1 year ago

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I'm leaning more towards potato

1 year ago

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I think it's more like a potato with a dot. 🤔

1 year ago

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Exactly, as it gives you pause...

1 year ago

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Plus, it sounds more confident, like a statement.
"Potato. Period."

1 year ago

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Oh my, You're totally right.
I apologize I did not see the dot.

1 year ago

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Don't worry, friend. We all make mistakes, what's more important now you see the truth too.

1 year ago

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Ive never seen a poll so tied.
Its baffling how anyone would go with potato

Its POTATO. period

1 year ago

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I suspud that notion.

1 year ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

1 year ago

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Explain? Also admin doesn't care about that only traffic and patreon.

1 year ago

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Here's a scenario: A week has almost passed since you sent the key to the winner, but there's no response, negative or positive. So you try to contact them either through comments, email or both. You go to their profile at different times throughout the day they're online? Okay, that seems fishy. Now it's been over a week and you decide to contact support to request a new winner, even though you're fairly sure now the key's been activated on alt account, but you're still giving them the benefit of doubt. You provide the support with the proof you contacted them and they didn't respond, and then all of a sudden you're getting 'not received', which means support can't grant you your reroll request. You think to yourself, 'Okay, this is going nowhere, guess I'll just delete it'. But guess what? You need their permission,. And again, guess what? They won't reply. How convenient.

1 year ago

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Ask support to set the feedback to received.

Edit: Contact the group's owner, to get them kicked from the group.

1 year ago

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The support will likely reject that, but I'll probably try the latter.

1 year ago

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As I recall, they can't mark the giveaway as not received until 7 days have past. Additionally, within that time they are not allowed to contact you. Only after 7 days they may contact you, though it seems they may not be required to.

I see you left them a message saying they won your giveaway, though you didn't ask if there was anything wrong. They may have already been aware and simply waiting 7 days to provide the feedback. Unsure what was sent in the email, though it may have gone to spam which may be why they never responded there.

It is unlikely they'd be waiting for the exact moment to mark the giveaway as not received, giving you time to make the request before they marked it. I'd be wary of rerolling a giveaway in which the key was seen though.

It appears as though a Junior Moderator had contacted them requesting information hours ago.

1 year ago

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Additionally, within that time they are not allowed to contact you. Only after 7 days they may contact you, though it seems they may not be required to.

This is the first time I hear of this, and it sounds dumb to do that without returning to the poster first, but the group I posted the giveaway in allows contacting the giver and agreeing to delete the giveaway if the key didn't work.

1 year ago

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The 1 week rule is listed in both the Guidelines and FAQ

Allow the giveaway creator one week to send the gift. Please be patient and do not contact them during this time. If the gift is not received after one week, you may contact the giveaway creator on Steam to follow-up.

If there was doubt about the key then there really shouldn't be a need to contact the creator, marking it as Not Received should be sufficient. That being said, in a group that has rules about deletion of these types of giveaways they should have posted permission, and why. For group rules you will have to contact the Administrators of the group as Support doesn't enforce them. I would have also expected the person in question to help with that as they appear to be asking for the same thing on their latest giveaways. At least the Admin can make sure others don't have the same experience going forward.

1 year ago

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within that time they are not allowed to contact you.

EDIT. That's made up. That's about winners. You can contact anybody anytime. Communication is important.

If you are creator and you did sent the key - it's ok to contact the winner.

If you contacted the winner of your giveaway on email and Steam over one week ago and they have not yet responded or redeemed any keys or gifts you attempted to send, please contact support to request a new winner. When creating a ticket, we ask you to include data that suggests you made an adequate attempt to contact the winner, such as screenshots of emails, friend requests, or gifts pending on Steam

1 year ago*

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Yes, the creator was saying that the winner did not contact them within the first week

Here's a scenario: A week has almost passed since you sent the key to the winner, but there's no response, negative or positive.

1 year ago

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Giveaway winners can contact the giveaway creator anytime they want. I had some instances where i contacted the giveaway creator because they key isnt working after i got it (which is usually less than 1 day after they sent the giveaway).

1 year ago

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While it is possible it is against the Guidelines

Allow the giveaway creator one week to send the gift. Please be patient and do not contact them during this time. If the gift is not received after one week, you may contact the giveaway creator on Steam to follow-up.

and FAQ

Giveaway creators are allowed one week to send the gift after their giveaway has ended. Depending on the type of gift and the giveaway creator, you might receive the gift to the email address you have listed on the account page, a key might be added beside the gift you won, or the giveaway creator might have sent you a friend request on Steam to make the exchange. Please remain patient, and do not contact the giveaway creator during this time. If the gift is not received after one week, you can mark the gift as not received, and attempt to contact the giveaway creator on Steam to follow-up.

