As you can see, on Steam, the bundle is 34.38 euro....59.5 euro on Humble without the coupon, 20 euro with the coupon... So....
I think that you are mistaken Season Pass 1 with Season Pass Bundle?! And i do not live in either of those countries. And there is no future for BL3. They are too busy with the new Tiny Tina (not the one that was given for free on Epic and which is actually the BL2 DLC made stand alone, but the one named Tiny Tina Wonderlands which has the launch date in may)
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Reminds me of my parking company that wrote a long text about improving things for their customers, and then increased rent by 40%.
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if you're looking for an official store and even cheaper if you're looking... elsewhere.
Hey Sooth. Everything fine on your site of the pond? :)
I think it was very clear what I meant when I was saying "not official stores". I just don't want to write their names, that's all :)
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Thing is, even after buying the Season Pass 1 and 2, you will still be missing the Deluxe Content (Retro Cosmetic Pack, Neon Cosmetic Pack, Gearbox Cosmetic Pack, Toy Box Weapons Pack, Equippable XP & loot drop boost mods - last one is not sold, so it's available only in the Deluxe and Super Deluxe editions) and the pre-order bonus DLC (Gold Weapon Skins Pack).
But, most of the stuff is pure cosmetics, so you can pick it up later, if you wish. The actual gameplay DLC's are in those two season passes. And 20 euro for those two, it's a decent price, if you've got the base game from the HB Montly Choice.
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So If I'm only about in game content that I can play and I don't care about cosmetics in games at all this is a good deal?
I just looked for Season Pass 2 info but while Season Pass 1 gives 4 DLCs Season Pass 2 is mostly or only about cosmetics? But it looks like Season 2 gives a new skill tree that was cut out before release to be resold with this Season Pass?
I also found out that Equippable XP & loot drop boost mods is pointless sh... as it is a shield that works ONLY from level 1 to level 10 so like first hour of the game making it totally worthless.
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Pretty much. Season Pass 2 is mostly about the Designer's Cut DLC (the cut skill tree), to be honest. Director's Cut adds some new story missions and, a new raid boss (i think), the rest being cosmetics. But seeing how much those DLC's cost separately, you get a much better deal by buying season pass 2.
So... hell, why not getting the whole package:)
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It is a good deal, yes. Dealwise. If you only have the base game.
But you also have to factor in if you want to support these things. A Season Pass in itself is a joke, but in the past you only had to buy one Season Pass. Nowadays, they sell you the Season Pass and a few months later, magically, they come up with new content, don't include it in the original Season Pass and pull a Season Pass 2 out of their hat.
Ubisoft did the same with ASC Valhalla.
It's pure greed by the Publishers (and Developers) and if we all would stop buying it, it will cease to exist. But as long as we all gobble up everything that they are offering us, us cashcows will get milked even more.
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You forgot Anno 1800 and many others. But you are not wrong. I usually wait for a long time to get a complete edition. Usually on an actual heavy discount. Gearbox is now finished with BL3 (Ultimate Edition is the complete one, if i am not mistaken), so that's the one i've got a while ago (it was a sweet deal on Steam for about 30 euro).
I've pre-ordered only two times in my life (Valkyria Chronicles on PC and Cyberpunk - biggest mistake i've made). But now, i am back at not pre-ordering. I can wait. My gaming time is at the highest low ever, due to real life commitments and an overall fatigue. I would rather read or watch a movie or TV series in the limited time i have. Play time is in week-ends, if other stuff doesn't interfere with it.
So, i can wait for the devs to end up the game support and move to the next project and buy the games i want in sales. I am starting to work up my backlog (albeit slowly, as i have games not only on Steam, but GOG, Origin and uPlay).
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wtf ive received the sorry i will not pay 20 bucks more for sucking dlcs....
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I hope EU law comes and forces these trash publishers to show EXACTLY what we buy.
So Ultimate Edition doesn't include Deluxe Content ?
I don't understand a damn thing what is included in Season Pass 1, Season Pass 2, Season Pass Bundle, Deluxe, Super Deluxe, Ultimate... jesus christ jesus.
Ultimate includes everything or not? What is the best shortcut to own everything without buy one by one by one by one separately?
This Control Ultimate Edition all over again. You buy Ultimate Edition but you actually don't. You buy base game + season pass bundle but you don't get the full game. Cutting the game is 1000 small individual pieces. And then the stupid people who pay hard earned money, are required to put the pieces together, in god knows which way.
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They, the publishers, should seriously have only three options: Bronze, Silver, and Gold. Or whatever they wanna call them, but only 3. Some games make it so confusing that I have to do a ton of research when I decide to complete the collection.
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Borderlands 3 UItimate Edition does include the Deluxe Content and the pre-order bonuses (it's the one i've bought last year, before this bundle). It's just not mentioned properly. The Season Pass Bundle doesn't includes it.
BL3 Ultimate Edition includes absolutely everything, so that's the one you want if you do not own the game.
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pre-order bonuses are one of the biggest scams ever and are almost always given away to everybody at some point
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It is sad that we need the EU to regulate game companies, because in the USA the companies run around and do whatever they want.
But at the same time, it is really stupid that the gamers give money to these companies. I would only get Borderlands 3 only from a deal. Why? Because I know how the company works. I loved Control and I waited before I buy it for that reason.
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Well this explains why it had that version of Borderlands 3 in th HB choise for February with only the director cut DLC.
I am still happy for both, but this is a bad, greedy tactic in my mind
Kinda reminds me the Control Ultimate Edition and buy the DLCs only for around 7$....
This is the email I got from HB to clarify.
Choice members only!
Mega add-on bundle for only $20
Hey, Choice member—have we got a deal for you.
For a limited time, pick up the Borderlands 3 Season Pass Bundle for an unheard-of $20 (USD). That's two seasons of campaign missions and more premium add-on content for more than 70% off.
Want in, Vault Hunter? Simply log in to your Choice member account and claim the coupon in the February 2022 Extras section. Expires April 1.
Claim now
Single use coupon. Coupon is redeemable for Borderlands 3 Season Pass Bundle at $20 (USD) before any applicable taxes and fees; regional pricing may vary. Coupon expires on April 1, 2022 at 11:59 pm PT. Gifts are not eligible. This coupon may not be combined with other identical coupons in the same transaction, and may not be combined with other Humble Bundle coupons. Discount will be automatically applied at time of checkout. Coupon has no cash value. Void where prohibited or restricted by law. Coupon may not be reproduced, copied, purchased, traded or sold. Unauthorized transfer of coupon and internet distribution strictly prohibited. Users in Russia and China are not eligible.
Edit 2 because edit 1 was wrong info. It is a season pass BUNDLE. So it is pass 1 + 2.
A combined buy is good as a deal, but apparently can be found cheaper elsewhere after some more search.
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