Right now there's a price glitch for this article (only Colombian store, Region Restricted to South America):


NOTE: If it shows Sniper Elite 3 only, don't mind that. When you buy it, you'll get the things included in this pack. More information about this here:


Get it while it's hot!

9 years ago*

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What you dont pay is added by my region XD
saving -73 euros XD

View attached image.
9 years ago

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The price glitch is only in the Colombian Store, so only people from there can take advantage from it. Also, it's region locked to SA.

Also, it only shows Sniper Elite 3, but I have bought it and I got the other games from this compilation.

Just informing.

9 years ago

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I know that i am in the wrong region, just found it funny that there is a glitch on your side that drops the price to far. And mine, i asume shows the right price, but then tells that I would be paying to much ^^

9 years ago

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Yeah, and all because it doesn't show all the included products.

9 years ago

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norway has a lot of glitches too

9 years ago

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Would you kindly accept my friend request?

9 years ago

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Why i can buy it and im from CZ?

9 years ago

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View attached image.
9 years ago

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spoderman became benis!?

9 years ago

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Shhhhhhhhh XDDDD

View attached image.
9 years ago

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Compañero, puedo preguntarte de donde te enteras de tan deliciosos glitches para la store colombiana? esta es la segunda vez que me entero de un glitch de este tipo (siendo el primero un pack super descontado de call of duty)

9 years ago

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Porque ando revisando más o menos constantemente en SteamDB de errores de precios.

9 years ago

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Nice. Si vuelves a ver alguno de ese tipo dame un toque en steam de una porfa, se agradece el favor y seguro le puedo dar alguna liguita :P

9 years ago

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Amazing, thanks!

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

9 years ago

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would you mind to buy one* for me?

9 years ago*

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

9 years ago

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it is all good I think... you were not offering nothing to trade neither am I...
a favor in the appropriate topic (considering topic subject) is not exactly a trade. :D

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

9 years ago

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scammer :o

9 years ago

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Entonces si te activa todos los gifts de la sub app como indica? y lo de sniper elite 3 es sólo error visual? :O

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

9 years ago

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Genial! muchas gracias por la info :D, tenía esa duda xD

9 years ago

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it will keep showing Sniper Elite III even after activation but everything will be added on your library.

9 years ago

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Don't want to turn this into a trade thread, so I'll just say I added you :3

9 years ago

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Can I add you too? =P

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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9 years ago

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9 years ago

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can i add you too ;p

p.s: i found someone ty

y feliz navidad

9 years ago*

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Hola te puedo agregar?

9 years ago

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In brazil it shows R$149,2 which is like $37. :T
edit: got one for myself. thank you op for this heads up!

9 years ago*

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Com licença, como conseguiste os jogos? Obrigado.

9 years ago

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eu pedi para alguém da colombia comprar para mim.
se você conhece algum colombiano, pede pra ele comprar pra você e te mandar como gift.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Ainda nao entendi essa poha! Me explica ai!

9 years ago

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Nice catch! Posted on your trade thread asking for it, hope you don't mind.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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9 years ago

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And why blacklisted? I'm just informing people of a glitch in the colombian store.

9 years ago

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maybe it's joking, you know! never care about this attitudes, you only inform us.


9 years ago

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"Hey people! The shopkeeper just run out of the store!
We can steal! Come on!"

For that price / for any price glitch - you are stealing.
50% is great discount. 60% even better.
But I assume you will buy it only for 0,01%? (I didn't count anything)

Maybe you'll make some GAs for CV purpose?

Well - you are definitely informed some people who would do that.

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 9 years ago.

9 years ago

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I already created a ticket.

You know this is Christmas and you are going to get profit on someones fault?
Responsible person can be fired, because of people like you.

Yea - feel free to f**k the system!
Farm CV, make even 20 GAs out of it!
You'l pay nothing, and you'll be maybe even at level ten! Who knows?

You are on the right site.

9 years ago

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not saying it's right or wrong, but are you gonna blacklist everyone that exploits price glitches on steam?

you will end up with a 1000 blacklist in 3 days...

