That's really nice of you, I won my first giveaway from a thread like this :)
I'd probably say Hotline Miami!
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That's cool. Yeah, while wandering the forum, looking at the numerous "I haven't won yet!" or "When did you first get a win?" threads, I would click on some people and they had been here for several months and had hundreds or on one or two occasions, actually over 1000 entries and no win. And you can't help but feel bad for those people, esp since I was here only 2 wks, and had done maybe 200 entries when I got my first win(picking only games that interested me, which comes to about 1 in 10 on an average day). It has been my only so far, and it wasn't one of the bigger, pricier games, just a small bundled one, but still, that feeling of just winning is a nice way to pop online after a frustrating day dealing with extended family. LOL
Thanks for the vote!
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That's really cool of you to do. I'll say Kingdom Elemental. It looks pretty cool.
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When going thru the forums, checking out some the people that comment on the "I haven't won yet" type threads, I couldn't help but feel bad for those that had been here for several months and/or had hundreds of entries yet no wins yet (when I had only been here 2 wks and had maybe 200 entries and won my first). Thanks for the input!
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I would love to see Slip, though I suppose Hotline Miami would be nice, too.
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^_^ thanks for the suggestions! I added a tally mark for both.
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Oh, trust me, I already read the forum FAQ many times just to make sure this was okay and to understand the rules. I am one those people that likes to understand the rules before I dive into something. Knowledge is power. Before I do officially start it, I plan to drop support a note. The rules aren't going to be insane though, just along the lines of never won a giveaway, been here at least a couple months, and have entered at least something like 300-400 giveaways (means they are trying/hoping to win, and are active on steamgifts).
In wandering the forums, reading some the I haven't won yet or When did you get your first win threads, I would click on people to see their stats. I could not help but feel bad for people who have been here for many months and entered several hundred giveaways and still nothing. I was here barely 2 wks and had maybe around 200 entries or so, when I got my first. So since I have some spare games, and I have already done a few "Anyone" giveaways, I wanted to give those with "bad luck" a chance to win.
And thanks for the vote!! It has been added ^__^
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Nice to meet someone who actually read the FAQ before joining :) I've noticed you registered less than a month ago, so added note.
Special rules must be approved before they are used. This may take some time, as it's a low priority and all support members are volunteers using their free time to support the site. As alternative to private giveaway with rules, you may consider creating a group on steam, invite eligible users and make giveaway for that group.
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well anything in your list... i just want to fell how a person win a steamgift.
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^__^ thanks you for the input. I will try to do a few of them, so maybe you will win something!
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Hotline Miami.
and yeah i'm kinda struggling to win...
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O____O yes, I just glanced at your stats.... You and folks like you, with several months (or a yr like you) and high number of entries, yet still nothing, is the exact reason I am doing this. I been wandering the forums, reading the threads of I haven't won yet or When was your first win and checking out peoples stats. And there are those like you, that I feel bad for. I was only barely 2 wks in, had maybe 200 entries, and got my first win. It was not a big game, just a bundle extra, but it was still really nice to win. I had had a hectic day and to come online and find that, made my day. I have some spare games, and after doing a handful of for everyone giveaways, I want to give those with the "bad luck" a chance to win.
thanks for the vote! It has been added. I kind of figured Hotline would be the biggest suggestion XD
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First and foremost, this giveaway will be PRIVATE and for those who have not yet won any giveaways.
But that does not mean someone who just joined within the past week or someone who has only entered a handful of giveaways (even though they have been on here for many months) and complain they never win anything. This is for people who are actually TRYING to win, have entered numerous times and been here a little while.
My giveaway, my rules. Don't like it, I do not care. There are LOTS of other giveaways you can go enter.
Rules for the giveaway will be explained once I post it in the forums with a link to the private giveaway. For now, I am letting you guys suggest the game from the list I am providing of stuff I have already! Some of these are steam keys I have from recent bundles of games I already have or don't want OR a couple of gifts I have laying in my Steam inventory. I WILL NOT BE GOING AND BUYING A NEW GAME/BUNDLE TO GIVEAWAY! The games I am listing are the choices. I will be doing this sort of giveaway a couple times at least. So most popular suggestion will be the first giveaway, the second will be the second. And depending on how those go, I may do a couple more private giveaways like this.
This is to give those who have't won, a chance to finally win something, but anyone can put their input in for which game I should do. I will wait a couple days to see what you guys say before I decide on the game and start the giveaway.
Which game do you think I should do as this first special giveaway?
The Games
yes, I am aware of the rules for having giveaways with special rules. I made sure to read the FAQ threads several times.
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