Does Steam have the right to revoke your community privileges based on your own opinion?
Valve owns the community. Sure they have a right to do whatever the fuck they want. Not that it's a good thing.
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By non steam I assume you mean not purchased from their store, but can still be activated on steam? The site is called steamgifts for a reason. No more pennies in their pockets from me anyway and I've stopped using their market since they put the 7 day restriction on cards.
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Basically I just said that some of the mods were free on Nexusmods & that they were from other people, people that aren't involved in the modding community anymore & that I think they don't have the right to profit of that in any way.
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Actually if you look at their forum rules, one thing in it says you're not allowed to advertise outside sites period. It's not a new rule either.
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They can choose to moderate their forums how they see fit.
How they deal with the PR shitstorm that comes later is a different matter.
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I really dont understand why is everyone so mad about that ?
It may be bad for awhile ... you will get used to it .
Even if you make a petition and gabe sign it with his ass .. using obama's blood ... Volvo still wont care.
It happened , deal with it ...
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Actually that's false. Customer outrage has changed many business policies in the past. If something has a negative impact on their brand, they try and "Correct it", usually in a way that also saves face for them. If a new policy causes them to lose income, then they change it a lot quicker. It's why the pen is mightier than the sword.
If something outrages you, or you feel is unjust or unfair. Otherwise, if you sit and do nothing about what's wrong, then due to inaction, you are just as bad as those who you feel are in the wrong...
Just my 2 cents.
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Agreed.... case in point about a year and a half ago... this happened =
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Why is everyone and his mother overreacting so much cause of this ?
Its been like that for years for the Dota2 Workshop ...
Now they give the option OPTION to the mod makers to sell their stuff ... and everyone loses his mind .
They can still put the stuff for free if they want to ... its just another thing that you Could do if you want to .
And on top of it , If you dont like them , dont buy them ... its not like anyone force anyone to buy d3m mods anyway .
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Because it's fine so long as it's someone else having to deal with it, once it effects them, then they care.
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This is something more serious than paying modders for theyr work, if only that was what i was paying for, but its not
I cant even imagine how steam would be if all users were like you
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Yes if i was paying the person who created the product, but in reality im giving 75% of it to valve and bethesda.
this doesnt incentive modders to create bigger projects
Valve should have least some quality control if they are going to take such huge cut from it. All that i see is people stealing mods and idiots selling skins 1€ is this normal?
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You do realise that its the Devs who decide what % Should the cut for the mod maker be tho , right ?
Also as i already mentioned , its been like that for years on the Dota2 Workshop ... and nobody really said anything about it .
People ware fine with it actually .
I do agree that there should be some Quality control tho ... and making sure that its actually the mod maker who is selling the mod , and not someone random who downloaded it from somewhere ...
As for the 1Eu skin .... how is that Not normal ? You seen CS-Go / TF2 prices ?
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i am aware, but Steam has a big cut from that aswell and saying that bethesda is the one responsible for how much they take is debatable, we will see how much whatever next game is charging though.
in any case I still dont understand how that would make things any fairer, all i see is greediness, i would only accept it if the cut this companies get paid is lower that what modders receive
And yes, i am against paying for skins in general,never understood it, but things were already like that when i joined steam, in retrospect i could join the train and make some skins for skyrim
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Well i guess its kind of different PoV's here.
I dont really mind spending money on a Free to play game ( Dota / TF2 )
I dont mind buying DLC's , if they ware made after the game was released , and its not a chunk of the game deliberatelly removed from the game to be sold as a DLC Later on .
I do get where most people are coming from , when they are voicing their complaints towards the recent change , however instead of Burning valve on a stick and just condemning skyrim as a game ... people should try to throw a Creative criticism @ them instead .
Not just OMG valve so Greedy stuff , etc .
Im pretty sure they actually tough abit b4 the changes took action , and the % for the modmakers was pretty much based on what the other workshop creators are getting for their work .
But yes , people are currently trying to exploit the system , by throwing tons and tons of garbage in ... pissing off the already angry masses even more .
However trying to cheat the system is a normal thing on the internet , even here... when a game goes for Free on indiegala ( for example ) There are instantly tons of people trying to profit from it and trying to cheat the system ... ( not really the greatest analogies but should work )
Im optimistic bout it , giving it a couple of months , lil bit of understanding from the community side , and the thing might actually end up really good .