9 years ago

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I am trying my best to make the justice everywhere.
Even if it is something small, and even if my blacklist means nothing.

I hope ticket will ban that games.
It's sad, I know - but we must protect SG from users like:
"Oh! Price-glich! Quickly! Let's make a 10 copies of this and join as many level 8+ gibs as we can!!"

It's just wrong.

9 years ago

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i agree that exploiting prices isn't a good thing, but blacklisting for that will isolate you from the community.

just look at these threads:

you will have to blacklist everyone if you want justice. :\

9 years ago

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Thanks! :D
I haven't though about searching that way! :D

You made my day! :D

Sure, I would be happy to be in a community of good , kind and fair people.
Even if it means I wouldn't win any game - it will still be a pleasure for me, to share my gibs with them ^^

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

9 years ago

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If you like punctuation.

  1. I pirated few games. No music, no movies. ~ 5 games
  2. I have bought all of them.
  3. I feel very bad for it so I donated developers with few bucks, so "I payed full brand-new price somehow"
  4. A penny for a GTA5 would be a nice deal? For me it's pirating with I-will-give-some-money excuse. Where is the border? 95% discount is not stealing, but 96% is? Maybe 99.99% is still legit? Hmm..
    • game is worth $ 30 - NOPE
    • discounted to $ 22 - NOPE
    • discounted to $ 15 - NOPE
    • discounted to $ 10 - NOPE
    • in a bundle with few games , cost $5 (HiB wariant - with charity!) - NOPE
    • price glitch $ 0.5 - YES!! NOW I'm FINALLY A LEGIT OWNER OF THIS GAME!!
  5. (...) steam is probably (...)

If you don't know, don't make a statements please. Same with:

(...) if they care they would (...)

which is not your words, but I hear them almost always...

Their informatic or whatever is responsible for it - would be fired anyway, yes - I think same way as you. But if he would pay a % for it, it would be better for him/her/it(?) that no-one hear about that error..

  1. Yes, I don't own anything to Valve. Moreover - I don't own anything to anyone, but is it a reason not to help a victims? I would help anybody and anytime. Valve included.

  2. So Gabe with a Valve team had made an awesome platform where you can play games with your friend on almost any device without need of carrying every physical copy of your games (...) with awesome prices, compared to physical copies, with outstanding discounts to that wow-cheap prices (...) which is still updating ... for free... and still.... and still...

    (...) with all the mistakes they make, like having a support service that sucks (...)

Ughh!! Those bastards!! WE DEMAND MORE!!
AND YES!! WE WILL SHOUT IF YOU WOULD MADE SOMETHING WRONG with your platform which is free for us!
We demand more!
We demand 99,9999% discounts!
We want everything!
We won't do anything...

I don't want to insult anybody... who is working somehow.

9 years ago*

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(...) Valve doesn't deserve to have pity on, they are not a person, they are a corporation, if they could get enough money from screwing us all they would do it.

Yes! Let's burn them!
Let us all just... I know! Let's stop using steam.
Or maybe just you - if you think they are so satanic.

I really appreciate their work.
As always - if there is something wrong - I can just leave it. What's the problem?
We can always buy games on GOG or go back to retail shops.

There are price glitches too!
F.ex. if you leave a $5 on a shelf and hide a game under your coat when no-one is watching!
Or if you spot - without doing anything - that someone changed dvd of some cheap game with brand new Fallout! And that cheap shit is only for a $ 1!!!
Oh! Hope no-one spot it , so I can buy my Fallout for such good price...

Where is the border?
Quo Vadis society... quo vadis...

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

9 years ago

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I don't make statements. I'm guessing and philosophizing.
I meant your "A is B, and because of this, there must be C" - that's all and it doesn't matter.

I worked in a corporation and it is really hard to not be fired.
It was hard and sometimes my colleagues was fired because of small mistakes. Every corp can be different, but I think steam is quite stressful too for their employees.

