what should i need to upgrade first
no im not planning on overclocking thanks for the link
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in that case it really comes down if you want to add some more money and get a 290x or a better CPU, you would need maybe 50-60 bucks in each case.
EDIT: whoops I didn't read right, if that's your current config. It's gonna be either your graphics card and cpu as stated above, maybe you want to run dual graphics card dunno
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im not planning on running dual graphics i think that mabe i should go for better cpu and a new case
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This config is pretty solid for now. You can get something like GTX970 and another 8 gigs of RAM and that's it. It all depends on what you want to do on this PC. I assume it's for gaming, so GPU + RAM will be fine. In 2-3 years you can think about getting Broadwell or something like that, but for now you should be able to play all games on ultra settings.
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yeah it is for gaming i can run on ultra but sometimes when i turn or aim the fps goes down a bit like for example bioshock infinite on ultra i got around 60fps but when it comes to action it goes down to 45
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AMD drivers are heavy on CPU. Switching to NV will help in that regard. But if framerate is the most important to you buy GTX970. You will notice a huge improvement. GTX980 and such are not worth the money. The performance difference is like 10%.
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framerate is not really that important to me but sometimes in the games the fps drops and it lags for a bit
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Lenovo V570
Cpu: Pentium B960
Gpu: GT 540M
Ram: 2x4GB (8)
HDD: 500GB 5400rpm
What should I upgrade first? Currently I'm only bottlenecked by the CPU, GPU and the HDD is AWFULLY slow.
PS: I can run Bad Rats on max with a perfectly stable 30 fps, so I'm fine for now.
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Well, 500GB was the standard for a long while, but now it really hurts, when it gets a bad block it just freezes the video, does some wiggly magic stuff and it hurts. but I can do 500 fps on San Andreas and a stable 40-60 fps on normal gameplay, so I got a 2005 game working for me, which is nice.
Also, racing games run at max detail without AA at 40+ fps, which is OK for me.
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That is mildly surprising. I know that the 540M is a good chip, but the Pentium B series is just so utterly terrible (and still costs a fortune despite being the "budget" category) that it may actually be the largest bottleneck in that laptop.
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Yeah, the GPU and the RAM made me buy the laptop without looking back, and they're worth it, I could run everything I never could on the old PC (it has a better CPU, HDD but no GPU) so I was really thrilled, until I realised any game that was released after DX11 (roughly) was stuttery AF. Guess I underestimated the importance of the CPU and I need a new laptop to replace my mistake. Too bad I don't have the money for it (I think I'll start a thread asking where you get the money for all this)
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Just so you know, that if you want dual GPU (i know you said you don't) than you need a stronger PSU :)
but your computer looks fine. why upgrade?
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So my guess is that you have some software issues...
all updated? maybe it heats up? adding another cooling can never hurt.
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You shouldn't be having many gameplay issues with your PC. I would strongly suggest not changing any components because that won't necessarily fix any issues you're having. It might just be a small issue that can be easily fixed without spending any money.
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+1 maybe 8 more gb of ram would make a bit of sense or adding 2nd gpu
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I would have to go with the graphics card, and the GTX 980 Ti should be coming out soon, so the prices of the GTX 970/980 should drop a bit.
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Frankly, I wouldn't touch this config apart than adding maybe HDD space and a little more RAM. Both the CPU and GPU are solid and work together with no bottlenecks. The whole rig has no bottlenecks. If it is pre-built, then congratulations for finding one of a million. If it was built, then congrats for the solid combination.
Adding a more powerful GPU can only benefit you if you plan to change the whole computer within 6-12 months, so you can migrate. Otherwise buy a completely new rig in about 12-24 months. This one should carry you for quite a long while.
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Make sure your games are on the ssd. The best cpu I have seen are quad core at 4hz. Switching the cpu will most likely require you to buy a new motherboard and the graphics card is upgradable though you will most likly also need to upgrade the power supply depending on the card. 600 watt power supply covers most cards out today.
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None, in my opinion.
If you feel like you need more FPSs in games, the only component that currently makes sense upgrading is the GPU.
A GTX970 is the ideal candidate in my eyes.
Wait a few months though, both AMD and NVidia should announce new high-end cards by September.
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Hii i want some advice on what should i upgrade first these are my current pc specs
Gigabyte H81M-H
Cpu: I5 4460 3.2ghz
Gpu: MSI R9 280x 3gb
Ram: 8gb corsair 1600mhz vengeance
HDD: 1tb
SSD: 256gb
Psu: CX 600+80 Bronze
Monitor: AOC E2343F
Case: Galaxy 3 Mid Tower Black
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