my friend might get ban but; AM I alright?

this question sounds weird...but I'm curious

10 years ago*

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Valve no longer bans accounts, they lock them.

And yes, using any means to circumvent the Store's region restrictions may result in a locked account.

10 years ago

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talk more crap please.

10 years ago

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Here's some more "crap" to shut you up.

10 years ago

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so much bullshit, IT DOESNT AFFECT EU CITIZENS...inform yourself, the steam TOS arent legal in the EU.

10 years ago

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this is some powerful nonsense :)

10 years ago

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are you sure, you want to bet money on that?

10 years ago

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just read what you wrote :)

10 years ago

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It is legal everywhere.

10 years ago

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According to the TOS, section twelve doesn't apply to EU citizens, but I guess you know better than lawyers, so I guess I'll listen to the random person on the internet. The steam subscriber agreement doesn't apply to Europe! Anarchy and chaos!

10 years ago

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well sorry but ill go and call you an **** cause you obviously have no clue about the european law and the rights to buy your goods across any borders without ANY RESTRICTIONS.
too bad to be american right?

10 years ago

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Sadly there's a difference between what you legally should be getting and what companies give you. Good luck dealing with Steam support to get ANYTHING done, much less your account unlocked. Yes, you could take them to court over it and you would win but who is really going to do that? Valve thinks nobody is and they're probably right.
You'd look like less of a raving lunatic if you didn't swear or shamed people for their nationality.

10 years ago

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i am sick and tired of explaining it all over again.
there was even a similar thread to this one already in the past where i posted several links to the european law(s) and their different paragraphs that clearly explains the right of the EU citizens about trading/buying/selling (virtual and physical) goods across borders/countries
so you (not you personally, people above) either inform yourself or keep your mouth shut before people like above are spreading false informations

oh and btw its the same law that allows us to get our money back even tho the game is already activated on your account!
you dont believe me that this happened already?
check steam support forums, there is a pretty well known case where a guy from the UK received his money back from an already activated game. only possible in the EU, live with that fact

10 years ago

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You don't have to explain it all over again. You could just link that thread instead of calling me and a number of other people dumbasses. Or you could just keep expecting everyone on the internet to be well informed on legal matters, I suppose. Anyways, I won't drag this on any more because apparently you're a lawyer, or training to be one anyways.

10 years ago

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Why didn't the eu law prevent valve from putting geo-locks on games?
Wolfenstein: The New Order RU can't be traded/gifted/activated or played outside of russia. You can only play the version for your region.

I know about the guy from the UK but can you point me to a thread where a guy from EU wrote to steam support and they disabled "AllowPurchaseFromRestrictedCountries" and "prohibitrunincountries" for him?
I have never heard of such case and i doubt they would do it.

10 years ago

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you have entered 6666 giveaways, not only is anything you say irrelevant, but its also demonic. v__v

10 years ago

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Oh noes! Valve r beeing ileegal! Sorry, I'll be laughing at that for a while.

If you actually bothered reading the SSA, you'd realise there are two versions gasp. It's not magic, it's not a trick, Valve have actually made one for the US and one for the EU. I think it's time you did some growing up.

10 years ago

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Dopefish is correct.

10 years ago

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He can get a ban or just the gift wont be playable by you

10 years ago

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He definately might get ban. But I'm not sure what if he uses different account for buying and then he transfer games to another account. I'm not sure if both accounts will be banned, or only this one which he uses to buying? Everyone knows?

10 years ago

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yes Steam might revoke gifted games as well if their origin is "dirty"

10 years ago

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its all good, nothing will happen. buying russian games for ~ 4 years now, using vpns and NOTHING happens
why? cause its against the law in the EU and the steam TOS doesnt affect us
edit// you dont have to worry if you are an european citizen

10 years ago

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Do you use VPN to by in the russian steam store?

10 years ago

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no, i buy @ plati

10 years ago

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Where exactly?

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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buying via VPN and activating a key via VPN are two different things...

10 years ago

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Have you ever tryed buying a russian Wolfenstein: The New Order or Stick of Truth?

10 years ago

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got Stick of Truth CIS version, why?

