Somehow "Lemmy" isn't recognised as a correct answer.
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Eddie Izzard always makes me smile. Man's a genius.
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I am just going to call it a day, haven't been able to solve the puzzle, but at least now I know how some of the people feel about my puzzle. 😧
Edit: Seems I was pretty close yesterday.
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301 Comments - Last post 21 minutes ago by sfkng
73 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by Freilyreydia
24 Comments - Last post 2 hours ago by Myrsan
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2,452 Comments - Last post 8 hours ago by Ch1cWolf
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109 Comments - Last post 32 minutes ago by Kingsajz
I wanted to create a big giveaway train just before the end of the year, I decided to make it a bit early because there will be many events later around christmas and you probably won't bother with this one.
To enter the giveaways you just have to answer in this simple puzzle here
There are 100 carts on this train, I put the first 10 for start, the next 90 come with a small sgtools check if i manage to make it work because sgtools is partly working right now. If not many people manage to solve the puzzle i will add hints.
All giveaways are for Level 3+ users, they are from Fanatical bundles and end at December 6th.
Edit: All carts added. sgtools check removed because many people had issues.
The answer for the train doesn't require stalking or any account at any site/social. most people if not all used stalking and found the answer but that wasn't my intention 😂. the answer requires only google skills.
Hint 1: the first clue is in front of your eyes
Hint 2: my name is usually given to christians but its roots come from the ancient greek language
Hint 3: picture
ith answers here
The intended way:
Hint 1: The first clue is in front of your eyes from the start and that is the date December 6, if you google "December 6" and go into the wiki and then at Holidays and observances you will find at that date is St Nicholas Day.
If you google "December 6 name" you get at once Saint Nicholas Day.
Hint 2: If you google " christian december 6" you get Saint Nicholas Day.
If you google "greek names" or "ancient greek names" you will find various long lists and somewhere is the name Nikolaos, Nicolaus, Nicholas etc.
If you google "common greek names" you will find more easily the name Nick for boys.
Hint 3: If you reverse search the image or if you are an electrical engineer or something you will find that the image is the symbol for alternating current (AC). If you google "alternating current scientist" or "alternating current inventor" you will get Nikola Tesla.
The unintended way:
a) if you google "metalhead8489" you will find my youtube account and there is a link for my facebook, at fb you will see my name Nikos
b) at my youtube comments there are some long forgotten comments from a friend of mine where she wishes me and there is my name there Niko
c) if you google "metalhead8489 name" and do some search at some images you will come across a long forgoten thread at steamgifts here and find my name Nick
extra solution:
if you are crazy enough to type the name of the devil may cry 5 character from my steam profile Nico you will also be correct 😂
gas still running, make sure you don't own before entering:
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