Never again.
I was curious and I thought I will be lucky and get some cool game in the pack but all the 10 game keys are cheap games that have been bundled trillion times. I can't even give them away since basically everyone has them.
Soooo here is my advice: Don't buy it.

7 years ago

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Yes, don't buy it :)

7 years ago

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same sh!t on kinguin, random keys, random skins, e.t.c. I will never buy it

7 years ago

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you can buy all these g2a games from russian resellers

there you pay 7€ for 230 games

7 years ago

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Are you talking about that russian site somewhere in Steamgifts?

7 years ago

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na more about these 2 or similar ones:

7 years ago

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How does this work? It sounds interesting, but it is very poorly translated through Google. Could you please explain the deal to me?

7 years ago

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So now you mentioned them, would you please explain to us how to get 230 games for 7eur?
EDIT: now I see it but unfortunately those payment methods are quite bad for me.

7 years ago

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you can add them on skype ;) they will speak broken english but they will sell you keys for paypal when you buy more than 2000 (100€)

7 years ago

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like this?

"Helou frind vis iz nasha Rasha talking, vi vant too sell you kiys"

7 years ago

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Nah more like :"I have 232 games. You can buy I give you first. Present. Pay later you do like"

7 years ago

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I admit I was tempted too but over at GMG. Seen other people claiming they got Overwatch Founders Edition and a few high value recent AAA titles (with proof), so I figured what the heck! Got 3 copies of the same game (and that I already had because it has been free about 100000 times over). and the rest were all overwhelmingly negative games.

7 years ago

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Same, but double experience

7 years ago

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Bought it to try luck getting Mass Effect Trilogy. The temptation was big. Won't fall for that again, unless it's from HB.

7 years ago

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That would have been nice, I still don't have the third one. Planned to get it before playing the first two (have them on disc).

7 years ago

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I got Dark Souls 3 in a GMG mystery 3-pack, the only one I ever bought. So it is possible. xD

7 years ago

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That would have definitely been nice. I don't have DS2 or 3 so that would have been almost as nice as Overwatch would have been.

7 years ago

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I bought the 8 dollar or so pack on GMG, and got a bunch of crappy bundle games and a $20 gift certificate. So not all bad I guess, but it's still a crapshoot.

7 years ago

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I would not have minded that, plenty of stuff I could have got with that $20. Like more boxes!

7 years ago

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and thats how they get you hooked :)

7 years ago

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Got Black ops 2 from one of these once. Gave it to a friend who wanted it.

7 years ago

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I never could get into CoD games. Mind you I only tried a couple of them (Ghost being the last one I tried)

7 years ago

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They usually aren't great but it was still worth 50 euro's so i thought it was pretty good for a GMG pack

7 years ago

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I've been always buying these when I had a chance, never got anything interesting :(

7 years ago

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That's why I tried it! I hoped for a lucky AAA game but no luck, Fortuna was not on my side today. Not a big loss, since it was cheap, but I still feel robbed.

7 years ago

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that's why they are in a bundle key inside g2a

7 years ago

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Can you provide full list?

7 years ago

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Earth 2150 Blue Planet
Earth 2150 Lost Souls
Earth 2150 The Moon Project
Commander: Conquest of The Americas Gold
East India Company Gold
Heli Heroes
Pirates of the Black Cove Gold
World War II Panzer Claws
World War III Black Gold
Shadow Ninja Apocalypse

I already have all of them except the Shadow ninja one but I am absolutely not interested in it. I try to give away these keys somewhere, these games are basically all banned from this site.

7 years ago

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They all excelpt Shadow Ninja were given away for FREE, that's why you can't give them away here

7 years ago

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90% of them are/were given away on
I had a extremely similar pack. I have never bought random keys on G2A again (and almost none anywhere else).

7 years ago

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Well, at least there are some actually entertaining games in there, not just shovelware.

7 years ago

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Don't buy any mystery boxes ever, from anywhere. It's better money put into bundles that you know has at least something you want.

7 years ago

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Steam is so full of shitty games, the probability to get one that is good is quite low ;)

7 years ago

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Why does everyone shit on G2A?
Sure, they did a fucking lot of shady business practices, but still...
It's basically shooting the messenger, since the keys are provided by other people.
Also, don't buy mystery stuff, it's mystery for a reason.

7 years ago*

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I personally don't shit on G2A and by making this thread it was not my intention. I already got some cool games for super cheap from there. I just shared my personal experience. Yes it's mystery for a reason as you say, that's why many people fall for it including myself lol.

7 years ago

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I wasn't really talking about you, it's just the amount of G2A threads lately, and I've never had any problems with them whatsoever.
Sorry if it seemed like I was criticizing you directly :3

7 years ago

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although i agree up to a certain extent, there's no denying they do some real shady shit when delivering their message

7 years ago

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They really do, I agree completely

7 years ago

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Sure, they did some shady business practices, but still...

Like sneakily auto-subscribing customers from IndieGala using G2Pay to their paid Shield service without asking the users? Sure, it was long ago. At least what, 10 days now? I agree, totally not seeing what people's problem may be with them.

7 years ago

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I actually didn't know or hear about that, I, personally, have never had any problem with them whatsoever, I do not condone what they do, in fact I think they should be more clear about their practices, but still, there are just so many complaining threads about them, and almost everyone already knows about their shadyness.
But I know, shield is terrible, and I heard it's really hard to unsubscribe, so it's totally understandable that people will get mad.
Either way, OP was complaining about mystery keys, not g2a on a whole.

7 years ago

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Honestly, disregarding the whole "those are keys snagged from DHL giveaways" aspect, I have seen (and bought) a lot worse blind bundles from other sites. (Hell, I may even go as far saying that one of the Humble Monthly packs was worse than those ten.) So, in this regard, you are right, G2A here just pretty much delivers exactly what one should expect. :)

7 years ago

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Because they built their entire business on shady practices and facilitating an unregulated gray market. Now that they are successful, they are attempting damage control by "distancing" themselves from said practices. The hypocrisy is blinding.

7 years ago

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But one thread a week in the least?
I mean, it's basically beating a dead horse now...

7 years ago

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Most people don't spend every day or even week visiting this forum, and the more people that know about staying away from that company the better.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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They selling a public given for free games.
A piece of shit.

7 years ago

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Yeah, it's a mystery box. The chances of getting something good are very low.

But I'm one of those people to buy a discounted mystery box from GMG once it's on sale. Spending that 1-2€ is nothing special and the chance of getting something good to play or give away to all of you is worth it to me :)

7 years ago

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Closed 7 months ago by FateOfOne.