Posting the giveaway URL will show the game's name in the URL, but clicking the URL will redirect to non-group members an error message.
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you mean those 3 links?
kinda confused at the momment as its late here, guess ill just toss everything leading to them i can in the post ^w^
i think i know what you mean, ive noticed that they cant view the giveaways unless there in the groups.
which is why i made this post so they can join the group and enter the giveaways.
but yeah, i posted the steam group link, the steamgifts profile of it, and all 3 giveaway links now, dunno if there is anything else i can share which would help.
which is the steamgifts group page not visable unless your in the group? thats one thing im still wondering as that was the orignal link i attached 1st.
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thankyou kindly for the welcome
i actually know the developer of momodora as well as developers of the other two games, there really nice and great people to talk too.
i still remember when i first found the old momodora games awhile ago, was awesome ^w^ sadly ive yet to play thru them.
orignally i had 1 link added which was to the steamgifts profile of the group, usually i try to add every piece of info i can but lately been busy busy busy to were im slightly stressed.
any idea of any other info i should add, or would this be enough, as im kinda flustered that i set it to group only to find out its not visible unless your in the group.
but mistakes do happen i guess, and didnt want to end it only to create a new one as that would void all old entrys sadly.
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I think you're good, the group link and the giveaways where the minimum. I dint even know you could have group profiles here. XD
I finished momodora 2, haven''t finished the first one, but I'm at the final boss. Hopefully I'll get to play the third one as I warm up for momodora 4 which looks amazing! It's definitively going on my NEED list.
And it's good to hear that they are great people, since they make great games.
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yeah i kinda clicked the group icon and it took me to the group steamgifts profile, didnt know there was so many attached to the group.
final boss is tricky huh? always love a good challange but sometimes those challanges make you retry repeatedly hours on end, well at times anyway.
last tough bosses i had to fight which took various retrys i think was in Guacamelee! Gold Edition which was near endgame bosses as they can be very tricky.
ill see if i cant make a momodora 4 giveaway sometime ^w^ might be able too.
you dont own momodora 3 yet? 0.0
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Yeah Calaca can be tricky. I didn't have as much of a problem with him, but It did take me a couple tries. Problem with this one is that I have to clear the stage and defeat the boss on a single life, which has proven too difficult up to now. I did finish Cave Story (the free one) and that one had like three bosses in a row with no checkpoints, THAT was nasty.
I don't have Momodora III since I was waiting to finish the first two and haven't done it yet. Truth is that my last attempt was so long ago that I forgot about it until I saw the giveaway. I'll give it another go later and see If I can finally pass it before the giv is over.
Now, if you like side scrollers games similar to these, and if you haven't seen it already, have a look at this developer at , he's the one that made the Noitu Love series. I don't know if he's still developing it, but he has a demo for a game called Iconoclasts, which is amazing. Personally I think everything he has there is great, but my favorite is Legend of Princess, In which he turned The legend of Zelda into a side scrolling arcade game. I brought him up for Iconoclast, but I think everyone should play LoP, at least once since it's so cool.
If I don't win this though, I'll likely end up buying it, but I'd like it drm free. Same with momodora 4, I do hope I can get that one drm free, but I havent seen it on itchio, which makes me sad.
Edit: I'm happy again! I saw that I can get it on Playism, So I'll likely get it from there when I get the chance. Unless I end up winning it on a future giveaway that is. *wink wink :D
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O.O thankyou for that link lots of fun looking games, i actually own notiu love 2 , always wanted to play it then finnaly got it via a friend >w<
i still remember the old days when we didnt have checkpoints xD now that was tricky times, but yeah whole stage and boss in one go, thats gotta be tough.
drm free is awesome still dunno why so many dislike it, as its basicly versions that dont tie ya down to a platform like steam.
which enables you to play them whenever you want, v.s logging in and downloading them via the specific platform and being forced to login each time to play them.
awesome, ill talk to the developer sometime and see if there adding it to itch, but last time spoke with him kinda got the idea that playism is handling most of the sale points guessing.
love the classic style games <3
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I've played the demo for Noitu love 2 and it's awesome. Sadly I'm not too good with keyboard and mouse for those kind of games and I'm waiting for new controller to arrive in about a week so I'll try and give it another play then.
