|Failed to load web page (unknown error).

I've been trying to buy some games since 8am, before the sale ends, and instead I've been getting this frustrating error again and again and again (and .... again!). I don't know if it's my connection (although every other site seems to be working fine), or if Steam is just slammed with countless others like myself who put things off to the last minute.

Valve! I want to give you my dollars! Y U NO LET ME?

Edit: The sale has ended, and I was not successful.

|Note: One or more the items below have changed in price since you added it to your cart.

12 years ago*

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Ermm, this happend to me when i tried to buy it straight of paypal. What i did was i added the money to my steam wallet, and bought the game from there. Good luck, i hope i helped :D

12 years ago

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It was when I tried to add funds to my wallet that I encountered the error. I always buy from the wallet rather than a credit card (I've had cards declined before due to frequent small purchases; if you're buying the same game several times to give away, this is a problem).

12 years ago

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An encore sale is happening for another 2 days. Try restarting steam to buy the game, it may work.

12 years ago

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Of the 8 games I had intended to purchase, 0 are on sale for the encore.

Of the 6 games I had as my 2nd choice picks, 0 are on sale for the encore.

It's very frustrating.

Thank you for the suggestion though. I wish it helped in my case.

12 years ago

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Closed 12 years ago by q00u.