1 year ago

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Im pretty sure it means "do not contact the giveway creator if they havent send the key within 7 days". And since the giveaway creator here have already sent the key, the winner can contact them anytime they want.

1 year ago

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While it would make sense to contact them as soon as you realize there is a problem, it isn't exactly what is written. I was just explaining a plausible reason why there was no contact within that initial time.

Also, in this particular case the creator had contact them about their win so that should have given them the all clear to talk about the issues as well. Even now there hasn't been any response, nor to the moderator's inquiry. Really crappy considering the winner also asks for deletion if their keys don't work and strangely enough it is for a group that requires such things.

1 year ago

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The last sentence wouldn't state "If the gift is not received after one week" if that is the case, hence my reasoning. Otherwise i agree that it is a scummy move from the winner's part.

1 year ago

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Perhaps it was a communication issue. Winner responded to the mod that the key didn't work and has agreed to the deletion, which was already done.

1 year ago

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In case it was activated on alt, it is better to not delete, so people can see it. Ask steam support for a time when was key activated, if it was after giveaway ended, it is exact proof of alt activation you need. Then post proof in giveaway, so other users can see it.

1 year ago

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To my knowledge, Steam doesn't disclose this kind of information. As for keeping it, I don't think it's going anywhere.

1 year ago

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They can tell you exact time of key activation. But that is all.

1 year ago

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Okay, let me try.

1 year ago

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I had someone recently give me my first Not Received. The user had originally marked it as Received, and I can recall checking their account and seeing it there. A week later, it's suddenly Not Received and the game isn't in their account. I highly suspect it's set private now.

As it was marked Not Received, and I have no proof, support was not able to resolve this situation and I'll now likely have this mark on my account forever.

1 year ago

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Yeah, this new private policy will likely be a big issue here.

1 year ago

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The private feature is already active from what I can see, though it specifically said "Private for friends" so if you aren't friends with the person it should show???

I have Cookie Clicker as my most played game (ew, I know) so I marked it as private just now. So if you head over to my Steam profile and view my played games does Cookie Clicker show at the top of the list or not?

1 year ago

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It doesn't show. No1 is Fallout 76.

"Private for friends" means "even friends can't see it", not that only friends can't see it. Otherwise it would be kind of pointless as your friends could open a private window in their browser and bypass the whole thing.

1 year ago

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Half right. You can't see a user's game list if you're not logged in. Of course making a new account only takes a few seconds.

1 year ago

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Interesting. Was that a part of the new privacy update? I'm sure you could view a person's library without logging in before.

1 year ago

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No, it's been that way for a while, but I don't remember exactly when.

1 year ago

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Now in the steam beta, you can mark individual games as private. It can happen, that they activate the key then mark the game private. You should ask them to put the game on wishlist, you cant put privated games on the wishlist.

1 year ago

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I assume you are talking about people with private Steam profiles, so a giveaway creator can not check if a winner has activated all wins before.

1 year ago

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That can be easily solved by asking them to make it public for a couple of minutes: if they refuse, it's likely fishy. A worse situation is if they leave it public but have an alt account.

1 year ago

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Many will not ask a winner, because it is too much hassle. Because of that a private profile can be considered at least a try to abuse the system. As you did not elaborate on what kind of abuse you are talking about, I thought every kind should be mentioned.
If it is an obvious alt account, hope they win one of your giveaways, ask for a re-roll providing proof of it being an alt account (and which is the primary) and support works very fast (in my experience) and permanently suspend the accounts.

1 year ago

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Many will not ask a winner, because it is too much hassle. Because of that a private profile can be considered at least a try to abuse the system. As you did not elaborate on what kind of abuse you are talking about, I thought every kind should be mentioned.

As someone with a private account, sorry for the inconvenience, I try to respond as quickly as I can. As for the rest, here.

1 year ago

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I prefer to keep my profile private (friends only, actually), but I don't mind temporarily setting it to private or adding someone if they want to check.
I however understand suspicions linked to the website, which is why I do not mind (and do not take personally) when someone asks to check - Oppenh4imer just happened to have checked my profile a couple days ago that way.

1 year ago

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Same, yeah.

1 year ago

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Please don't just assume things. I have a private profile because I like my privacy. The site doesn't allow you to enter giveaways if you don't sync at least once a week, and to sync you have to make it public.

I don't see how me having private profile breaks any rules.

1 year ago

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A private profile does not break any rule, but looks fishy - imho.
As much as I like privacy in general, I dislike private Steam profiles in connection with Steamgifts. Every time I got a winner with a private profile, I have to find a way to contact them, ask them to set it to public, so I can check for non activations. That has, in some cases, taken a lot of time in the past.

1 year ago

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I'm actually not aware, but I thought the sync process should recognize if the winner did not activate their win? Genuine question

1 year ago

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As far as I know there is no automatic suspension, as Steam's API might act up and shows that one did not activate anything at all.