And yeah, I remember sometimes getting to the boss with no health and saying to myself "Why am I even here?", followed with me getting instantly killed and having to start over. :'(
I wouldn't know either since I feel drm free contributes more to the authors and you get to freely keep the game. I'm not exactly sure what would happen to my Steam library if Steam decided to shut down, for example. Steam is great though, it gives me a chance to see and play games that I otherwise would be able to (because of time and money). I have a giant wishlist but most of those are games that I want to try out (Usually they are games that do something different with classic mechanics or that I want to experience personally, as opposed to watching a playthrough), and I don't have any other means than to own them. Steam sales, bundles, and super awesome giveaway sites (of which currently none come to mind ;D ) really help bridge that gap.Those aside there are a good list of games that I want to own, that I use the wish list to keep an eye on. One peculiar case is a game called Voidspire Tactics (which feels like if FF1 and FFTactics had a baby) which I got it some time ago trough a Lazy Guys Bundle. Because of the simplicity of it and the pure nostalgia I got from it I spent 50 hours on my first playthough because I didn't want it to end. Although I had already cleared it on steam, I recently bought the game drm free because I wanted to keep it as my own. It also brought a steam key which I may put here after my current givs are over, so yeah, keep an eye out for that.
I already have an account on Playism so I'll might get it from there if I get the chance. Classic-styled games are my favorite-styled games, it's nice to find someone who thinks alike.
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o.o all giveaways ive done were comment based within the group as are majority of the others.
this being a testing the waters style, as ive never tried to run a steamgifts giveaway before.
but yes we have given over hundreds of games since the group was made via various giveaway hosts.
which you must remember not all giveaway hosts use sites like steamgifts, many of us prefer a more hands on approach v.s a simple automated system.
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I joined your group (had some friends already in it so made it an easy choice). Thank you for the giveaways and here is a BUMP for your thread.:)
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welcome to the group =3
not actually my group im just one of the few who keep it alive, the orignal owner passed it on to someone else awhile ago, which then he left us as did many others not too long ago, his reasons as for leaving, other then he prefered being like a giveaway bard traveling bettween groups shareing his giveaways.
still hes a great guy, but alongside him over the months we slowly lost some of the newer crew, luckly the majority of the old crew is still with us and still active.
as for giveaways wise we sadly have slowed down a bit as so many of us have been hit by rl, and part of the crew prefers playing support v.s doing giveaways.
but yeah the 2nd owner or better put leader would do giveaways every few days to the point if he was in a videogame he would have hit godlike status, as he sometimes ran 10-30 at once via the groups forum.
but things are slowly picking up, and due to steam limitations adding every winner isnt always possible due to friendslot limitations, and people simply not noticeing they won, among other things.
so i decided to test the waters seeing how well steamgifts based giveaways would go, so far its gone well.
which thankfully steamgifts is full of respectful people, as ive been on the steam forums a bit over the years and i can honestly say that there is so many disrespectful people on there x.x
o.o this is why you never talk when its 3am >w<
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No worries if the giveaways are slowing down. I'm grateful for any that are done, and if none are done for a while, I'm certainly not going to leave a group over it. Real life (as you said) and the cost of it could make it not very feasible to do giveaways all the time.
There are some bad eggs at Steam, and there are probably some here as well. I have not run into any here so far, thank goodness. I try to be nice and polite, and like it when people are like to me as well. A little courtesy goes a long way.:)
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^w^ i recently got back in contact with one of our older giveaway hosts so shes back to doing some via the group forum system.
but yeah they arent cheap to run sadly, bundles make it easier but still not always cheap as it all adds up.
^w^ pleasure to meet you
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Thanks! It's nice to meet you as well.
And it's true! Even bundled games add up! I have respect for the people that have done hundreds of giveaways! Some of them have only won a handful of games yet have given away hundreds!
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steam wise ive won a handleful of giveaways over time, which ive actually stopped entering most steam based ones as id rather let others have a larger chance of winning.
steamgifts wise i stop on every now and then and enter a few, then i pop off again for awhile >w<
but lately ive been popping on more since i started the 3 giveaways.
you should have seen the 2nd leader of cgiveaways, he would have made your head spin at the amount of giveaways he did weekly
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For the most part, I try to enter giveaways that have puzzles attached to them (preferably jigsaw puzzles as some of the brain-teaser puzzles seem to require a better brain than I can wield, lol) or from Groups or Whitelists that I belong to. LIke you said, a better chance of winning a game!
