Deep in my bundle games inventory I found a key for Frozen Synapse Prime double pack key from an old bundle I guess.

Now the way it works is once you activate the key in one account an additional gift copy is added to the inventory. I already have the game so I would like to make (PREFERABLY 2) GA.

How do I do this? Anyone has given away this double pack thing before?

9 years ago

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Don't know if it's allowed to make a "I'll send the gift to the first winner and he's required to send the additional copy to the second winner" giveaway. If it is it's still risky since you don't know if the winners will cooperate.

If it's allowed I would make it a higher level giveaway, that way chances that some asshole will run away with the second copy are lower then when it's level 0

9 years ago

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Hmm, I got an interesting GA train idea.

9 years ago

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can't be done. one key/gift, one redeem. only the "redeemer" will receive the extra copy.
in this case, if you can only send one key or one gift (even with extra copy), don't assign two giveaways.
you can ask to winner to return the gift but it is up to winner (as hagehage said).

9 years ago

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I think literally every Steam copy of Frozen Synapse Prime comes with that gift copy, so the "double pack" doesn't really exist. (I got two copies from a bundle key, and the Steam store page advertises that the standard package comes with an extra gift.) I'd say give the key to a friend you trust, then have him gift the extra copy back to you to give away on SG to get the most for your money.

9 years ago

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you can ask users entering your ga to give you back the gift after activating the key. it would be common courtesy on their part.

of course, this is up to the winner since you can't force them (you can blacklist him if he doesn't do it).

or make a whitelist ga and ask in the forums who would want to enter with that requirement.

9 years ago

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That is a nice idea too.

9 years ago

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When I made GA like that, I always asked the winner to giveaway extra gift(no trading) for other people's chance. In most cases because they were Group GA, the things went well as I intended.

9 years ago

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