Have you found the love of your life?
I met a girl at college starting 2012. I live in Colombia, so my main language isn't english, and as a side course I took english classes. I met her there, and we kind of click instantly. I was, and still am, shy, socially awkward, fat, and well, play a lot of videogames as we can expect form people in SG. We talked a little after classes, and (it's a sort of custom in my city) we said goodbye to each other by "kissing" our cheeks (not actually kissing, just the gesture, like italians on movies). I fumbled it and ended up actually exhaling in her ear, liike, a lot. For some god-knows-why reason, she found that appealing.
We started messaging on facebook, and things escalated really quickly, because even if I suck at speaking, I'm good at writing. We decided start as f*ck-friends, because... she liked awkward nerdy gamers. I know, I also thought it was a joke, it wasn't.
After a few months, we shared that had feelings for each other for a while, and became an official couple. The relationship lasted almost 3 years, but we broke up because I felt I was dragging her potential down.
We're now friends, started talking again around 1 year afther the separation, because besides a couple, we were really good friends, and understand a lot about each other. She's now on of my best friends.
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Wow, what an interesting story! I’m really glad you two got to be together for three years. Although, it’s a bit of a shame that, despite having feelings for each other, you decided to leave her for that reason. In my opinion, if she never mentioned it, it’s probably because she didn’t feel the same way. But of course, I wasn’t in that situation, and you had your reasons for making that decision—I’m not judging you. I just think you should value yourself more. I honestly don’t think you were holding her back in any way. If that were the case, she would’ve let you know somehow.The most remarkable thing is that you both managed to rebuild such a beautiful friendship. But hey, who knows? Maybe in the future, she’ll turn out to be the love of your life, and you won’t see yourself as someone who holds her back, but rather as someone who inspires her to grow in every possible way.As an introvert, I totally understand that feeling—that maybe we’re not enough for the other person. But I truly believe that destiny is the one that decides what will happen, and it’s inevitable. Yes, just like Thanos—to end this with a smile, if you’re into Marvel, haha.Thanks so much for sharing your romantic story with me! 😅😉
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Aww... hope the distance between you 2 narrows down with time. Personally, long distances have certainly thrown me off in the past. Both need to feel their emotions validated, which helps when next to each other. So id say, if you can make it possible-- try to visit her once in a while. No matter the outcome, since you enjoy talking to her.
As for how I'm currently doing romantically. Not so great, She lives in another Nation.
Sorry not sorry🤣
Yea cringey and/or awkward jokes is how I cope with Life
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I really appreciate your kind words! Yeah, long distance is definitely complicated, unfortunately. I'll definitely keep what you said in mind and try to visit as soon as possible, although I also need to focus on my work-related matters first.
Haha, I see what you did there—Imagi-nation 🤣. I actually love those kinds of jokes! They make life more fun. If that's your way of coping, then keep them coming!
I think with your good sense of humor, you'll probably find the love of your life at some point. Making others laugh is amazing. The other day, I saw an interview with the actor Leslie Nielsen, and my god, his humor is incredible to me! He said he always tried to make others laugh, and that’s something wonderful.
I would love to have that gift that some people have—the ability to make others laugh naturally without having to overthink what I'm going to say. I always overthink everything I say before speaking.
Even more in English because I usually use translators since it’s not my native language, and while I understand it, I struggle with speaking and writing it. But even in Spanish, which is my native language, I also overthink everything too much—whether I should send this or that. It's an aspect of myself that I think I need to improve. I should be more confident and not overthink everything so much.
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Kind of you to say so.
And yea, I overthink a LOT as well. I almost always regret most 'funny' things I write or say. It's partly why I hate socializing via texts or calls. Because it's sometimes so hard to gauge how things are perceived. But then if I don't say what's bursting out the seam, I won't feel happy either. So it's a double whammy. Currently, I just blurt it out and hope for the best haha. It's likely unhealthy, but it is what it is for now.😌
W.r.t. overthinking what we say and humor... my guess is practice, being around vibrant personalities and consuming other perspectives is what helps us grow.
Writing all this reminds me of the movie, A Real Pain. I recently saw it and I so want the carefree authenticity (with a bit of empathy) of the protagonist in my life. Unfortunately, the trait of not weighing other people's judgments too heavily doesn't come easy to most of us. But hey, we live and we hopefully learn!🤞
Edit: And if it makes u feel better & not alone. I spent like over 20mins...thinking and overthinking while writing this tiny comment🤧😂
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Yeah, exactly! You can never really know how the other person is going to interpret a message, but the important thing is to try to be yourself. And if the other person takes it the wrong way, it wouldn’t be your fault—it’s just that, unfortunately, messages can lose the tone or intent behind them, like you said, which can lead to misinterpretations. But that also depends on the other person's mood, and we can’t always carry the burden of whether something we say will affect someone positively or negatively. Of course, what we all want is to bring positivity, and trying to make someone laugh is what truly matters.
Humor and laughter are contagious and wonderful—it’s why I love comedy movies. They take me out of the real world for a moment, and I just laugh without thinking about anything else. I didn’t know about A Real Pain, but I watched the trailer, and it really caught my interest! I’ll definitely check it out at some point.
'Authenticity'—what a beautiful word. It reminds me of when I took theater classes, and we talked about the idea of being authentic. It’s something we all have because we’re all different, even if we share similarities. But I totally get what you mean about being authentic without worrying about what others think, and yeah, that’s really difficult. We’re always thinking about how people will perceive us. I feel that all the time—I constantly overthink how others will see me, and sometimes there are things I’d love to do, but I don’t because I’m afraid of 'making a fool of myself.' Like those funny pictures the protagonist of the movie takes with the statues—I’d love to do that, but I’d hesitate for sure.
About how long it took you to write your message—I totally relate, and it made me laugh in a good way because I know exactly what it’s like to overthink every little thing I want to say. Trying to make sure the message comes across exactly as it sounded in my head is a struggle.
