Because most games on Steam don't cost exactly $X.00

They tend to cost $(X-1).99

AND, if you do that, then things like this happen to people who haven't contributed a lot, yet have contributed:

And, if that happens, then they would have to pay to make up for that one cent, but, almost nothing costs $0.01. It's usually a lot more than that.

10 years ago*

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How about we make giveaways with any value we want. We are the ones doing them.

Also, here is a giveaway for Power-Up.

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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10 years ago

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10 years ago

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No you must make all giveaways so I can enter, because I'm ENTITLED to do so.

(/s because there are idiots)

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

10 years ago

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We both had the same idea. :D

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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I don't think "PSA" means what you think it means...

10 years ago

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I was hoping people weren't intentionally doing this, and that they just were ignorant of this thing.

10 years ago

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Well, then you are severely underestimating people. In order to put a contribution requirement of 10$, they must have already given away at least 5$, so they most likely know pretty well that whatever they gave away wasn't a round number either.
If a giveaway has exactly 0.01$ above what you have (or any number above what you have)... well, then I guess whoever made it didn't make it for you. Just ignore it and move on- nothing gained, nothing lost.

10 years ago

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Haha. Gtfo. You've been here 2 years. "PSA" What a prick.

During a sale too...

10 years ago

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I haven't been here for two years. My first ATTEMPT at registering may have been two years ago, but I have been on for less than one year. And, it took me a LONG time to get that $100 worth of games in my library.

10 years ago

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Is this the 'Y're poor sob sob' moment? I always miss it, so don't mind if I ask.

10 years ago

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It's not meant to be a sad story. It's a way to let people know that people are affected by this. I just want to help so that doesn't happen again.

10 years ago

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Thanks to your comment here, I'm tempted to make a 30.00$ giveaway here. Not 30.01$, just the bundle max to appreciate those who don't give a damn about the phony 'be a true giver and not only give away bundled games' policy here, but that are still giving the most of what they can. There are a lot of 1$ bundles out there to get you up to 30$ CV here. No matter where you are, that's NOT a lot of money.

10 years ago

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It will happen all we want.

You too can enter a $10CV giveaway by simply giving away more.

10 years ago

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1) look for user with a certain game on wishlist

2) make giveaway of said game with a contributor requirement 1 cent above the CV of that particular user

3) ???

4) profit

10 years ago

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Bah, the South Park plan only had three stages! You say there are no easy answers, I say you're looking hard enough for them!

10 years ago

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I'm not sure what the intended message even is here but I'll continue to make contributor only giveaways.

10 years ago

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Did you read the entire title?

10 years ago

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here we go again...


10 years ago

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I'll take 10.

10 years ago

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I'll only take 9.99, because I'm a considerate soul

10 years ago

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Soooo, contribute something else. It's below the $30 dollar benchmark anyway. IMO, all contributor giveaways should be $30.01 or higher! Since you essentially get free $30 CV with bundle games.

10 years ago

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It takes people like me a LONG time to get the money to contribute something else. Even during sales.

10 years ago

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i see how annoying that would be lol, if you dont get it, check the imgur image

10 years ago

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We saw, we don't care. Its for people who donated games of that value or more. He only cares because he wants to enter more with his single bundle game giveaway.

10 years ago

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I never bought any bundles on sale. I bought a single game for full price, and donated it here a a while ago.

10 years ago

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Its a bundled title, so I'll refer to it as such.

And buying a game at full price to giveaway here? You are either silly, or believe me to be such.

Either way, it doesn't change things. The creator sets the CV. We aren't required to follow your suggestion.

10 years ago

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What's wrong with buying a game at full price than giving it here? =p

10 years ago

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uhh it said A Humble Bundle link. on you ga mate

10 years ago

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Then he clearly believes me to be stupid. Now I feel even better about my $10CV giveaway and wish I could do a bunch more.

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

10 years ago

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They could have bought it on the Humble Store.

I mean, not that it's likely, but it's possible.

10 years ago

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Exactly. I missed the bundle.

10 years ago

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Hahaha BUSTED!

