Since Steamgifts already tracks which games have been bundled in order to manage CV, it seems like it would be worth having an "unbundled" list in the "browse" menu (alongside All, Wishlist, Recommended, Group, and New), which only shows giveaways for games that are not on the bundled or free lists.

Of course, there's other ways for users to accomplish this (eg. by hiding bundled giveaways manually or, presumably, via extensions and the like), but since Steamgifts already maintains a list of bundled / previously-free games in its database, I assume that it would be a relatively-easy feature to implement and would avoid the need for people to redo the work that goes into making the free / bundled lists that SG already has.

6 years ago

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Asterisk symbols on the giveaway creation page deemed enough before.

6 years ago

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Or you could, you know, just enter for games you want to play, rather than enter based on whether they're bundled or not.

I dunno, call me crazy or whatever.

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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I really don't see a point. I enter for games I want to play and don't enter the others. Why would you only want to try and win unbundled games?

6 years ago

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Because bundled games are crap!
Isn't that obvious?๐Ÿ™„

6 years ago

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I would probably like list of unbundled games. But search option for them is giving wrong message...

6 years ago

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Closed 6 years ago by Aquillion.