I'm hesitating on maybe catching Resident Evil 6 Complete..

The reviews for it seem to be pretty divided between 'it's a great game' and 'stay away from it'. On the Steam Store Page I see 40% positive versus 60% negative, but the reviews that make it to the front page are mostly positive. From browsing thru the reviews I understand that a lot of people feel this new iteration of Resident Evil is not like what we've been used to from the previous games, it's more action than horror and more scripted. The thing is I don't really feel like that justifies rating it as a bad game. Did some of you play the single-player and enjoy the experience.. is it really not worth my time at all ?

In other words.. if the game was a new ip and not the number 6+ in a series.. would it get better reviews ?

Also how about the DLCs .. they're all different extra modes of play, I get the feeling those should have been included in the game to start with but are instead sold separately. Are they only interesting for multi-player or are they enjoyable in single-player as well ? The price for the Complete pack which includes these isn't much more but I'd still get only the base game if I'm to never use them in the end.

Thanks for your advices guys..


Well almost everyone here say they enjoyed it so I caught the game on it's own.. I'm not 100% sure but I think the DLCs are kinda useless even for Local Co-Op. Also the RU packs have been locked in the last few days so I caught the base game while it was still possible. Thx again !!

10 years ago*

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My review for it

In the end, is it a terrible game? No. Its playable (though the mentioned bug is annoying if hit with it), but its a straight up third person shooter, just with familiar characters and some zombies in a couple of the campaigns.

10 years ago

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^ Pretty much all of this.

My father and I have always been big fans of the series, so we've been jumping on the more recent co-op ones. And honestly, we enjoyed the campaigns. Well, most of the time; he has some trouble with the QTEs because disabilities. But aside from that, even he thinks of it as a pretty solid shooter we can play together. And he's so picky. We put a lot of hours into it together on our 360 copy before the console fried.

I don't know if my opinion would change had I only played it alone -- but it's a lot of fun co-op. Just don't go into it expecting a survival horror game.

10 years ago

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Nice break-down.. it clarified a lot of things.. thx

10 years ago

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Happy to help.

If you want to test for the glitch, I believe there is some tech demo on Steam for it, you can use that to check for it.

10 years ago

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No it isn't a bad game. People aren't reviewing it properly. If you're a die hard Resident Evil fan then no don't play it. You'll get really mad at the game. Personally I enjoy the Resident Evil games, but I'm not a die hard fan. Resident Evil 6 doesn't play like a RE game. It plays like a AAA title third person shooter with zombies. I got the complete pack for $6 on steam trades so I think that was a pretty good deal. The game is fun if you want to play a good co-op game with a friend or you're in the mood for killing some mutant zombies.

10 years ago

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People hate it not because it's a bad game but because it's no longer a survival horror. It's childish really. Take the game for what it is and rate it as such.

10 years ago

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Well I would take the fact that it's titled as an RE game, but isn't when rating it, but I wouldn't let the decide my recommendation. It's a good single player game, a good co-op game and a good zombie wave survival game. Is it worth the full sale price? Yea. Is it worth getting it cheaper on steamtrades? Oh hell yea. The game has a good amount of single player content add on a couple hours of solo survival and co-op survival and it's going to bring you and a friend hours of fun. Well worth the $6 I spent on it. I'll recommend the game any day, but never to a die hard RE fan. They'll just hate it.

10 years ago

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+1 I would completely agree, it isn't a bad game just a bad Resident Evil game. Gamers act like it is as bad as Ride To Hell Retribution or Aliens Colonial Marines when it is far from that and actually provides a decent experience.

10 years ago

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Eh, it's pretty fun for me. Never played Resident Evil 1-3 before though :T

10 years ago

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I heard they're remaking the Resident Evil 1 remake, so you'll have a chance to play that pretty soon

10 years ago

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Yeah, I'm pretty excited for it. I hope they'll also make remakes of 2 and Nemesis.

10 years ago

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I get the feeling they were expecting an older RE styled game (i.e. dead genre) and not something more revelant. It's a fact that survivor horror as RE made it is dead.

10 years ago

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Survival horror is a "dead genre"? Please, tell me more about this nonsense.

10 years ago

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If it wasn't dead then why did Capcom change things up in RE? Capcom is a company that generally sticks with what works and for them to action up RE with 4 and 5 is a sign that something wasn't working.

And outside of Silent hill there isn't nothing in the way of Survival horror outside of hte indie scene (which has entires in other practically dead genres)

10 years ago

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You make it sound like Capcom were game gods who decide when a genre is dead. I don't know why they changed it. I agree that survival horror games are a niche genre now but they are NOT dead. During the last few years a few great survival horror games were released (Penumbra, Amnesia, Outlast) and some new are coming soon (The Evil Within, SOMA etc.) and as long as such games will be coming out the genre will not be dead. It may be unpopular, it may be niche but it's not dead.

And I'm inclined to say that indie survival horror games (as you call them) are way better than most mainstream survival horror games coming out back in the days. And when it comes to their quality they are in no way worse than mainstream survival horror games.