Yes, you can complain. But still - you can't demand and making excuses for their faults. It's not right.
About steam-only games - same story. If you hate it - leave a negative review and leave it.
But pay for that game , fully- legal price. It's for developers, and sometimes for charity (HiB)

I know Valve need better service. Or as I am thinking - bigger.
I assume they have a shiet tons of tasks and only 2 hands to work with.
Maybe they don't want to hire more stuff?
Maybe they are cutting costs?
Maybe their support manager is a dick? Who knows?
I can predict only one think - they are doing what they can't. (once I needed it, I've got my response in 2,5 weeks).

Again - yes - I am no more than a money bag for them.
And I am a $$$ for every company.
The bigger ones, the small ones, whatever - it can be sad to our ears, but it's true.

My work is about money too, and my clients have their problems.
I sympathies with most of them, but I need a money.
I can't work for free and I hope they understand it and don't call me a dick too much :)

Last thing - if I would sell something for $10.00:
a) one of my workers would by mistake give it a 00.10 $ label - I would be sad / angry / dissapointed / etc , because I would lose money
b) someone steal that thing and leave on the shelf million $11 - I would be happy... and confused :) [I would give back that $ if I would have occasion :P]

9 years ago

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Hey zombie, that was not cool. Price glitches are a much awaited part of big sales by many people, me included. But even if you think taking advantages of these glitches is wrong, make a separate thread. Make a disussion. Don't hate on someone who's doing a good thing by letting us know.

Responsible person can be fired, because of people like you.

No, if someone is fired, it's because of thier own mistake. And I wouldn't call someone like that 'Responsible'.

9 years ago

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Yes - I'm not a cool guy.
I just try to be di*k by keeping the rules and justice

It is surprising for me , that you are waiting for such a glitches

If only few noticed that glich before it would be fixed - it would be a FAULT.
If many would buy it for such a low price - that person would have a BIG FAULT.

Let's imagine 2 persons with made a mistake. Both quickly repair it, but the first game has been sold in overhelming quantities, which lead to a big budget hole.
Second game has been bought by only a hundred~. A small budget hole.

Do you think their boss would look at their faults same way?

9 years ago

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Again, I'm not discussing whether one should take advantage of price glitches or not. I'm simply stating that informing the community is nothing wrong.

However, if you insist in blacklisting everyone who posts such threads, please, blacklist me as well, since I also posted one some time ago.

9 years ago

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I had reasons to whitelist you.
I'm not valuing good or bad things, so +1 -1 = 0 (neutral)

9 years ago

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Okay, no offense. I would get why you would do this and your perspective. Maybe I said I would do a GA or not, but I'll take my word back about it, because I won't do it. My job was informing other people and helping to get this to other people interested on it.

I see where are you coming, though. You're looking for things to be fair between everyone. If you think that price glitches are a bad idea, please make a new discussion as Venhiem said.

And my apologies if somehow my attitude or my intention of informing other people about this offended you. To each their own, I suppose.

9 years ago*

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Not that I'm asking you to remove me from your blacklist, seeing as I asked to be put on it for fairness, but I thought you ended with us being '0' or neutral? Or did you change your mind?

9 years ago

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I have seen you many times in a price error / glitch threads as I started to look through them.

You inform about it, you encourage to use it, you use it, you like it.
It's to much for me.

9 years ago

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Ah, I see. Well, entirely up to you. I won't blacklist you as I don't blacklist people for having a different opinion. Cheers.

9 years ago

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Your "justice" is not well thought, though I understand what you mean. If a truck spills food on the road, would you kill anyone that wants to get that food for free?
Yes, it still belongs to the company, I agree, but your course of action should be to report the spillage to the affected company. Then, each person should know better than to steal. Maybe there's some poor dude that haven't eaten in MONTHS. Will you deny that person the food? Then again, there might be another company that takes their own truck and tries to grab everything to resell. It happens, yes.

But you're acting like a paladin of justice and justice doesn't work that way, because you're hurting the people, not the providers. Again, your attitude is not neutral. Revise it.

9 years ago

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... Iwould call for ambulance and save the driver...

That food is still not free and if people would go for it - they are no humans for me. They are animals.

I don't hurt humans. Humans know how to gather food. Even prehistoric ones...
I have a job. And by that - I can buy food.

