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I see pie so I approve.
going have to come back to this later however
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Thanks Kyu! Will have to check the puzzle(s?) later tho cause solving that one on my mobile is almost impossible. Also I can't start the video as well due to restrictions/licensing
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easy peasy lemon squeezy !
difficult difficult lemon difficult !
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cartoon fans can guess what's hiding in here
m0l0 understands Anime and starts to run away
created by Fiftykyu
m0l0 takes a step back and gently bumps the thread before vanishing in the air like he never came there
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Hopefully Steamgifts will let me paste this whole thing in... :)
Ok, let's start with the easy part. The pity puzzle "" - pity=okgYK should lead you to if you've ever tried a puzzle before. So if you didn't find this giveaway, maybe READ THE PUZZLE GUIDE again. :) And good luck with the rest of this thing... :)
Anyway, here's your puzzle. Two thousand digits of pi, plus some line noise because like I said, I couldn't remember how the script worked. Oh well. :(
Here's a hint for the future: don't believe
everythinganything you read in a puzzle, especially if I wrote it. :) Let's try again:It's 1909 characters (I counted!) that look like digits of pi, but I don't know for sure. It starts out right, but I didn't memorise 2000 digits of pi. Maybe check somehow? And there are some letters mixed in, that are obviously not digits of pi. Maybe that's the "line noise"?
Oh, right, "line noise"? Assuming you're old enough to remember what that looks like from the bbs days, how does creating a puzzle by hand add line noise to your digits of pi? I mean, come on. :)
So now what? Well, you could start by getting rid of everything that looks like a digit, and seeing what's left. This will work to find the first giveaway, but (spoiler!) you'll be wanting those digits back later. But for now, it's good enough, and gives you:
Ok, it looks like words, but it's hard to read. So try this:
goOD luCk rEadIng thIs humaNs I wAs gOinG to tRoll tHAT PuZzLe SoLvinG ScriPt bUt i aM lAzY sO scREw iT FeEL FrEe tO trOlL YOurSelF THougH ITSTOOHARD D0Y7jwii ???
Or, with punctuation, "Good luck reading this, humans! :) I was going to troll that puzzle solving script but I am lazy so screw it. :) Feel free to troll yourself, though. :) ITSTOOHARD = D0Y7jwii :)
Which should lead you to which points to the first giveaway, i.e.
Cool, solved one! Only three left! :)
Now, for this next part, maybe you get the idea, and maybe you don't. It's tied up with the 112 (I counted again!) goofy mixed-case letters, somehow. If you get lucky, you might wonder if that mixed-case business is hiding a message, i.e. maybe it's encoded in base 2? Let's see what we get from:
goODluCk rEadIngt hIshumaN sIwAsgOi nGtotRol ltHATPuZ zLeSoLvi nGScriPt bUtiaMlA zYsOscRE
wiTFeELF rEetOtrO lLYOurSe lFTHougH
Or, if you want me to spell it out:
goODluCk rEadIngt hIshumaN sIwAsgOi nGtotRol ltHATPuZ zLeSoLvi
00110010 01001000 01000001 01010010 01000100 00111101 01010100
nGScriPt bUtiaMlA zYsOscRE wiTFeELF rEetOtrO lLYOurSe lFTHougH
01100010 01000101 01010011 00110111 01001001 01110010 01110001
Or, if you really want me to spell it out, try ASCII:
32 48 41 52 44 3d 54 62 45 53 37 49 72 71
2 H A R D = T b E S 7 I r q
Which should lead you to which gives you the second giveaway,
Cool, that's two solved, only two left! :) These things sure are easy when you know the answer! :)
So now let's go back to that big "digits of pi" thing. Do you remember where I said maybe check somehow? Well, if you compare 1909 real digits of pi to our "digits of pi", obviously the text message characters are wrong digits - but some of the numbers are wrong, too. What's up with that?
