Oh man... I thought it was a certain animation studio in Kyoto, not KyoAni, but I was wrong... I really love KyoAni and feel really bad... it's horrible...
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I watch Anime from this studio.
Poor souls 26 dead https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-49027178
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English ver
More than 30 injured in Kyoto anime studio fire | NHK WORLD-JAPAN News
https://www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/news/20190718_28/At least 16 dead in suspected arson in Kyoto | NHK WORLD-JAPAN News
I didn't want to eat lunch because I knew this story.
Rumors on the Internet bulletin board are suspected because the contributors who had been posting junk posts for four years on the bulletin board handling the company's animation have been out for the past couple of days.
Suspected of a person involved in "anti-social forces" from having "tattoos".
Foreigners near Japan?After all, it is a rumor.
Let's see what happened a couple of days.
I just pray for a lot of help. :(
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age 41
Not a former employee.
Not a current employee.
Purchase two emergency gasoline cans at a nearby gas station.
Bucket, truck, rucksack with several cutters.
The criminal seems to have been a convenience store robbery in Ibaraki prefecture in the past.
Arsonists seem to have been in a private rehabilitation facility, but there is currently no information disclosure from the facility. (Including inquiry about the presence or absence of moving in)
In Japan, after arresting a criminal, it is often the case that the names of some "foreign offenders" are not disclosed.
As this is a serious case, it will be a big problem if the name is made public. (If there is a family of criminals)
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京アニ火災 33人の死亡確認 平成以降最悪 第1スタジオ、18日朝はセキュリティー解除 - 毎日新聞
Kyo Ani fire 33 deaths confirmed The worst since Heisei 1st studio, 18th morning security cancellation-Mainichi Shimbun
The worst arson case after the war
Usually, security measures for dedicated cards have been taken.
However, on the day, the security measures were off-line in order to hold a meeting with a television station.(NHK?)
So it seems like this has happened.
Did the perpetrator know the company's schedule and did the offense?
Did the firebug go when someone leaked the company schedule and there were a lot of people?
There is no talk yet that can be confirmed.
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京アニ放火の男「殺すぞ」14日隣の住民とトラブル - 社会 : 日刊スポーツ
The arson man "Kill me(Korosuzo)" 14th day Trouble with the residents next door
(Most content (translation is doubtful)
The apartment in the city of Saitama, which appears to be the home of a man who had an arson, gathered a lot of press on the night of the 18th. A man living in the next room got in trouble with a man on the 14th, grabbed his chest and said, "I'll kill you. I can't afford this," he said.
Anyway, the sound of the room which is not the neighbor made the arsonist fierce and threatened the neighbor. It lasted for 10 minutes.The police have also come.
The room is 1K and the rent is about 40,000 yen. A man has lived for about four years. It looks like a nerd, with a figure about 180 cm tall and wearing glasses for sport cutting. He did not appear to be working, and had a stubble stinging body odor. Residents said, "There was a noise from the room until the night of the 17th."
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The president of Kyoto Animation is broadcasting live according to the interview.
The studio at the scene of the incident seemed to open the door at around 9 am because there were too many visitors.
On the day, there were no more people than usual.
The president does not think that information in the company has leaked.
Now, the content that was flowing for a moment was such a story. (I think that the company was talking about what kind of feelings it had for anime, etc.)
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アニメ会社放火で捜査本部設置 京都府警が会見|NHK NEWS WEB
Investigation headquarters set up at animation company arson
Investigation with 100 people. Conduct criminal investigations on arson, murder, intrusion of buildings, etc.
Such a comment.
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(Aoba shinji)
Kyoto animation arson suspect 41 years old and police formally announced(17:18)
Police said Aoba had not been arrested as he suffered serious burns and was being treated, but "it has released the suspect's name in light of the seriousness of the case."
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京アニ社長が会見 過去の作画や資料なども「一切合切ダメ」 - ライブドアニュース
Although the human damage is large, past drawings and materials also burn out all and "all out of no good". "Every computer is not good," he said. It is undecided about whether to open a joint funeral in the future.
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Suspected arsonist has criminal record | NHK WORLD-JAPAN News
Sources also say the suspected arsonist lives on welfare and was treated for mental health issues.
