its a pretty good game ...thanks for the jigidi i love puzzles ..
also take care when your going to work ... its hell of a mess out there i dont dare to go out because of covid 19
almost lost my mind but i have no choice but to play games and forget about the situation
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Bump. I love RE series and hope this remake will be good :)
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sorry to disappoint! next time I will get you RE3! :)
Some cheap waifus work on making you happy? ->
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33 mins I must be getting old :P
I like this Jill not too happy about Nemy tho, why they had to mess with his nose/face man, not cool (?
have a bump! I'll take a headache :S
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they say (those who played it) its nothing like the original ver . puzzlez removed - 4 hour time play
i suppose evil 2 made them happy enough and they didint work on this as they should have
many places removed
its more of a action game
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its good .. but me nah.. i like leon and Ada .. grown with evil 4
i wished to see leon like he was in evil 4 but it was when he were young maybe i see him in future
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I slightly prefer Claire, but Jill is a close second to me!
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Luckily for me I never watched or played any resident evils apart from 5 and 6 so I dont have anything to hate about this remake. I also dislike multiplayer games but resistance actually looks alright, watched a few people play it and its fun to watch
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read your above comment. I was just born after the 3rd game came out. Which is how I ended up with the co-op resident evils. Also why I like number 6 while everyone hates on it and its crying in the corner as the disgrace of the family which should be number 5
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So...I spend my time making a train, creating puzzles, creating a topic about something I like, and just because your brain think I'm gonna give away something you want, I get blacklists? Because I make a train with a Resident evil image and you think there is a RE3 giveaway. How is that me deceiving anyone?
Nice thinking!
I assume if I create a topic about the self service food I have to giveaway some type of cooking game?
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Well at least you are humble enough to understand you made a mistake! Thanks!
Your blacklist, you decide what you do with it :) I gained many more blacklists today, it's okay! I just don't like to be accused of deceiving people. I was just angry for being wrongfully accused!
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already around 30% off it from here
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hopefully re3 will be as good as re2.
lol at the peasants entering for a re3 copy... it's pretty clear there wasn't any in the puzzle.
don't get offended because you guys can't read while you're under the effects of "blinded leech syndrome". 😂🤦♀️
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Why such toxicity in the comment?
Regarding the topic, I finished it three times so far. It looks good, it runs well but damn if it doesn't feel too short. I was going for a speedrun achievement (finish it under 2 hours) and ithout trying too hard, I ended my run with 01:27 on the clock. They should have included the worm boss fight and the park section. Storywise, it feels a bit rushed. Great game for getting it at 50% but not at a full price.
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No game is worth paying full price :) ... for me, every game is great for 50%! :) (Of course, people that buy full-priced games are the reason they go on sale :) no problem on that )
As for toxicity, I think Mully was just being nice and kinda addressing the people that are blacklisting me and being rude to me.She/he is clearly not being toxic, read it again but then check the emojis. you will read it with another perspective :) or not... not everyone has the same sense of humor!
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There are some games that I don't feel bad paying full price, Resident Evil 2 Remake for example. When it comes to RPGs, I like games that have loads of content without feeling like a filler and padding it up with needless fetch quests. But I guess it's all about personal preference.
Hm, I guess I misjudged their comment then, my bad.
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Not your bad! :) You expressed your opinion, as long as you are not being rude, your opinion is just an opinion! :)
Some games do compensate for their full price, although I would never buy them full price anyway. To me, almost any good RPG worth its full price :)
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here's another toxic comment, remember to scold them all 👍
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I dislike many things about these remakes (only played RE2), from the ridiculous boss fights to Leon's stupid running animation. But what killed the game for me is how you shoot peas, zombies are immortal and how they glue into you and nothing can stop them then. For the longest time I just assumed I sucked and didn't know how to play the game. Maybe my strategies for the original games just don't work anymore. But at some point, I had this great distance between me and a zombie, and he started coming for me (he started doing the animation where he lifts his arms and stuff). I just wanted to get past him, so my plan was to stun him with headshots and get through. Well, remember when I said we had a good distance between each other, well, it was long enough for me to hit him in the head five times. FIVE. With a handgun that could hold 7 bullets. And nothing happened. He just kept coming and bit me. And then I knew. It wasn't me that sucked. It was just the game.
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Never had hone Umble Bundle
Sorry! I was like: "It's Friday, I get to rest a bit from work!", so... I might have had some more red wine than I should! My first phrase probably has no meaning at all!!
Since I was drinking, I thought... "let's make a train for these fine SG people from my leftovers, while I listen to some smooth gaming Mix for relaxation! (hey! I can create links to youtube! nice!! )
RESIDENT EVIL 3 is out! Because.of that... I created an anti-bot jigidi for my train! Jill Valentine is there! my favorite Girl from Video-Games!
The train is a LVL 3 Train!!
Here it Is! Have fun!
[EDIT] Since people kinda get mad, because they assume ithis train is gonna have RE3, I must warn you: Like I said in the beginning, this are Leftovers, I'm not trying to be a dick, or tricking you![/Edit]
I kinda created that train, but the last "cart" is kinda messed up, looking BACK, I shouldn't have created it in the first place!
Here's a Lvl 1 Giveaway for the low levels!
Guys! Stay safe from the virus! don't risk your lives and your loved ones.
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