if u do not like a game do not blame it. people is stupid cause do not want to lose because it's a cooperation game.
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Just play a few games with bot. There's ARDM or AD mode that are super casual. But as you said, there will always be jerks and elitist no matter where you play or what game you play. Just ignore those player. There are a lot of nice player out there, if you don't like to be flamed by whoever you playing with, a simple mute will do the trick.
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i actually think the game is more accessible to newcomers than other games in the genre (installing HotS now so can't speak for that one). i have only played the game for around 140 hours and i only encountered one troll who blamed everybody ese for him dying all the time. everybody else was either quiet and just minded their business (learning to play the game) or strongly co-operative. i always play support, buy courier, upgrade courier, buy wards and war/deward and ask if anybody needs vision in a specific place and people appreciate it. in most of my games we actually discuss what we're going to do next. like i said i only jad one negative experience and it was just one troll, the rest of the team played together. i'm only 140 hours in (a newb in the genre) and i like the fact that thegame has guides inbuilt and i can concentrate on learning and improving the way i play while subtly learning about item and skill builds. and match making so far was successful at pairing me wiht players of same or close to same skill level or so it appears. if they added casual server you'd just have casual trolls especially if they improved the BP you gained while playing on that server. maybe i'm still too early in my Dota life to encounter those infamous trolls but i think good team atmosphere starts with me, GL HF when the match begins, a casual conversation while we play and a little encouragement for team work seems to do wonders for me so far.
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sniper and drow ranger are very squishy, and they are not suitable for noobs i guess.. i recommend rikimaru for permanenet invisiblity, since there is lack of true sight in noob games so he can survive most ganks ( or gank wannabes) and bristleback for starters.
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u probably never played dota 1 if u find it very hard to adapt onto dota2.. i agree the community is so trash that i see pudge, invoker, PA, mirana every game and u are always forced to pick a support. my total hours played on bots is probably around 700 hours coz i enjoy it with no stress and will only play with my friends for MMR/team matchmaking.
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Sorry, but DotA isn't casual game, if you want to play casual then there's always mode against bots. Keep in mind that while you just want to mess around, there's nine other people looking for competitive play. I really dislike your attitude, it sounds like everyone else purpose in the game should be to entertain you. If you want to get better, watch hi-level games, switch to player view and try to catch some things they do (farming strategy, positioning etc.).
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Community ? Lel, you're new to team multi games ? Every community is composed of toxic rage kids, trolls and haters. Deal with it or dont play team based multi games if you cant stand it
As for casual server, also lel. I've played DoTA 2 for maybe 20 hours and it was my first and last MOBA (tho I'm waiting for HotS now). And even despite this I was pretty much able much play good with Mirana (or Lina if sm1 took Mirana). It wasnt a pro level but I was good and I simply saw that. DoTA isnt very noob friendly but after a week I knew everything I had to knew
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The community is fine on Super MNC, TF2, and Spiral Knights Co-op.
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its hardcore game if u didint play dota1 u cant play dota 2 too!simple u can ignore this game
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And then you get experienced players smurfing in the noob server, so you solved nothing.
edit: A lot of vitriol and "lol you are bad I'm top player NA after two matches" in these comments, wow. I didn't expect that but, in all honesty, I should have.
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It's actually a horrible game for anyone.
The controls are just super backward due to some elitist 18yr olds who played Dota once and go all oldfaggy now, Volvo is one of the worst game developers on today's market and didn't even manage to implement all the functions Dota actually had, but keep making skin packs for horrendous prices. Plus, it's hardly bearable past two games an evening because Ivan goes buttmad on any occasion and jumps 0/10 instantly.
OP: Dota had -em, which makes the game enjoyable. Let's see if Volvo manages to implement something that simple before HL3.
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play more bot games to learn the basics and you can learn how to pull of ganks from your team and sometimes by how the bots play it out. I would suggest once you think you got an idea on how the game works, to play a few matches of unfair bots by yourself, if you can for the majority take control of the game against unfair bots with your team of stupid bots then you should be at least of adequate skill to start doing a lot more public matches.
Also if you are trying a new Hero GO TO BOTS, sure you don't have to be an MLG master of a hero to play him in pubs, but please don't go into a public game not ever using a hero even once.
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this is what i do as well and i'd also recommend it. if you liked a hero you played against the last match and want to try him/her out for yourself do it in a bot match. it's a lot easier and stress free to learn new heroes when you're not undermining the other 4 members of your team.
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Tip: Play League of Legends, coming from someone who used to play Dota 2 a lot then switched over.
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I really can't answer this question. Been a long time since I played Dota 2, but I never regretted my change to LoL. The updates for League of Legends are also much better, specially how they try to balance each and every champion.
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Not true at all, the Club Penguins community can't be compared to DayZ's community. This is enough to prove you false.
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"If I use the current "play against bots" mode, there are no item drops of Battle Points."
Sounds like you're in for the items.Bots are honestly the best way to learn the game.You will not get flamed and you will learn about the heroes by wrecking with them/getting wrecked by them.Also you might want to read this guide:
Read it, bookmark it, set it as your homepage if needed.
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and there are hardly any item drops in the game anyway, no matter who you play against. since they changed the drop system not only have i not goten anything, i only ever saw one set (a rare set for Bristleback) drop for anybody else.
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As long as you play against bots with other real people in your team and not filling up your team's empty slots with bots, then you should be able to get item drops and battle points. Unless they very recently changed this, but I doubt that.
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That "casual server" you're talking about exists, it's called "Normal Match".It doesn't matter if you win or lose, you'll get BP and sometimes random item drops.Nobody cares about winning or losing and most people that play there are noobs.
I agree, Dota 2 is NOT a noob friendly game.But Dota 2 is not about just clicking and killing creeps either.Dota is %99 about knowledge of game.You have to know which hero does what, which items you should build, at what time you should kill creeps or go for team combats etc.
Play Limited Heroes on Normal Matchmaking.Stay away from Ranked, well you can't join ranked if you're below level 13 anyway.Ask what you should build/buy/which skills to learn to your teammates and USE community guides in-game.
Also never forget, no matter how good you play, you're bound to lose if you don't cooperate with your teammates.I played with some famous players in ranked mode, they don't play THAT good.Yes, they were better than me but some of them lost becuase they couldn't act as a team.
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I only ever use normal match. It is full of people that want to kick me for dying repeatedly because I am terrible at the game. I always use the Wraith King because he can revive.
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20 Comments - Last post 27 minutes ago by Inkyyy
Dota2 is a horrible game for noobs. The worst part of all is that the tutorial in the game is useless. I failed the tutorial three times. This game is not fun for one reason- people are jerks. People yell at you for dying and want to kick you when you did nothing to deserve it, you just are inexperienced. There is no way to gain experience in the first place, so people that are high levels just get higher levels and the game rewards suck if you lose all the time. The game has turned too much into a test of who has the best gaming mouse and who can click on things the fastest.
There needs to be a server for people that want to actually have fun in this game. This would be a "casual" server that allows people to still get item drops, but actually have fun with the game without the abuse from the community. This would follow a similar co-op model to TF2 Man vs. Machine. It would also give more Battle Points due to the nature of Co-op and the fact that it would be harder to lose if everyone is contributing and helping defend against the bots.
If I use the current "play against bots" mode, there are no item drops of Battle Points.
TL:DR- There needs to be a casual server to make the game fun.
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