Maybe theater could actually help you loosen up a bit when it comes to worrying about what others think. The whole idea of theater is to let go of any judgments, both from yourself and others. Of course, you have to like it, and it does take time, effort, and money, but it might be worth a try. It really helped me when I did it—though I still overthink a lot, haha. If you ever try it, based on how you are, I’d recommend looking for an improv theater class. That’s where you truly let your mind flow and just go with whatever happens. When it's all scripted, it’s a bit more boring—at least for me—because I did it more as a social activity to help me feel better.
As you can see, I have a hard time writing short messages—I always go off on tangents, hahaha! But I hope my message makes sense. I’m sure we’ll keep running into each other on different topics in SteamGifts. Big cheers!!! And let’s keep making people laugh! 😅🤣🤣😜
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I met my best friend when I was in college, I was introduced to her through a friend group we both ended up in. We were just friends for a few years, but in 2021 we decided to try dating, and by 2023 we were getting married in the Summer :). She also moved in with me in 2023 and since then we've been great, wouldn't ever want anyone different, she's literally my other half lol.
As for your situation, you might be right. She might have feelings for you but is scared to be in a committed relationship. Breakups are hard, especially if the person really means a lot to you, and she might be scared to lose you as a friend if that were to happen. Best thing to do, just stay a good friend, and wait until she feels like she is ready. Sometimes it takes a while, so be patient and maybe she'll make her move eventually.
That being said though, it could also all be in your head :/. She might only like you as a close friend, and there could be a chance too about the "subtle hints" that those could also just be in your head. There's also a chance that she might just like the attention it draws as well :/. Don't let what I'm saying dissuade you though from your feelings, I'm just giving some pointers to consider is all. I really hope it all works out in your favor though, so good luck :)
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Wow, I love knowing that there are people who have found their soulmate—someone who makes them feel complete when they're together. I wish you the best with her!
About what you mentioned, it really helped me rethink things a lot. I’m someone who struggles with anxiety, and many times I find myself overanalyzing things. Sometimes she replies, sometimes she doesn’t, and I feel like she doesn’t show the same level of interest as I do. So, I try sending her funny reels to make her laugh or get a reaction, and sometimes she responds, sometimes she just reacts, but not always. I end up constantly checking my phone notifications, wondering if it’s her.
But maybe, even if I have anxiety, if I really care about her, I should start working on managing it better. Because honestly, sometimes I feel like I might be coming off as too much by messaging her and not always getting a response. I guess time will tell if it was all in my head or not. Some people say patience is a virtue, and I truly believe it is—it’s just something that needs to be practiced.
What I sometimes wonder, though, is if by focusing so much on her, I might be missing out on other opportunities. For example, about two weeks ago, I met a girl at the park—she was really nice, we had a good conversation, and she even gave me her number so we could go for a run together since she struggles with motivation when running alone. But I didn’t text her because it felt weird. I don’t like being dishonest, and right now, my heart and mind are with this other girl. But who knows? Maybe she’s just looking for friendship, and in that case, it wouldn’t be a bad idea to go for a run.
I really appreciate the time you took to read and respond to me and thanks a lot for the advices!!! Hope like you said i have good luck with this girl because i can't imagine my life with other girl.
Only time will tell.
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From what you wrote here it seems you already know that you are putting in much more effort and thought into this friendship than her, in the hopes of "wearing her down" (excuse this term, but that's what it boils down to). I have been there when I was younger, and there are only two things of my past I wish I could change. This is one of them.
On the one hand, it is unfair to the other person. If she said that she doesn't feel the same, respect that. Regardless of whether you hope that there might be more and she just is too scared to admit it. If she is, that means she is not ready for it. Imagine someone ignoring what you tell them. It wouldn't make them very appealing to you. And this way you just keep pressuring her and ultimately will push her away, eventually losing her friendship as well.
On the other hand, you're just not being fair to yourself. The story about this other girl in the park is exactly what is wrong with this situation. You basically deny yourself any chance of being happy with someone else, regardless of whether in a serious relationship, a flirt, a friendship or simply a fleeting acquaintance or running buddy.
Don't deny yourself the chance to be happy, be it with someone else or just on your own. Take the time to find out more about yourself, try new stuff, say yes to things and people, try to set rules for how often (or when) you contact your ex or check your phone for her messages so you stop obsessing. And when you meet a nice girl who gives you her number and asks that the two of you go running together (which is soooo much more fun than doing it alone), do that. You may drift apart again within a few months, but you did something new (and healthy) and probably learned a lot of new things by talking with her. I still draw from conversations with teachers, friends, exes, random people,... I spent some time with decades ago.
Socialising (and that means, sometimes leaving our comfort zone) is how we learn new things and grow as a person.
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Wow, I really appreciate everything you said, and I value that someone who has experienced this is sharing it with me. I feel like you’re absolutely right, and I realize now that I was acting more like someone obsessed rather than someone in love. Many times, "love" leads to that—at least in my case—but it's great to meet people like you who offer different perspectives.
I think, as you said, if I really like her, I should give her space and not be so fixated on her. And if she doesn’t show interest, it’s probably because she simply doesn’t have it, and that’s something that should be respected.
As for the other opportunity I had, you’re right—I shouldn’t let chances slip away just because I’m waiting for something to happen. It’s like, for example, having a job interview at my "dream" company and waiting for their confirmation, while another job offer comes up that could provide a source of income, and rejecting it without even knowing if I got accepted at the first one. I’m not sure if I explained myself well, but I hope I did.
Honestly, it’s nice to have this space on SteamGifts where people can share opinions and different perspectives on life. And I really appreciate you taking the time to read and respond.
Wishing you an amazing day!!! 🙌🙌
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We were both writers for MSNBC. Funny how that works.
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It was a fun time. I was a columnist, but I preferred being out and about, finding stories and taking a more "citizen journalist" approach to things. She did mostly opinion pieces and music related stories. But yeah, it all worked out nicely.
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We are both squash players and once our paths crossed at my local club after she moved to my area. She has since stopped playing competetively, but it hasn't kept us from having great company with each other in whatever endeavours we're up to. It's been four years.
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For some reason several girls came in my life mid twenties (wasn't bad looking at all) through myspace, online game, spiritual chatroom with noone else and we normally didn't even visit, facebook, all but 1 watered down. And for some reason not even 1 random meetup like that happened anymore,
If you got jobs (when it's already hard) and you only got male coworkers, stuff like that yeah it's hard to meet someone.
