Yes, we win 1.2 GTA Vs per day on average.
You can also just check for yourself
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Am I being rude if I point out that a cow says "moo?"
I'm asking you to treat others as you'd like to be treated. I'm asking you to try and be better. You promised this community exactly that when your perma-suspension was lifted. From your behavior (not just in this thread, but all over the forums in recent months), it appears as though you equate making giveaways with being a better member of this community.
Most importantly, though - do you really feel your replies to the OP is the way to convince him to make giveaways?
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Have you ever thought of just taking words as they are without any added interpretation of your own projected emotions on top? Or that people are actually in charge of their own feelings, not others. If I now told you that your reply gave me the feeling of thirst, should I blame you for it or the fact that I haven't drank water in a while?
Being blunt is the neutral way, but like with most neutrality it comes with both sides seeing you as the other side when you belong in neither.
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The context is exactly like feelings like you say, everyone has their own and they are the ones in charge of it all, not someone else. If they choose to see negative context for something and have negative feelings about it, that's all on them. They are the ones trying to act as judges who rule over what other people said and meant with it.
Here let me give you an easy example:
Sugarcoated diabetes: Oh kind sir, your level seems to be kind of low probably due to circumstances outside of your control so may I suggest that it might be the cause for you not seeing those giveaways?
Blunt and neutral: You're low level because you didn't give away enough so you can't see them
Personal attack: You're low level greedy scum that isn't even worthy of seeing such giveaways
You really can't see how these are different and want the first one instead of second so everyone can imagine a shiny happy context for it?
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I don't want anything impossible to happen. It's still up to each and every person to stop blaming others for their feelings or contexts and if they choose not to, that's their right.
Huh? My point was exactly that, they have completely different meanings while your point before was that 2 and 3 mean the exact same thing as in being rude. See how easy it was for you to see a neutral thing in neutral context when put side to side with good and bad things? It was the same neutral before too but you imagined a rude context for it for no reason.
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I never said they mean the same thing but still the exact opposite. The conversation was just people imagining that 2 equals 3 and both are incredibly rude personal attacks. Sorry I got confused and imagined a context where you imagined that they were rude based on the earlier parts of conversation by others. It was all my fault and I can only blame my lack of sleep as well. So yes I blame the one who actually imagines a context where there is none and then gets negative feelings about it for no reason. Who else should I blame than the only one who has any control over it? Not over-interpreting everything helps a lot.
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Exactly because like you have said, people in different cultures imagine different contexts for the same text, so it's up to them to figure out what was the actual context meant by the one who said it. If I say something completely neutral to anyone who can read without imagining contexts and one side takes it as rude and other side as a compliment, why should it be my job to convince them both that it was neutral? How can you even be neutral when some people will always take it as good and others as bad even when it's still the same thing.
I give a damn about what others think when they are actually thinking and not just feeling imagined contexts. Those people even have the ability to ask about it if they are unsure if there is some hidden context or not. Then I have the ability to affect what they think unlike emotions. Logic is universal, feelings are only inside your head and those I only care about for people I actually care about. Especially when some just keep spamming their imaginary fake context no matter how many times I tell them otherwise.
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This is all a common thing in diverse societies, can we just end it here without further insinuations?
Apparently not.
(after some hammering)
Let's see if that fixes it.
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BL doesn't imply hate but rather just not wanting to deal with bothersome people in giveaways by either side. It saves time and hassle just like making higher level giveaways. That doesn't mean I hate low level people either.
I have BLed even a level 10 user on top of hordes of noobs just for saying thanks in a giveaway for example.
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Only replies you see in are directly to you, as a helpful tip because it stops showing the lines after few levels of replies.
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That seems to be your job and I'm not going to take it from you. You're the one crying about being blacklisted and you imagine I have any recollection of why or who you are? No sorry you're just some random annoying person nobody cares about as you're trying your best to prove right here.
