Do you think age matters too? XD Lulz I was a baby when first and second gen came out
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I actually thought it was the best (unless you count HeartGold and SoulSilver) as I didn't like the designs after Gen III and Red/Blue had terrible graphics (even by Game Boy standards) and almost no balance.
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Yeah, it was ridiculous that the feature didn't come back, as that level of interaction was what most of us older Pokémon fans had wanted since Pokémon Yellow. :/ imo The only way they can top HeartGold and SoulSilver is if they make a HG/SS-esque game with more than two regions (preferably Kanto, Johto and Hoenn included) or make a 3D Pokémon game where you control your Pokémon in a 3D-Fighter type environment. Would fights like that be balanced for all pokemon? No, but they aren't remotely well-balanced in the RPG setting either. lol
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I'm in my 20s and played Game Boys before Pocket Monsters even came out. lol
Psychic-types were ridiculously overpowered in Red and Blue (which forced Game Freak to make the Dark type), and we had cancerous sprites like this. What's even more hilarious is that all of the terrible sprites were REDRAWS, as the Red and Green (Japanese) ones were even worse. I'm not calling Red/Blue bad games, but they feel much more dated than, say, Yellow or Gold/Silver/Crystal. Heck, the graphics artists couldn't even be bothered to draw Koffing correctly or make sure that they didn't screw up and give Butterfree and Venomoth the wrong sprites.
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was that when they got this weird obsession with predation on human children? with maybe 10 old ones getting their descriptions changed and at least that many added who's entries were similar? like that ghost that pretends to be a balloon so when an unsuspecting child takes its hand it grabs hold and he is never seen again...
hypno finds the dreams of children especially delicious and will lure them away like the pied piper, golduck finds only cucumbers more delicious than human infants ect. >_>
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No, that balloon Pokemon is in generation 4 a.k.a. Diamond/Pearl. Third generation is Ruby/Sapphire, which I like.
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oh, in that case yeah. ruby sapphire were good, so was fire red leaf green. but not quite as good as red/blue because they removed the best( or maybe best 4? maybe 5?) pokemon of all. MISINGNO. they should have recreated it as an Easter egg in the remakes(fire/leaf). (I took forever resetting and trading to catch all 3 misingno myself and m' the blocky sponge form was the best but the skeleton and ghosts were good too)
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Just maybe stop following big franchises and look around more.
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That's true, but I do play some less popular games, I only listed those games because I wanted to make everybody understand what I mean. Or maybe I am a... FANBOY! D=
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Well, I guess some fanboysim is all right (for me it's GTA, for example). Just beware of induced blindness and, even worse, tunnel vision! ;)
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From what you posted it seems like you are just tired of playing games in the same series. That is possible if you played a lot of the previous games and the newer games didn't change much. For example the people in my clan who played a ton of BC2 didn't enjoy BF3 as much. On the other hand, I didn't spend much time playing BC2 so I loved BF3. Until I got bored of playing the same maps :P
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True, I've invested ions of time into BFBC2 and only about 12 in BF3. I can't make a well formulated opinion based on bias =P
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I don't think it is that games are getting worse, but more a matter of the type of business it now is. Video games have to have been profitable in the past, but the industry was nothing like the size it is now. The growth in the market means that much of what is pushed down our throats is pretty formulaic but appealing to the largest possible audience and marketed so well it can't fail. As a result a lot of devs who used to give a bit of risky money up to other developments now hedge their bets in their successful franchises.
If Steam has done anything for me it has, through the amount of indie games I've played on it, reminded me that the creativity in the industry is still very much alive and that digital delivery systems cutting the costs of production and distribution are drastically increasing that creativity to levels it hasn't been at for a long time - while mass production of physical units was key and thus you had to have big money to back you up. What's more, kickstarter gives a great platform for the consumer to become a shareholder rather than just a stakeholder. We can invest in projects we care about and want to see.
Not all of it will be perfect, for every good game there will be a few poor ones and likewise there will be kickstarter projects that disappoint and all sorts of complications. But gaming is moving into many new areas, and seems to be diversifying as it grows. There's a bright, creative, fun future for gaming and the industry will have to adapt to it.
tl;dr - It's not worse, just different and it's changing all the time. At the moment, to me, in many good new directions.
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True, Corporate Companies wanna make money now, that's what they do.
But on the other hand, that's what they've always been doing.