I thought when i moved it wouldn't be so hard, there should be even plenty of single moms, but not in my building, not someone i come across.
There was still this 1 free dating site, but when i was about to try it, it became some sort of paid tinder, and i don't like the tinders etc.
So yeah i wish i would get that golden tip too from someone, because they won't come just knocking at your door.
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I understand, I’m not a big fan of dating apps either, although I won’t deny I’ve used them and met people that way at some point. But I prefer meeting people in a more natural way. Although many times I’ve had opportunities, I’m just so introverted that maybe I didn’t take advantage of them. I once met a girl at a job, and there was chemistry, but nothing came of it. I don’t work there anymore, and let’s just say it’s harder for me to meet someone now. The tough part is that as time goes by, it feels like finding a partner becomes more difficult. And like you said, no one’s going to come knocking on the door, except for the food delivery guy (just trying to add a little humor to this painful situation when you can’t find that person who completes your life). But hey, I hope it happens for both of us, and for everyone out there wishing to find their soulmate. Thanks for taking the time to read me and share your story, I really appreciate it! I wish you all the best! 🍀
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Yeah, i make the same joke myself about the delivery guy, and i often wonder why it's harder when you get older, or such moments coming less then when you are younger but they are answers we can't find (And you often ask why? And you can only keep hoping for the best).
I got this single female neighbour, on wellfare often at home, but haven't come across her in the hall even once for 12 months and just have a chat with her, i did slip her a note like if she wants to have a cup of coffee or something but she didn't react but perhaps she is afraid or something, and i am too to just ring her doorbell.
Anyway thanks, and i wish you the best too. 🍀
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I think it might get more complicated because as we grow older, we go through certain situations—or rather, experiences—that make it harder to form an emotional bond with someone else. Those past experiences come with biases about ourselves and others. It’s almost like, as humans, we set some kind of expiration date on love, metaphorically speaking. And after that point, whether from a male or female perspective, we start questioning things more and more.
I feel like I still didn’t fully answer the question, though. It really is a great question—why does it become so difficult after a certain age?
I’m sorry you haven’t run into her again. I think it was a good idea to leave her a note, and if she didn’t respond, it’s probably because she doesn’t feel ready. But sometimes, people limit themselves too much. Maybe she wants to go out, but something is holding her back. I know it’s tough, but I think you should ring her doorbell and just have a casual chat—ask how she’s doing since you haven’t seen her in a while. You simply want to check in, and that’s a very human thing to do. Who knows? Maybe she’s actually waiting for someone to knock on her door. 😉
If the opportunity arises, then you two might go for that coffee. But don’t let fear be what stops you—love has no expiration date. I know it’s easier said than done.
Either way, I wish you the best! If it’s not her, you’ll find someone else—no matter your age. Thanks again for your reply, and have an amazing day! 🙌🙌
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I don't know, maybe it's different for each person, i also believe because i missed it so much (for so long) i think i still have enough (or extra) love to give still, and most men eventually run into a midlife crisis, find someone younger, the chances this way are less likely for that to happen.
Well you are right, she could have anxiety, but aside from the note in the letterbox before that i also wrote a pm on facebook, it would be perhaps intrusive if i would try a third time, and that's also a thing what i feel atleast, after the whole metoo thing, as a man that things are quicker to be found as "harassment" these days when you have certain interactions with women, maybe women are also more shy these days, corona also didn't help i think, people are less open since then.
And yes love can always happen, although i have an uncle mid 60's who has always been alone, so that doesn't give inspiration, but i also want kids still and well that has a maximum age sort of (not when you are a man, but if you want someone close to your own age).
Have a nice day.
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I agree that nowadays people might misinterpret certain behaviors. In my opinion, I don't see anything wrong with caring about whether the other person is okay. But it's true that if you left a note and sent a message on Facebook and she didn't respond, the other person might feel harassed, and that wouldn't be nice. It's crazy because in the past, ringing the doorbell would have been a gesture of love, but today, many times, things get misinterpreted. It's like technology gave us the advantage of being able to communicate faster and with people further away, but at the same time, it put up a barrier when it comes to talking in person. As you said, unfortunately, the coronavirus didn't help and made most people retreat more into themselves.
Regarding your uncle, I understand that he's probably not the best example of inspiration. Life is tough, but you never know. You have to be open, and if destiny decides, things will happen.
As for the concern about having children, I totally get it because it happens to me too. Although I still have maybe a decade before I have the opportunity to have children, and in fact, I have many other aspects to solve in my life first, like work-related issues. I understand that the older you get, the harder it becomes.
Anyway, I didn't want to leave this without replying. We're all in the same boat, fighting to move forward.
I hope it works out for you. Maybe if you have time, you could look for group activities where people your age are, and who knows, you might meet someone that way. Someone in the comments here recommended doing volunteer work, and I don't think it's a bad idea because, in the process, you help others.
Best of lucks!! 🍀🍀
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Yeah, or just the can i borrow a cup of sugar? thing.
I am already past 40 so yeah i do feel that clock ticking, it's still possible, but i can't wait 10 more years.
And i could meet someone next week, she could get pregnant next month for all i know, yeah stuff can happen, but there is also a fatality in your thinking that perhaps maybe that kinda luck just isn't meant for you (anymore) like perhaps some karma (from a previous life).
Since i am always doing music puzzles, it's a bit like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PXatLOWjr-k&ab_channel=Travis
I tried a board game club, but it was in a very filthy pancake restaurant with screaming kids playing, and it's not your monopoly or whatever it are games that takes higher math to learn the rules, but if you could eventually grasp one, they just want to do another the other week so you can't keep up.
And things like a soup kitchen aren't a thing in my town, and i read stories about 1 million people being single, heck when i move i expected some single moms perhaps even in this building but almost none and i always say, plenty dating sites, but there is little to nothing for people looking for friendships (in which that could always turn into something more). I am very open to suggestions on what to do there, but i wouldn't know.
