Do you know which movie I'm referring to in this post?
like the idea !! im not sure if im on your WL..? XD
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happy early new year! hopefully the new year will be better than the current one :)
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Too few "Of course" votes.
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Really surprised by how few know the movie. Am I just old?
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Silly me I voted after trying to find a movie reference in the post .. forgot the title... :facepalm
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hmm.. whatever way it went, I´m sorry for your loss.
about Besson - I actually think this is the best he´s ever done;
posting it because it´s relatively unknown as it also was his first feature film - pls watch it, if you ever get the chance : )
without any further ado TYvm for your generosity & to a happier 2021 ..
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I agree that Leon is his best movie but I put District B13 in for second.
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340 Comments - Last post 57 minutes ago by RePlayBe
Event ended:
Probably no one will read this, but anyway here it goes:
Thanks to everyone who participated, except the idjits who won and didn't say thanks. I've not counted yet and there are 10 awaiting feedback, but I'd say it's about half of them. So I added some people to whitelist, and will add some people to blacklist.
Congrats to all the winners, specially to Tulekeeper and Scorpio90 who won twice in the train, you lucky ones. It seems that's not so extremely rare, as it once happened to me a while ago.
Congrats to me because I gave away 59 games and I love sharing and giving. I know not all the games were gems, but there were many good and interesting ones too.
On a more pragmatical side, I'm finally again above 1:1 ratio on sent games, total value, and contribution value. Tho it'll be 2022 before I can reach level 6. I don't think I'll have much money to spend on games when I have such a huge backlog. Still trying to slowly play games again.
Also, for my next train I can do +50 wagons at once, which is finally an acceptable number.
I also recruited 15 people for GG Players, thanks to everyone of them because you helped me to enhance that great community.
Not much more to say. Just thanks.
Original post:
Greetings everyone. Sorry for being so verbose. I'll save you Pascal's quote anyway.
Better late than never, here's my promised train for the start of the year. Sorry for the delay, for me 2020 hasn't ended yet. It's being a really rough time for me, has been for pretty much of a whole year, and it's still going on. Don't expect to see me visible on Discord or Steam.
However, even if I'm lazy and unmotivated to do this, I also feel I must do it. While a big part of my library came from my girlfriend as endless gifts, another big part comes from SteamGifts, people I met here, and things I learned here. I feel I owe it. While I was with my girlfriend, she encouraged me to trade repeated games, and mostly I did so, only putting half of them here for you. Now that she's not among us, I'm going to put all my untraded keys that weren't direct gifts from her as giveaways for you, about 50. And actually some that were gifts from her, but I'm keeping most for personal reasons.
Since I can't put all 50 keys in a single train, I'm going to do it in parts. Every day I'll add 8-10 wagons at the end of the train until I run out of keys. All giveaways will be level 1+ (almost), they will last 2 days, and start and end near noon UTC. If a wagon has a certain restriction, the previous wagon will mention it and maybe give you the chance to surpass that restriction, plus a direct link to the next wagon which is unrestricted. I know the usual restriction is that trains are invite-only. But I'm not usual. So probably most participants will find the wagons out in the wild, instead of through this post.
(Note: Whitelist-only giveaways will be level 0.)
Possible restrictions:
If you are level 1 and in my whitelist, then you have a multipass. Mul-ti-pass. And you'll be able to enter all giveaways.
Not to be rude, but I will not answer personal questions, I don't want anyone to talk with, and I don't need words of encouragement. Other conversation is up to you. Everyone have a great and safe 2021. Even those in my blacklist.
Important stuff:
Winners: Please redeem and mark as received ASAP so I can add wagons without trouble.
Participants: thanking is not required but always welcome, either in the giveaway or in this thread. However, winning and not thanking afterwards in the giveaway will mean you'll be blacklisted without mercy. Also, all keys were revealed by myself, and they should be valid, unused and region-free; in the case there's some trouble, I'll ask politely for permission to either reroll or delete the giveaway, whatever solution is pertinent. I never had such problem with keys revealed by myself from HB or Fanatical, which are the bulk of the train.
If you spot an error, please say so here.
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