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Sadly with that comes a level of commitment (and subsequently need for safety) rather than an encouragement of originality and creativity. I'm not criticising (though I don't like big businesses all that much) but, when you spend a budget of many millions pushing out your latest action blockbuster game the company expects a return. There are buttocks on the line for a lot of people. Essentially, the big franchises have to succeed to keep the business going.
But, as I also said, the industry is changing dramatically with digital online distribution and that means we can have our cake and eat it. If you like your big games from big devs, so long as we keep buying them, they'll keep making them. But there are also many other alternative avenues now that weren't so open even as little as ten years ago.
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I don't think it's getting worse, it is merely changing - evolving if you will - by branching out into new methods of marketing, funding and distribution.
The games you mentioned above are, for the most part, very successful. They can't be that bad. The problem many of us disillusioned with the more...I don't want to say mainstream - Heavily marketed games are that they change little. Your examples above highlight that. They are not bad games, merely samey and perhaps a little unoriginal. But then, sometimes I just want to shoot all the things, or battle all the Pokémon gym leaders - and those games you mentioned above will do just fine for that.
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UNCHARTED WAS A LEGEND!!! =D I'm really interested about Spec Ops, but I haven't got the enthusiasm to play it =/
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If you have it, then you HAVE to play it. The story and the script is movie-quality, and Nolan North (from Uncharted and the upcoming Deadpool game fame!) makes the VO of the main character.
If you have a PS3 and you don't have Spec Ops, then get PS+. The game is going to be out of the list in Tuesday, so get it quick!.
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Get Vanquish. Lots of fast-paced action and guns blazin' from the good guys of Platinum Games. It's a short game, but you are going to totally enjoy it.
It even makes me wonder why Japanese Devs do not make more games like this one or MGR: Revengeance...
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I think that indie games are getting progressively better and better, but AAA titles are getting worse and worse as they constantly try to cater to gamers that are new, not as good or complacent with having sequels of the same thing.
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I tend to dawdle in Indie games, I should try them more often. Too bad most AAA titles are a cash grab now.
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I agree that AAA titles seem to exist only as a business and usually end up shitty, but then, I don't really care for Indie titles because they're usually just 2D platformers that are supposedly artsy
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That's partially because of a low budget (or lacking developers). There are plenty of amazing 3D indie titles too like Natural Selection 2 and Demolition Inc.
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I like some of them, don't get me wrong, I'm a great fan of The Binding of Isaac, I like Torchlight and Minecraft, and Orcs Must Die, if that's indie too. But the majority all look alike to me and I just don't care for them at all...
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Fair enough, though in my opinion they are usually quite varied if you ignore the Minecraft clones or the ones catering to zombie and Slender madness.
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Oh man, he thinks modern video games suck. What a rebel.
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Looking at your library, I'd suggest you try games in different genres. All I used to play was FPS shooters, now I've expanded to a ton more games like Dota and Warband.
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My Steam Library is not the only collection of game I have. Since my computer suck I invest a lot into console games, plus I'm VAC banned. I have more than two accounts (EDIT: Only because I wanted to play CS 1.6 again...)
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tear you are growing up thats whats happening.
See battlefield and COD are legitimately bad games through and through whose only redeemable quality is the multiplayer and thats if you can get around the 12 year olds using racial slurs constantly.
pokemon can still be fun but I havent played any of them since gold and silver so what do I know.
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20 hours? Expansions? QUESTS?
What are you, a creature of the past?:D
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Believe me, there were plenty of horrible releases back in the day (for whatever value of "the day" applies to you.) It's just that the best releases from back then are more often talked about, more often kept around.
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Well, nostalgia is something normal for humans and you can get nostalgic over everything (object/memory etc.) and it's a sign that you're getting older :P
But yeah, games are getting worse. There was a time when devs used to make games for fun and also get money out of it. Now publishers run the show and it's all marketing and money. Just have a look at Umbr.. argh I mean EA Games and their games.
Try to look around, check out the indie devs and the small companies. It's not that you will definitely like indie games but you can see there are good games out there.
And since we all play AAA games, try not to expect too much, especially from games like CoD, MoH, Battlefield, FIFA (LOL) etc.
And don't rush in when they are out. Wait for it, let them push out all those patches & DLCs and get the final game (all patches + DLCs) at less than 50% the original price :))
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Battlefield Bad Company, the original was by far the best of the series I have not liked a Battle Field game as much as the first.
