Yes. Too many young idealists in this community that don't understand the value of greasing a palm.
Btw, I hear He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named took in enough money from graft to retire from his cushy job in Steamgifts Support and is living on a private island in the Bahamas.
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Nope, my friend. Eventually someone will respond to you, but in my experience there's a not insignificant chance the response will be both inadequate and ineffective. Then you'll wait some more.
I have a chat ban from like two years ago. I posted a NSFW link without thinking because I forgot where I was. It's that simple. I wasn't trolling, I wasn't testing the mods, I wasn't trying to upset anyone. Anyway, I put in a support ticket and then deleted a few days later because I had no idea that I was supposed to wait for a glacial response. My current support ticket regarding that ban is from 10 months ago. I received a response after 7 months that asked me to conform to the new (~1 month) standardized method for appealing bans, such as providing the name of the mod, the date of the offense, and screenshots if possible. I responded a bit sarcastically that I don't have any other information than that which I provided, and that I affirm my willingness and ability to follow the rules, as I had done for over three years without any other incident. I responded sarcastically because after seven months I should get a decision regarding my ban rather than a request for more information to conform to a policy change that came a half-year after my request, and two years after my ban.
Anyway, that was three months ago. I have yet to receive a followup addressing my initial request to be unbanned or even in response to my surliness.
Request granted, or request denied. Those would have been acceptable responses. Because they actually would have resolved the request, and would have indicated useful discretion regarding my request given the age of my ban and ticket. Instead, I got boilerplate that indicated that little or nothing other than the title of my support ticket was read. It's a waste of a response.
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Same here, we were talking about the 2048 game, i said that i know the game because the boobs version i searched for the link and say it on chat , and after a while, one chat mod banned me ... i thought that maybe i offended that mod, but later i saw him entering to some boobs games gibs like sakura spirit so... idk :D from faq: Piracy, pornography, and other material that may be inappropriate to a general audience should not be posted to the site. If you're posting anything that may be considered NSFW (not safe for work), please prefix any links or images with a NSFW tag to warn others.
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Sacrificing virgin chickens usually works and it'll improve your chances, but other than that, it'll probably take years. xD Support, not just in this site, but in every popular site, is extremely slow.
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Don't forget to dance under the moonlight when you are sacrificing them. :B
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You can try bumping your ticket up. That might worked.
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Hah, come to think of it, you're right. My bad =.='
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from guideline...
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Got it. My bad. Btw, is bumping for a reroll okay? Or, would that just drop me way down the queue some more?
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Rerolls are usually taken care of within a day or two, so there's no reason to bump. The only exception is when most of us are on vacation or something, like during the holidays. Then we just go through them when we get back. Still no reason to bump.
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One of my user reports took almost 2 years. There was no answer, just closed.
'Add to game list' took over 3 months... long after GA ended.
I opened another ticket of 'Other', but I'm prepared for months' waiting.
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Replies on user reports are disabled, including for moderators. So if it's closed it means it's been taken care of and/or there wasn't enough information to act upon.
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Ah, I see, it has been changed then. I used to get replies from supports at the time of SG 1.0.
Thank you for the clarifying. :)
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There are certain categories that languish in the queue because most support members don't have the permissions to deal with them. These include chat bans, trade feedback removal, etc. Not really much we can do about it.
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I knew about User reports but had no idea the same was true for so many other categories. Anyway, I know you guys do a lot of work and you have my respect and gratitude.
This is especially true for you.
I just knew you were going to jump in and explain things here.
I've even began to expect to always have you solve my tickets. As you've handled 99% of them so far I've declared you my personal support-er xD
If nothing else, that shows how much time and effort you spend on the forum and the tickets <3
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jatan just said he can't... :|
These include chat bans, trade feedback removal
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you have a negative rep from a banned user.
smart people that want to trade with others check where rep comes from and why it's there. you shouldn't worry about it.
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Hello. Is there any other way to contact someone from support other than creating a support ticket? My ticket stays unanswered for over 9 months, and I'd really like to solve my issue.
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