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You might start by explaining what it is exactly you imagine I'm trying so hard to be? Maybe you're just too young to get adult stuff? Or just too stupid a troll to get anything at all? Possibilities are endless so instead of fabricating silly theories about me you should tell us why you're so alone and desperate for attention? I couldn't still care less about you except for entertainment value so you can also just keep on trolling and I'll beat you in that game too, either is fine.
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Aww, it's like you almost believe that everyone doesn't know you're only talking about yourself. :D
I'm not trying to be someone, I have no need to since I already am someone. You on the other hand are just a random nobody and not even your own mom probably cares about such an ugly troll :(
Edit: also why are you so poor that you have to work? Do you pick bananas in your jungle?
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Hahaha, as if anyone believes you're over 10yo so you're bit too young to talk about sex lives. Sounds like you're so jelly towards adults that actually can do that unlike you. Cry us some more about girls telling you that your fireman is just too short please?
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The river can then run into the ocean you have cried because you're losing at even your silly trolling and that is the only thing you know how to do. Maybe if you pick enough bananas you can afford to go to school and learn new stuff that you can use in the adult world.
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also what is making giveaways got to do with being nice? (which btw) lots of people on here think i am
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Just ignore them in future. They seem to have issues.
Your question/thread was perfectly okay.
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Normally numbers and giveaways stats shouldn't matter (at least if the winners play some of their games) but IF we're gonna play that game:
Don't play the Patrician here! The VAST majority of what you gave away is trash from 28 game shaped objects for just a single buck-bundles from Fanatical. It's not like you are giving away Assassin's Creed, Grand Theft Auto V or Cyberpunk 2077 on a bi-weekly basis. or ever
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Are we really back to dollar bundle shaming? I thought I already killed that stupid movement here by giving out so many of them. Everyone was mocking and BLing poor low level users for using them but when I gave a shitload of them it was suddenly awesome. Go figure.
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Are we really back to dollar bundle shaming? I thought I already killed that stupid movement here by giving out so many of them.
I can already tell you with absolute certainty that I did not enter a single giveaway in any of those threads but if you point me to them I will check if I commented or bumped in any of them (thus showing my "love" for them). If I did it wasn't because of the gibs but because I value your presence on this site as one of the few willing to express unpopular opinions.
My attitude about FANATICAL dollar bundles has been very consistent. (There was 1 good one with lots of old adventures like Pirates of Vodoo Island and some HOGs.) On the other hand I LOVE Humble T1s. For me it's about the quality of the games not what people paid for them.
I hope you don't take it personally I didn't reply to your reply about Corona beer to me earlier today. I was out of the house for the day and when I returned somebody else had already replied with way more relevant information than I had to offer which was basically just a joke about how I love our european dark humour.
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Can't be bothered to figure out more than these 2 but all I remember is the sudden decline of threads crying about dollar bundles after the 1st one I think. Too long to remember for sure. I never claimed anyone high level entered them mostly because each and every one of them who actually wanted the games already spent the dollar themselves.
I never take such things personally and even if I did I wasn't really requiring an answer from you personally to figure out that I remembered it wrong and it was in China rather than USA where people stopped drinking it. At least I managed to stop myself from hurling insults at the poor beer just because it has less flavor than water. :P
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At least I managed to stop myself from hurling insults at the poor beer just because it has less flavor than water. :P
Yeah, it's indeed more watery and has less malt (or maybe hop) than your typical austrian beer but that's what makes it perfect for very hot days in my opinion. But I must admit the attraction of the exotic and the fact I had Spanish in school probably also plays into why I like it.
Also: He! At least it's not Bud light 😅
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Good news! One day Fanatical got a product library and now that I looked at it closer it has some unrevealed dollar bundles. :D
But why would you ever want to support shitty greedy giver hating assholes like Humble? They will never see a cent of my money again no matter what they bundle.
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But why would you ever want to support shitty greedy giver hating assholes like Humble?
I'm not sure I would call giving a dollar "support", particularly since the money from my regular bundle purchases usually gets divvied up between developers and the scouts in Liss. So all IGN gets from me when I buy a T1 is like 25 - 30 cents worth of tax deductables.
