Would you ever buy again from gogobundle.com?
Any store may randomly check new buyers.
There are so many frauds only they can't avoid that.
Not going to buy again at them, though, but because they mainly sell trash.
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In there line of work they probably have mostly new buyers...
Imagine going to a supermarket and buying things with your card and oh look new customer let me get this copy of your ID for the future cause you know new customer...
Yes they can request for me to show it (in a supermarket) but not in the internet. That's why i use Paypal. So that we all have some frame of reference concerning fraud.
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You should compare to other online stores. They have similar policy.
Nothing force you to comply, though. Especially if you don't want to provide you personal documents.
Just don't buy from them.
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In my country depending on the card you need to show it. If it is a credit card they can ask for you ID (but NOT keep a copy as they could do if I sent them a picture of it) but I use debit cards always. And paypal doesnt even give this kind of information.
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Yup, just looking is definitely different from keeping a copy. Also, if every store starts storing copies of everyone's ID, it becomes trivial to steal a copy of someone's ID, hence requiring a copy of someone's ID becomes pointless.... (only privacy died in the process)
Even my hosting providers never requested a copy of my ID (one did verify my phone and address though)
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yeah if I am paying via paypal there is no way I am going to give them a copy of id or licence - as that is just more information for someone to use for identity theft later on down the road - the irony of asking for something that people will actively fish to steal identities is obviously lost on them - even if they are attempting to lower fraud levels :P
oh and just to be fair here - in the uk a drivers licence can be all that is needed to rent cars, get loans, etc... as that is one of the formal pieces of id often asked for, and so is one of the main pieces of id often stolen :)
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yeah it is wierd - now don't get me wrong I understand where they are coming from, and perhaps even their reasons behind it, but in the UK we are warned about people fishing for copies of such information electronically - as we have no idea where that information is going (nor where it would be stored in the long term) - we even have people who for many years would go fishing in your dustbins for bills and ids to use for identity theft :P
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happy pudding day by the way - sit back, relax, and enjoy it - safe in the knowledge that a photo of your ID is not sitting on someones computer waiting to get hacked - well, other than the crappy government ones we all know are insecure LOL :P
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in this day and age, I kinda laugh at people worried about ID theft. your private data has been compromised so many times, complete profiles of you are out there already.
The better question is, is there something in that data that would immediately jump out at the data thief as something imminently useful? odds are, probably not.
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well they may have broken into the DVLA or our Government Passport office and stolen that data - who am I to know ? But I am sure as hell not going to make it easier for someone to steal my identity by handing over copies of my licence to them
And if you laugh at people worried about identity theft in this day and age, then you have clearly never seen the damage done by it to someones life, and the lives of their family members - if you had you would perhaps not be so cavalier to dismiss it as a joke (it is not a joke, and frankly it saddens me that anyone would think it is)
So I will continue to err on the side of caution, if it is all the same with you - and even if it is not :)
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it's not that I think it's a joke, but, anyone who's ever been online has a digital profile - multiple profiles, created by multiple companies. Google probably knows more about you than your mother. and, believe it or not, there are even digital profiles of people who have never been online
At this point, every company that has a profile of you has had a data breach, and probably several data breaches. Your data is available on the dark web. However, mining that data into something useful is an arduous process, then getting that something useful into the hands of someone who can actually do something with it is tedious, and actually doing that is quite difficult. So unless there's something special about your data, odds are nothing is going to happen with it.
note: a brand new company might not have been breached yet, but they're the exception
Note that "something special" typically means that you're linked to something worthwhile (e.g. military security clearance, or executive suite as a major corporation), but it could also mean you've been particularly sloppy with your data, which would make it much easier than normal to take advantage.