People who dont have eaten anything for months already died.
Those ones who havent eaten anything for a week - I wonder if they are working, if they are making this world a bettter place... Or just beg and / or steal the whole life.
I dont mean a job. I mean WORK.

Poor people have their own place, where they can eat free food, donated by society.

I was poor and I work as I was age 7.
Now Im 22 and Im accumulating money for new house.
I want to be a father and even without a regular job I will feed my family WITHOUT stealing.

Ps. I had worked in a corp for 2 years and now for 2 months I work as accounter

9 years ago*

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sorry zombie but i think you are totally off the mark there.

you make everything look black and white and, well, things are never that simple.

what has worked for you, might not work for another 100.000 people, so in a sense, what you are saying is "look ive made it, why cant everyone else make it, lazy bums" and that ends up, despite your best intentions, a bit selfish.

9 years ago

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so where are those hard-working starving people?
Maybe here, using price glitches to play games?

There is always something to do, even if a work sucks - you can earn money on it.
Even $1 for 5 hours would provide food, somehow.
I don't know any case where someone is working on that "salary", but:

  • I don't know ANYBODY who is working (counting with unemployed people) and are poor.

And I can see dozens of poor, alcoholic lazy bastards...

You know who had run to a ~pick-up with an apples after a small collision ?

Also - guess who was shouting with rage and furious: "LEAVE ALONE MY APPLES YOU **"

Fortunately, there was a bunch of people like me who help him get rid of those thieves.

9 years ago

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"I don't know ANYBODY who is working (counting with unemployed people) and are poor"

It's because you live in Poland, if you are born, grow and live in a third world country know thousands of people who work - and work hard - and are extremely poor

My teacher in college (she has a master's) and once traveled to Chile, she met an Englishman who worked six months, quit his job and decided to travel the world, he was already traveling there one year. She (I repeat, college professor, who has a master, doing PhD) has no money for it. Welcome to reality!

(not given a exemple of poor person, but of a successful person here, who can not do what you do, if the difference is already big, imagine with the poor here?)

So dear, poor also have the right to leisure, and unfortunately a glitch can be the opportunity for it to play a good game, modern and desired by many

"I was poor and I work as I was age 7.
Now Im 22 and Im accumulating money for new house."

I do not know his profession, but I am physiotherapist specializing in intensive care, working in a newborn intensive care unit, I'm 26 old, and work almost every day and still have no money to buy even a piece of land or a house. Just so you have an idea, to buy a 65m² house in my town, I need to work harder more six years without spending almost anything to be able to gather that amount of money. So I'm very glad you do not live in this reality, you were lucky to be born in a developed country, where everything is easier ... but we do not

9 years ago*

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I feel bad for you...

To clarify - I will be accumulating money for next 15-30 years~, but yes - in Poland there must be easier to got something cheaper than in third world country.

Nonetheless - I still can't justify using glitches here.
It's harder, yes - but it is not the Valve / corp / one person fault.

Your argument could be also valid for pirating games I think - and I'm of course against it.

In category of hunger - it's sad and I always try to help as much as I can, but here - we have specialized problem.

Games are not "basics".
And if someone want to argue => Humble Bundle Tier 1 => few games for a buck.
If there is someone who can't spend a buck , even from a third world country - whoa!

In that person place, I wouldn't matter of games O_o

9 years ago

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It's the problema, rich people (yes, you're very rich compared to us) never understand poverty, and as I said, the poorest people that you also have entertainment right, summarize a human being to basics, is to compare a human being with an animal or worse, the reasoning is "as is poor, only has the right to eat and sleep, and of course, that working hard to achieve this "

So take advantage of a glitch is more worthy to take a craker game because you are just paying less, BUT are paying, get a pirated copy that can actually be compared to stealing

And about a buck, for example, here it's a quarter of the price of a shirt, a lunch (and cheap) is double the price (considering the present moment, with the high dollar, before I would need more bucks for it), and so on.. so maybe for you entertainment it can not be considered the basics, but it's cheaper than the basic = /

PS: I am not poor, here I'm considered middle class. There are the poor who will have to work a lifetime to buy a house and the extremely poor who will never have money to buy a house, no matter how much work during the life, and those who really never have money for games. Their lives are summarized as "not even the basic"

9 years ago

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If someone need a shirt or a lunch, how that person would rather spent it on a game in any way?
You are right, I can't understand it.
For me - food is the most important thing. I couldn't buy games if I would be hungry.
Or if I wouldn't have a shirt~.

