I'm trying to create an application that if you put in a textbox the name of the game it will write the keys that you have and if you use one of them the application will delete them quickly
P.s. sorry for my english but I am italian
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The simple thing to do is whenever you're using/giving a key then mark that cell red to indicate that you've used up that key. This way you'll always have a track of every single key you've obtained and it will save you the trouble of having to test keys later on to see whether they've been used.
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+1, also helps with using train automation scripts as I can save to csv.
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mmm, I think I can try with this method ^^
I used excel for few weeks but I didn't think about creating more pages in the same file
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yes man but for games that were given away for free it's useless :P
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archi, I tried to do something like that but man, you are a god and I will only study c++ the next year :/
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Someone is playing Talisman.........
Hope you got the big bag! :p
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.txt file, totally enough i dont need any manage of tiers etc like in excel
good (popular / sellable / tradeable normally) games in first file
shitty games (free, leftovers, untrade/sellable etc) in second file (let them in backlog forever?)
If they are HB orders its like LINK - names of available games then if they are keys like from BS, its KEY - game name, its enough
files are synced with cloud for reasons with reupload with any edit (if i send key for example it automatically reupload actual file) and also saved on second disc for another reasons :D
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On an Excel list when I have bundle spares. When I buy a bundle I activate the keys I need immediately on Steam and the spare ones I copy paste the code to that Excel list. :O
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I don't store them anywhere, I leave them on the site. I have a text file where I list all the games I own that I have not activated and I list the name of the game and the name of the bundle next to it. When I need the key, I log into each bundle site and get it.
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Yeah, it's especially a good solution for sites that allow you to 'reveal' a key (IndieGala, Humble, Groupees...), because if the key isn't working, you can always contact their support and they'll see you only just uncovered it and it's probably not your fault.
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I'm currently using this method man but I think it's not 100% safe.
If for any reason I delete the page from my list of favorites pages I lose everything
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What? No! Google keeps all your docs and sheets in your Google Drive. Even if you delete a document, it gets moved to the Trash first (where you can permanently delete them, should you wish). Also, each document keeps a complete revision history of every single change you have made to it, within the document itself. You can easily recover cells from a table that you have overwritten or deleted by mistake.
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+1 for G Docs.
Means I can access the list from any computer ( sometimes i'm at work when I get a trade request and BOOM! no need to wait till I'm home )
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I'm currently using this method man but I think it's not 100% safe.
If for any reason I delete the page from my list of favorites pages I lose everything
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Folder containing several Excel and TXT files (because sometimes I drop txt and only manage it later adding it to proper excel file). Folder is uploaded and synched with it's Dropbox copy for a backup and outside access purposes, uploads once a day.
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I can't read the keys
maybe there is something wrong with your screenshot
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detto questo posso chiudere la discussione ahahaha
no va be. io usavo il blocco note però ero troppo incasinato e non ci capivo molto di conseguenza adesso sto usando i fogli di google però sono convinto che non siano molto sicuri, se per sbaglio cancello la pagina dei preferiti perdo tutto.
adesso voglio provare a scrivere tutto su excel. vediamo che succede :P
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Se vai sui documenti google di mostra tutte le pagine da te create e visualizzate
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I leave my keys "undiscovered" on the stores / bundle sites where I got them, until I need them, and keep a spreadsheet with the games' names on it.
I colour-code them according to their status: green = available key | orange = currently in a giveaway | red = used key.
Also, while every key should be safe until it's discovered, I make sure to use Indie Gala keys within 2 months from purchase, as it's the period within which they grant support.
E mi accorgo solo ora che OP é italiano >_<
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questo è il metodo migliore che ho trovato per adesso. vediamo che succede se lo faccio ^^
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I was going to suggest that, too, but this is one of the rare cases where I endorse electronic storage over traditional means, purely because CTRL-C CTRL-V eliminates transcription errors, which are not obvious in almost arbitrary character strings. It's definitely where my mind headed by default, though. :-)
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for example you can make an error with the 0 or the O
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I don't have a problem with that: my zeros always have a strike through them for this reason (I grew up in the dot-matrix era). However, It's easy to get the order wrong and overlook it when you're transcribing long strings of characters that have no inherent meaning (as opposed to recognisable words, for example).
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Do you use normal notepad, pastebin or other methods?
I need a solution because I have lots of keys and I don't like put everything in the same notepad
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