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I'm sure, but you say you kinda laugh - if it is not a joke to you then what are you laughing at ? - anyway I have seen the damage it causes and it is neither funny, laughable at, or a joke
We don't have a national ID card - so our licence and passport are used for important things like buying a house, or car - so we are told to protect those, so handing over a copy of it to some odd little gaming company with no data protection rules in place and no idea as to what they are going to do with it afterwards is just plain obtuse
Even our government guidance states guard you passport and licence with care and keep safe :)
so even though I agree there is probably a ton of data out there on all of us - it does not mean that I should be stupidly handing out the rest of my data to everyone that asks for it - just because you might think it is already out there (because if it isn't, then I might have just given them the one piece of "data that would immediately jump out at the data thief as something imminently useful..."3
oh and the "but it could also mean you've been particularly sloppy with your data" - actually made me laugh - cause I thought immediately "what like handing over a copy of my licence to a small gaming company with no idea if that data will be protected" ? LOL
but yeah - if giving it out is what floats you boat and you have no concerns over your data protection - have at it :P
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anyone who's ever been online has a digital profile - multiple profiles, created by multiple companies. Google probably knows more about you than your mother
That's true, but those profiles hardly ever provide an opportunity for full ID-theft, they're usually centered on commercially exploitable information (email, surfing and shopping habits, pictures, ...). Now, with a copy of your national ID or passport, that's a different story entirely, as many actors (online or IRL) will treat that as a valid proof of ID and allow for many thing to be done in your name.
The better question is, is there something in that data that would immediately jump out at the data thief as something imminently useful? odds are, probably not.
Actually, yes, there is, that ID copy is very juicy, not only to attack the owner of the ID, but to use the ID to open services in the name of the ID owner to perform illegal activities. Sprinkle some social engineering magic on top and you have yourself a full-blown ID-theft that is going to be a real pain to fix.
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With the credit card, it makes a certain amount of sense. If you're using a stolen number, it's unlikely you also bought the correct address for the card holder. However, asking to match the address on the ID to the account info on paypal is just plain silly: you have access to that information in account and if you're using a stolen paypal account you're not going to shy away from whipping up a picture of a fake ID in five minutes which can pass the "sorry but I have a crappy cell phone camera" test.
Further, that kind of verification isn't really their responsibility: it's in the far more capable hands of the credit card company, bank, or paypal. And therefore it comes off as annoyingly invasive to the consumer. Never shop there again.
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They'd seek to ensure addresses match. The address you gave them, then address attached to the card which they can get by running the number (paypal automatically gives retailers the address attached to the account buying something), and the address on an ID.
The name and photo component of the ID--what they may do in person--is useless when the retailer can't see your face.
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They are a French company, and you apparently live in Greece. You can politely tell them that what they are asking is not only against EU law but it breaks even the French laws as well. So unless they want that letter sent to every possible authority dealing with cybercrime and identity theft, they can please fulfil the order post-haste.
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This - so this - in the UK asking for that information without having a clear line on data protection, like where is this going and how is it going to be stored, is illegal as well :P (UK government even gets taken to task by the data protection lot from time to time LOL)
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No... not illegal in France. Or give the law... o_o
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I don't know which discussion you refer, there are many discussions about Square Enix.
Does any mention to a specific law ?
Because if anything specifically here is breaking law I'd really like to know it. (especially since you are claiming that)
I have checked CNIL site (official French organism) before my first reply. And I have found nothing as such illegal things.
I agree with OP on his taking of not treating ID document lightly. And not giving them for that kind of transaction or site.
Still, from what I am reading, even not really popular, requesting ID documents are not illegal.
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in the uk - because we don't have a national identity card - our passports and drivers licence are all constantly fished - for the purposes of identity theft - so those are the things we are warned about not losing - even photocopies or photographs of - and if the are required then whoever requires them needs to have sufficient, published, data protections in place
not sure about France - but pretty certain they would deal with data protection in the same manner EU wide - but cannot be certain of this.
But that is a UK Viewpoint only I admit :)
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A similarly enraged, but French guy started the whole thing. I think "illegal" was the keyword for it.
