I am new around here and need help figuring out that the following mean.

0.5 key

that's all for now.

Thank you!

10 years ago

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tod - tour of duty
row - rest of world (global) gift
ref = refined metal
rec = reclaimed metal
scrap = scrap metal

10 years ago

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0.5 is a ToD or Capsule key, means "half" of a key, but nobody gonna give you 1x team fortress 2 or Counter Strike Global Offensive key for 2x ToD, but ppl will consider it 0.5 when trading for stuff.

10 years ago

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RoW = rest of the world, gift activable everywhere
0,5k = 1tod = tour of duty (search on market)
ref = refined metal, tradable tf2 item, used by some trader.

10 years ago

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0.5 key probably means the equivalent of the value of half a TF2 or CS: GO key in in-game items or Tour of Duty ticket.
Ref is refined metal, an in-game item of Team Fortress 2 that can be obtained with crafting.
ROW means rest of the world, usually used to represent region-restrictionless/region-free games.
TOD stands for Tour of Duty, and can refer to the tickets for the game modes in Team Fortress 2 or Counter-Strike: Global Offensive.

10 years ago

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0.5 key - Typical a Tour of Duty (ToD) ticket, used when a TF2 crate key is unsuitable.
ref - Refined Metal, which you get within Team Fortress 2 by scrapping weapons and combining the resulting scrap enough times
row - Rest of World activatable game, basically something without region locks
tod - Tour of Duty ticket

10 years ago

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0.5 key = half a Team Fortress 2 key (Mann Co. Supply Crate Key), usually paid with the equivalent value in refs or something else.
ref = Refined Metal (Team Fortress 2 item).
row = Rest of the World, it's like a global region, no lock.
tod = Tour of Duty Ticket, a Team Fortress 2 item.

10 years ago

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thank you all!

anything else i should know?

10 years ago

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that yes or no poll totally makes sence c:

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10 years ago

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thank you I see my self as a legend for that!

yet you still voted for it c:

10 years ago

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actually i didn't c:

View attached image.
10 years ago

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well you should

and seeing the 1 mail thing makes me think about the old "you've got mail" thing c:

10 years ago

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As you can see, the answer is yes.

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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Closed 9 years ago by theprowolfpcgames.