Looks pretty cool! Unfortunately they don't ship to Brazil nor do I have 250 bucks. :/
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Yeah, that's really a shame. Apparently they also don't ship to Greenland, which seems strangely arbitrary.
You can still get the digital games, if you think it's worth it for you. It's a good price for all 7 of them, and you'd be helping a legendary indie developer as well.
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Might as well bump this with the notice that the Kicstarter has passed $800000. Hopefully it'll pass the million, I'm hopeful about what Cyan can do with the money that will be left after the physical rewards.
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Yeah! That's the bit I'm most excited about, since IIRC you cannot get those games anywhere now (they were released only physically, and they are no longer made). You need to find them used or second hand, and wrapped ones in good condition can be pricey. I personally never got to play them.
I hope more people can see this KS, and back it up. Cyan is one of those legendary studios that worked hard to keep their stuff together and they have gone over some pretty rough patches, including the Ubisoft era. Now with Obduction, the upcoming Firmament, and this collection, I can only hope they can catch some breath.
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FWIW, I played Myst Masterpiece Edition, however it has been a terrible disappointment in terms of playability vs. the physical copy of Myst. For instance, moving around: Masterpiece has you instantly "teleport" to the next screen (in the original Myst there was a nice fade in / fade out effect moving between locations). I also never was able to get Myst Masterpiece Edition to save a game reliably. The sound was pretty bad too. I would definitely fund a Kickstarter that did a good update / re-make of Myst, with high quality music at least.
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The collection includes both Myst ME, and realMyst ME.
I didn't play Myst ME, but realMyst ME is quite a good remake of the original. It was unfortunately done in Unity, and as is common in Unity games the textures are a bit off, along with atmospheric effects. I don't know if you've tried it, but I think it sounds like exactly what you're looking for.
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Hmm, I might give that a try. I remember trying to decide between buying Myst ME or realMyst, and the low review ratings for realMyst (mostly of the game refusing to run) is what made me get Myst ME instead.
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I see. Try to give it a shot if you can. realMyst and realMyst ME are two completely different remasterizations. realMyst was done with the Plasma engine, an in-house engine that they used for Uru and the later Myst games, while the ME is Unity.
Furthermore, around 2015 they made a second pass over ME, updating the music, sounds and graphics. So many ME reviews are even more outdated.
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Heh, yeah. I own some of them already, but that's an oportunity to give the new keys away :-D
They've done amazing stuff with Obduction's KS, so I have no doubt they'll put this one to good use.
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That's understable. I hope you can enjoy realMyst on your tablet. If you give it a chance, try to avoid looking for tips or answers online. The puzzles are meant to be "processed" for a while, even days if you need to. And have pen and paper handy.
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No problem! It actually took me a couple of days before I realized that no one had posted here about it.
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Over the million mark!! Currently at $1.118.000 and change! (I'm also posting this as a bump, hope nobody minds).
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Mac support has been announced for all of the games, and the project is now over the $1.500.000 mark. Hurray!
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Bump for just over a day left, and they're crossing the 1000% funded mark in a few minutes! o_0
I've been waffling on this one for a long time, and finally just kicked a dollar in. Will still get some digital goodies.
I can't justify paying $50 for the collection when (excluding III & IV, and including Cosmic Osmo, et. al.) the collection has been significantly lower than that before on Steam. ...Unless I get the book, and then I'd want the screen... and $169 is extremely hard to swallow.
Doesn't seem to be linked on the campaign page anymore, but I really enjoyed the AMA with one of Myst's creators, Rand Miller (aka Atrus). Some very light Myst spoilers in there.
I haven't yet watched the Follow-Up AMA, but probably will soon. [edit] Started watching, and it freezes around the 3 minute mark, but comes back. [/edit]
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Cyan Inc. (also known as Cyan Worlds) launched a Kickstarter a couple of days ago.
Please watch the video in the Kickstarter for more details, along with the rest of the page, but the short of it is as follows:
The folks at Cyan have at last managed to get ahold of the publishing rights and code for all of the Myst games that have been released during these 25 years. To celebrate the anniversary, they want to release them in a pretty nifty Collectors Edition, with one of the tiers being a real life Linking Book (up to the where limits of current physics allow).
If you like Myst, any of the sequels, Obduction, or just love atmospheric puzzle games, be sure to check it out. It's been fully funded (actually it's at 300% after 3 days) but there's still more than a month to go as of the time of posting.
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