Good luck everyone! I'm trying the mage class for the first time, so we'll see how that goes :)
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Teleporting to a spike trap killed me, but it did not go to death screen.(bled to death)
The ghost is useless for me, haven't seen anyone since the start.:P
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It's pretty useless now anyway - 9 ep per other persons level gives you enough energy to check a wall at best :P but the ghost effect is awesome! :D
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Don't know it didn't get used on me, so I have no idea.
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Once I'm alive again, I will find you and I will spook you :D
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Are you thief? if so, you can't.
And come on down, I'm waiting for energy(don't want to use any more potions atm)
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I'm trying barbarian this time so I can spook you no problem :P
I will be back alive in 40 minutes, then I'm coming after you with my spooky ghost
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I got a secret info from the lord of the dungeons - praise him !:
you can spook other players by clicking such option when viewing their in-game profile (it will be shown at the bottom of the profile window). Your Energy must be lower than max level and the player you spook must be of a different class than yours. Recharge time is 10 steps.
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I hope you find my ga before you finish it. :P
Not that it really matters when you find it.
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Come ON already, rework this stupid magic wand bullshit, yet again i'm not getting any ranged weapon and stuck with a wand and it's mechanic yet again pisses me off, wasting several turns BEFORE YOU EVEN HAVE A CHANCE TO HIT the enemy, then miss and waste several more turns is astonishingly frustrating. Waited out the death timer just to die in the first encounter while wasting valuable resources just cause i couldn't finish him off cause i kept missing the defense and then missing the hits. Making defense restore some concentration even on miss would help greatly. Also when you have some concentration and then lose hp/ep and then use defense - concentration goes down to a new maximum value which wasted lots of concentration for me over the games, not too meaningful but yet again with the wand weapon everything counts.
Constant bleeding from checks apparently isn't enough so this time there are traps on every corner... if only you could have a clue that trap is nearby, maybe in the text form cause me and i'm sure most of the others just don't read the text cause it's essentially useless.
Also when you die from bleeding you essentially waste a turn, i waited to get the energy to make a check, pressed a check and died from bleeding before it actually did anything. It's not too bad or illogical but waiting another 4 minutes to simply die and not gather anything from it doesn't feel right.
On the side note: stop doing the events... i'm serious... they felt great and we forgive and forget all the bad parts to enjoy the good ones, but when the events go one after another they just lose more and more "value" and blur into one long event that just wears off the charm and leaves more and more bad experiences that stack up and overshadow all the good moments. I'm not enjoying this game much not cause it's bad or worse than previous ones or anything but cause i just played 2 similar ones and it's getting stale.
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well, i did and tried some variations but nothing worked. any more hints on that mirror door riddle?
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But if I'm not mistaken, you can't run away, but after a while that doesn't matter.
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Curse affects ep afaik, has it changed?
Re-read it... srsly i came from loving this game to hating it in only 2 events. Wherever i go i just die, wasting all my hpots in the process, i died to a fucking ANGRY TURTLE today, bled from all the traps and simply kept swinging my weapon like a blind madman.
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It wasn't in the FAQ, but always affected dmg, apparently experience gained as well.
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Oh god i finally found gem seller, bought a ton of healthpots and barely managed to kill all 3 eaters... while wasting all the pots i bought... so i'm 1 step closer, but the situation didn't change a bit... And yeah, dead again cause i kept missing the easy enemy and no hpots.
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Difficult one. I ve found the gem seller too late to make the game easier.
Annoying thing ? Bleeding, from scratches or traps. Over and over. I was using death as a free bandage...
Funny map design - good work :)
Had spooky fun. Thank you.
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You certainly took an extra mile, over double the steps than me, but i got somewhat unlucky and lucky and if i didn't had a "spark" in my brain for the mirror riddle i would have probably ran around looking for clues.
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I think I found a bug. Not sure why it happened but I can't revive death player even I'm at the screen of search dead bodies and I see 1 death player in the area at right bottom. But it says no one around when I try to revive. Before that, a wizard guy stole my all energy and I tried to do same in same second but I couldn't do it. At first I though it's game design but it looks like because of same bug. I'm using google chrome latest version. Any suggestion?
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U cannot use abilities on players lower than lv 4, and there's artifacts that can prevent other players to steal their energy.
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What is the memory orb used for?
Edit: couldnt sell it as gems.
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Hello Steamgifters! It is time for a special Halloween GosW adventure!
All of us like playing games, and all of us like winning games. So, how about playing a game and winning games while playing?
Game of sWords is a text RPG Adventure where you can explore dungeons, upgrade your hero, find useful items, weapons and artifacts, avoid deadly traps, fight dangerous monsters and interact with other players while searching for treasures (private SteamGifts giveaways links) on your way and trying to complete a quest to get access to a huge amount of private giveaways! Each quest has a limited number of winners split between 3 available classes - Barbarian, Wizard and Thief, so the chances in each giveaway will always be great.
All giveaways have no restrictions, so anyone who finds them can join them!
A lot of giveaways have been contributed by the community members, and I would like to say a big Thank You to everyone who made a contribution! :)
Here is the topic of Quest for Dungeon Heart #2
Here is the topic of Quest for Dungeon Heart #1
Here is the topic of the third Game of sWords 3.0
Here is the topic of Game of sWords 2.0
And here is the topic of the first one, which started back in November last year.
Important notes about the Game
Your hero has Energy Points and Health Points.
Most of the actions require Energy Points. Energy can be replenished using items which you can find everywhere, thus it is important to check everything around you!
Energy also replenishes over time and that time can be reduced with special artifacts that can be found during the adventure.
Note, that the Energy won't be replenishing during the battles (you can only restore it with potions)!
If you lose all your Health Points, you will also lose all the Energy you had plus you will have to wait for a few hours to be resurrected. Energy can not be replenished while you are dead!
Note: If you have problems navigating through the map, you can switch to Simplified Navigation at the bottom right corner.
I highly recommend to visit sWords Library that has a lot of other useful information that will help you in the adventure
Commands you can use in chat:
You can trade with other adventurers through the Chat using following command: /trade *amount* *item(s) you have* for *amount* *item(s) you want*
/trade 5 small healing potions for 3 small energy potions
/trade 5 acceleration scrolls for 100 coins
You can drop items/scrolls/coins/arrows using following command: /drop *amount* *item(s) you have*
You can give items/scrolls/coins/arrows to other adventurer using following command: /give *id* *amount* *item(s) you have*
Note: GosW engine is not properly supported by Internet Explorer (you will encounter all kinds of nasty bugs there) and it is recommended to use one of the following browsers: Chrome (perfect), Opera (perfect) or Firefox (great, but the game works a tiny bit slower and sounds sometimes mess up a little).
Current Winners limits: Barbarians:20, Mages:20, Thieves:20.
Winners get access to all giveaways available in the Game! (60+)
Everyone who finishes the Game after the limit is reached (while it is still runnning) gets 1 random treasure as a consolation prize!
All giveaways end in about a week! The Game will last for a week.
Time to start the Adventure!
EVERYONE is invited to play the Game and search for treasures in the adventure! :)
The only requirement is that your Steam account should be more than 90 days old.
Join the official group
Start playing now!
Want to suggest an idea to help me improve the game? Post it here! People can upvote or downvote it, and it will help me see what people do and do not want to be implemented. Thank you!
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