10 years ago

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Steam Terms of Service affects every user. Law and ToS are two different things entirely. If they lock you out of your account, what are you going to do? Sue them? There's no precedent for cases like that. So, good luck coming up with the money for a lawyer.

10 years ago

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ToS may not go against the law. I havent read most of Steams ToS but Im pretty sure they partly go against European law. If they do, the ToS will not stand in court.

The question what you would do if they lock you out of your account has nothing to do with the law itself. Someone might try the case themselves or someone might be rich enough to just hire a lawyer. Im pretty sure even sending a well arguemented letter to Valve could get your account unlocked. Plenty of options and you dont have to bend over for Valve like you seem to suggest.

10 years ago

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Hiring a lawyer would most likely be way way more expensive than just buying all the games again.

10 years ago

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Just buy from a Russian directly, makes alot more sense, for a few $$ more.

10 years ago

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So if a russian guy buy it from russia and gift it to me it's 100% safe?

10 years ago

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Nothing is 100% safe. Maybe he is a scammer :>

10 years ago

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well, assume that my doppelganger lives in russia then lawl

10 years ago

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There are totally safe Russians in SteamTrades with tons of rep, 100+, 200+, 300+, 600+, 900+, most of them accept tf2/CSGO keys, ToD tickets, etc.

10 years ago

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I prefer to try and find one that you can trust and just do business with them, if possible. I've had great success with Norbi on Steamtrades.

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 11 months ago.

10 years ago

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This is completely false and one of the main reasons people still get scammed with gifts is because of uninformed people like you that keep repeating the same nonsense.
EVERY traded gift can be revoked, CC fraud, chargebacks etc. are all reasons that can cause this, no matter your payment method.

10 years ago

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yes it is, i was buying games that way months ago, everything is ok till now :) but remember about games with region lock

10 years ago

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It all depends on whether the game is region restricted or not. As long as he buys it from the steam store, you won't get in trouble. That doesn't mean it's safe though. Steam can remove the game from your account if the seller used a stolen card.

My advice, buy the game from YOUR store in YOUR region.

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 11 months ago.

10 years ago

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Steam can lock your account for using a VPN. So how exactly is it safe?

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 11 months ago.

10 years ago

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Its not. If you active a restricted game through VPN, I'm pretty sure Steam can tell, especially if you're not use the VPN when playing

10 years ago

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i wouldn't take the risk with VPN, you both might loose your accounts

10 years ago

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this, look on for russians with a high rep, you can usually pay with tf2 keys or paypal... Traded a lot with them myself and most are friendly people

10 years ago

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I read:




First thought:


10 years ago

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but complete legit Rus Trader is totally okay though

10 years ago

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Yes, of course. As long as it doesn't involve any VPN to cheat any system. :)

10 years ago

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Digital VPN - bad.
Life VPN - good.

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 11 months ago.

10 years ago

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I wonder where I found this.

Basically, don't use a VPN.

10 years ago

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Just pay a little extra to an actual Russian trader over on steamtrades for the game you are looking for, there is no reason to get your friend banned.

10 years ago

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Zora, you are not breaking an explicit rule, but you should be aware of the upcoming new FAQ and Guidelines - these kinds of posts are pretty much a no-go there.

10 years ago

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Hah, that's probably going to cause quite a headache for support, seeing as how tons of stuff is forbidden in some places yet completely legal in other places.

10 years ago

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I certainly hope you don't intend to discuss women driving, which is strictly illegal in Saudi Arabia.

10 years ago

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ok (. .) thanks for warning I didn't know that

10 years ago

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  • Create another steam profile
  • Use a russian vpn and buy the games you want as gifts
  • Gift them to your main account

This is how it works for years, never saw or even heard someone get banned or blocked.

10 years ago

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Emre, you may want to read my other post in this thread.

10 years ago

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Because those who get banned are never seen or heard from again. O_O

10 years ago

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No, you basically create a second account which can be seen as a lure.

10 years ago

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Do not do these. Lately, I've been only buying games through ONE trusted russian source and steam detected me. They locked my account asking for some bullshit like these. I also did host some 4 pack games in group buys and other giveaways in my university bought from that russian source. That's probably the reasion flagged me since I looked like a distributor circumventing regional restriction.