Not to mention I wouldn't spent a penny on a price glitch either.

But hey! Here is the solution:

  • not mentioning how that person would get a computer
  • which would hang a price-glitched game
  • with a internet access
  1. Register here.
  2. Acquire some freebies with cards from forum announcements.
  3. Join some public groups - join their GAs
  4. Be nice and read descriptions (mind shortcut) - join private group GAs.
  5. ???
  6. Win some games.
  7. Sell cards.
  8. Buy games.
  9. Even a GTA5 like one of our user - you can see a thread somewhere over there.

Yea - it's harder, I know!
But what if a poor person sell something, and BAM - he / she made a mistake in a price label (price-glitch).
Would you do this to a poor person?
Why would you do this to a corp?
People = people.

If we are talking about working people, they both worked for it, so it should be equal, right?
We shouldn't make tricks both poor and wealthier humans..

9 years ago

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I dont know in Poland, but here, corp do price glitch inverse all time with people, a car made here costs U$3000 more than the same car - made here - imported to other country, weird uh?

9 years ago

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Same here and maybe in the whole world.
That's why I am waiting for occasions and coupons.
Sometimes I even import some stuff and yes - I pay the border fee~

9 years ago

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see thats where we differ :P

you see the apples guy as a good guy by default, who needs help. I dont. Yeah i would have probably helped him too but thats not my point though.

For all we know, that apple guy actually has 20 workers that are underpaid, and have like $1 / hour. And yet, for you hes the good guy. For me, not so much. Thats the big picture i was talking about and thats why i said things arent black and white.

so after having to witness like 4000 different regions added for some games, where publishers are doing everything they can to prevent people from buying (and even trading for a game) from a cheaper region while at the same time they dont mind having their developers studio in one of those lower wages regions... yeah, no.I dont really feel much sympathy towards them either.

not to mention we ended up with some regions that get region locked keys, but still have to pay pretty much same price as everyone else, while getting actually lower value product in return (trading wise).

so when one of those regions ends up with something like this, i actually dont mind it, especially since they usually have to pay either same or higher relative value (compared to their income).

big publishers are doing everything they can to keep digital rights as much anti-consumer as possible, so we have a few layers of drm for some games, region locks, telling you what can you do with the game you bought, etc and thats actually against the law in most countries too. so no, i dont feel all that bad when theres a price glitch that lets people buy a game cheaper for a few mins/hours.

i do feel bad for a guy who is in charge of pricing though (: but based on your black and white system, hes actually a bad guy in this story and we shouldnt feel sorry for him because... well, he has a job and, obviously, hes not really good at it, so yeah...? :p

9 years ago

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I was talking about real situation.
The collision was not so big and not on the apple-guy side.
When his own apples (he was a farmer~ I think) fell down from his car, he wasn't care about his car's back.
He started to grab apples and throw them back to the bags. He tried to save them.

In a minute or two, people circle whole situation and... start to run and grab apples to their backpacks, bags, etc.
I was shocked...

There were so many laughs over there: "Hahaha! Free apples! People! People! Free apples!"
It was terrifying!

I saw tears in the drivers eyes.
Yes - I sympathies with him.

In my region, and as I know in Poland - farmers are working on their own , with family or with small amount of helpers.
They are usually poor, having too small "farms" / plantations or how can I say it...
I feel very sad for them, but I'm happy to buy the product directly from them.
For higher price of course - without any chemicals.

9 years ago

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Is that you Gabe?

9 years ago

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Blacklist SteamDB creators too.

9 years ago

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that's a damned discount. 4.18/259.99 USD
99.98% OFF!!!

9 years ago

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not exactly... when you convert to our crappy currency, it goes to 85~95% (depends which currency you take).
since the glitch is region locked, I don't think it is fear compare with stronger currencies.

