It will count as not activated and will most likely lead to a suspension. You can just hide the game from your library on steam if you don't want to see them on your games list.
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Also, I tried deleting Payday 2 from my steam library (not won here, it was free at a time), i had to request steam to remove it for me, only for it to reappear later without any warning. So I'd advise to just ignore that particular game, as steam's system is oddly against disowning anything voluntarily.
Also, even if you delete games, its achievements still count to your total (if you even care about this)
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I have won one game, Nazi 2 and I removed it from Steam due to being an unfinished game. Will I be suspended now?
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Steam Support >> Games, Software, etc. >> Search the game >> It's not in my library >> Restore the previously removed package to my account.
It might not work for the games that removed from Steam though, even though you had them in your account at some time.
Also a side not: If the game is removed from Steam, API cannot check if you activated it or not. However people still can check if you have it or not from your games list, therefore someone still can report you.
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If someone reports you or support notices for some other reason, then yes. Support has no way to know if you removed the game or if you never activated it and did something else with the key. Keys won here must be activated on your Steam account to prevent people from giving away, selling, or trading their wins.
You will also not be able to enter sgtools protected giveaways if the person doesn't allow rule breakers to enter because you have an unactivated win as shown here.
I would just add the game back to your steam account through the same process that you used to remove it to not have issues in the future. The game is always connected to your account even though you asked Steam to permanently remove it.
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I created a collection for games won here. I haven't won a game I don't like yet, but if I do, It would just be tucked away in that collection and minimized. If even that starts bothering me at some point, hiding is always an option. No need to remove it from your account.
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I created a collection for games won here.
Good idea.
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i don't understand why people don't want games on their account - just don't play it if you don't like it
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One legtimate reason I can think of is that they have something they are now embarrassed about owning. For example, maybe they moved in with a new roommate/partner/etc and don't want to have to explain the H-games they have in their account. (To be clear, I'm not suggesting this is the case for the OP, just a hypothetical reason why someone might want to do this).
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I did end up removing a couple of games from my account. The reason: I use a universal launcher that pulls games from all launchers. Whenever I import new games from Steam, those games that I can't play (dead MMO's and pesky beta servers) keep popping up in the import options and I have to uncheck them every time. I wanted to remove For Honor beta server for the same reason but turns out that removes the whole game. I'm not sure I want to play that game, but I don't want to change my mind later and regret deleting it. I might end up removing it, after all. If I didn't like the game after I tried it twice, I'm not sure the third time will make any difference.
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I remove games myself but ones that I dislike or never see myself touching again. I like replaying games and I see no reason to own a game that I have no intention of looking at. Sure I can hide them but why? Removing them does the same thing and makes my backlog look smaller at the same time
I would never remove a win though because of course its not allowed and thats just wrong anyway
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I cannot talk for others but for me it's a personal thing. I just like to tidy up my collections. Books, magazines, digital collections, even toys. I think concentrated minimalism would be a suitable name. An example to this, I like to collect magazines I'm interested in, I cut off the pages I want to see in my archive, then put them in a folder. I sell my books if I don't see them as library-worthy. However, I started to do this for my digital life pretty late comparing those. Including very limited use of social media, deleting accounts on websites that don't give a damn about privacy (google, facebook etc.), expanding this to any other program and operating systems I use professionally... I even deleted many of my gaming accounts on various websites, for many of them I had to requested it from their support because they didn't have the option. I went out of topic a little, sorry about that.
Anyway, hiding a game on Steam is an option. And I started doing that way before Steam let users deleting games. So I had to do this when I have a chance. Because like @amusedmonkey mentioned, hiding a game on Steam doesn't hide them on universal launchers, in my case Lutris. This eventually irritated me and I ended up deleting 400+ games. Most of them were already banned by Valve or shovelware games.
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So, if I remove some games I have won and then found out they're either crap or otherwise not worth being called games, can I remove them from my Steam library or will this site then claim I have not activated them and ban me?
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