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Yes, clearly, I realize that my perspective is positive but not entirely realistic; one doesn't always get what they want in life, and that's a reality that's hard to accept. Anyway, I think the important thing is that if life gives you kicks, you have to keep trying over and over again, and if it doesn't work out, unfortunately, you have no control over that. But at least you know you gave it your all, the maximum. And yes, it’s frustrating to give your all and not have it work out. But sometimes it’s just luck or destiny, I wouldn't know what to call it.
The lyrics of the song are pretty sad, and unfortunately, sometimes it’s hard to think positively when things don't go your way. It’s totally understandable.
From everything you’re telling me, what stands out is that even though the song talks about rain, you’re still trying, because you tried going to a board game club, and unfortunately, that didn’t work out. But maybe there’s another one that will work or another activity.
Personally, I took theater classes because there was a time when I felt totally lost, alone, and I went to several places, but it just didn’t click with any theater group of my age. After several attempts, I found one with a variety of ages, and it really helped me. I ended up leaving it later, then came back at another point, but then I left again because they replaced a very cool teacher with another one who wasn’t bad, but had a different technique that made everything feel very routine. What I most enjoyed about theater was improvisation. It was really hard for me, but I saw that I could make other people laugh, and that filled my soul. Sometimes I’ve thought about going back, but as I mentioned, right now I have to focus on the work aspect, which also gets complicated as you grow older and have less experience, especially being introverted, as interviews get more complex. Job choices get reduced to poorly paid ones where you’re exploited.
As for dating apps, it’s complicated. I think the media and the movie world have a lot to do with this, showing that everyone is with everyone, as if real love doesn’t exist anymore. There’s also this new life philosophy that says you need to be happy alone, and that’s it, but it’s not that easy. People are so closed off because of that, and it’s harder for them to open up because they’re scared of getting hurt. It’s like a vicious cycle. But anyway, that’s my view of things. I'm sure there are people who think differently, and I completely respect that.
Let it be what it has to be, but don't stop trying, I truly hope it works out for you.
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As corny as it might sound, I met my partner over Twitch. He came into the Twitch chat asking about the game Temtem, and over time we became friends. He came into my life during a difficult time for me, and he was always supportive. I always think how lucky I am that he turned out to be a good one because someone easily could have ended up taking advantage of me at that time. It's why I took a long hiatus off of Steamgifts. I live with him now, and we keep pushing each other to succeed in whatever we are doing.
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Wow, what a beautiful love story! I never thought people could meet through Twitch, it must be a one-in-a-million case. I'm so happy you two found each other and that you support and motivate one another. There’s nothing more beautiful than when two people push each other to move forward and overcome every obstacle they face. I really appreciate you sharing your story, it’s so heartwarming to hear that it turned out so well. Thank you for taking the time to read and share your story, I wish you both nothing but the best and that you continue to overcome every challenge that comes your way! Wishing you lots of success!!!
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Wow, I really appreciate you reading and sharing your story. I think it’s beautiful how you two met and the fact that you value every minute together. Even though you don’t live together, it’s so lovely that you still get to see each other, even if it’s for a short time. That shows the love you have for each other.
I’m currently working on what you mentioned, stepping out of my comfort zone. It’s always been hard for me because I’m introverted, and I think it’s something that many people struggle with. But I’m sure I’ll make it through because I’m not going to give up. Life isn’t like video games where you get multiple lives; life is only one, and we have to make the most of it because time goes by so fast.
Again, thank you so much for sharing your story and your advice. I hope that, over time, you end up living together, and if not, at least you can make the most of every minute you get to see her. I’m sure you’ve already talked about this with her, but what you shared reminds me of the "Before" trilogy (Sunrise, Sunset, and I haven’t seen the last one, but I know it’s called Midnight). I don’t remember the movies too well, but it feels like there’s a bit of a similarity.
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Yeah, you're right! There are a lot of introverted people who still find their soulmate. I hope that’s my case too, whenever the time is right.
Volunteering actually sounds really nice since it's a space where you can help others at the same time. I'll definitely keep it in mind.
Thanks so much for your words! And don’t worry—"giving up" isn’t in my dictionary, haha xD
Wish you also best of lucks! 🙌🙌
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never been in a relationship of any kind, in the romantic sense
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I'm sorry, but it's never too late to find a relationship. It's difficult, and in my case, I’ve never been in a relationship either. I've met different people, but we never ended up as a couple. Simply because it didn’t happen—maybe the ones I liked didn't feel the same about me, and in the case of the girls who liked me, I didn’t feel the same way about them. And while I do want to find someone, I won’t settle just to avoid being alone. To truly be with someone, I have to love them. Love is complicated, just like life, with its ups and downs. But I hope life smiles upon you, and you find someone who completes you, even if you already feel complete—someone who helps you feel even more complete. I really wish you the best. YOU CAN DO IT! Wish you best of lucks and NEVER GIVE UP! 💪💪🍀🍀
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There have been 2 in my life.
The first, we were in the same grade in school together, a couple for a bit over 20 years. We grew up and grew apart together I guess.
The second, we met on World of Warcraft, then learned we were actually in the same state and didn't live far away from each other. We've been together about 15 years now.
Come what may, I don't expect a 3rd.
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I'm sorry it didn't work out with the first one, but it's great that it worked out with the second! It's funny how they say it's impossible to meet someone while playing video games, and yet you two met that way and have been together for 15 years. That's really beautiful!!! Here's to many more years together, or rather, a whole life with her!!! Wishing you lots of success, and thank you for taking the time to write and for reading as well!!! I wish you all the best!!! 🙌🙌🍀🍀
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Thank you very much! And you know, you're very right. It wasn't a good time when it was happening but now, with added wisdom I have learned that as much as that first relationship was special at the time, the second ended up to be the more valuable one by far — though I never could have known that then.
And actually, I am the her. ♥️ (I've always been tomboy coded in my hobbies and interests so no worries. But as they say, if I had a dollar.. well, I'd have... a lot of dollars. 💵) To make it funnier in the guild I was in, I was the main tank and they ended up being my healer, lol.