However for Halo, Halo 2 is my favorite Halo 3 was nice, reach was awful, ODST, was a piece of shit, and halo 4 is a futuristic cod clone. The series is dead for me.
Pokemon is Pokemon, you can't say any game is better then the other because they literally are all the same. Besides the fact that Pokemon are getting less and less creative (for fuck sakes why is there a Pokemon that is a candle and the name is almost literally candle.)
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Have to agree with the Halo thing. I was never really into it, but because my friends were basically fanboys, I played all of the games. Halo just stopped being good after 3 (although I think Reach is debatable), which is why the only time I play any of those is with my friends.
Pokemon, at least in my opinion, is just made for each generation of kids, which may drop off at about the 2nd or 3rd Pokemon generation for the kids. I really don't feel it was designed for people to play every single generation of Pokemon games that come out, which is why they're all so similar. Also, is there seriously a Pokemon like that? Damn, talk about dumbing it down.
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The bad thing about nostalgia is that it puts your expectations to a higher level than it should be.
I'm not saying the "old" games suck, but people should really stop saying " back in my days, things were better, everything is sh*t nowadays". Things didn't change that much. The crap has always been here, and will always be. Search a little bit and you will find some diamonds hidden in the huge pile of crap.
The reason why many games suck is that some people simply want to make money, by creating a generic and linear product.
One of the things that show how greedy some companies are is DLCs. Some are nice and bring more quests, new maps and characters, all of it for a reasonnable price. And some dlc have for only purpose to make money by selling you some stupid and useless stuff ( yes square enix, i'm talking about your 1$ weapon dlc).
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It's nostalgia. Good games come out, bad games come out. This is how it has always been.
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I think a large part of it is nostalgia. I.e. you remember the great games while forgetting most of the bland. With that said; I do think the amount of great games has fallen. There's still wonderful games being released, but they seem less frequent compared to the late 90s-2005.
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I actually thought about this the other day to myself. For me, personally, it's a mixture between the idea of games generally in today's culture lacks unique/vibrant life and nostalgia. For example, when you're young or new to a certain style of game and the first time you play it what can be said is usually "Wow!". But that feeling obviously wears off and you move on. It gets played out. I don't buy strategy games like Star-craft anymore because I've played too many of them. And I think to myself "oh look, another game that looks like a rip-off of so many games other than the fact that the textures are different"
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It could quite possibly be a mixture of all 3.
Then again the things you're citing are bad company, bf 3, cod, and halo. Here, how about you do an experiment? You could play some of the best games that are, like, 7 or 8 years old or older and then tell us if you still think the games have declined in quality.
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It's nostalgia. Good games you played as a kid always stick in the memory. Back in the 16 bit era, there was a truly huge number of absolutely terrible games, mostly platformers. In fact, if I was to hazard a guess as to the % of games made per year that are terrible, I'd say that number has been getting smaller and smaller as the years go by.
Then there's the fact that, when you were young, your access to games was limited to what your parents would buy you. For the average kid, that meant not many games so you damn well made sure you enjoyed the ones you had, regardless of quality. I remember I played Bubsy The Bobcat to death on the Mega Drive. 15 years later, (fuck, that makes me feel old -_- ) I load it up in an emulator and wonder what the hell was wrong with me back then.
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I have your answer right here:
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a mixture of 3 i say.
thee are a lot of good games as well as bad just like the old days, i say battlefield BC 2was by far the best of the series, halo reach too was incredible from all the halos in my opinion, its just thef act that seeing some giants fall like cod or other games, makes you depressed and think "everything is shit these days" but its not.
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Are some video games are getting worse, or is it a feeling of nostalgia. I'M COMPLETELY UTTERLY BIASED PLEASE THROW Tomatoes at me (not oranges I'm allergic). I used to have Battlefield Bad Company 2 for the PS3. I had the time of my life. Then Battlefield 3 came out and I was like,"Whatever.". Same goes for COD 4 to any other newer COD game, Halo 2 to Halo 3, Pokemon on the Game Boy Color and Advanced compared to DS. Am I getting old? Why do I have a cane? GET OFF MY LAWWWWN!!! Plus, I haven't really explored older games like the original Counter Strike, Pokemon, COD, and Battlefield games etc. so my opinion is pretty much useless.
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