I am sorry for your loss. My own father has been very ill for a long time, so I sort of know what you have been going through.
Money can generate real issues. Change isn't always bad. The village in the video looks beautiful, and you never know what the future holds.
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And when it comes to android gaming, I am sure the SG forum would be able to suggest to you a couple really addictive android games :)
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Might not be a bad thing to get away from technology for a bit. Looks like a beautiful place with fresh air. I wish you well.
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Sorry for your loss.
I hope your medical goes well and the job is something you enjoy.
Even if you're without a PC for a while, I'm sure popping back here now and then would be nice. Keep up with everyone and stay involved in the forum maybe.
Good luck tomorrow and I hope things work out for you and your family.
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Sorry to hear this.
The place you are moving to looks beautiful if its the place in the youtube video! Looks similar to my home, but I live kind of on the border of countryside and suburban life. I sometimes have dodgy internet as a result and once you go up into the moors you get no signal of any kind and there's a possibility there is no human life for miles around. I love it!
I hope you find tranquillity in your new surroundings and enjoy your life moving forward. I really do offer my deepest sympathy at the passing of your father though, best wishes!
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Sorry for your loss. The village does indeed look great, so that's a big plus. Living with strangers isn't necessary bad, you might make good friends too. Since you are bringing a smartphone with you, you will also remain in contact with your family. How come you are not bringing your PC with you? Or it's a family PC?
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Well I'm not really sure could I take my PC there, with it being a shared house with the workers and all I assumed something like that wouldn't be allowed. Even if it were I'm not sure it'd be a good idea bringing PC there, those people could mess it up. Also I'll be traveling by a bus so that's another issue, I'm only taking one luggage-case with me that contains clothes and personal hygiene stuff.
Living with those strangers could be good or bad, depending on what kind of people they are. I just hope they're not primitive and rude and that they are at least somewhat tidy.
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Plot twist: they are all math graduates and you are the only one without a PC :P
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I hope everything will be fine.
Every new year will become better for you.
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Damn, bro, sorry to hear about your father and the house and all. That's a big helping to have shoved onto your plate for anyone to try and swallow all at once, but kudos to you for stepping up, seeing what needed to be done, and getting it done.
I sincerely hope the move is for the better and things look up for you, and that we see your name back around these forums sometime in the near future (cough -android app-cough). Regardless, take care of yourself and best wishes, bro. :3
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Well, that's a rough start of the year. But it looks like things will work out well enough, assuming your new housemates are decent enough people.
So, best of luck in 2017, and don't be a stranger.
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Seems like you're holding up well so far. :) I'm glad you found yourself a job! -knocks on wood- That "village" you'll be moving to seems absolutely beautiful, by the way. If possible, I hope that you'll be able to find some sort of peace there. "A sound soul dwells within a sound mind and a sound body." Also, I really hope that the strangers you'll be living with won't end up being savages/slobs. Good luck to you!
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I'm not really sure how to start and what to say. Ermm.. do you folks remember my previous thread talking about real life issues, mostly about what happened to my dad? Well.. he died about three days after I made that thread.
For those who asked me why I wasn't as active on SG and its discord channel lately, this is the reason. Now like I said in my previous thread, he was of bad health my whole life so I knew he can die at any time (doctors thought he'll die about 20 years ago, but he survived until now) and was mentally prepared for it so it didn't really have a noticeable emotional impact on me.
After his death I found out he placed a significant mortgage on the house years ago, and its bigger than the house is even worth nowadays. Me and my family therefore rejected his inheritance which means that while we won't have to take over the dept, we will also lose the house as the bank will take it over.
I focused on finding a job like never before and eventually managed to get one. It's around 300 km away so I'll be moving there, I'll start the travel tomorrow around 1-2 am and should be there around 5 am. Then I'll have to pass the medical checks and if I do the job is mine. The company will give me a place to live (house shared with other workers) and they seem to have organized transport for their workers too, so I won't need to worry about that. The wage isn't impressive but at least it's not the minimal (if I can believe what their human resources person told me).
This is how the "village" I'll be living in looks from air, it's a village inside a forest I guess. That's how it looks, and that's what its "Holy Peter in the Woods" name implies. It looks pretty, it's not cold there as it is here and the air is a lot better, so that's good. Not sure how I feel about having to live with strangers, but I've no choice.
I don't like the idea of leaving my PC behind, but what can you do. I got my dads smartphone (android) after he died. I loaded it with games (once a gamer, always a gamer no matter what) and music and I intend to get mobile internet so I'll probably still visit SG every now and then. Not sure will I enter any giveaways if I do though, since I'd feel bad winning things which I have no idea when I'll be able to play. Then again I wouldn't like missing on winning something I want either, bleh. Since I'll be working I'll finally have money to buy bundles, if I get any I'll probably make giveaways every now and then with the leftovers. Won't make any promises since considering the situation I'm in I'll have to be smart with my expenses.
So that's about it I think. My life is going to change drastically tomorrow, I assume for the better. Well everything about it is going to be better than my current life, other than not having PC there.
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