Now on the other hand accidently renewing my Humble Choice Classic subscription because I forgot to pause is indeed what I would call support.
I am aware of the situation with Humble and I know they have done some shady stuff (i.e. they also incorrectly advertised one of the games in their bundles as Wasteland 2 Collectors edition and when I pointed it out to them refused to provide me with the correct key for what I had purchased) but I still prefer them over a shovelware peddler who likes to prey on addicted people with their Mystery bundles.
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Can't you go 50/50 charity/devs or something? You prefer generous people getting banned, I prefer actually far better bundles if you just skip the lootboxes nobody is forcing you to buy. If you want to never support lootboxes there are a lot more companies doing those, like Humble with Monthlies previously.
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At least I got the point of your comment.
I mean, you were just stating facts.
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Yo bro, I liked you for some of your other posts but this is just being rude...
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While I appreciate the stance that you are merely telling the truth, albeit quite bluntly, I think it comes off as you undeservedly attacking the other guy
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I was going for a different line of thought here. A blunt statement is different from a cutting statement. You can be blunt and still be polite. Doesn't hurt to be nicer to others either. I also disagree with your generalization of "That's always the fault of..." because I don't think you can really make a blanket statement like that. It isn't always the case of someone being butthurt - I have no skin in the game yet as an outside observer I still felt that the comments being made were worded in a way that was overly rude.
For example, I started this response with "I was going for a different line of thought here." Instead, I could have said "If you used your brain for half a second you wouldn't have completely missed the point I was trying to make." The sentiment of each is that I am disagreeing with you, but one is polite and the other is not.
I'll qualify this by saying that in some situations, it is the fault of the viewer for being too easily offended. I just don't think that's the case here.
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Lack of nicety still doesn't imply rudeness outside imaginations just like lack of rudeness doesn't imply nicety since there is a perfectly neutral middle ground between them. You and couple others imagined rudeness just because of that, not because of actual rudeness. And who can you blame for someone imagining something?
Obviously you would have been completely wrong with that alternative starting since I'm the one actually using my brain in this discussion while some others seem to favor more of an emotional response. I wouldn't get offended by that tho since I have no imaginary requirement of me being a 5yo kid who everyone needs to be polite towards for some mysterious reason. I would've just pointed out how wrong you are.
I think that's the case here and in most others where blunt people just say things as they are without the diabetes.
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Alright, I think we will just have to agree to disagree here. Clearly my argument held no persuasion to your views, and likewise I don't feel my opinion was changed by your rebuttal. To each their own.
Have a good rest of your week.
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Logic is like that, some get it and some don't so they have to resort to feelings to figure out things.
Now I could be insulted by you trying to command me to have a good week disregarding if I want to or not. By your own argument you were incredibly rude trying to force me to do something without even asking me first. See how pointless thinking like that really is?
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I'm not offended personally, just was remarking on how I viewed the situation. Feel free to take it as criticism, as a passing breeze, or however you'd like
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You can check the bottom of this stats page if you want to see how many giveaways have ever been created for each level. If you want to see what kind of giveaways are being created, go to this page and disable "Hide giveaways above your level" and then use search parameters to view specific levels, like this.
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You're forgetting dollar bundles that give 50-100 CV etc cheats. It doesn't cost nearly that much and of course it's worth it for all the free GTA Vs you want. But I'm neither charitable nor an investor, I just wanted it and got it since it wasn't that hard.
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I agree with you that CV isn't 1:1 with actually used dollars. Still, I consider CV farming to be a bad investment if the sole point is to gain access to high level giveaways in hope of getting the triple A games one wants. There aren't that many giveaways ever available and even when one pops up, other members will join too so it is a gamble. Considering the time and money (even with bundles/CV farming) it requires, it would be much easier (and more certain) to simply buy the games one wishes for.
That being said, I think we all love winning a big one that you just want to get your hands on. :)
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What is there to disagree about when it's public knowledge? :)
I wanted level 10 and I got it, but why would I want some crappy AAA games I wouldn't even play except to farm cards from? If I really want a game I'll just buy it, makes life much simpler. Of course not counting all those sweet GTA Vs we can win and hoard.