9 years ago

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This is how it works on SG : If the price in any region <= 5% of the regular price in USA then the game is considered as bundled.

9 years ago

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Wow, that's a steal. Dang, only in SA.

9 years ago

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I want it!!!! :D
But not in my region :/

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 9 years ago.

9 years ago

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I feel neutral about this things, if the price glitch stays for too long is because they don't really care too much about it or they don't even notice it. This happens specially in regions with less consumers like SA. I'm pretty sure that we are not ruining somebodys life.
So, why not? It's a good deal.

9 years ago

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If you worked in any corporation - it would be strange you are saying so.
Because this kind situation is mega-terrifying for people who are responsible for it.
If they go home after - let's say 10 hours of working. They would go buck in panic for another 5, just to fix that kind of issue.

They care - belive me .

9 years ago

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Haters gonna hate. Ignore them and move on.
I myself thank you for this informative post.

9 years ago

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In a way you're encouraging the exploitation of a mistake, nevertheless people can decide for themselves if they want to take advantage of that or not.
It's your decission to have this thread open and a lot of people are grateful for the information you provided, but others may see it in the way I stated above.

In the end you'll have to decide if your okay with that. I'm not telling you that it's wrong.

9 years ago

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I suppose in any case, all depends if the user is interested on it or not.

Right now I'm feeling much better. I suppose it depends mostly if the other person needs help or not.

9 years ago

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this is political correctness effect. in the deep, those kinda people do not care anything else (not even steam) but their own opinion. if steam cares about it, they would have fixed it... trust me, they have enough tools and people to do it in a second (because this is probably been lying around reddit way before you came).

9 years ago

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I know, I know. To be honest, I haven't seen anything about it on Reddit, and I didn't see anything when I lurked on the discussion forums here, so I decided to inform about this, to spread awareness.

9 years ago*

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Ni te molestes porque a un pelotudo le jode que informes un glitch, pretendiendo ser el prefeta salva trabajos de gente que comete errores y otros sacan ventaja. Pasa todo el tiempo en todos lados. Ni que decir de su argumento sobre el CV con un profile con ratio 1:1 con el 80% de GA privados.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Region locked :(

9 years ago

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88$ T_T btw only shows Sniper Elite 3 at 10$

9 years ago

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but it will add as steamdb says. maybe it is because of the glitch... not sure why because it in brazil shows normal price.

9 years ago

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Got myself a copy, pretty good pack for that price. Good to have this type of glitch here ^^

9 years ago

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Ditto. Past month we had the price glitch with Call of Duty Definitive Collection.

9 years ago

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Wow! Missed that one, oh well.

9 years ago

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You dodged a bullet, those games are crap anyways.

9 years ago

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awesome now i need to find someone to buy it

9 years ago

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still working?

9 years ago

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Colombian Peso | COL$ 13872 at -66% | 3,96€ | -95.19%

So - yes.

9 years ago

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how can i buy this? i need to ask someone that live in Colombia to buy for me?

Thank you :D

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 9 years ago.

9 years ago

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LOL! i want a fast trade for games, don't have any key :( if i buy today i have to wait 7 days ... :/

9 years ago

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https://steamdb.info/sub/88109/ , yes it's still glitched.

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

9 years ago

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Quien puede comprarme este paquete? Soy de Uruguay! Mil gracias, hermanos.
(Pago por PayPal o cambio por keys)

9 years ago

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por cuantos keys?

9 years ago

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Cuales queres?

9 years ago

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No se xD

9 years ago

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Like always best prices in Europe :/

9 years ago

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Europe? Colombia is not EU :D

9 years ago

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Smells like irony to me.

9 years ago

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I think so, but why not.

9 years ago

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Yeah, that was irony :)

9 years ago

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i'm from Germany, can i activated it with VPN and play without?

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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damn :(
But thanks.

9 years ago

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south america best america :D

9 years ago

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Aaaaaaand the price glitch is finally gone for good.

Just informing.

With that, I think it's time to close this thread for good, because it has accomplished the intended purpose.

9 years ago*

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Closed 9 years ago by Lightbox87.