1 year ago

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Every time I got a winner with a private profile, I have to find a way to contact them, ask them to set it to public, so I can check for non activations.

Why did you make yourself so much work ?
I send always directly a reroll request with the reason explained and the mods check then if this one have unactivated wins.
They have possibilities to do it with private profiles (obvious not using sgtools for it).

1 year ago

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I send always directly a reroll request with the reason explained and the mods check then if this one have unactivated wins.

I could start with that? Why were I adding myself so much work then xD

1 year ago

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Why were I adding myself so much work then xD ?

I questioned myself the same, after years of running, days or weeks, behind users that they please unhide their private profile.

Not my job....

1 year ago

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in the beta you can mark individual games as private. only way to know is to ask them to put it on their wishlist. You cant put private games on the wishlist.

1 year ago

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So far they haven't responded and they likely won't.

1 year ago

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That is a great suggestion, missed that bit of information so far.

1 year ago

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Probably I missed some other ongoing discussion... Looking only at this message by itself, the way you phrased this, it sounds like "we should punish those who do NOT break the rules"!

Wait, what?

Of course that is not what you meant, so I am at a loss, since I do not know what particular aspect of the system you are talking about. Sorry I cannot be more helpful.


1 year ago

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1 year ago

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Ah, gotcha. Since the scenario is fairly detailed, I will assume this actually happened.

It is likely the winner has done something with the key, indeed (activated elsewhere, sold it, etc.), and that would be a breaking of the rules ("All keys must be activated in your account")... though undetectable by support (especially if it happens only once). I mean, from support's point-of-view, it is possible (even if not very likely) that the key was invalid from the beginning, and the winner's worst sin would be poor communication...

Either way, it will be this winner's loss -- I am sure he/she will get some blacklists, get kicked from groups... Also, I imagine that if this person does this multiple times, then that "possible" above becomes "nearly impossible" and then support might take action.

Sorry for the bad situation. I myself have a winner who just completed 1 week without giving feedback on my GA, so I might go through a similarly annoying process as you did (or maybe not, wish me luck).


1 year ago

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Good luck

1 year ago

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Hey, your wish worked -- my winner just contacted me, he was on a work trip, will check the key soon (I believe him, since he hasn't logged into Steamgifts for 7 days).

Let me see if I can return some of it: good luck to you too!


1 year ago

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Guess I'm a bad catcher...

1 year ago

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Hey, your wish worked -- the winner responded saying the key didn't work. OP asked if they can delete the giveaway, the winner agreed and it has already been removed :)

1 year ago

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Did you just steal the luck I had sent to the OP? ;D

1 year ago

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lol, I had the opposite luck. I had won Midnight Suns yesterday and turned out it should have been locked to EU. Oh well. Funnily enough, I got a notification of a message in the giveaway but I can't see it as the giveaway had been deleted.

Your luck arrived to the OP as their winner got back and authorized the deletion.

1 year ago

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Oh, in this case: good luck to you too!

(Let me know if it worked)

1 year ago

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lol, ty
gl with you entries as well :)

1 year ago

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Take advantage of its system? By entering giveaways and winning games? 🤪 You probably mean abuse the system? Or generally unwelcome behaviour, such as using bots, etc?

1 year ago

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Lol, let me rephrase that.

EDIT: On a second thought, I think taking advantage is a better way to describe it because they're playing by the rules. Here's the situation.

1 year ago*

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I must go with pomato.

1 year ago

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There used to be flogging.

1 year ago

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They can be removed from the group, and they definitely deserve any BLs they get, but they don't seem to be breaking SG rules. The reason they're always online is that they leave the browser open at all times. I do it myself to save time loading up all the things I use regularly.

While it's possible this is some kind of scam, I am leaning more towards laziness/botting and lack of even being aware of what group they're in. The resale value and demand on that game not being very high.

1 year ago

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I vote for "Potato."
That dot of hatred at the end does the trick.

1 year ago

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1 year ago

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I don't know. The site needs a system to indicate whether a key was looked at or not.

And you really shouldn't have to hound to winner for every single interaction.

If it's been a certain amount of time and the key has not been locked at, it should be seen as a rejected win with an automated reroll. Maybe there should also be a limit of 3 rerolls until the giveaway is just deleted as keys don't last.

1 year ago

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The site does show if the key was revealed or not. (Where you can send or hide the key.)

1 year ago

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I agree. Chasing down winners shouldn't be on the giveaway creator. If winner doesn't claim prize in time it should result in an automatic re-roll if no key was revealed.

1 year ago

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And here I am, I accidently activated a win on my 9yo daughters steam account and then went and bought it so I didn't get kicked lmao.

And old potato's don't have periods, they have i's which is missing from the potato selection.

1 year ago

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