is perfectly normal...
Because it doesn't follow the same rules in each language, so don't even stress it. Unless you plan on doing something with writing that is super important in the future....

8 years ago*

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Yeah, it's German. :D
Unfortunately my parents raised me only speaking German, because they were afraid I would end up speaking bad German when I'd learn Polish as well. Then I focused on English and picked up brackets of other languages that make great ice breakers. :D

That's the spirit! Glad you're so easy on me with that since you studied linguistics :D

8 years ago

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4.8€ a box here. Not like it matters anymore, still ridiculously overpriced junk-food be it for 5 or 7, but yeah, even your eastern (poor istern urope, send moni pl0x) neighbors have it cheaper than you. Learn to live with that, mate.

but then again, 3-5 times lower wages, so I'm not saying anything

8 years ago*

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Time to fight back. Let's invade America for their Pop Tart supplies.
MIght be better this way, or I'd be eating that stuff all day, all night. It's rare that I get to an import shop anyways and when I do I only buy one or two things, because it's expensive. This probably saved me from gaining some pounds! :D

8 years ago

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Oh, downward you go. Oops, that was...
But seriously... POP TARTS? :'(

Have some real pastry, import some from Portugal, cheaper and much, much better (sorry yankies :P)...

8 years ago

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You are clearly one of the elders of SG. I hope this doesn't sound offensive to you as it is not meant like this at all. Great to see we're not only below thirties in here!
Thanks a lot for sharing, Wubblestein!

8 years ago

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You're only as old as you feel :3

8 years ago

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Then I'm 7,000 years old.

8 years ago

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i'm not even born yet!

8 years ago

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What Sisy said. :'(
And then some...

8 years ago

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Same day as me! Happy bday.

8 years ago

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Haha, happy ~belated + cakeday to you too then ;)
And thanks!

8 years ago

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Sexy bump & congratulations with 1 year on sg!! ..and okay, just because you asked nicely! :3 Not a selfie but a picture a friend of mine took of me a few years ago. =)

8 years ago*

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That's not as creepy like you hiding behind a bush :D

8 years ago

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I was not being creepy!!! Was I? xD

8 years ago

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I just imagined seeing you like this when I would walk past you. My imagination makes everything creepier than it is, I guess. I wouldn't blow my rape whistle tho!

8 years ago

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Roofl !! Meh, I didn't look even near like a rapist xD

8 years ago

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You're beyond adorable in this photo <3

8 years ago

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Awwww, thank you, Luxy!!! :3 <3

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

8 years ago

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Haha.. Hmm, idk.. I guess I was just being awkward :P :3

8 years ago

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Aww, damiit, you are so cute, Millie. I can't believe this is the girl who threatens to cut off ... things ;) I thought girls like this look more like me, haha ;)
Thanks for your lovely pictues, Millie!

8 years ago

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Awwww, thank you, Ev!! ;3 shy Well, even the innocent people are evil sometimes! >:D
And don't be silly! You look adorable too!! :3 plus on the 2nd picture of yours, you look like you just stepped out from some awesome western movie or alike it! =D

8 years ago

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Aye, you girls are giving us all a beating in bravery.
Ugh you guys gals suck for making us feel this bad. :(

This peer pressure. --'

You look a lot different in your avatar, i dunno, some camera angles (or maybe just my head). :)

And it's a compliment whichever way you look at it btw. :P

8 years ago

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!Happy cake day!

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Happy Cake Day (:

8 years ago

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Thank you :)

8 years ago

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Happy kek day!

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8 years ago

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Too much spanky too little pie

8 years ago

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This could very well be a shot from an old Kung Fu movie. I like it :)

Thanks for sharing, SpankiePie!

8 years ago

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So, ever took a swing at him? :P

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8 years ago

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I'm so glad I don't see that facial expression while playing you at coup, how the hell would I ever call a bluff

8 years ago

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Hahaha ^^

8 years ago

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Happy SG-day, eve !

