An objective answer from the most black/white prospective:
You marked not received, so you're good to accept the new gift. That's all there really is to the absolute obligation side of it.
If you want them to get suspended... I guess keep waiting for support, and maybe? There's fewer people to handle tickets like that, but as long as you haven't been adding new stuff to the ticket (which would send it back to the bottom of the queue) someone should see it soon. HOWEVER--I think the suspensions are discretionary anyway, so no guarantee even when they do. Besides, there are some things that make me suspect it's not exactly worth a suspension... but that gets out of the black/white prospective..
An subjective answer from a more neutral approach cautious to see malice where it might be mistake:
The above answer clarifies what to do with the situation, but from any sense of (I guess) 'moral' responsibility there are a few points that leave me wondering about fault here.
So....are you sure they even know its not received?
Hell, I would never notice how it was marked (especially when just one among many) unless there's a comment, and only find out months later when something been changed vindictively, or wrongfully marked. Did you friend them on Steam or contact any other way?
I mean IF it's a situation where you never mentioned it---well, I'd say that fault is on your side. That sort of due diligence---meaning at least a reasonable attempt to make contact--is specifically mentioned and expected within the procedure for not receiving a gift before marking it. You're not necessarily wrong to still mark not received, if you didn't receive it.... but I mean, it's still a situation that might have been resolved with a word and that's shitty as hell if its all a misunderstanding, especially one where you're hoping they're suspended for what you've done or not done, or where you've looked or not looked. BUT, again that's just assuming from what you wrote that you HAVENT contacted them.
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I'm pretty sure. That is why I said "long story".
But let me tell ya. Basically, this guy is from a group that I've been part of once. And I had a discussion with its owner for some stupid shit (on their Facebook group), about something like rules or else, but he acted like a kid and just because I called him out on his actions he kicked me.
And this guys is his friend.
That group had very clear rules that all its members should blacklist ex-members or smth. This one probably forgot, so when he saw I won he just didn't care about it.
Yeah, I didn't try to add him, I won't comment on the giveaway or anything, because 1 week has passed and its his obligation, not mine.
Even if it was another user I would clearly try to contact, but I know who he is and who hes friend with.
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So I won a game (STRIDER) some days (2 weeks) ago. The creator of the giveaway never delivered (and I'm sure he won't), even tho he delivered many games from the same period and kept being active even after it was marked as not-received.
Reported, never got a reply from support.
So I kept joining giveaways for that game, and I just won it.
Is there any special way to proceed about it? I would like to at least make sure the first creator is suspended for it.
And I'm pretty sure he won't deliver the game anyway. Long story.
Here is a GA for your trouble on reading this: (1+)
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