Alright so I recently won a game, and this is not to brag or be all jovial and whatnot, this is serious.

Background Story:
I won another game recently, and when I redeemed it I found my stupid computer couldn't handle the game, so I felt like I wasted the key. I promised that if I ever win another game, I will be sure to check (by playing a demo, or torrenting the game first) whether or not my computer can handle the game, before I accept it.

So I recently won Portal and I played the demo, surprisingly my computer CANNOT handle the game. What should I do?

  1. Should I redeem the game, then give it away on SG? (sounds pretty jacked up...)

  2. Should I just keep the game (I won't really have a use for it though...)

  3. Or should I tell the person who gave me the game the problem (I tried to add them on Steam... but they don't seem to be responding).

Not sure what I should do, I need your advice on this, or maybe link me to a FAQ or something.

Note: I do not, NOT want Portal (who wouldn't, I heard the game was really fun), It is unplayable even on the lowest settings... My computer really is crappy.

Alright, thanks for all your help guys, I'll accept the game :X, I'll also try my best to tweak the graphics to make it playable. Thanks guys!

12 years ago*

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Keep it. Play it once you upgrade someday. That's the easier and more effective way out.

12 years ago

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I say this.

12 years ago

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I agree this also. It's not like you don't want to play the game, your current circumstances just prevent you from it.

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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12 years ago

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12 years ago

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Either this or say that you have received the game and make a deal which says that the host of the giveaway rerolls the giveaway

12 years ago

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This :)

12 years ago

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Call it a loss and learn from your mistakes don't beat yourself up over it just be sure to check the specs next time before entering again.

12 years ago

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Yeah I usually just look at graphics and be like "Oh... that looks TOO good" and just skip it.

Main reason why I mostly play indie games xD

12 years ago

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I'm surprised your computer cant even run Portal

12 years ago

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The game my computer failed to run before was Future Wars...

12 years ago

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Can it run Tibia? LoL

12 years ago

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lmao, yes it can, though I'd rather not play that game xD

12 years ago

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Funny thing is my computer has always had a hard time running FPS type games, my computer can run games like Silkroad, Maplestory, Dungeon Fighters all perfectly, but whenever I play games like Crossfire or Counterstrike (even Soldier Front) my computer just gets super laggy.

Though I have updated my graphic drivers... I definitely need a huge upgrade, when I live on my own I'll definitely make my own computer.

12 years ago

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You must redeem the game. Trade or giveaway the games you win is against the rules.
Keep it in your library, when you get a better PC then you can play it. =)

12 years ago

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to ask mods for a reroll is not against the rules, if you really want to go that way...

12 years ago

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If you already put the gift in your library, you're f-ed. But if not, keep trying to contact the gifter or after a week or so just start a giveaway with it. In the future, though, use to check if a game works before accepting a gift.

12 years ago

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Yeah haven't accepted the gift yet, I'll try to contact the person and see what he/she says.

12 years ago

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Yeah, forgot that one. Just add it to your library then, I guess

12 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

12 years ago

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Strange website, it says I'm not able to run Bastion but my computer can run it (well as far as I've seen) on the lowest settings, and it says I barely pass being able to play Portal (My video card was the only crappy thing).

Hahaha, thanks I'll bookmark it though.

12 years ago

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The site Isn't always accurate though.

12 years ago

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agree my old laptoop i play l4d2 on lowest setting it works but it evil tho but new laptop i thought i might not get tw shogun but ask a friend it works fine in low setting

12 years ago

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That website is a joke (no offence to you) i have a hp dm1z and i have played skyrim on it and right now i'm playing portal 2 on it but that site says i cant even play oblivion :D

12 years ago

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Terribly inaccurate website is terribly inaccurate. I wouldn't recommend that site to my worst enemies.

12 years ago

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Trading it away or regifting it would look... suspicious. Not to say that your reasons aren't understandable, but without knowing the context someone (say, an admin) who sees that you won Portal, do not have it in your library, and then gave away Portal thus getting contributor points would at least raise some questions.

I'd suggest either asking support to reroll the giveaway you won (pick a new winner on that giveaway), or just accepting the gift. Chances are at some point you'll upgrade and be glad you've got Portal then. Heck, it's a pretty quick game so even if you've just got access to another comp for a little while you could play it.

12 years ago

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I'd feel really bad if I kept it, but like I said, whenever the person e-mails me I'll try to reply back to talk to them about it, or if I can somehow contact an admin... I'll try my best xD.

Yeah my friends all played Portal, they say it's a great game, I've played a little of Portal 2 on my Ps3 :X

12 years ago

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Damn, what's your video card?

12 years ago

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GeForce 6150SE nForce 430

12 years ago

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Ouch. Upgrade that bro, you will probably need a new motherboard too.

12 years ago

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Lol... :X I also have Vista and I have 1GB Ram LOL

12 years ago

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Are you SURE it's not an abacus?

12 years ago

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LOlololol +1

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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Yeah he's running it pretty laggily though, Idk why, maybe we have different specs? When I play it isn't extremely unplayable, but whenever I see a Portal I lag really badly, I can possibly try to lower the graphics further if I go into the system.

12 years ago

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Vista Isn't for gaming. Use windows 7 or xp.

12 years ago

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Yeah I know... but I'm still in high school, so my parents don't want me doing ANYTHING to my computer >.>

Even if I pay for everything they won't let me, they won't even let me buy more RAM for it, they're really asian :\

12 years ago

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I'm an asian in asia. I handle my parents' PC and my father's laptop. Just saying :P

12 years ago

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I got Portal to run on someone's first generation atom netbook using the integrated graphics. In launch options add -dxlevel 80 +width [pixels] +height [pixels] I would try 800x600 and then experiment from there to find the max resolution your system can handle.

12 years ago

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If you have any questions or need additional feel free to add me.

12 years ago

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Lower the effects or particles?

12 years ago

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No wonder onboard video card just pick a GeForce 95xx or 96xx

12 years ago

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You could wait for the person to respond, explain what happened and tell them to ask for a reroll?

12 years ago

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what are your system specs ?
You were able to play Bastion, so that's not too bad :)

12 years ago

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keep it, sooner or later you'll get a pc that can run it.

12 years ago

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Yeah, I would not mind if I gifted someone something and they could not play right away.

You will eventually play it I suppose, just ask the gifter if anything.

12 years ago

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I don't think you should be so harsh on yourself about keeping the game. i think most people wouldnt give a damn about it. maybe in the near future you will have access to a comp you will be able to play it.

12 years ago

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Add it to your library. If you really can't use it, then give back to the gifter.

Either way, if your not going to play it or need it, don't enter to win it.

12 years ago

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Give it to me

12 years ago

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Hmm well on a completely unrelated topic, I see that you live in Kent... Hello from DuPont/Steilacoom :p

12 years ago

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Buy a computer for 50 $ and it will most likely be much better than yours xD

12 years ago

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I'd say take it, activate it and tell them by email / steam that you will play it once your computer is capable. I'm sure they will understand.

12 years ago

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go to your grandmas house ans play the game on her computer which is so much better (what I do when my pc can't run the game)

12 years ago

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My grandma lives in California xD

12 years ago

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activate and wait until you upgrade your pc. Game worth it.

12 years ago

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lol do whatever you want

that's what I did

and now dey be hatin'

12 years ago

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Closed 12 years ago by nosef.