I hope your complicated situation works out or if not, something more fitting for you that you couldn't even imagine right now comes to pass, and that you find happiness.
Godspeed, friend! o7
(Also funny enough after writing that, I went to your profile and see you have been playing The Crew 2 as of late. Maybe I'll see you on the road!)
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Everything happens for a reason—maybe what happened in your first relationship helped you appreciate the second one even more.
And about you being a woman, my bad! I should’ve noticed—most guys have a girl as their profile picture, and that wasn’t your case, haha.
Hahaha, what a crazy coincidence that he was your healer in the game! xD
Thank you so much for your kind words—whatever has to be, will be!
HAHAHAHA, as soon as you mentioned playing The Crew 2, I checked your profile, and we have almost the same number of hours, hahaha. Hopefully, we run into each other there! I actually bought it when it was on sale, and honestly, it felt like a steal for everything it offers. Though I have to say, there are some things I’m not too convinced about, like the Live Summit—it feels unnecessarily hard to reach Platinum (at least for me).
Still, I really enjoy racing games in general, even though I’ve never played NFS Most Wanted. Funny enough, I’m planning to start it in the next few weeks—though it’ll be the Remastered version, but I’ve heard both versions are great.
You know how it is—you grow up, get more games, but have less time to play them, haha.
Big shoutout to you, and thanks for everything! See you on the track! 😉🙌🙌
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You're still young, it's not finished until you're dead ! (And then after that who knows, maybe we will be little ghosts uhuh !) :d
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Well, you're not alone, so don't worry. Everything that happens happens for a reason, and everything falls into place when it's meant to. The important thing is not to give up, keep going. There are many people out there looking for their soulmate, and when you least expect it, that person will come.
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I met my partner at work. She came to do her PhD under the same supervisor as me and we hit along very well from day one.
After a couple of years together I moved in with her and 14 years later we have 2 kids and 2 cats.
I was very awkward around girls when I was a teenager but then grew out of it, especially after moving abroad. Working in science also helped since there were always a lot of single people around and plenty of parties to go to.
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Wow, 14 years is a long time! It's amazing that you found each other and now have two kids and two cats. Wishing you all the best for a lifetime together! It's nice to know that being awkward with girls is something you can overcome. Thanks for taking the time to read the post and share your love story. Wishing you lots of success! 🙌🙌💪💪
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I met my wife in a video game called Aion, an MMORPG. We spoke for about six months, which led to a long-distance relationship that lasted another four years. She was in the Philippines, and I was in Romania.
After years of making promises, playing video games together, and having video and audio chats, I finally managed to borrow money from the bank and travel to the Philippines for the first time. I was 23 at the time and had never traveled beyond my hometown. Her family treated me wonderfully and agreed to give me her hand in marriage, even after some changes to our original wedding plans made me worry that I might upset them. Fortunately, they understood the situation and allowed her to come with me to Romania.
Three months later, we got married.
We have been through good times and bad, struggles and amazing moments together. Fast forward to today, we are still happily married. After 10 years together, we are expecting our first baby! We no longer live in Romania but in the UK, where our life has significantly improved.
That’s the short version of our story, I wouldn’t want to bore you with all the details. But thanks for asking!
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I truly loved reading your love story! Honestly, if you ever feel like expanding on it, I’d have no problem reading more. It’s crazy how you two met through a game and then you managed to travel all the way to the Philippines to meet her—especially since you even took out a bank loan! What you’re telling me sounds straight out of a movie, and I’m so happy to hear that these things actually happen in real life.
Of course, I understand that every relationship has its tough moments, but what really matters is that you both worked through them together and came out stronger! Huge congratulations on the baby on the way!!! That’s such a beautiful thing! ❤️ And it’s amazing that moving to another country helped you improve your lives so much. I hope many more moments of happiness come your way, and that you keep overcoming any challenges that life throws at you!
Reading your message gave me such good vibes. I truly appreciate you taking the time to read the post and share your story! Wishing you both all the best!!! 🎉😊🙌
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That's very kind of you to say. I have told this story many, many times before. If I were to go back and change something, I’d do it all over again, but maybe differently to make things quicker. I love my wife more and more as the days pass. I think she is the best thing that has ever happened to me. She made me the man I am today. I have learned a lot from her, and I’ll be forever grateful.
I’ve learned that waiting for the right person is pointless. It’s better to find someone who is willing to make sacrifices for the relationship, to grow, to change, to admit defeat sometimes, and to communicate openly about the problems that arise every now and then. I can’t express how many times we have resolved our issues and differences just by sitting down and talking. A relationship is never about one person giving 50% and the other giving 50%, but about both working together to give 100% to each other.
Every time I take a moment to reflect on my relationship with my wife, my heart leaps with joy. I know that’s a sign I made the right choice, and I know my wife feels the same way.
Last but not least, work together to make your partner your best friend. If you build toward that kind of relationship, through good times and bad, you’ll always support each other.
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I want to highlight something you mentioned: 'I’ve learned that waiting for the right person is pointless.' I completely agree with what you said. As you pointed out, the most important thing in any relationship—whether it’s romantic, friendship, family, or even work-related—is communication between both people. That’s probably the reason why many relationships fail. And honestly, this applies to everything in life.
It’s amazing that both of you are 100% willing to talk things through and accept when mistakes are made, because at the end of the day, making mistakes is human. It’s not a bad thing—it’s what allows us to learn. The key is not repeating them.
I truly congratulate you!!! And once again, thank you so much for sharing all of this! I’m sure many people will benefit from reading your story. To anyone reading this post who hasn’t found their soulmate yet—keep your spirits up! It’s never too late as long as you don’t give up. Your story is proof that love exists!!! 💖✨🙌
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We met online, chatted for a few months before even seeing pictures of each other. It was the first time in my life I really felt a connection with another person. We had the same sense of humor and that is a huge thing! Before then, even with my "best friends" growing up I always felt some kind of disconnect and eventually lost contact with everyone. Human interaction has always been very hard for me, emotionally draining, but with her I have never felt that way.
We lived almost 1000 miles away from each other (both in the same country). Fast-forward a couple years later we were married and that was 15 years ago now. We still make each other laugh every day! Our life is basically full of inside jokes and our own secret personal memes...