But if all people do is just throw rocks @ Valve , and dont try to work towards fixing the sytem , instead of condemning it ... its gona get going nowhere .
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Thats actually silly enough to make me want to have it.
Id pay a Dollar for that .
Duno if you see that , since i cant reply im editing .
Nop i wouldnt pay 1$ for that if i dont know its the real content creator .
If i knew i was buying it from the guy who made it , yes i would pay 1$ for it , knowing that he gets 0.25 out of it .
He clearly knows what Cut he gets when hes putting his thing for sale .
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would a you pay a 1$ for that if somebody stole it and uploaded it and only made 0.25$ of that
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Well it's the same thing with dlc...Before we were buying full game for one price...Now they make a game,split it into many parts.So you're buying half of a game and you have to pay much more to have a complete game by buying something that they called dlc.
You guys will get used to it LOL
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Yes, but at least with DLC it's official items. With mods, you have no idea of the quality of the product, or how glitchy it is and if it will be worked on again...or even if the mod will still work after a future update. So, actually it's not the same thing. LOL
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there where add ons before dlc you know? and you had to pay them too
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From the little you've posted in SG forum, it would seem you violated at least two big rules. So, yeah, Valve have the right to punish you. You signed up for it when you agreed to their terms of use.
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i guess you are the only one who checked what he wrote.
i'm too lazy to do that, but i'm also too lazy to banter about stea,
(and i don't like skyrim)
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Just because someone has the right to do it or not,does not mean it is in good taste to do it,i can punch someone in the face just for the hell of it but i do not.
My point is,why are we suppose to take what steam decides but have no right to voice how we feel about it.We are using a service,they have the right to do as they want with it,and we should also have the right to voice how we feel about it,good or bad.I think it is censorship at its finest i do not like what you say,so i will ban you or revoke your access,Sad times when you can not even voice your opinion without wondering if you will be banned or worse.
Sure they have the right,but i still feel just because you can does not mean you always should.I should also add t his is not just one off thing,i have at the moment at least one friend on my list who has also been banned/revoked for voicing what he thought of the Mods and charging for them.
I was also kicked from a group because i voiced how i felt about how they where trying to use a GA tied to inviting people to the group they had to get at least 3k and they did not hit that goal so they in bad taste they say in short you failed no GA i hope your happy with yourselves.
I merely was stating i would not invite and spam my friends for a GA to boost your member count and then be criticized for not meeting the goal and being kicked for saying i do not like how they went about it.I was not rude,did not call names,swear or anything like that just stated stuff like that makes me not want to ask people to join and so forth.
In short this is just people abusing the power and being dicks,if they are not swearing,making several post on the same subject,being rude to others,spamming,ect that they should be aloud to say what they want.
I guess t here is no such thing as constructive criticism,and if you say something they do not like they ban you,seems silly to me
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Completely agree with this, it's like u say something to somebody that doesn't know how to respond to your feedback & then runs away and ignores u,,,
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The phrase "community privileges" by itself tells you that it's not a right to have it. I don't agree with it being used to stifle actual criticism but I do believe they need to reserve the right to revoke those privileges since it IS the internet after all. People can be absolutely horrendous trolls online and everyone knows that.
If what you say is true then in that case, I don't agree with their decision but still stick to the basis that they do have the right to revoke it.
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Ouch being revoked for a month. You must of really angered Lord Gaben. Did you threaten to kill him on twitter or something?(reference to game that got banned for that but is now back)
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Depends also how you voiced your opinions too. If you did it nicely, without violating the rules, yeah, it's unfair. If you did it like an enraged bull, well, I can understand that they "banned" you temporarily. And if you did it nicely but with violating big rules, wel, I don't know.
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They've been cunts for so long now, but it was always "you broke a rule, what do you expect?" whenever someone complained about their treatment, now everybody is getting banned, people who shouldn't be, those fucking absolute idiot "Lord Gaben" twats as well, and suddenly people are beginning to realise just how fucking ignorant they've been.
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So I made a thread on the steam forum about why I think the paid mods are bad, 5 minutes later I got my community privileges revoked for violation of the Steam Subscriber agreement. What the... I didn't even swear, I just voiced my opinion about this. I was a huge fan of steam, don't know if I still want to support them now. Is there any way I can get my privileges back?
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