Police were called last year and this year after he caused trouble with his neighbors over noise.
The man is being treated for severe burns. Investigators plan to question him when his condition improves.
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Terrible news. Thank you for all the updates Kappaking.
Another sad thing from this tragedy is the amount of anti-foreign posts and rumours about the criminal before his identity was revealed. I hope there will be less xenophobia in the future
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I feel a bit biased about the original link.
It is different from this one, but difficult.
At the same time as this incident, a similarly equipped car bombarded a Japanese embassy in South Korea and "does not explode". (It became the same in a little more)
日 대사관 돌진 뒤 방화…경찰 "장인어른 징용 피해자" : 네이버 뉴스
Among the cars, 24 butane gas and cans containing gasoline were found.
Therefore, for those who know the case, there is a situation where it is easy to believe that it is true.
There are countries where coverage is biased and history education is biased. (In some part of the world)
Korea arsoned and blasted Japanese shrines and temples.
Korea steals Japanese Buddha statues and has not returned them.
It is something I do not want to talk about such political and religious issues.
Of course, ordinary people will "return what they have stolen".
Of course, ordinary people understand that "some people did what".
Coincidentally, there was a villain who made extreme and outrageous acts.
I want you to be true.
But it stands out. The timing will be bad.
At the very least, general humanity would "do not do what others dislike."
The same is true for people who come here.
The participants here do not want to hear the political story. (Perhaps)
It responds somewhat to what is heard, but I think it is not interesting.
I want people from all countries to have a pleasant day.
Among them, the tragedy of the animation studio that everyone in the world loves is really disappointing.
It may also be a common topic to meet as a very good ordinary neighbor.(Anime)
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[서울신문] [속보] 교토 애니메이션 방화 참사로 한국인 1명 중상
(KOREA News)
(About content)
[Seoul News] [breaking news] One Korean serious injury to Kyoto animation arson catastrophe
There are at least one Korean employee, who is being treated for severe burns.
In the news coverage on the Japanese side, the hospitalization and safety information of the victims are hardly publicized.
There is a possibility that coverage and visits may be flooded, so it can not be helped.
But I'm worried.
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京アニ放火事件、死者34人に 大半の犠牲者は一酸化炭素中毒 : 京都新聞
Kyoto Anime Studio arson case, the dead to 34 people Most victims are carbon monoxide poisoning: Kyoto Shimbun
(About content)
The police announced on the night of the 19th that one man in his 30s was killed in a hospital. There were a total of 34 deaths.
The cause is mostly carbon monoxide poisoning.
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独)京・京アニ)年齢内訳が判明|NHK 関西のニュース
Kyoto · Kyoto Ani) Breakdown of age | News of NHK Kansai
In the case where 34 people died in this case, the police are proceeding to confirm the identity of the deceased, but 33 men and women from age 20 to 61 have not been informed by a communication from the company or family, etc. It was newly understood by interviews with related parties.
The breakdown of the age is that the largest number is 15 in the 20s, then 11 in the 30s, 6 in the 40s and 1 in the 60s.
According to the Kyoto Animation website, the average age of employees is 33.6, and the majority of young people in their twenties and thirties are not aware of their safety.
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アニメ会社放火 男が会社に一方的に恨み募らせた可能性も | NHKニュース
An animation company arson may have been unilaterally addicted to the company | NHK News
(Omit part of duplicate contents)
The police are conducting investigations on suspicion of an arson and murder, but from interviews with the police, it was understood that when Aoba suspect was overtaken, he shouted, "I did because I stole the novel."
Also, according to the witnesses, "I'm plagiarized from the work. Call the president. There is a talk to the president," he said in an angry manner.
According to the police, Aoba has never worked in Kyoto Animation and has not yet confirmed the fact that he has published novels.
The police are looking at the company as it may have been a single point of aggression against the company.
Male "Man said he would call the company president"
The 56-year-old man who was nearby when Aoba was secured said, "When I rescued a man who was burning with water, he screamed," Kill, "" Pyreck, " After that, when the police officer who rushed to me asked, "Are you okay? Do you want to stand up?" "Don't touch. I stole my work. Call the president of the company. Talk to the president of the company." And said "in an angry manner."