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Woooooah!!! I absolutely love reading about these kinds of connections! 💖 It’s beautiful that you met through chatting and didn’t even see each other’s pictures at first. People tend to focus on physical appearance first, but I truly believe that attraction is all about perspective.
For example, you might meet someone at a park, and at first, they don’t seem particularly attractive to you. But as you talk and connect, your mind starts to see them differently, from a new perspective, making physical appearance less important—or maybe just different, in a way you hadn’t noticed before. That’s what’s so special about the way you two met.
Nowadays, a lot of people meet through dating apps, go out for a while, and then realize they have nothing in common. They were just idealizing that person based on looks and how they imagined them to be.
I love that you took the time to read the post and share your story because people need to hear stories like yours. Some love stories may be happier, some may be sadder, but it doesn’t mean that what happened to you couldn’t happen to someone else too.
It’s amazing that after 15 years, the magic between you two is still alive! I’m sure you’ve had your ups and downs, and if you haven’t, even better! But what really matters is that you’re still together. I truly wish you both a lifetime of happiness, that you keep that magic alive, keep making each other laugh, and keep sharing your jokes and memes. That’s beautiful.
Thank you for spreading that magic through your message!!! 🙌🙌
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I like the way you write. It’s very thoughtful and sincere. I hope you get what you’re looking for!
I’m in my late 30s and haven’t found a partner, but I met my best friend of 14 years through a defunct dress up game called Tinierme, and then she introduced me to my other best friend that she met through an MBTI personality discord group. I’d like to experience romantic love one day, but I’m not sure how it could happen. I haven’t been outside in almost a decade due to illness. Ironically, I used to make dating games. Platonic love is very fulfilling, though!
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Thank you so much for sending me good vibes! ✨ I'm glad you liked the way I write. It's the first time I hear about the MBTI personality test, it sounds interesting. It's great that you were able to meet your best friend through that game, it's a shame the game is no longer available, but at least it helped you meet two people. I hope the illness you're dealing with is something you can overcome with time and that you'll be able to go out again. I really hope you find that person who makes you feel complete, no matter that you're in your late 30s—anything is possible.
By the way, did you create dating games? That's so cool! It's good that when you're alone, you can at least imagine different scenarios in your mind. The mind is so powerful, and I actually think there's so much left for us to discover about the subconscious and how the mind works. I find that topic fascinating, although I think I kind of veered off track haha, sorry.
I hope you feel better soon, and if you don't meet anyone because of the illness or for any other reason, at least treat yourself to imagining the situations you wish could happen. It's beautiful what one can create just with the mind. I wish you the best! 🙌🙌🍀🍀✨✨
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I think it'll raise a few eyebrows, it was a professor and i was a student. Not from his class however. Yes it's a not well considered story. We're now married since almost 20 years and i'm old. I know it's very frowned upon, i regret nothing. But i understand the anxious parents, my story is not exemplary because i may have been very lucky, so well don't do what i did. Still i was very reluctant to write it. It's a love marriage i chose it, i got many troubles and worries, not much money, but found my soul mate, that's what the life gave me. I'd never judge who other people love, because i'd be in no position to do so.
I should add, also, that i hope you'll find your soul mate, when you'll find it's something you can't ignore. Sometimes some people make long list of criterias online to date. Well, when you fall in love, you tend to forget all your standards. For the best or the worst.
edit : thank you for being kind with everyone in this thread
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I believe that if both of you felt completely attracted to each other, it doesn't have to mean anything bad. The fact that he was your professor and you were a student isn't necessarily a bad thing. I don’t know how big the age gap is, but many times age is defined by mindset, and if there’s a connection, I think age becomes irrelevant. From my point of view, I think you did the right thing. Finding a soulmate is very difficult, not everyone achieves it, and there are always those who judge, but it’s easy to judge when you’re not the one living the story. The fact that you’ve been married for almost 20 years shows that you both care for each other a lot, and that’s what really matters in the end. As for money, yes, life is complicated. Sometimes it gives you something but takes away another, sometimes it gives you everything, sometimes nothing. But the important thing is to keep fighting, facing every obstacle that comes your way. Don’t feel bad about the decision you made; problems and worries are part of life itself, we all have them, some more, some less, but that doesn’t make them disappear. The only thing is that on social media, people hide all of that. Anyone who reads your story and is in the same situation should take the same decision you did. I’m glad you decided to share it because now you can see that what happened to you isn’t abnormal—it’s perfectly normal, and you don’t need to feel bad about it. On the contrary, you should be happy you’re with your soulmate. Better financial times will come, and problems may fade or stay, but what matters is that you’re facing them together in this thing called life.
As for finding my soulmate, I hope it’s like you said and I do find them. Time will tell; maybe it’s the person I mentioned in my post, or maybe it’s someone else I haven’t crossed paths with yet. But I’ll stay positive, thinking that it’ll happen eventually. And if it doesn’t, at least I’ll try to brighten other people’s lives and show them that they’re not alone in this tough world. It’s beautiful that when you fall in love, you can let go of all those standards, which are just idealizations we create. Love is something that arises, something you feel, not something you choose. I wish you all the best, and once again, thank you for sharing your story. I’m sure there are many people who read it but don’t comment, yet really need to hear it.
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It seems like you're sociable since you took the step to comment here, which shows that you have some interest in socializing. Maybe it’s a bit difficult for you, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try. Anyway, you can be a less social person and still meet someone who makes you feel different and with whom you want to have a serious relationship. But of course, if you're not interested in that, it won’t happen. The important thing is that you're happy; maybe you're happier being alone than being with someone, and that’s okay. Different ways of seeing life. Either way, I wish you all the best, and thank you for taking the time to comment! 🙌🙌
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Wowww, I hope you had a wonderful anniversary! 19 years together!! Who would have thought that the person training you for the job would end up being the love of your life!! How beautiful that you got to meet like that. I wish you an eternity together!!! Thanks for taking the time to read the post and to comment!!! 🙌🙌
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I met a lot of girls. They were amazing human but not my type, some even proposed me. I believe in this era of stupid social media apps people are attracted towards body/money/degree only. I know they will leave me, if i become fat or poor. In my mid 30s now i realized its all useless real love only exists in novels and stories. World is full of fake people with makeup faces.
