If people want to give out games to a random person, they should be able to. if you don't like that, then by all means, create a puzzle. but don't force people who want to contribute, to make a puzzle. Then they won't contribute games.
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If all giveaways are puzzles, Ill gladly buy and donate steampuzzlegifts.com LOL
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"When one solvers a puzzle, one would feel they earned their winnings."
And here is your fail. I'll copy-paste opinion of one of the puzzle giveaways creator: "I don't want the reward to be the main motivating factor."
A little different point, but still, read this topic
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Why not? OP wants all giveaways to be puzzles, but lots of puzzle giveaways creators just like to make puzzles - chance to receive gift at the end not a reward, but a nice bonus.
I personaly dont like both points of view, and avoid most of puzzles on this site. I like logic games, but here... Puzzles like "name song that been used once in some USA TV-show", or "guess to use decryptor that for some reason shows different results on different cryptographic sites"... No thanks. Decent one are too rare.
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The game is still part of the reward, not the main reward for someone, but not just a bonus. I don't see a contrast there.
There is a great variety of puzzle and of tastes, it isn't possible to make a puzzle good for all. What mainly I tried to get with my puzzles, especially the demo based ones (where you have to play the demo of the game and then answer to some questions related to it), as for example my puzzle for Gothic series, is to increase the odds that who won the game plays and enjoys the game (and you can see why I almost always specified the name of the game).
Yes, you are right, sometime there is a common secret language in a puzzle (hidden links, ciphers, etc...), and that makes harder for who isn't used to it, but every member of the community can learn fast how to decode it.
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This is ridiculous.
Have you even thought about the consequences?
And what about the poor unimaginative fellows?
Never thought about them?
Killing their chances to do a giveaway, to share their kindness.
Surely you should think a little more before talking.
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"automated puzzle system"
So you want some sort of captcha?
Plus, mentioning "Rot-13 the five letters, base-64 encode the result" - you do realise, that newby on this site won't know what to do with such compulsory puzzle? And if you'll write hint on what encripter to use, it still will be captcha-like system. Why would you do it?
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If you don't like the normal giveaways, DON'T ENTER THEM! As far as i know no one is pointing a gun to your head saying to enter the normal giveaways. Join a group for puzzle giveaways and enter only them. Just becouse you have no luck doens't mean that you have to take it away from others.
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"And when a solver wins anotherm_'s giveaway, the giver would feel happy to know that their gift went to someone who gave a cr6ap."
How would you know how the giver would feel?! Or are you now telling us how to feel? Please get some kids, so you will have somebody to patronize, but leave us the fork alone -.-
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There's a puzzle in there, I just haven't figured it out yet... >_<
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this is bulshit...
worst idea i've ever heard of...
because your luck suck that doesn't mean that the whole service will change just because YOU don't win anything...
if you don't like it as it currently is, than don't enter the giveaways.
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I did some puzzle giveaways, but I don't think that it should be only way of doing giveaways. Public giveaways are nice thing. Even if I'm giving game to some leecher, I don't see any problem in it. In most cases, I always heard "thank you" after sending a gift and that's all what I need to have :) (and that's even much better for me than "thank you" spam on giveaway, which I never read tbh).
About winning - you won only from puzzle giveaway, so you should be happy from it, but also try entering public or contributor giveaways. For example, I won 9 games on SG, and only one from puzzle giveaway (and I enter in most of them, if only I don't have a game).
So, if you don't like giving away in public your games, don't do this - do only puzzles. But don't say that every giveaway should be puzzle. It's nice enough as it is now.
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Results are in
Each of the apparent typos in the original text actually contained extraneous characters (these are now highlighted in bold).
Putting them all together gave you this Youtube video ID: "r_Iszem_6TM" (the hints that this was for Youtube were hidden in the links behind the question marks.)
The video contained 7 flag semaphore symbols. I stretched the second symbol to indicate that it was an uppercase letter. My reference was the Wikipedia page below.
Flag semaphore
When decoded correctly, the 7 symbols produced the five-letter giveaway code:
Thank you all for participating in my first puzzle.
Original post
Well, apparently, I'm not winning anything here excr_ept from puzzles. I'm guessing nobody else is winning either. (one in thousands is negligible, so I'm negliging it.)
Also, I guess contributorIss don't like it when their giveaway goes to a random leecher who spent a grand total of two seconds to click their links (five if they typed "ty".)
When one solvzees a puzzle, one would feel they earned their winnings. And when a solver wins anotherm_'s giveaway, the giver would feel happy to know that their gift went to someone who gave a cr6ap.
So, don't you think it would be wonderful if STteamgifts only allowed puzzle giveaways to be made??
Yeah, Mme neither.
P.S. Poor Isaac.
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