The rule/law is actually difficult to find. I tried to Google now, but it is next to impossible to find even the EU regulation, since mostly the US law comes up, which states that it is flat-out illegal in California and not illegal but still against the credit card company's regulations everywhere else. Even though Google knows I am European, I always get US hits on legal searches. :/
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It's actually legal to ask those documents in France when e-commerce is concerned, and the ID check is deemed "indispensable and relevant". On the other hand, companies can face jail time and fines if they do not protect that data properly. No company has ever been charged for this, though, AFAIK. Bit of a grey area, all this :)
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I don't see anything unusual. You're buying massive quantity so they want to be covered in case of chargeback, which is very frequently done with hacked PayPal accounts.
They need only to confirm that name and surname given to them by PayPal (which they already know) matches your name and surname on your ID/driver license. This is usual practice and in my case I just censor every other detail, including my photo, leaving only ID card with name, surname, country and sometimes date of birth (rarily if they need it, not in this case). I don't see how this is a breach of some imaginary privacy if PP already hands out all of that info to them.
You're exaggerating.
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I think you understate it.
If I have stolen your laptop there is a probability that such a picture exists inside it. Uncensored also. I dont think that covers anything.
The reason that PayPal exists is exactly that.
You can have transactions that involve your CC without any less information than only the necessary.
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You won't find that uncensored photo. Moreover, all my laptops, PC and even my smartphone are encrypted, so good luck extracting any data from it. Encryption of any mobile device I'm taking with myself outside of home is the most important thing when it comes to any sort of privacy.
PayPal already requires from you to have exactly the same name and surname on your CC as the account and it does share that info with the seller (together with your address if needed for delivery). If you believe that they're asking for that photo for anything other than verification of the data they already have, then you're wrong. You're also wrong if you believe that PayPal in any way prohibits the seller from seeing that data.
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Ya know, i like you but you really are doing it hard for me right now.
You are a walking encryption and you are wondering why I dont provide my ID even censored to anyone?
Furthermore, and in this I base my argument, IF you want proof of ID don't freaking use PayPal in your site.
If you are going to actually use it and then ask for proof of ID put it somewhere with bold red letters.
I buy things from across the globe, from shady place in China and alleys in Korea, paid with PayPal a gazillion times and more than 5 euros. (Biggest one yet 200 euros). Dude just shipped my thing and good luck with that. PayPal Buyers/Seller protection and that's it.
I know they can see my name, I know they can see my address and they can verify it but as I said that's the reason PayPal exists.
For the bare minimum interaction, hassle free, no question asked.
I verify with PayPal and that's it. They have the keys to my kingdom and they pay the hookers.
If i was to pay for the hookers then why do I have paypal?
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I know they can see my name, I know they can see my address and they can verify it but as I said that's the reason PayPal exists.
Wrong, PayPal actually is pro-consumer which means that they issue chargebacks almost for no reasons, on customer demand, and having account hacked is not even negotiable. This means that I can hack your PayPal, order stuff for thousands of euros, then you can realize that your security is so weak that random guy from the internet bought in your name that crapload of things, and instead of paying for your mistake you just issue chargeback telling PP that somebody hacked you and you get the money back. Problem in this? For you nothing, for all the companies that already sent hacker the goods and issued keys is actually enormous.
Examples? Be my guest.
So yes, I totally understand why they're asking for, as you noticed yourself, verification of the data they already have, not asking for sensitive information they don't have access to. And if you consider this as some sort of stupid then you can go try to open a bank account in your own country, take a loan, sign yourself into using some service (such as phone, internet or TV) or even try to buy more expensive thing such as a car right from the showroom. I'll be seriously shocked if they won't ask for any document proving your identity, maybe with a car if you decided to pay with money right away instead of choosing periodic payments once a month.
Yes, I totally don't get it why you're making shitstorm out of normal and standard procedure. If they rejected your censored ID featuring only your name and country, THEN I'd agree with you, say loudly that the company is shit that is asking customers for irrelevant and sensitive data for absolutely no reason, and you should avoid it. In your case? I'm actually glad they're trying to protect themselves from chargebacks that often cause costs much higher than 10x of what you actually paid. Yes it is extra hassle for customer that could be avoided, but company also tries to protect itself. If you're first-time buyer paying with way that you can chargeback later, it's totally normal thing to ensure that you're not a scammer that is trying to profit out of stolen account before owner notices and chargebacks everything.
