You don't get levels from discussions, only from giving to the community.
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Just take a look at Alienware forums, they had a system that rewarded posting and getting upvotes for years, the content was pure garbage as a result.
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I didn't know about the old Alienware system. That sounds like a living nightmare and an abuser's idea of heaven.
Some discord giveaway channels do the same where you have to meet a certain quota of weekly or monthly posts to qualify for giveaways. The conversations are predictably pure trash.
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Which says that this servers and/or their staff are trash, or they would make clear which messages are welcome (normal chat behavior) and which aren't (spam, linebreak etc.).
I know one server where they do, in rare cases, such GAs and yes the chat is always pure trash because their staff members don't care.
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The level itself is a common thing on servers, special GA servers and if controlled that the members level up by real chats and not spamming, it's ok.
But it is a very big difference when a server demand as example 50 messages done this day to enter GA XYZ or 100 messages this week.
As soon as such stuff gets demanded the chat mutate to a brain damaging thing, where spam is the nicest thing that happen.
I don't know a "good" server that have such GAs.
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!drop !drop !drop !drop !drop !drop !drop !drop !drop
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You have just made the best point that it's better NOT leveling up with just writing in the discussions.
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<sarcasm> Oh, you mean like the awesome community of Alienware Arena? </sarcasm>
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no and asking means you have zero interest in reading the faq or making giveaways so goodbye - also this question or ones similar have been asked to death - i have removed you from my blacklist so you can enter my giveaways now
edit: not sure why yourself or others who just join are that worried about the levels i just looked and saw loads of giveaways for level 0+
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Have a blacklist too, i'm tired of your bullshit. Not like you care, do ya?
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no i don't all that does is block you from my giveaways since i don't care to enter myself
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no sorry i don't mean too it just bothers me that they can't either read the faq section or simply check if the question has been asked before which it has a bunch not to single this person out he was not the first and sadly will not be last to ask a question already answered and is easy to find said answer
i know i shouldn't get to over angry about such things but it's just sadly how i am
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I always wonder why things like this bother people so much. As you say yourself they aren't the first and won't be the last - are you going to respond the same way each time? Seems like a waste of energy.
If newbies can't figure out how the site works, then I see that as bad UX design. I know the Help button is as prominent as the Discussions button, but you have to read nearly to the end of the FAQ before you get to the CV explanation, and it's pretty verbose. Maybe we need a TLDR; FAQ!
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you have to read nearly to the end of the FAQ before you get to the CV explanation
I don’t believe that’s a valid criticism. Searching (e.g. Ctrl + F) for the word “level” on the webpage should be easy enough, nowadays you can even do it in mobile browsers. Having a clickable Table of Content for the FAQ could be nice, but given how many questions are listed in SG’s FAQ, I don’t think such an addition would make the UX any better than its current state, which I think does a more than decent job.
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Wow, this thread got ugly pretty quick!
OP, welcome to SG. Definitely check out the FAQ and guidelines to learn more about the site.
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that's because he's just can't even be bothered to read the rules for 10 seconds after he signed up
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What the fuck is wrong with you?
It's bad enough you make a new account pretending to be your own mother and continue to behave like a total prick, but then you call someone a leech 8 hours after they sign up? You have some serious issues you need to work out.
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well asking about levelling up while there are loads of threads and a faq already that tells you all this is clear they don't care about this site - if they start levelling up and giving away as well as wining giveaways then i will be wrong
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i decided that i should give them a chance - i still don't like you or you me and i doubt i could do anything to change that but that is ok but i thought what you said is right and i will give them a chance to make a few giveaways before i should judge - so i will say this once you are correct
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+1 xd at this point it feels like a multiple personality disorder due to sick lack of attention and whatnot issues 👀 but no matter how hard one pretends to be nice and all that, it won't make him a better person and all these comments just prove that
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Valid question mate, just ignore the haters.
But no, you have to do giveaways to level up. Some games aren't worth anything to giveaway, but generally you'll get a little bit for each one you do. Enjoy your time here, but for sure, check out the Faq and Guidelines, and also the Discussions before you ask questions that may have already been asked before.
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i don't think people like myself are haters they (and i do more than most) hate it when people just don't do the simple things and see if the questions they have are already been answered and in this case a lots and lots this has been asked and like i did and maybe wrongly or maybe rightly most of the people who ask these questions either never stick around or never make any attempt to level up - i hope this particular person does stick around and contribute in both chat and giveaways
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We all once started and most of us has a read compreshion issue. Tbh, you for example asked that when you could just click on group recruitement.
Your messages sounds kinda more agressive than usually, are these your bad days of month?
P.S. I never actually read sg rules, so everyone can feel free to list me a stuff I do wrong.
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like i said i didn't mean it to it's just how i come off
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Or, at least not like I do it so it must be wrong. A-hole!
You asked for it, you can't blame me...
And since you didn't read SG's rules you don't know if these things are regulated there or not, so you can't argue at all, muahahahahahahaha!
Yes, I'm trolling
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to be fair that is very true of the world today - if people say or think different they MUST be wrong - i had a good laugh at your post (have a W.L place)
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i don't know why i read this first as i'm sure mum will forgive you - stupid me
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As others have pointed out, the contributor value only goes up when you host giveaways of your own, but don't let that dissuade you. Most giveaways have no CV restriction, even if the highest value giveaways tend to be behind them.
It's worth remembering that no matter the giveaway, there are always going to be a large number of people taking part, so your odds are always going to be very small (just on a proportional scale). If you really want to push your CV level up, you don't have to specifically go buying games solely to give away, you can simply wait until you have unwanted keys from bundles, and then you can use this place to give them a home with someone who actually wants them. Just be mindful of region restrictions, and understand that bundled games do not get full CV value, and you'll be fine.
The first few CV level-ups come really quickly even with bundled items, but honestly I wouldn't stress about focusing on that. Give away whatever you have spare or no use for, focus on participating in the forums, and just make joining giveaways a passive part of your usual internet regular-stops. The more you focus on hype for winning a free thing, the more impossible it will seem. People easily enter thousands and thousands of times before ever seeing a win, and levelling up doesn't necessarily change that. In fact, a number of people feel actively cheated when they give away games but then don't win something back quickly, forgetting how the odds work. Even if only 1000 people enter a giveaway, that's still 1:1000. For a reality check, hit up the google random number generator, set it to 1-1000, mentally pick a number, then hit roll. Yeah. Then press roll a few times. Yep. This is why frustrated people start believing this place is a 'scam'. People forget about the scale of numbers sometimes.
Treat this place as a gaming forum, relax a bit, and contribute your spares whenever you feel it is warranted.
A win will happen eventually! If you're feeling generous or want to clean up your unused keys then by all means pitch in, but don't stress either way.
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Hello! Welcome to SG. Looks like you stopped in to ask a simple question and ended up getting a bit more than you bargained for. Don't let that bother you - that happens around here from time to time.
Don't worry so much about levels right away. There's lots of public groups you can join that will increase your chances at winning.Unlucky 7 is one you can join after 2 months if you have won less than 7 games by then.
And there are many more both public and private groups - you can find recruitment topics for them if you search Discussions.
Right now there is a huge community train running - hop on and that should keep you pretty busy.
Have fun!
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Can I get levels from simply just being part of discussions, or is the only way of getting levels from hosting me own giveaways?
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