I actually won a game that had 1006 entries, but that is certainly the exception, not the rule.
Before I go to work, or head away from the computer for a while, I try to use up all 300 of my points. All games that interest me, and ones I will try to play. I don't bother with any games that don't interest me (just entering it for the sake of entering it or just for the cards) or multiplayer only games (such as MMOs, etc.).
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puzzles are always fun <3
i just usually go thru the main list and pick thru ones id enjoy >w<
which not being picky about what i play is a great factor.
ive won a few over time, some or majority i think were private ones which were made for a specific group, with a low time limit which was basicly for everyone who was awake and on groupees at the time, got lucky.
i tend to hop on sometimes, use my 300 points and log off and back to steam is what i usually do, use to be active alot on steam forums but kinda lost alot of time in those, and dealt with alot of drama and trolls over time so took a few steps back away from them kinda.
ive actually known people who join every single giveaway even if they dont plan on playing the games, as some will do it for the cards, some for 1+ , and even worse reasons some do it to trade or resell the games sadly.
which leads to one reason usually prefered the forum based ones as we could check for alts, see if they already owned it, and if we cared too made sure they redeemed it, and if they dont well then it all leads to if you wanna blacklist them or not.
actually use to go around helping people daily via the forums, but it wears ya down, and even worse is when the ungratefuls appear.
actually had 1 ask for some games, so i posted a list of freebies, which he said thankyou all was well.
next day he came back saying he finished them all and was asking for more on a new post...
among the games were knightshift and enclave, both i own cd vers of and i know ya aint gonna beat those alongside 8+ others in one day, that and he had 0.00 hours -_-
but yeah i plan on trying to do a few giveaways monthly, since these are kinda setup and no worrys of repeatly checking back, still i gotta admit i still prefer the hands on based ones with the forums <3 ^w^
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Wow! Gotta love Greedy Gus' like that! You're right. there is no way a person could possibly finish all those games in one day.
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lest it is how some are sadly, ones who take more then they truly need.
they are given some, yet yern for more, so they spin there lies in hopes of gaining more then what they already have.
tis be life and tis be a sad tale, but so many rather think only of themselves v.s the others who need such things more then them.
greed runs deep as does corruption in many, in life we must have respect for ourselfs as we do others, and learn to be happy with what we are given, and not to become greedy and strive for more when we do not need it.
simply put one must learn to be happy with what they are given, and not turn to corruption and let the greed take over.
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Thankfully, that has been the exception rather than the rule with the experiences I've had here so far.
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steamgifts wise majority know to follow the rules and show respect, which is one thing i really like about it.
but as i just seen some still try to bypass the rules, or simply dont read them.
as someone won a developer giveaway yet turned around and tried to run a giveaway with the won game...
then we also have the ones trying to giveaway freebies...
its sad when someone makes a mistake, but its really sad when someone is dishonest.
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not so much mine , as im just a key part of it.
the orignal owner passed it on to another who he felt could run it better, the 2nd owner decided he wanted to go back to the way he use to do things, which was giveaways anywhere he felt like.
so the group got left to another person, whos sadly not on as much but shes a great gal who is level headed.
but yeah its a group owned more so by the whole team, as some of us handle giveaways and support, well others just handle support.
but yeah when the 2nd owner left we lost a chunk of new recruits and some old recruits, but overall majority of the crew now has been with us for a long time, now so all is still going well, as well as a old staff member maybe returning ^w^
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144 Comments - Last post 2 hours ago by ayuinaba - steamgifts profile of group - - steam group link - -giveaway 1 -giveaway 2 -giveaway 3
since its my 1st time running giveaways on steamgifts, i set it to group only, not a bad thing but it means that everyone else cant see it.
which stinks as i was hoping it would be visable to everyone, but only joinable if you were in the group.
sadly i was wrong, now with the final days of them nearing i thought id make a discussion to give everyone a chance to enter.
so consider this a work around so that everyone can take notice of them, as i really hate that so many might miss out.
so goodluck everyone ^w^ and i will be making more once these end, just not group based, or if i make more group based ones ill include various groups on the entry.
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