Do you ever feel the same?
That sounds like a commitment problem. Poor bird, just choose one randomly, install it and play it.
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It's called I've had most of those games for quite a while and reently acquired a dog that I'' responsible with, -'d as such haven't spent any money on bundles lately, so
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The one bundle I have gotten recently I already made a gib for though, so sorry I didn'5 plan the timing of this discussion with that xP
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ive got over 1000 games and most of them are total shit that i got for free. in total, just under 200$ for all the games i have.
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Solution - buy 50 monitors and play them all at once
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When I get around to playing the games, I love them. It's the process of picking one. I'm glad you love all your games so much, though!
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I have the exact opposite problem. I want to play every game in my library (except one), and I can't find the time to play them because of all the other things going on in my life. It has taken me an entire month to finish ABZU. P
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Oh god, I want to play Abzu so bad xP I heard it was short, though?
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I suppose that would depend upon how you play it, wouldn't it? I'm trying to enjoy it, not set a new speed-run record. The game is estimated to take an hour to complete, and I've already spent 1.6 hours on the first level.
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Ahh, that would make sense. I'm glad you are morer than getting your monies worth on it then!
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playing games just for achievements
idling/playing garbage games for some dumb cards
i miss wasting the entire day playing gamecube with friends- billyhatcher mariokart sonicrides dragonballZ budaki
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Yeah, I can see that. For me, I don't play for achievements, they just piss me off most of the time because one mistake costs you so much time to go back and replay a game. I do idle my games, but I plan to go back and play the ones that look interesting.
And a gamecube is cheap - about $30 on ebay - maybe replaying some of those games will bring back yourr love for it!
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It is organized, the issue is knowing what I want to play that day.
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I find I've just played too many games. Games so rarely feel fresh or different enough for me to be able to just sit back focus and enjoy. I tend to either play something short and simple, Magic Circle and Superhot both kept my attention all the way through, or I start something epic and lose interest. Been trying to force myself to play Witcher 3 the passed few days, haven't gotten far yet, doesn't help that the Gwent UI in the original game is garbage compared to the new F2P Gwent that's in beta lol
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Yeah, the losing interest thing happens to me a lot, both with video games and books.
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Go here and input your steamID. It has filters for everything and you sort by metascore, user reviews etc.
It has helped me pick games more than 50 times.
It's like..."what kind of game do I feel like playing now? More story focused? Racing? Clicker? Fps? Moba? Co-op? A game that can be played with a controller?"
Anyway, try it out and tell me if you have any questions !
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I have the same problem as well. I've done a really good job of curbing it by only having one or two of each 'type' of game installed. One Batman or Assasin's Creed game. Play that one til I finish and do another. One (okay, or three) RPGs. Don't install more until I've played through what is installed or I decide I don't like it. Only one or two point and click adventures. And since I have one or two of every type of genre, I can just decide what KIND of game I want to play and go from there.
And of course, the games that I KNOW I'll always play are always installed. Skyrim, various roguelikes, RPGs that never get old.
Also organizing my steam library has helped immensely. I'm sure everyone does it differently, but mine is organized by type. Platform, adventure, RPG, GTA-like. Also I cut down on clutter by dropping games I've finished into a beaten category and pulling them out of their original. Also for quick decision making, I have a category for co-op games; any that have multiplayer capabilities. So if I happen to run into someone online and we want to play, I have my list of mulitiplayer-capable games all ready to go -- no searching.
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I have mine organized by time as well, in addition to a grroup for SG wins and beaten games :) The installation thing is smart, but I just wind up uninstalling that one and installing another xD My installed list changes daily :,)
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I want to play them all and actually start a lot of them at the same time. Then that makes it hard to decide what to play. Mostly because of my mood. Some days I just don't know what kind of game I'm the mood for.
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Yesss, sometimes I just don't know what is the right game to play until I'm playing it
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Oh god, yes, same. They all look so interesting, until it's time to sit down and play it xD
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I currently own 3,612 games and well.. the only games I actually play on a regular basis are those of the best dev team in the world.
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I recommend downloading Depressurizer:
It lets you tag your library based on score, game type and tags. So if you want, you could sort your library and look for only RPGs with a score over 80% positive. Or just games with over 90% positive if you don't want a specific game. Then tag your games with "completed" once you've beat then and you can filter those out.
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Am I the only one who looks through their steam library of 1000+ games and feels like they have nothing to play? Because I feel loke that any tome i boredly try to figure out what to play, and then I wind up playing a stupid clicker game instead or something xP
No gib, I'm poor, sorry.
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