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A good bunch of the "play your wins" groups have known leechers, multiaccounters and people that fake the stats with SAM and asf in their groups.
Check the last page of the members and you see which groups i mean.
So it is, sadly, far from so perfect as it looks from the first thoughts and the theory.
Your WL pick is a much better option in my opinion.
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PM is the only one of the 3 that exists (or that i know) that don't have the bad apples inside.
So yes i see a difference there.
At the last page of the other groups i mean the ones that NEVER gave something and are long, and very active, in the group. Special if you know that names from everywhere else where they can grab something for free.
And with a closer look you see the use of SAM if someone want to see it, of course. So it's clear they partly don't care if they really play them or if they only fake to have played them and that is sad.
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Hopefully PM folks check the new applications at some point. Some of them are already couple weeks old in their recruitment thread. Mine included. :p
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Sorry i don't know that.
I am the wrong one for groups that demand to play wins directly.
I don't like the pressure, my illness isn't helpful, the stolen PC isn't helpful too (because only one without a GPU are now used from me since over 2 years) and my curation with 5 reviewers, beta tests, game translations, my steam group, my discord and the black sheep hunting eat a lot of my time on top.
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Yes. There is also free beer.
Rumours say that, starting with level 13, there is a weekly party with black jack and hookers.
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I suspect you maybe disappointed by what you find.
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Level 10 does not result in getting "high roller" giveaways. If you want the very best giveaways, with the highest chance to win, join a very exclusive giveaway group.
The easiest way to "profit," however, is to get on whitelists. "Fancy" giveaways are often whitelisted.
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Nothing fancy, really -if I can talk with level 8. Rarely a higher leveled game from the same bundle that has a lot of lower level giveaways, or super rarely an unbundled (interesting) game.
You know, high levels is a various bunch. Some people get there by giving in ratio-groups and hoarding 5-10-15 thousand games as they just want to have everything, others crawl through years with bundled games to get there, and some people just ... printing new 60$ AAA giveaways like it's nothing.
But every person sees different giveaways as valuable - collectors want unowned games and high chances, even if the games are bad, as it is for the collection. Many people ( I'd included) can buy bundles if they want, and if they aren't collectors, then they are pretty picky about what they enter for - and for this reason we often have a lot more points than giveaways to enter for. For example out of the 25 visible games on the GA page I entered 19, and I'm sitting on 500 points :D
Some people should be more careful - users previously tried to "buy" the community with gifts, but it's inevitable for people to notice that spending some money on giveaways don't make them instantly a great person. There is a lesson to be learned from The Widow's Mite
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Anything is possible, though only 5 entires are needed for CV if someone cares about it. Personally I feel good with level 0 for puzzles, level 2 for others. I prefer giving to the decent enough, not the outsanding few.
No, the buying and failing part is about a banned user, who thought that giving enough makes them untouchable; while often acting in pretty vile ways, ignored or not noticed for long. But it is you who maybe needs to think just a bit. I think this sounded better in your head that it looks written down but that's just my 2 cents. Most of this topics derailed super hard, so I don't know how much anything matters here.
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They look just like giveaways for level 0s, but
That sentence ended a while ago
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there are some rich? folks around here who do lots of high value giveaways. But most of the time the level requirement is not so big so that everyone can join. of course the higher the level less participants are there. some people do whitelist giveaways for people they like and there are also groups who make lots of great giveaways. you just need to find the right groups to join to higher up your chances of winning.
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I'll try to answer both questions (main topic and edit). I kinda won just 3 titles this year... But just because I enter only in giveaways that I really want to play... The overall feeling is that you "unlocked" the higher levels, if you are like me. I don't think higher levels are too special because my chances are still pretty low almost all the time (due my preferences entering giveaways). In the other hand, my activity here brought me some VERY good friends on Steam that worth every giveaway I've ever done in this site. Indirectly, SteamGifts brought me the best on Steam (the worst too, of course, but you just filter their existence away).
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What kind of games does it have and how many participants are there on average?
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