I feigned ignorance, which is really the case. How the fuck do I know these details? After some back and forth discussions, this was the final message

Now, why did steam detected me but not others? I think if you always use the same account/russian guy to buy games, steam will eventually detect you since it does look likes that you are bypassing regional restriction. I think it would be much better if you deal with multiple russian traders, even though it's more risky.

10 years ago

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So your account is locked now?

I dread to think it could potentially happen to any of us by simply winning a a game in giftform from SG :/

10 years ago

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no, they unlocked my account after that.

10 years ago

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Oh no! How's your account now?

10 years ago

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He's playing Goat Sim right now so i think he got his account back

10 years ago

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that means nothing, valve now LOCKS your account, meaning you can use it but you cannot buy any new games

10 years ago

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I did buy and activated new bundled games, so this means my account is unlocked. Can't use keys also if you locked out

10 years ago

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unlocked after that final messaged.

10 years ago

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It looks like they have given you a final warning. Next time your account will get locked permanently it seems.

10 years ago

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How big is the chance that I get fucked like this? I don't buy 4 packs tough and 90% of the time I only buy it for myself.

10 years ago

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Dont know, this is the first I read about it.
A lot of people I know are buying from Russian traders

10 years ago

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Exactly, and I'm one of them.

10% of the time I buy from a trader, is because my friend asks me to do it. He trust me more with trading his keys then himself XD. But anyway, I've done it a few times and I don't want to get my account locked because I trade with Russians :/.

Besides of that, why does Steam allow us to trade with Russians if they lock our accounts by doing that?

10 years ago

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if you are only using 1 russian trader, then I think it's big. But if you're using multiple russian traders then I guess it is not.

10 years ago

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Thanks for sharing your experience, never knew they actually took action against traders.

10 years ago

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Do you know if they guy had buying restrictions? I think if you buy and trade a shitload they make it so you can only spend $200 an hour. Which is ridiculous if you think about it, that means they are limiting the traders to only making like 20+ dollars an hour, which is a very respectable wage in the US, the traders must be loaded in Russia. If the person you were dealing with was under buying restriction then that good be a good sign that that is a sure sign they are being watched.

Also, do you know what they are referring to exactly in the message to you when they mention the "reselling of games". Were you only trading keys for games or where you buying them with paypal? It would be sort of ridiculous if they consider trading games for keys "reselling" the way that they have it all set up. And to only allow you to trade games within your region... and only mention it in warning letters.

The whole thing is kind of ridiculous because they are clearly making a shitload of money off of it, and are only doing enough that their clients, the game publishers, won't get on their back.

10 years ago

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I've heard of that restriction on some russian traders. Some limit or something, and yes the russian trader that I traded with has a limit.

I have no idea on the matter of reselling games, I just said that I'm distributing those as gifts and not profiting from them. I deal with paypal but use the trading window giving some scrap cards so it doesn't look like a one way trade.

10 years ago

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Yeah, I believe it's the 4-pack activation that triggered their reaction (and as you said, there was more than one). 4-packs are not supposed to be traded or gifted, so they are probably paying more attention to those transactions now. The questions in the first response are the standard questions they ask when they check if you are using an alt account.

I'm a bit surprised they went after the buyer and not after the seller, never thought they did that. But then again, it's Valve, they are rather inconsistent and unpredictable.

10 years ago

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Locked account sucks, once got it because of a scammer with revoked games, but you were buying games from same Russian trader using only tf2 keys? I think if you do big deals like 4packs is easier to detect people.

10 years ago

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PP, I only trade with scrap cards so It's not empty

10 years ago

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Oh ok, if you were using paypal then I think the suspicious thing was that all the transactions were "gifts". and they could take that as an indication of an alt account. Or just as a violation of the "reselling" policiy. as opposed to "trading ;)" for keys. That is a little less scary.

Oh wait, you add cards to the trade so it doesn't say its a gift. Well... they could think that's suspicious in itself depending on what exactly they are analyzing.

10 years ago

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Closed 10 years ago by ZoraZ.