10 years ago

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in Survivor Horror they were one of the two big names and for Capcom to change it doesn't reflect well on the genre, though I should have said "pushed to the niche" (like a few other genres once dominant) instead of outright dead. Capcom ultimately sticks with what gives them money, just look at how hard they kicked megaman to the curb after Inafune left and for what? More SF4 rehashes with heavily hyped clone characters.

10 years ago

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Yeah, money is in online games and MMORPG's nowadays mostly. And that damn F2P. I hate the way the gaming went when it comes to this. Many great genres were pushed to niche (like mix of adventure and action, not many games like this coming out nowadays, survival horror and even games such as God of War are not so common nowadays). I hope it'll change in the future. The Evil Within coming out makes me happy cause it's been a while since an AAA survival horror (and I mean survival horror, not action with a hint of horror) came out.

10 years ago

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They tested it and sadly the media just took it and new fans came along.

no RE fan i know of (very few do) actually enjoyed RE4 much like the kids of today.

I got RE4 on the Gamecube cause it was exclusive that was the Start of Capcom's bullshit. then they released the shitty port ppl playing on the PS2 yes i said it. GC was way tons better.
Fun game as RE4 was it was no RE game to me. it KILLED the story in the first 2 minutes with ooh Suddently Umblrella company died due to stocks. like wtf years waiting for a big end with everyone going to Umbrella's HQ in Paris to take them out.

but noo and then capcom steriods Chris up.. forgot about Barry Burton, Rebecca and not to mention Billy i mean fuck it billy was awesome.

yes 3D backgrounds was a new thing ish (code veronica) but the survival Horror died when RE4 came out.

sorry im ranting

10 years ago

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Actually RE4 is the best one in the series IMO. But that's mostly because first three games are unplayable nowadays. The turning around thing? Man, back in the day it was okay but today it throws me off like hell. I remember that I used to play the hell out of Nemesis back in the day. With the first RE being remade I hope they'll also remake 2nd one and 3rd one. That would be amazing.

I don't really mind when a series changes direction as long as the new direction is good as well. While RE is no longer horror it's a great action game with the Japanese feel to it (great monster design, great cut-scenes, tons of action etc.).

10 years ago

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RE4 was good but for me the best games in the series are REmake on the GC (soon PC as well :) ) and Resident Evil Zero

10 years ago

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I played only the PC RE games so I'm talking about them only :)

10 years ago

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Dead Space proved Capcom wrong (ill admit i never played DS2-3)

10 years ago

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The second one is better than the first one IMO. More action, less horror but everything else is better. I still have to play the third one though.

10 years ago

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Nah, it's really good! Very action-packed and feels like a big-time movie.

10 years ago

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I liked it better than 4 and 5, to be honest.

I think it would getter reviews if it wasn't a Resident Evil title. It's a quite good action game. The plot is okay, soundtrack and graphics are pretty good, and gameplay is solid. Characters can be quite lovable.

10 years ago

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Only tried the demo and it's fun. The thing is people always expect a good old spooky game but it turns into an action game.

10 years ago

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RE stopped being spooky after Nemesis. Yet people still don't understand that. Every time a RE is announced they expect something other than what's being created. RE series is NOT a horror series anymore. Unless people call it that because of monsters. But it's not scary anymore. You want scary? Turn to Amnesia, Penumbra, Outlast etc.

10 years ago

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i liked it. It's cheap now, worth it

10 years ago

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Can't be worse than 5

10 years ago

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5 was great IMO. It had great atmosphere, great coop, great graphics, awesome boss fights and nice story. People hated it mostly because it was totally different than what the series had offered so far as of that time.

10 years ago

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If you have a friend to play it with, I would say that it is worth it. Just remember that it is a third person co-op shooter and not a survival horror game. I have not played any of the DLCs and have only played it with a friend, so I am not sure how fun it is alone.

10 years ago

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Bad Resident Evil game, but not a bad game.

10 years ago

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if you play with a friend the game becomes more enjoyable.(I played both 5 and 6 with my gf)

10 years ago

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for horror game yes / action nah :)

10 years ago

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Bad? Hell no. It's a very good game IMO. Tons of action, awesome monsters, great boss fights, interesting story and very long campaign (if you count all 4 of them). Is it the best RE game? Of course not. Is it enjoyable? Hell yeah.

But first chapter in first campaign is terrible IMO so it might throw you off. Play through a little more to see if you like it.

10 years ago

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Am i the single person on the internet who is a die hard fan of the series and enjoyed this game the hell out of it? For real...

10 years ago

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no you're not the only one, I have a friends who's a diehard fan as well and he did enjoy it

10 years ago

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Get RE5 instead and play coop with your friend. The DLCs are for competitive multiplayer only, not worth it.

10 years ago

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So the DLCs are useless even for Local Co-op ??