Its only my personal experience plz dont roast me for my honesty.
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No one should criticize you for the way you think, and if someone does, that's on them. Everyone is free to think as they want, based on their own experiences. I understand what you're saying, it's true that there's a lot of falseness in the world, but I still believe there are people who genuinely care for each other, no matter those things. But that's my point of view, and I totally respect yours. Basically, what you're talking about is shown in this video by the illustrator Steve Cutts, whom I consider a great artist and a critic of society in general. I really recommend you watch the video if you haven't already.
Here's the link:
Moby & The Void Pacific Choir - 'Are You Lost In The World Like Me?'
I wish you all the best, whether alone or with company!!! 🍀🍀
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Thanks for understanding, people usually call me crazy for my honesty. I chose to stay single because i dont want materialistic people in my life that only loves for my bachelors degree, my body, house or a car.
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Met through SG actually, we lived in different countries. Started dating in 2017, married in 2021. Moved countries in 2023, with two cats together.
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We became highschool sweethearts, I am very Bi, and wasn't looking for anything at the time. We meet at a game on man tracker that our school put on and a mutual friend of ours and we hit it off! Well after man tracker, we instead played dodge ball and she hit me right on the head on accident XD. We started hangout out and became great friends, then one day at the end of Friday we had to say goodbye and we hugged for 10 minutes neither of us wanting to go. We have been together 3 years and got married on our 3rd anniversary! We have a little boy (Robin) who will be a year in March! Couldn't ask for a better partner and wife. She has been with me though the absolute best and worst times of my life. I couldn't imagine my life any different. All I can say is you find what you are looking for if you aren't looking (if you get lucky) Now we are on course to buy our first house in spring of next year :D Very excited for it all!
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Looks like that bump on the head was a stroke of luck for both of you xD You're right, things happen when you don't actively look for them. Wooow, Robin's birthday is almost here!!! That's awesome!!! Congratulations to both of you!!! Best of luck with the purchase of your first home, I hope it's a place where you can stay forever and Robin has many happy moments with you there!!! Wishing you all the best!!! Thank you so much for taking the time to read the post and share your love story!!! Wishing you both sooo much success!!!! 🍀🍀🙌🙌
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Thank you so much! And not to say there wasn't any struggles haha! It was very hard and a lot of work! The biggest thing I can say is if you are wanting be Ina relationship, having couples therapy to work though issues faster can be super beneficial! Also psychedelics XD
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I've been slowly reading these replies for the past two days and I must say that it's nice seeing all the happy people that managed to find a partner, really touching.
I myself have nobody. I did manage to find my way into a relationship once back when I was in my early twenties, but it only lasted a few months. Right now I'm in my mid thirties and to be brutally honest I kinda given up years ago, not like I ever tried much anyway.
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Mid-thirties is not old for that, it can often happen later. In fact it often happens later to plenty of people !
Don't despear, try to just live and blossom, and if you feel good in life, that you emanate passion for what you do, it's like an aura that can attract people. And if it doesn't give result, at least you'll have had something to be passionate about.
I'll tell you an anecdote, met a guy at my parents' house, he was a rally driver in his spare time, it wasn't his job. He was walking on the road to Compostelle. I saw my parents listening to him with fascination. Of course not everyone has the means to be a rally driver, but it can be something else, like drawing, cooking, playing the guitar, swimming, volunteering and helping people or animals, lots of things. I knew someone who also emanated, but differently, by being kind and listening to everyone, and by doing community work. She didn't have any particular talent, like being a rally driver, but her kindness was perceptible and attracted people.
My husband heard about me from other students, who told him about a girl who was missing an arm and who was swimming. I had a cheat code, because when you're disabled, making something that everyone does gives you an easy aura. ;)
I often met you on this forum, you're always a kind guy, i'm sure you've plenty of talents ! (Yeah i know life is often shit. Fortunately life is shit but you're not.)
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Thanks for the words of encouragement. I know my original comment reads as a bit of a downer, it's just that it was originally much longer and I decided to trim it quite a bit and remove a lot of specifics and with it the context also got removed. Let's just say that there were a number of personal complications to the prospect of a love life during my mid twenties that at the time motivated me to postpone it indefinitely and then I just kept feeling too anxious to even try again and prioritizing other things.
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In life, everything is an experience. Maybe that relationship didn’t work out, but it was necessary for you to grow in certain ways. Giving up is normal—we all feel disappointed at times, like we can’t do it, like it’s just not meant for us. But as you’ve read, many people here have found their partner, and that doesn’t mean they didn’t have to go through countless obstacles to get there.
If you’re truly interested in finding someone, I’d recommend doing activities you enjoy that allow you to connect with people. Maybe it’ll happen for you. Maybe you’ll find that person you’ve been looking for. It won’t be easy, and there are no guarantees, but the important thing is that if you really want it, you give it a try. You already have a “no,” so when you have nothing, you also have nothing to lose.
I get it, though—being rejected or having a relationship not work out leaves a mark. But you have to see it as just one of many marks that life leaves on us. And you keep trying. Again and again, until it happens. It’s all about working on your self-confidence. It might sound strange, but even something as simple as putting a note on your mirror that says, "Today is going to be a great day," can help. Small things like that start sinking into your subconscious, and eventually, they convince your conscious mind that it will be a great day. That confidence might push you to go out, meet new people, and who knows—maybe it’ll happen.
As some people in this post have told me, we often have to step out of our comfort zones in order to grow. I hope this message helps you in some way, and truly, I hope that in the future, you find that special someone who completes you. Wishing you the best—keep pushing forward and don’t give up!
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Thanks for this thread! I loved reading through all the stories. You seem like a really nice guy and I'm sure that you will find a great partner :)
I'm also an introvert and very shy. I've never really been in a relationship. I want to change that but it's very hard for me.
I have been going to a bouldering gym regularly for about 5 years and most of the time I bouldered alone. I never had the courage to talk to strangers.