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The number of deaths in Kyoto Ani Studio arson and murder is the worst after the war
According to the National Police Agency, the arson case of Kyoto Animation, which resulted in 34 deaths, became the worst after Heisei as the number of deaths in murder cases. It seems that there are the largest number of dead people after the war.
The murder case where many lives are taken continues one after another in Heisei, and in July 2016, the man of the former staff (a murder crime) in the intellectual disability welfare institution "Tsukui mountain lily garden" in Sagamihara City, Kanagawa Prefecture Prosecuted) and others, and killed 19 residents with a kitchen knife.
In the subway Sarin case in March 1995, 13 people were killed and more than 6,000 were injured. In the case of Osaka Education University Ikeda Elementary School in June 2001, eight children in the first and second grade were stabbed by a man and killed.
Before the war, there is the "Tsuyama case" in which a 22-year-old man killed 30 villagers with guns and Axe in May 1938 in the former Nishikamo village of Tsuyama City, Okayama Prefecture.
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アニメ会社放火 青葉容疑者を別の病院に移送 警察 | NHKニュース
In the case where the studio of "Kyoto Animation" in Kyoto City was arsoned and 34 people died, the police transferred Seiji Aoba, who was being treated at a hospital in Kyoto city, to another hospital on the morning of 20th Did.
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There was no submission for the suspect's novel.
Hideaki Hatta, the president of Kyoto Animation, responded to the press interview at the headquarters of Uji City, Kyoto Pref. Aoba explained to the police that "it was dissatisfied with stealing the novel", suggesting that "the Aoba has never applied for the novel". .
The company has also solicited novels, and has published award-winning works on "KA Esma Bunko" and animated them. President Hatta said that there was no submission from Aoba about the public offering.
The company had been receiving intimidation e-mails such as "Death" for several years, but President Hatta also said, "The intimidation e-mail did not contain the name of Aoba."
As the number of dead increased by one on the night of the 19th and reached 34, "one more employee has died. (Seriously injured people) Some employees have to cut their legs." I showed an expression. On the other hand, he said, “I will support my heart,” saying that I knew through the news that warm messages were received from each country.
Campany president Hatta will also demolish the completely destroyed first studio building.
We clarified policy to maintain park. After saying, "Some people don't want to see the disastrous scene when thinking about neighborhood residents and staff. We want to take action as soon as possible." Are considered.
It seems to be going to make a park in the studio ruins.
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Age breakdown. From this information, it seems that "木上益治(kigami yosiji)" has passed away.
木上益治 - Wikipedia https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E6%9C%A8%E4%B8%8A%E7%9B%8A%E6%B2%BB
It is a person who has been related to the history of the whole anime.
This reality will definitely cast a shadow on the future.
I really can not speak a word ...
There is no formal announcement yet, so I would like it to be a kind of false alarm.
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アニメ会社放火 青葉容疑者に逮捕状 | NHKニュース
Arrest warrant for the animation company arson Aoba
In the case where the studio of "Kyoto Animation" in Kyoto City was arsoned and 34 people died, the police obtained an arrest warrant for Shinji Aoba (41) on suspicion of arson and murder. Aoba has been seriously hospitalized with a serious burn and the police are planning to arrest him as he recovers.
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「京都アニメ」に放火、33人死亡 41歳男確保「死ね」― スポニチ Sponichi Annex 社会
Among the above, there is a suspicion of working in "related company" of Kyoto Animation.
There is a description, but there is no specific affiliation, company name or position information.
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The most recent update from NHK states that of the total 70 who were in the building, 33 are dead--12 men, 20 women and one of unknown sex-- and 36 with severe to minor injuries (many severe), and receiving treatment. All persons are accounted for and rescue/recovery efforts have halted.
From what I gather the arsonist bought 40l of gasoline and poured it everywhere he could, including on people, and then proceed to block the exit stairway by wielding kitchen knifes. This is the one of the very worst mass murders/attacks in modern Japan's history.
If anyone loves this studio's creations as much as I do (A Silent Voice, Clannad, Hyouka, Haruhi, K-On, Lucky Star, Nichijou... To name just a few of their works--KyoAni is easily one of the most well-respected and cherished animation studios in all of Japan) and wishes to show their support, there's a GoFundMe started by their official/long-time NA licensor (so trustworthy) that's so far raised over $600k - https://www.gofundme.com/help-kyoani-heal
Another way people are showing their support is through buying digital artwork directly through their website, you can find out how to do that here - https://twitter.com/FWAsteria/status/1151736326154096640
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Information of users of "Kyoani Ani shop".