10 years ago

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The 5 was much better than 6. But 6 isn't terrible at all. It is a very good co-op shooter. With some zombie elements.

But it's got some flaws. First - too long levels. It takes up to 90 minutes to finish one. And there are 20 of them. And since I've finished RE5 in just under 4 hours, RE6 is much longer game - but in a bad way. The scenery is repetitive. Puzzles are time consuming, but not challenging. And you get to revisit locations a lot. My first battle against Chaos took me about 45 minutes. Out of which I spend about 30 trying to figure out what I should do to defeat this guy.

The plot is mostly copy-paste from all earlier RE's. And it also doesn't make much sense. I mean, repeating Raccoon city incident to cover up Raccoon city incident? Creating new epidemic outbreak to kill one person (what happened to good old sniper rifle?) Replacing well known characters with their more annoying copies? (Sheva - Helena, Claire - Shery) Bio terrorists have extreme hardware (dozens of choppers, thousands of people, two Aircraft carriers and at least one nuclear submarine - where the hell did they bought it? And how they have hidden two aircraft carriers?) And half of the dialogs are paraphrases of RE4 and RE5. The only good thing about it is how it overlaps between campaigns.

New kind of virus and zombies are fun to shoot at, bosses are in most cases interesting (with two exceptions - Ustanak and Chaos - first one is copy of Nemesis, second is useless)

One last thing - the camera. It is much worse than RE5. It is worse that Tomb Raider (The original one form 1996) It is especially terrible during action sequences. In first phase of battle with Chaos all of my deaths were caused by camera movement. When I am running from giant BOW I want to see where am I going, instead of looking on his face.

I know that I was mostly complaining in this text, but the point is - it is still good fun to shoot zombies/mutants. Especially in co-op. Graphics are fun to watch. Weapons work fine, difficulty is challenging but not brutal (with the exception of Chaos - first you battle camera, then you are almost invincible, but enemy is regenerating so fast that it takes a while to kill him), co-op works great. It is a very good co-op shooter. Not so good Resident Evil game.

10 years ago

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I played it alone and didn't really enjoy it but it isn't so bad, if cheap enough you can buy it. I bought it for 8€ on my 360

10 years ago

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It's too bad, controls, camera and history !!!!

10 years ago

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The biggest mistake people make with Resident Evil games is expect a game like RE1. Remember, It's a franchise. I personally played RE1 & 2 when they came out and really liked them. I also liked the movies. I like RE Revelations. RE4 on the xbox 360 has a fov that doesn't feel right for me, so I never played that for more than an hour or two. But they're like different burgers at a fast food restaurant. You basically know what you're getting, just that they cater to different tastes. Some things may not please you, especially if you only want the same thing again and again. Some things you may enjoy even though you expected something different.
If possible, always try out a demo first. Maybe on a console. There always may be some minor things that are incredibly annoying to you.

10 years ago

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This is going to come from a long time fan of the series since 1997 when i first touched the PS1 controler in my hand at a local gaming store.

Resident Evil 6 is boring. I played the demo on the XBox 360 and PS3 and it was okay to play Leon's sscenarior as it reminded me lil of RE2/3.

but Chris is like action action action and omg its fucking cod bla bla. on linear than fuck ever.

I got the game for cheap on PS3 i mean really cheap i played it.. maybe 2 hours i put it down thought fuck that i rather play something else. i got robbed some games were stolen i rebought them except RE6 why cause it sucked so bad for me that i wont pay much at all to get it again. i will get it on the haloween sale hoping to get it for 85% or more cheaper with all DLC's but yeah this also depends entirely on you.

I got Revelations cause it was quiet decent. RE5 is decent not too much like the actual RE but decent.

and that is my 2Cents

10 years ago

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I am too big resident evil franchise fan to say that resident evil 6 make me cry :D But like real fan i buy game in steam when i finish it second time nonsteam version ...

10 years ago

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its not a bad game.but it is also not an RESIDENT EVIL!

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 8 months ago.

10 years ago

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Q&A? Don't you mean QTE, QuickTimeEvents? ;)

10 years ago

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No he means the question and answer parts of the game to make sure you been following the deep thought provoking storyline.

10 years ago

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Well, it comes down to personal opinion and opinions are like assholes....everybody has one and they all stink. Liking a game is a purely subjective thing. I could say to you, "I love Uplink, I know of 5 others that like it, too, and only 1 of my mates hates it. So, if you want to buy it, then that's 5 against 1, which has to mean that you'll like it", but that doesn't necessarily mean that you'll like Uplink...You may even end up hating it something fierce but I had 5 guys tell you it was worth buying, so you HAVE to agree with me as it was 83.4% that like it and only 16.6% that don't like it.

Do you see where I'm going with this? Like is always very personal, there are games, absolute hugely popular games, that I don't like, even if 90% did say it was worth buying, to me, it was a waste of money.

My advice, either get it on sale, (if it's still on sale), or go to a third party key shop and get it cheap from there. There's only YOU that can tell you if you'll like it

10 years ago

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