7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

7 years ago

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had a break from gaming from 19 - 28 or something because other things in life happend. Now there are still other things but gaming is a nice way to spend free time ;)
If I'll still play games in 10 years? Maybe, maybe not. And Maybe I'll stop in 5 years and start again in 15... It's not like gaming is life. It's just one other thing to spend your free time :D If it dosn't bring fun anymore, just stop it.

7 years ago

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I'm from Turkey and now the votes says YES for the referendum. I want a last happiness before dictator comes to the head of country -_-

7 years ago

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You can't run from gaming hell 😱

7 years ago

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But if you really are... good luck and have a good life!!

7 years ago

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It's so sad to hear that gaming stopped being fun for you :( I hope that you'll find another hobby that will help you find the happiness that you deserve ^^

I am not here for your generous offer.

7 years ago

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Live goes on, doesn't it. But you might return if you have kids, at least that's what I heard. wish you the best.

Deserving no, there might be other who are, But would love to get an other hog to play with my wife.

7 years ago

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You will eventually come back (to pc gaming). It is a disease and there is no cure for it. Amen to that.

7 years ago

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I don't know how old your son is, but if he's younger (around 6 or 7) now, maybe once he gets a little older, you can play some more in-depth games with him and talk to him about them?

Happy Easter, also!

7 years ago

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I probably have the crapiest PC ever here I can't even enjoy playing wonderful games such as Just Cause 3. I watched all his videos ;; and I need a new game that will work on my PC and get me out of CSGO Circle. Do I deserve it ?
CPU : i5-520m
GPU : nvidia 330m (crappier than Intel HD ;
; )
P.S. I also have the worst internet connection ever cuz I live in Africa :D
Thanks dude!
Happy Easter ;)

7 years ago

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Wishing you good luck and fortune on your life's road MrFantastNick and I hope you'll find something else that interests you. ^^

Happy Passover\Easter!

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

7 years ago

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Thanks for Shu and Tower of Guns. Happy Easter!

7 years ago

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Thanks for
Guacamelee! Gold Edition
I was about to wish you best luck, but then I saw a wishlisted game. Thanks again I really apreciate your goodness. :')

7 years ago

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Thank you for Rituals and TIMEframe! =)

7 years ago

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I took The Magic Circle, thank you!

Wishing you all the best, you seem like a really nice dude. I'm sure w/e community you're a part of, gaming or not, will be lucky to have you. Cheers. :)

7 years ago

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20 minutes late but thanks a lot, still appreciate it. And the best of luck with whatever you choose to pursue after gaming.

7 years ago

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most people that do charity or volunteer don't speak out loud that often ;)

7 years ago

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well, i wouldn't tell (or brag about it) if i volunteered or if i did some charity, cause I'm not supposed to get points for it.

7 years ago

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Do I deserve something? I dunno, you tell me. I always help others without expecting something in return.

7 years ago

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Everyone wants a free gift, including me, but who deserves it? No one can give the right answer. You can only choose the one you FEEL is the right one! Who is going to be the lucky one? :D

Well, it seems like you are down to some serious business and I hope you get what you are looking for in the future. Good luck! ^^

7 years ago

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Actually, this isn't for me, but there is someone in my life that I think deserves a great deal more than I will ever be able to repay. Her steam name is Neekems, and she is a smaller streamer on twitch.tv. She does so much for a small community of 3 or 400 members, and has given me a lot of hope in life. If someone is deserving of anything fun, I would say look at her.

I am doing fine and don't need anything, but I greatly appreciate your generosity. I am disabled, but hardly deserving of anything and I get by happily enough. Thank you, though. People like you and Neekems make the world a warmer place.

7 years ago

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anyone saying they deserve free games are lying and greedy. ^^

7 years ago

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Gaming isn't as enjoyable as it used to be for me as well but I still like it to play every now and then :) From time to time I find some gem that reminds me of my best gaming days though and that feels so good :D Anyway good luck with whatever you are planning to do now! :)

7 years ago

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Next time ask for us to nominate others and explain why they deserve it... being helpful, a good friend etc...

Blowing ones own trumpet that they deserve praise is in itself proof that one is undeserving.

View attached image.
7 years ago*

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Happy Easter.:)

I'm not looking for the free game, but I just wanted to say goodbye. Hopefully you'll get back the fire in your heart to do gaming again (even if you don't come back to SG). They say that absence makes the heart grow fonder, so perhaps that will be the case here?

Either way, I hope you'll take care.:)

7 years ago

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happy Easter I hope you have a long and fulfilling life- also not going say I deserve it because I'm pretty happy with the games I already have so they should go to others

7 years ago

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don't chuck your library. I found that I go through cycles. there was a time I practically didn't game at all. For years. then someone gifted me a console, and I got right back into ti. Then I stopped for a while. And now it's PC season again. Every so often I kinda get bored of it, switch up my hobbies/entertainment. And a few months/years later, I go back

7 years ago

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I'm excited

7 years ago

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please don't go ! :D

7 years ago

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Closed 7 years ago by Deleted-5786314.