Hello ^^

I'm having own new group YamiCore which i would be happy if would become big as much is possible :D sadly i don't have capacity to make regular giveaways, but maybe who knows where it would going to. I would be happy if i could later develop to community group also and i have many things in mind where it could potentionally going to ^^

YamiCore is now small aesthetics group, without any rules set yet (but please follow steam tos), any kind of topics are welcomed right now, you can talk about anything from serious news topics to silly one like if pineapple belong to pizza or not, but any topic happens please let's be kind to all each other, location of group is in Antarctica but people from all countries are welcome! ^^


There is also silly curator page, which would be equally and maybe more helpful as joining of group ^^


whatever you will do, join group, or curator age or invite friends, it would definitely help me for future plans ^^
thank you very much for reading ^^

btw. there is one active public giveaway which you could maybe be interested to check: https://www.steamgifts.com/giveaway/MgwX8/evans-remains

have a nice day :D

if you joined group i would be happy for comment here ^^ but it's optional as rest of mentioned :D

6 days ago*

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location of group is in Antarctica but people from all countries are welcome!


6 days ago

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thank you ^^

6 days ago

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Have a bump

6 days ago

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Thank you :D

6 days ago

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Joined, and have a bump.
Good luck on your new group/curator :)

6 days ago

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Thank you very much ^^ with anniversary of my 10 years account and with how many groups i choosed myself and liked being in i somehow thought that i would actually want have own steam group too where i would share some things ^^ but yes, curator system somehow inspired me also, and specifically some hypes last year, thank you ^^

6 days ago

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Interesting... what does "Yami" refer to?

6 days ago

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Hi ^^ name isn't strictly exclusive to topic, and is trying being abstract as far possible somehow, but word was taken from style yami kawaii which is taking cuteness but transforming it in dark way, without it is cuteness totally away from title, but it would sounds well and unique if was keep there

6 days ago

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I'm a fan of anime and light novels, so that makes sense.

Used to seeing "core" added on to things referencing music and fashion. but "yami" didnt ring any bells for me.

Dark cuteness and yami kawaii are intriguing concepts to inspire a new group.

Gonna keep it in mind and come up with a few games that match that energy.

6 days ago

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I believe "Group Recruitment" is for giveaway groups only. I think this would be better suited to "User Projects" category., but good luck with it.

6 days ago

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Joined and good luck Nextx! ^ ^

5 days ago

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Joined! keep up the good work!

5 days ago

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