10 years ago

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I realize you've contributed a bunch to the site and feel that you should be able to share your opinion, but unfortunately we don't give two shits so just move along.

10 years ago

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There are nice ways to say something, and rude ways. Guess which one you have chosen?

10 years ago

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The truthful way

10 years ago

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Welcome to SteamGifts, it's a pleasure to meet you as well!

10 years ago

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Don't be rude. Let's say we don't give 1.99 shits.

10 years ago

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^this comment just made my day. :D

10 years ago

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Aww damn, I missed the moment when 9.99$ of bundled games became 'a bunch' here. Always thought that 'below 30.01$' users are supposed to be lowlife scum.

10 years ago

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Did you know?
x.991 = x.99, so don't use .00
2 = 2x.98, so don't use .99 either
x.993 = 3x.97, so don't use .98 either
[4...9] = .96-.91, so don't use .97-.92 either
x.99*10 = .90, so don't use .91 either.

TL;DR use very high contributor values so no one cares...

10 years ago

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This is what I wanted to point out. Depending on the the number of X.99 games you gave away to reach your current CV, your CV's cents can be really different.

10 years ago

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Giveaway for Unholy Heights

10 years ago

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PSA: I lol'd

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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Ahh, the CV battle...

Also, I support the notion that people make whatever cv they want, and you shut your trap, k? If suddenly all GA's had 100$ CV, I'd just raise mine to be able to enter. Simple. Well not so... Need to find a job for that 1st...

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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10 years ago

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All i see are a bunch of trolls and childish comments, was going to write something about how much "supportive" are steamgifts users, but anyway...
I mean, it's ok to put whatever requirement you wish and state that, but creating giveaways 1 cent higher than OP's cv just to troll...that's a bit over the limit for me.

10 years ago

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he did one ga for a bundled game last month in 2 years and complains about not being able to enter a contributor ga? sorry, no support from me.

10 years ago

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You're right, but all i see are just users with 2000 and more games in their account trolling the poster putting the requirement 1 cent above... it' ok to decide the requirement for yourself, but to troll like this...

10 years ago

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His attitude doesn't really deserve sympathy. He just wants to enter more without giving more.

10 years ago

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Why should I have to give more? I paid my money. If I could have paid the full $10.00, I would have. But, since that was/is not possible, I would have to buy something else. What can be bought with $0.01?

10 years ago

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I think it's pretty obvious he's trying to enter more ,however, there's no need to troll. I think that it's your attitude that doesn't deserve approval; i'm actually blaming it. You could just say "i just decide the requirement for myself, as i'm the one doing the giveaway", or not respond at all.

Please don't answer to me if you're going to keep that childish attitude of yours, as were's not going anywhere

10 years ago

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I just gave away two DLC to break through that magic 30.01$ barrier. Do you honestly think that this only gets trolled by '2000$+ accounts'? He's just trying to get more out of his CV. 99% of the giveaway here are bundled games with no CV restriction anyway, so what's the point of this complaint? He won't be able to get any real 'value' out of this rant anyway, so just don't feed the real troll.

10 years ago

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re read my comment... i'm just saying it's ok to put whatever requirement you want, but not to troll like this. There's no need to be mean, you could just not answer at all, you know, there's also that option.
By the way, it's obvious that OP is trying to get more out of his cv, but that's not the point of my comment.
Let's just be clear, because it looks like people just can't get it: OP is wrong, but there's no need to be mean and troll.

10 years ago

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Is it wrong to ask of people to never let this happen again, at least with low CV giveaways?

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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Yes it is. The only one who decides the setting is the one making the giveaway.

Or a RNG. They come up with some great numbers.

10 years ago

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Pandering Service Announcement

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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am i late for this? sorry i overslept. i was dreaming my dearest imaginary friend. :/

10 years ago

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Pretty Stupid Announcement

10 years ago

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I guess the next one will be... PSA: Please wait a few seconds before trying to ninja a key, my Internet is too slow, I have no chance!

10 years ago

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You sir, made my day sir!

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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Closed 10 years ago by Mersopolis.