Steam Link or HDMI/USB?
As a fond user of the Steam Link, let me give my view a few of these things first:
To have steam link I need to have the internet cable from one room to another. Wireless is not a option for steamlink, even with good internet.
Correct, even expensive routers will struggle streaming the amount of data Steam puts through.
To have steam link, i also have the problem that i can't use wireless xbox one controller (not a big issue) but I also need a hub to add more controllers/keyboard/mouse if needed. (I don't like wireless keyboards/mouse)
There is a little thing called VirtualHere, which can be found here: which would allow you to connect an XB controller. I could also highly recommend the Steam Controller, but that also depends on what you want to play with it.
Steam link plays steam games. What about non-steam? will shortcuts for origin or other non-steam games work without any big problem?
Steam Link uses Big Picture as a UI, adding non-Steam games works as well that way. I don't know if any Origin games will work like that as well, it's EA after all, but I guess it won't be a problem. I'm positive that games that can be launched directly work, but the digital turd that is Origin might make it more difficult - probably not impossible.
What about HDMI? will 5M to 10M of cable represent a decrease in image quality/fps ?
An increase rather as it's a direct connection. But that's just image quality. Your problem will instead come from the distance between the receiver (your pc) and the transmitter (your controller). Most likely ending up being blocked by a wall, rendering it useless.
Steam Link will cost you more, but in the end also offer you a big bang for buck compared to other solutions.
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Thank you for this good explanation.
I know about VirtualHere, but i would have to adquire it (to be a good person). I want to play with my new xbox one controller. but usb cable is not a big issue to me.
" the distance between the receiver (your pc) and the transmitter (your controller)" wouldn't be a problem, because I would use a long usb cable too.
I will keep thinking about it and decide before the end of the sale.
Once again, thank you for the share.
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So a 10m HDMI cable and a 10m USB cable.. Unless you can really hide them well, that probably will become very annoying.
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I tried a small Intel NUC PC with Win 10 and Steam installed (running In-Home Streaming), but with all the background services running the NUC wasn't powerfull enough. So I got a Steam Link and Controller last summer sale and I must say it works flawless. Installation is as simple as installing a DVD player.
Yes you will need extra network cables and maybe even a router, because wireless is just not fast enough to process all the data.
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Wanted to get steamlink too but I'm sharing a flat and didn't have that much money to spend since I wanted the steam controller more.
The steam controller really is a nice piece of work. You can play non-steam games and even use it to control your pc without big picture mode which requires a little trick. Also you can set up every key and touchpad individually what keypress it should virtually send - basically you can customize everything software technically, yes, even the sounds for turning it on and off :) It's a little weird to handle if you are used to playstation or xbox since there never has been a controller with touchpads on the left and right to actually work with a lot.
If you are interested somewhat in the steam controller here is a very, very detailed review
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I've been looking into this and found that usb cables over 3M probably won't work very well.
Anyone knows about usb transmitter over rj45 cables??
It would be a good solution for me to plug in my usb devices in the living room, since the router is very close to the tv.
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So, I was thinking about a solution to play pc on my couch (living room). My pc is in another division, like 5M away from the router, with wireless. Two doors away from it.
I saw that Steam Link is again with discount. With shipping included, is around 54€.
My initial idea was to buy ethernet cable to speed up the connection on my desktop.
Than i thought, if im going to put internet cable from on division to another, why not add hdmi and usb too?
HDMI - To "stream" to the living room
USB - to add controller/keyboard/mouse with a hub. EDIT: WHAT ABOUT USB TO RJ45??
Ethernet - to have better internet on my pc.
The thing is:
To have steam link I need to have the internet cable from one room to another. Wireless is not a option for steamlink, even with good internet.
I also have the problem that i can't use wireless xbox one controller (not a big issue) but I also need a hub to add more controllers/keyboard/mouse if needed. (I don't like wireless keyboards/mouse)
Steam link plays steam games. What about non-steam? will shortcuts for origin or other non-steam games work without any big problem?
What about HDMI? will 5M to 10M of cable represent a decrease in image quality/fps ?
overall, the steam link will cost more than hdmi solution.
I can buy 10M HDMI for 7€ + some way to keep the cables clean and safe (~25€ or less)
Just give me your opinion/idea/critic over all this. Thanks!
oh yes,
A little gib for you reader----pxl hrs bt mgc----leave a bump!
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