I often saw a woman there that I liked. Last week I just started talking to her which took a lot of effort for me. We bouldered together for about 20-30 minutes. I kind of didn't know what to say anymore and she then went away.
I saw her again yesterday and started talking to her. We ended up bouldering together for almost 3 hours and we talked in between and started to get to know each other. She's a great woman and I already like her. So in the end I gathered my courage and told her that I like her and asked her if she wanted to get to know me better. Unfortunately, she already has a boyfriend and is therefore only interested in friendship.
It is very frustrating for me that I finally approached a woman, but she is already taken. At the same time, I am happy and proud that I brought myself to do it. I plan to continue doing this but it costs me a lot of energy.
I wish everyone else much success in their search for a partner. Don't give up :)
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That's the spirit!!! It doesn’t matter that she turned you down, it’s an experience you’ve gained, and getting to know her will make it easier for you to meet more girls. Who knows, maybe she even has a friend she could introduce you to in the future.
It’s great that you can be her friend—it will help you improve your communication with women, and over time, your shyness will decrease. Plus, having a new friendship is always nice! It also makes going to the gym more fun and helps time pass faster.
I congratulate you because not only did you take the step, but you also realized that you made great progress, even though the answer wasn’t what you expected.
Thank you for your words!!! I wish you lots of success too—I can see your motivation, and that’s already a great sign for finding someone!! Keep that hope alive, no matter what.
This is just like job hunting—many times, you go through tons of interviews and get rejected, but if you keep going, eventually, you’ll succeed!!! Keep pushing forward!!! You got this!!!!!! 💪🔥
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Thank you so much for your encouraging words! That motivates me even more :)
Yes, it is great to have her as a friend. We have arranged to meet again next weekend and I can't wait :D
To be honest, I don't really have any friends other than her because of my shyness. So something very positive came out of it, even though a relationship with her is unfortunately out of the question.
I have decided to talk to at least one person every time I go to the gym. I've done that twice now. Only for a few minutes, but it was still great and the people were very nice. I'm generally happier than before. I wish I had done this earlier in my life. I'm already in my early thirties. But better late than never :D
I also wish I had a friend like you. You are great! Keep staying positive and you will eventually find the job and partner that you wish for and deserve.
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Thank you so much for your words! If you want, you can add me on Steam, and if you ever feel the need to talk to someone, you can message me there. Or you can also come back to this post and talk to me here—whatever makes you feel more comfortable.
As you mentioned, better late than never. I'm really glad to hear that you're feeling more motivated. Humans are social beings by nature, and many times we tend to isolate ourselves. But socializing always helps us—it’s great for our mental well-being and opens up new opportunities for personal growth as well.
Keep going strong, and let’s stay in touch! ;)
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I want to give an update to everyone reading this :)
I have made much progress. I talked to a couple of people at the gym. I'm still friends with the woman I wrote about above and we are going together to the bouldering gym once a week.
I talked to another woman about two and a half weeks ago at the same gym. We bouldered together for a little bit and then we talked for two hours. She wanted to exchange phone numbers and we did that before we left the gym. Outside she hugged me and we arranged to meet again one week later. In the meantime we wrote messages to each other. She wrote me that she would like to get to know me better and that she would like to meet me earlier than we arranged. I wanted that as well and we went ice skating together and talked for hours and got to know each other better.
After that we went to the gym together again and then she asked me if I would like to come along and boulder with her outside on the rock. I never did this before but it was amazing. The time we spent together always went by extremely quickly. In the evening she invited me to her parents' house and I got to know them a little bit.
A couple of days later we went ice skating again. I have developed feelings for her and told her that. She said she felt the same way. We kissed and are now in a relationship together which makes me extremely happy.
Our relationship is still very new. We have only been together for a few days, but we have already become very close. We are very similar: We have the same interests and views, and we are already talking about very private things. She is just great and I'm very happy with her :)
Finally, a tip from me for anyone who wants a relationship with a partner: Have the courage and talk to strangers. I tried online dating for about six months beforehand, and it didn't work for me at all. Go to a place where there are as many other people as possible and where you have a hobby that the other people also have. This makes approaching people much easier, as you automatically have a topic to talk about, and you know that the other people are interested in what you say because they have the same hobby. For example, I always tried difficult bouldering routes that I couldn't complete. If someone else I liked came by, I would approach them and ask if they had already climbed the route. If the person was interested, they would sit down with me to complete the route. With some people you have a conversation that has nothing to do with bouldering and you get to know each other.
I also found it very difficult to approach strangers. But you have to gather your courage and overcome it. After a few attempts, you realize it's not so bad. Especially if you're always talking to really nice people. At least, that was my experience at the bouldering gym. And it's okay not to know how the conversation will continue afterwards. The other person will contribute their part, and then you'll automatically think of things to say, even if you are as shy as me. The great thing is that you overcome shyness with this behavior.
I hope this helps someone at some point who is in the same situation I was. Be strong and I wish everyone much success. Feel free to ask any questions. I will be happy to answer them :)
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I don’t talk much here, but I love listening to love stories—how people met, those little twists of fate that bring two souls together. It makes me believe that one day, I’ll also find someone who becomes my everything and fills my life with color.
Some time ago, I met someone special, but I have no idea if she feels the same way. And to make things more complicated, distance separates us. I met her in person, but since I’m introverted, we ended up talking more on Instagram, even when we were physically close. Now, I’m no longer near her.
At some point, I told her I liked her… but only after I was already far away. She said she didn’t feel the same way. However, sometimes she posts things that make me wonder—subtle hints that seem to say otherwise. As if deep down, there’s something there. As if the fear of distance is holding her back. Or maybe I’m just seeing signs that don’t exist. In the end, I guess destiny will decide, and I should stop overthinking it.
Love is complicated, isn’t it? How do you deal with it? What do you do when you feel this way? For me, video games have always been my escape. They help me disconnect from reality, immerse myself in another world where worries fade away—at least for a little while. Of course, I enjoy them for fun too, but that escape is what I value the most.
Thank you for taking the time to read this. I hope you have an amazing day, no matter when you’re reading this.
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