WARNING: I'm not the maker of the mod, I'm just some guy who wants to share them this gem with you, for everyone to see!

I present you, Diablo: The Hell!

What is the mod about?

Well, it's simply a more difficult mod of Diablo + Hellfire! It also fixes a ton of bugs that were present in the original game and expansion, as well as adding several new features and quests into the game (including some discontinued quests as well!).

Adds new monster types in the game, as well as 800+ Unique Items for you to collect and to wear, depending on their level, so you can be more prepared for the horrors that await you down in the dungeons of the Cathedral.

The difficulty of the game is also increased tenfold, making you to be more careful than ever as you go deeper into the dungeons... Any decision you make against your foes could result in you, conquering them, or perishing against their ever increasing powerful weapons.

Also adds new music, composed for the mod, being fateful to the atmosphere in the game.

This mod was made for free by Rustam Bankurov (or as they call him, Mordor) and his dev team!

Why should I have it?

Because it's a new experience, forget everything that you know about Diablo 1... This is much, much difficult that you have seen before... Gold is scarse, Stat potions can't be bought anymore, potions and items are expensive, and items sold give a very slim amount of money, depending on their power (in other words, you might get rich on the end-game, I haven't even reached the end game yet!)

Also, the replay value is vastly increased, who knows? You might find a new Unique Item as you traverse the dungeons? Something that might help you a lot in your next playthroughs, when you couldn't advance anymore, due to the monsters overwhelming you?

This mod has had continued updates for the past 10 years (10 YEARS!!!), so you can expect even MORE to come from this group of people! I just love Russians! :P

What do I need?

You only require to have the original version of Diablo 1 (The expansion is optional) to be able to play the game, in order to extract from the CD a core file needed for full functionality of the mod. (I keep a healthy ISO from my CD, just in case my CD happens to be unusable at some point!)

WARNING: The mod is separate from the original game, if you use a "The Hell" save file in the original game, it might cause critical bugs that might ruin your character, instructions are there for you! Read them carefully before starting!

Useful info for you!

Everything you know to do things properly is below me! Doing anything that is not in this place could result in severe bugs that might corrupt your savefiles in the original game or in the mod. You have been warned!

Wiki article, with the various changes in the game when using the mod

Getting started!


Download page!

Hope you guys enjoy it as much as I do! :)

8 years ago

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