Yeah, another one of these comparison threads.

Now, in your opinion, which is the better game and WHY. Also, I'm talking about the base games, no mods applied.

(Aka I'm on the edge of which I should buy)

11 years ago*

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KInda hard being Day Z isn't finished and a completely different type of simulator, but I would say Day z.

11 years ago

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Well yeah they are different, but they still have very similar mechanics and world "exploration"

11 years ago

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By similar mechanics you mean one crashes every 15 mins with zombies that go through walls and another that is working properly, then sure. It isn't fair to compare the two even if they were similar. Day Z is a piece of shit, and that is no surprise since it is an unfinished game in alpha. Arma 3 does not have that excuse or problems an alpha would have.

11 years ago

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DayZ uses the Arma II engine and parts of the Arma III engine. Both games are being developed entirely by Bohemia Interactive, so they'll likely have the same engine-based issues. It should be mentioned that DayZ is in Alpha status. Arma III will be better technologically, but as far as the game itself and my interactions with Arma II, I think DayZ would be the better buy.

11 years ago

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DayZ uses the engine from Take on Helicopters, by Bohemia Interactive too, it's a little-upgraded version of Arma II graphics

11 years ago

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Will everyone quit saying it uses ARMA 2's graphics. . .Read this: There is no way one can brink Dayz SA graphics into ARMA 2's engine. . . It uses graphics from ARMA III kinda. DAYZ is a from ground up based on. Too many people are kinda shunning the devs but trying to say that this is another mod. This engine has parts based on some feature but is from ground up. This is, as the devs put it ARMA 2.5 in many cases yes but way different.

AS the article states "One of our Lead Artists, Mario Kurty, has been working with some of the ArmA3 artists to ensure that DayZ Standalone has the best visuals possible. The result is pretty striking when combined with some of the other improvements we have made in the engine. " AKA the graphics are an improvement of ARMA3's

11 years ago

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From what I hear I would say, DayZ is the better buy.

11 years ago

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Further elaborate why?

11 years ago

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He never played ArmA in a serious manner, that's why.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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If you are primarily looking to play "zombie mode," the standalone will probably be more populated than the Arma III version of the mod.

11 years ago

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I'm talking about just a normal opinionated game play standpoint, with no mods involved.

11 years ago

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DayZ standalone hasnt been released yet (one year from beta stage, as per steam store) so this is not a valid comparison. that fact that yo uare trying to compare them tells me that you should get arma 3. that way there will be one less thread in dayz early access forums asking why the game has bugs and not much content.

11 years ago

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I'm not talking about its current state, I mean what it would be in the end.

11 years ago

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again still a bad comparison. arma 3 is out of early access and available in its complete state now. whereas dayz is in early access and alpha stage at that with the label that it wont even be in beta for a full year from now. who knows how long it will take to get put of beta.
if you are looking for a game to play right now then i would say do not get dayz, it says as much on the store page and ive seen Dean Hall (creator of dayz) on twitter telling people to not buy in its current state if they are looking for a full game or even something with a lot of content period. ive got friends with dayz and they all say it gets boring pretty quick in its current state.

if you are looking for a fun zombie game id say get State of decay even tho its only single player. if you are looking for a online mp survival game then I would say checkout RUST, its in early access also but has more to do right now than DayZ and is 10 bucks cheaper. but dont go just buy it, read up, watch videos and all that and decide on your own

11 years ago

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How the heck can we know what it will be like in the end!?

11 years ago

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If you like FPS military simulation - get ARMA
If you like survival simulation - get DayZ
If you still can't decide, see if any of your friends play either. Go with the one most of them play.

11 years ago

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It's as simple as this. +1

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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Get Arma 3 now. Buy DayZ later when it gets released

11 years ago

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Arma 3 has zombie survival to, check Breaking Point. DayZ is gay !

11 years ago

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The best deal is ARMA 2 on a 80% off sale, probably, if you haven't ever played DayZ or ARMA. You get single player campaigns from ARMA, the its multiplayer part, you can play ARMA mods such as DayZ and ACE... for a very cheap price.

11 years ago

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Unfair comparison. No one can tell how dayz is going to be at the end. They are on alpha status, which means, some basic gameplay and engine test, thats it. Graphics might change, gameplay might change, you might dont even like the final result.

Arma is already released, it is complete. Havent played it, but i would not recommend to get an alpha status game.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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dayZ, because of wiggles

11 years ago

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So many wiggles.

11 years ago

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Lol. Arma have real enemies and is it simulator. DayZ is shooting fantasy zombies. There is too many differences. is it like comparison of project C.A.R.S and NFS. You have to know best what is closer to you.

11 years ago

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i would chose arma 3 better graphics & gameplay

11 years ago

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better graphics? are you kidding me Dayz (SA) is equal if not better (lighting effects and metallic shine). As per game play two different games.

11 years ago

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DayZ is using the Arma 2 engine, with bits of the Arma 3 engine. Thus, Arma 3 has better graphics. DayZ simply has a color filter that floats your boat.

11 years ago

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have you played the game? It doesn't use the arma 2 engine it has aspects from the arma 2 engine and is based on the Take On Helicopters engine, of which ARMA 3 is also based. The graphics are on par, and in some ways surpass that of the ARMA 3 engine.( as said before dynamic lighting effects and metallic).

If you actually look at what was taken to make Dayz Standalone you would have read that part. Sadly most people get lazy and See ARMA 2 and drop it. Look at DayZ standalone screenshots and look at ARMA 2. . .two totally different graphical engines. Most of the graphical code is taken from ARMA 3's pallet. Most people see ARMA 2 OA and keep on being ignorant from there.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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I'm not certain you proved me wrong in any capacity except diction. Take On Helicopters is an engine based on the Arma 2 engine with improvements that were developed for the Arma 3 engine. Arma 3 has dynamic lighting, and everything else that DayZ has, except more and with a better technical execution. Bullet physics comes to mind.

11 years ago

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DayZ Standalone utilizes the Take On Helicopter engine, which is a branch of the Arma II Operation Arrowhead engine Real Virtuality. The engine has been heavily modified even including code from ARMA III.

11 years ago

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Bohemia Interactive is a small company. They're not going to 'heavily modify' something when they can use their man hours to port existing improvements.

11 years ago

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You can't compare 2 different genres. That's like comparing a rock to a brain.

11 years ago

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Closed 11 years ago by Za21.