Sorry no gibs here. I'm broke

So I was watching my favorite Youtuber and he posted this vlog Now, if you watched it you might be thinking "oh its just a emtpy box, and some water with red dye. Thats what I thought. Then he posted this vlog... you might need to skip some of the video to get to the book part Now I'm creeped out. I hate being creeped out :c I wont be sleeping tonight...

So yea, have any of you guys found somthing weird in your house? Or know anyone who has.

7 years ago

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when i's a kid, we were ripping some of the carpet up in our new house and found a sizable quantity of cocaine

7 years ago

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Oh wow. DID YOU SELL IT!? jk

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Oh yeah xd I never thought of that.

7 years ago

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does it expire? of course we just called the cops - i wasn't even made aware of what actually happened until years later; all i knew in the moment was that there was a strange dog that showed up at the house and i was lovin' on it ^^

7 years ago

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When I was a kid (10 yrs old). we moved into a house that looked like the one in The Amityville Horror.
Carved into the inside of my bedroom's closet door were several names, each crossed out. :X

7 years ago

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Thats creepy, although I have never seen the Amityville horror guessing its a movie I could see how crossed out names where creepy :c

7 years ago

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Ill do something similar when i move to another house. But i will leave it in a book so the new owner knows i might come back to retrieve it.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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7 years ago

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7 years ago

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That's very very creepy.

7 years ago

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I once saw myself in a mirror, my life was never the same since then

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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I once found a bat in my bath.
It was brought in by my cat and he had thrown it into the bath to toy with it.
At a certain point he must have lost interest and the bat couldn't get out ot the bath, I presume its sonar kept hitting the walls of the bath telling him there was no exit.

7 years ago

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Thats kinda sad :[ I like bats ;]

7 years ago

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He survived!

It was a baby bat, very small and I let him out. xD

7 years ago

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oh yay :] I once had a bat living on my window :] his name was charlie c;

7 years ago

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When I was little, one time my big brother told me not to look under my bed at night (something about a monster there).. Of course I looked and sure I saw two bright glowing spots under there (thought they were the eyes). And so he had share his bed with me that night :) Don't know if it was just suggestion, or had he put some Lego lights there..

7 years ago

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It was the boogeyman. I have heard stories of kids looking under their beds who disappeared without a trace.

7 years ago

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Not in my house but when laying out my garden with an excavator the landscape gardeners found unexploded ordnance, personal possessions and skeletal remains of 3 or 4 soldiers from the Great War and work on my garden was delayed for several days .

The farmer's fields around here are still unearthing plenty of (gas) shells and remains from that period when they plow their fields sometimes with injury or fatalities under the farmers. It's not uncommon here to see deminers of the Belgian army.

7 years ago

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No, and I don't think BestInSlot did either. Why did he just whip out a UV light? Invisible ink is traditionally rendered visible via heat. He didn't try heat or rubbing to reveal surface texture, he went straight to UV light and quickly flipped the pages on camera. He only focused on the right hand side pages, and didn't even do a double take at the stuff that had bled through and showed up on the left hand side pages of the openings. It's almost as if he knew what was there. Hahaha! The writing would have been scarier if it wasn't done with a brand new chisel nib marker, and the whole event would have been more plausible if he hadn't released the video on Halloween as part of an apology for not producing content. That liquid didn't look much like any type of blood I've seen, and I've seen plenty (mostly my own).

7 years ago

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I never thought about that, he could totally be messing with us. But, like he said, about 90 percent of the comments where "use a UV light" So I could see why he started with the UV light, and If he was messing with us he did a dang good job. I've never even heard him curse until this video.

7 years ago

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Apff... weird... we just have a ghost. My parents didn't believe me at first, but when stuff started to happen on their own... Oh they believed... Since we live happily ever after with our ghost...

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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7 years ago

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When i lived in my uncle's house there used to be a ghost that touched me every night :(

7 years ago

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A monitor lizard. It was just chilling in my living room for whatever reason. It was pretty big too mind you.
Was on my laptop playing a game when I heard noises from the living room. I was alone and none of my dogs were all upstairs, so naturally it alerted me. Knowing the nature of my country, I grabbed a pair of scissors as a last resort self-defense and snuck into the living room, only to find a big ass lizard wrecking my dad's workspace. Ended up running as fast as I could through another door because I thought it was highly venomous and deadly like the komodo dragon because they look the same. They aren't, but I didn't know that and I wasn't going to risk my limbs to find out.

Turns out my neighbors were in front of my house looking for it. It had entered his house too, scavenging for food. It apparently came out of the forest-y areas and had been chasing the small dogs and cats in the neighborhood. They got a makeshift bangstick (the ones used to catch alligators) and some ropes, and they caught it. One of the dudes then brought it back to the forest-y areas and released it there.

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7 years ago

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Whoa, that is huge. I have a pet bearded dragon ;] he scares me, but i still love him :D

7 years ago

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I actually have an affection for reptiles! I find them adorable and is planning to get a pet gecko in the future.
Aren't they just adorable?

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7 years ago

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oh my, that is adorable :]

7 years ago

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Ok, that's big.

7 years ago

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Yes, Kevin wins :-)

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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This thing just appeared one day:

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7 years ago

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Thats the best thing I've seen today.

7 years ago

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I personally haven't, but my cat was signaling me that there was someone in the wardrobe all the time (especially at night), and quite often she would just freeze and start staring at empty wall in front of her as if there was something there, it was a bit creepy. Now that she's dead, my boogeyman is gone as well.

7 years ago

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Nope, nothing I can think of, my house is pretty normal. Well, when I was young my mom found out dog vomit moved under carpet, because I was too disgusted to clean it off xD

7 years ago

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