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Normal and standars procedure?
"PayPal is a free account that stores and protects your financial details. You can shop with peace of mind, knowing your sensitive information is never revealed to merchants or other members."
Breeze through checkout with just your email address and password. There’s no need to run around searching for your wallet! Better yet, you don’t need to type in your financial details again and again."
You guessed right it's from PayPal's FAQ.
If they don't like this, they can stop using PayPal.
Because I read the article you provided I will add one thing more
All of a sudden, we saw that there was this one IP address that was creating new accounts, buying new games, and trying to refund them.
I did no such thing, I did NOT exercised any short of weird behavior. I placed an order and I was sent an automated message.
I will say again.
If you are going to deviate from standard procedure while using a standardized PayPal paying method...
DONT USE PAYPAL for transactions.
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May I know what enryption do you use for mobile devices? Common passwords or method like entering the pattern after unlocking the phone etc. are super weak and can easily be bypassed.
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Hey Archi, I am usually worried about such stuff because betting sites require a photo of you next to your ID and I believe that such sites could be selling the photo you "kindly" send to them, maybe to someone that has been banned from such sites. In many cases, merchants are not allowed to require an iD for credit card purchases. They can ask for your ID, but they cannot refuse to accept your credit card if you don't show your ID, and that also applies to physical shopping.
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Uh no. Never give your ID when paying through Paypal.
That's one of the reasons Paypal exists in the first place, to do all the verification for companies beforehand.
In all my years using Paypal (and even with extremely large purchases), I've not once been asked for an ID by a vendor.
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I am sorry I can't understand the comment :(
Unless is about rage agains the Machine where both can be true :)
/edit Oh you mean "pissed"? If yes I mean angry. Though drunk would be funnier.
Yo stupid autoreply bot! I need maaa keyyyyyyys to make Gibs!
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This is some weird message from them... I would expect it from PayPal as it tends to freeze funds if something suspicious happens and you don't have verified account but even on bundle sites?
Happy CakeDay and thanks for the giveaway! :)
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I only give my ID to one of the government agency's here in the country I live in. People got asked for a copy everywhere here and there are a lot of criminals doing so. this results in creating accounts on a e-bay like website scamming others with your photo copy of your ID. The people who got scammed this way files a report at the police station and they will hunt you.
I've heard reports of some guys who get harassed by phone or at the doorstep, asking you why you didn't send the stuff you were selling with a valid copy of your ID.
So, Never even ever give your ID of Drivers License to anyone who don't have the right to see them!
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lol, this just happened to me as well. 25+ bundles bought on gogo + otaku over the last couple of years, apparently that's not enough to be considered a good customer.
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It was my cake day yesterday and I said to myself:
"What the heck mate? Spent some money and make and some other people happy(in SG only)."
So i went and bought a 10x bundle from gogobundle.com. As my first time purchase of such I thing, i waited patiently for my keys so I can share Gibs with this lovely community. (lvl 2+m from now on cause of bots...)
And the answer of this vendor was a standard auto reply email that said :
** Payment method : PayPal
My auto reply is always RAGE AGAINST THE MACHINE and of course a reply that stated that because I have payed through PayPal they dont have my credit card number or name. So I will NOT provide an ID and if they will not proceed I ask for the refund of my money in full.
Any one had a similar experience with gogobundle.com?
Thoughts? Rands?
1)GoGoBundle.com asked for a picture of my ID or Drivers License after a purchase,
2)I sent them to hell (testosterone levels rising to max levels)
3)READ THE FREAKING WALL OF TEXT. Not everything in life is TL:DR.
I may or may not add a Gib later on.
It all depends whether I will be pissed with the fact that I can't make Giveaways right now cause I can't get my keys...
They answered!
They have validated my order and they gave me my keys. This happened after the second (pissed) email that I have sent through their page.
Still pissed with them though...
Here is a lvl2+ Gib that ends in about a day. It's a TD though. The best thing from that bundle.
So here is the Gib right?
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