It is possible that the operation of the sales site has become dysfunctional in this case.
I think you probably like the crowdfunding you posted.
However, depending on the country, tax and fees may change the preferred method.
Thank you for posting the information.
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京都アニメーションさんのツイート: "京アニショップ!通販サイトおよび京アニ&Doショップ!の営業について
Kyoto Animation's Tweet: "About sales of the Kyoto Ani Shop! web order site and the Kyoto Ani & Do Shop!
-Abandon operation
Kyo Ani Shop! Acceptance of new products at mail order sites.
Sales of Kyoani & Do shop (actual stores).
-Normal operation
Kyo ani shop! Acceptance of products on sale at mail order sites.
Shipment of paid order items.
Note: In order confirmation, order confirmation and shipping, there may be a delay in the response.
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The studio have said this on their website in regards to all the donations they've gotten and are getting (it's a machine translation so some parts may be iffy):
"We would like to use the support funds for the deceased employees and their families and relatives, employees who are recuperating and their families and relatives, and for the reconstruction of the company. With regard to the support funds received, we will report the income and expenditure in a transparent manner. The method and timing of income and expenditure reporting are under consideration. We will let you know as soon as we decide. The details of the fund-raising activities conducted to support our company will be posted on our website as soon as they are confirmed."
And the studio's lawyer has stated that they're working with Sentai Filmworks on transfering the money their GoFundMe has raised.
So I don't think you have anything to worry about here thank God. :) And besides all that, studio KyoAni have a long history of just being an excellent, well run, example-setting company (small part of the reason why this is just so tragic). Out of all the animation studios in Japan, they are known to be just about the only ones to actually pay and treat all their staff properly. And the difference really is huge. You can trust them to do right by the victims.
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The loss of human life is tragic. The anime, not so much.
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They made one of my favourite anime (Chuunibyou) along with Clannad, K-ON, Full Metal Panic and others.
Loss of life is always sad but the fact that people who died were involved in making something that I love makes it that much worse.
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I disagree. Regardless of what they have or have not achieved it's always tragic when a person dies. Putting more stock on someone's death because they've done something you hold dear is selfish and just disgusting. People caring more about not getting more anime from them is just gross.
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And I disagree with you. No-one is saying any death isn't tragic and exLightning certainly isn't saying it's because they want more anime. Even if you don't know someone personally there can still be a shared connection that makes you feel closer to them. I'm not gonna happy dance if Dave on the other side of town dies but my next door neighbour dying is going to hit me harder.
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Thanks, that's exactly what I would have replied back.
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The fundraiser is now over $1,300,000. In just one day that's pretty incredible. :)
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So heartbreaking and infuriating... :( I only seriously started watching Anime this summer, so this was a studio that I wasn't really aware of. But still, what a straight-up scary and horrible tragedy for the workers there, the company, their loved ones, and fans.
If you considering or looking for ways to support Kyoto Animation, Crunchyroll has made a helpful lists on how others can help.
Link: https://www.crunchyroll.com/anime-news/2019/07/19/here-is-how-you-can-help-kyoto-animation
They are also gathering messages from the community and will send them to KyoAni. So if you would like to write a message to them, here's a link/form. You can probably message them them on Twitter or mention them on your available social medias as well.
Link: https://www.crunchyroll.com/anime-news/2019/07/18-1/share-your-message-of-support-with-kyoto-animation
Let's hope the victims will get justice quickly and put the one who did this behind bars.
Condolences to the lost victims and a well recovery to those who were also sadly, injured.
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The reason why are denying access from Japan is a mystery.┐(´Θ`)┌
I used the service to browse via Japan to try it, but it was 404.
Perhaps there may be more than one country setting that can not be viewed.
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Kyoto Animation's Tweet: "On the incident that occurred on July 18
Since there was an English translation among the retweets, please check that.
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Apparently a guy poured gasoline and started fire in a Kyoto animation studio in Japan, at least 35 hurt so far, numbers rising.
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