Oh, and while we're on the subject, what's up with 1909? Hmmm, did you want a hint for that part too, before I explain it? :) Well, 1909 is the product of two primes, 83 and 23. So maybe it's something to do with public-key cryptography? Umm, nice idea, but no. Let's worry about that part later. :)
So, we have:
As you can see, compared to the real digits of pi, some of our "digits of pi" are +1, and some are -1. Hopefully the previous part of the puzzle, with 112 mixed-case characters hiding a message in base 2, will give you the idea. With 128 (I counted again!) wrong digits, calling every "+1" a 1, and every "-1" a 0, we get:
01010100 01001111 01001111 01001000 01000001 01010010 01000100 00111101
01101010 01101011 01011000 01101010 01110101 01010101 01100011 01101100
And if you got this far, you know ASCII when you see it:
54 4f 4f 48 41 52 44 3d 6a 6b 58 6a 75 55 63 6c
T O O H A R D = j k X j u U c l gives you - cool, only one left! Almost finished! :)
Oh, by the way, this final itstoohard thing contained an actual hint! :)
Sorry, there's no hint. Instead, here's a pity jpeg for anyone who waited a whole day for nothing. :) And the picture :)
A bit of googling should lead you to the source of that image, i.e. - it seems to be a picture from the Arecibo radio telescope, in 1974. Hmm, is that a hint? Spoiler: yes! :)
Now, you might get lucky and stumble across something called the "Arecibo message", and you might not. If you do, and you noticed previously the "2000 digits of pi" were actually 1909 characters, maybe the reason for 83 * 23 = 1909 makes sense now.
But here's something funny - none of the three solvers needed that hint. Here are their explanations, which probably make more sense than mine:
nickchanger: I counted the spaces and the same numbers repeated all the time but they didn't make sense as a cipher so I realized it will be a picture :p
Ryzhehvost: After making a file - it still made no sense to me, but I noticed that some markings go one after another, and some other have space between them... it looked like pattern, so I decided I need to check it. Find&Replace marked places as @@, unmarked as spaces, copy&paste to notepad, change window width... bingo!
nhahtdh: I'm not surprised that you can encode all those GA into the puzzle, and I know that the last piece of information lies in the position of the differences, but only thought of turning it into an image recently.
So don't feel bad, I never would have solved this part, either. :)
Here's the idea: compare the real digits of pi to our "digits of pi", call each correct digit 0, and each incorrect digit 1. But this time it's not a message in base 2, it's a bunch of hmm, monochrome pixels, in an 83*23 rectangle. Maybe having 1909 characters helps with that idea, or maybe you just resize your text editor until the message appears by magic. :) Assuming Steamgifts doesn't screw it up, let's see how it goes:
Or, if you prefer:
Which is pretty hard to read, now that I look at it on here. Hopefully it isn't quite so painful in your text editor/whatever. :) Anyway, let's assume you can squint and make out the characters "CAX7n". :)
So that's the final giveaway, :) Thank you to everyone, and congratulations to the winners! :)
Original Message:
I suppose cartoon fans can guess what's hiding in here. And yes, I know it's not the same thing, so you don't have to tell me. :)
For people who hate reading, or puzzles, or anything that comes between you and your profitz: click here for free stuff!
Pity "puzzle" hiding in the youtube video: have pity! And if that video's blocked, try this one: have pity!
And, hmm, well, I was going to make a puzzle last year but it got boring so I bailed. Sorry.
If you like, imagine I kept working on that puzzle for months, piling it full of loot, just for you. Spoiler: nope.
Today I found a few of the leftover pieces and threw this crap together. And I couldn't remember how the script worked so I did it by hand, and probably screwed the whole thing up. Oh well.
For of all sad words of tongue or pen, The saddest are these: 'It might have been!'
Anyway, here's your puzzle. Two thousand digits of pi, plus some line noise because like I said, I couldn't remember how the script worked. Oh well. :(
Good luck... :)
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