8 years ago

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Thanks, Hamed ♥

8 years ago

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This was a great idea; I'm having way too much fun looking at all the pictures. Everyone who has participated is awesome! It adds a human layer to the community here :)

8 years ago

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Agree, i didnt expected so many to post photos and even less cute girls but i really like seeing people that i've known just for a name or a picture

8 years ago

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I'll be honest, I didn't expect to see so many females here. Maybe they're still guys that found random pics online though... :D

8 years ago

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I'm always incredibly skeptical of any pics claiming to be a woman online. Perhaps the internet has just made me paranoid...

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8 years ago

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Don't feel bad, I totally understand... too many catfish out there.

8 years ago

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Well, for some reason I always thought you were a female. I was surprised when I saw your picture.. don't kill me D:

8 years ago

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I have absolutely no idea why you would think that.

8 years ago

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I guess I just judged by your name.. Seems female to me D: googles it ..hmm, seems Sisyphus was some king in Greek mythology. Welp. The 'Sisy' just seemed like a female's name and I didn't think about the rest of the name. Sorry ;_;

8 years ago

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It's Sisyphus.
Not Sissyphus.

Poor guy.

I think he's gonna kill me instead after this comment.

8 years ago

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It's OK. I have plenty of time to KILL EVERYONE!

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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HAhahahaha, omg xDD I laughed more than I should have. Lol !! And thanks for sacrificing yourself for me x3

8 years ago

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Read again what he wrote, i tried, but didn't work apparently. We're both screwed. :P
Be afraid, be very afraid, muahaha. :P

8 years ago

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Oh, I'm just a big teddy bear. :)

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8 years ago

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Ooh, the missed oportunities...
The veiled threats you could've used that... against Bear.

Oh well.

8 years ago

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Well, at least you tried! :3

8 years ago

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We're still screwed though. :P

8 years ago

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You just can't stop breaking my heart, can you?

I've always wondered how many people weren't familiar with the legend of Sisyphus. In fact, I changed my username on my online dating profile because I was worried that ladies would confuse it with syphilis.

Still, its a really interesting myth, and he ended up with one of the most legendary of Greek punishments: pushing a boulder up a hill for all eternity.

8 years ago

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I didn't mean to :((

Rofl, yeah.. That would be awful if they would confuse it with that xD I didn't though! Just saying! :P

Oh lol, it was that guy. I know that myth. Literally in nearly every class I have had in either danish or about old greek stuff we have had about that guy. I can't believe I forgot the name though considered I have been reading about the myth so many times. o.o

8 years ago

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The only time most people encounter the name is when they refer to a task as Sisyphean. But that myth has always resonated with me. He was so clever he tricked his way out of the afterlife twice, which is why he was forced to repeat a pointless task for all eternity.

8 years ago

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I nearly think I would rather just die instead...

8 years ago

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That was always the twisted beauty of Greek punishments; a fate worse than simply dying. With their gods being so petty and cruel, is it any wonder that people were so eager to abandon the Greek (and thus Roman) gods?

8 years ago

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So... we could argue you... got a chip on your shoulder?
A... BIG... one? :P

8 years ago

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Remember that old adage about whether God could create a boulder so massive even he couldn't lift it? Like that. :)

8 years ago

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Happy Cake day troieve!
E:ooh hello eeev

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8 years ago

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So you dont have any tencles? also you look slim for a keraken....

8 years ago

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camera removes 10 pounds which incidentally is how much tentacles weighs :P
E:wording is messed up

8 years ago

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I.. I think I'm scared XD Suddenly sees the person irl.. tentacles .. Lol!

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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HAhahah omg.. I did not need to see that xDD

8 years ago

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Hello mighty kraken. So nice to finally meet you :)

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Hello, kraken :) I imagined you in other way. Actually 90% of photos here differs from my expectations, lol

8 years ago

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true XD
usernames & faces tell two diferent stories :P

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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did this thread get rejuvenated? it feels weird to get reply 3 days later XD

8 years ago

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Yep, so much so it crashed the site. :P

8 years ago

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we should make rule to post our photos every time we comment on this thread(le me trying to be subtle about not finding your photo in thread)

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8 years ago

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All right, all right, Mr. Giant Octopus-Like Monster Thingy Nr. 9. You made your point.
Had to actually go run an errand, been stuck in this thread all day, then SG went down for a bit.

I cave, i'll post it further down below in a while, still need to go through a few more posts. :P

8 years ago

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