Giveaways for the fans and followers:
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That's the plan, unless something changes (technically; If I can do it it will be done). So far I'm testing windows only as it's easier to do it like that and just compile the gnu/inux build and test it later when the game is actually ready. But I could do it today I guess if there's someone to test the linux build.
AAAaaand it works:
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Congrats on the sequel. Lets hope its like the Godfather where the sequel was better than the original. That's my opinion anyway!
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Cool, congrats! ๐
What would you say, in broad strokes, are the most important changes since the first one?
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Hmmm, interesting question. It's easy to notice graphics change, but there's so many things that changed behind what you see first.
First one - linear, no replaying levels, rudimentary UI, basic mechanics (run and jump, pull levers), not optimized for multiple language support, hard to add new levels, ...
This one - choose level from the map, replay levels, advanced UI, extended mechanics (run, jump, double jump, look down, move up/down slopes, use different keys, upgrade skills, ...), optimized to support many languages, optimized to easily add new levels later, ...
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Not bad ๐ I'm pretty sure almost every gamer has nostalgic memories about those games where you'd move around on a larger world map and then enter seperate Jump and run levels; specially from Super Mario.
Looking forward to the next Let's Play event then, if those are still a thing. I remember there was some uncertainty about that because new rules changes before I left the site for a while.
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"no replying levels"?
I think you're missing an "a" there ;)
Edit: Although the fact the game doesn't' answer you means it's still correct ...
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That double jump animation in the teaser looks dope. I love the flip.
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A preview of a "Snowy Pass" level (short/easy). No advanced mechanics here. There's a type of enemy that chases after the goblin, there's an icicle that falls down and there's snow dust when you land/jump on some platforms. Need to make more variations in the tileset and some bg details to make the level more... alive.
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Will these chasing enemies be able to jump down a ledge?
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I hope enemies are vulnerable to icicles too.
The camera felt uncomfortable. Have you read Scroll Back - The Theory and Practice of Cameras in Side-Scrollers? If you don't feel like reading, you could watch the GDC talk linked at the top of the article.
Have you implemented ghost jumping? It really is a must for most platformers.
The clock format could be zero padded (i.e., MM:SS). The leading zeros could be drawn in a dim color (e.g., gray).
A simple snow weather particle system would be nice.
It would be nice if the coins were animated (i.e., spinning).
In the final product, I hope there will be a victory pose before showing the score panel and also have said panel animated in some way.
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I hope enemies are vulnerable to icicles too.
Icicle can kill an enemy, but needs to be triggered by the player.
Have you read
Camera is sort of lerp-smoothing position-locking mechanism, but works both ways as some levels will be right to left.
Have you implemented ghost jumping? It really is a must for most platformers.
Have no idea what you mean. If you mean jumping/walking outside of a platform proper, then yes, that's been in the first game too. I even think you can see the goblin standing mostly off the platform in the video at one point.
A simple snow weather particle system would be nice.
It would be, but I'm not using shader particles, everything is hand drawn and coded. Still can be done, but we'll see, it's not really a priority during alpha phase.
It would be nice if the coins were animated (i.e., spinning).
That's a design decision. Remember that you're looking at an unfinished game that might change 300x until the release. I can't say anything else of this.
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A preview of "Sunny beach" level. This will be the first selectable level after you clear the intro/shop/map required part. It's of an easy variety, size medium, maybe medium-small. Crabs are invulnerable, they act the same as circulars in the first game for example. But they will also work on the enemies, for example parrots if you lure them in the crab's path.
Note: Please don't jump on turtles IRL. Thanks!
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The new game mechanics look fun, although it'd be cool if crabs would sometime rest, allowing the player to pick it up and throw it, like in Super Mario World. I hope you'll fix the camera snapping at 0:18. But more importantly, is the duck face intentional? (And sorry, I didn't see the reply above.)
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I was thinking of something similar (burrowing in the ground then popping back up) but complicates things a lot and changes the intended mechanics for no gameplay reason. Unlike Super Mario you don't have enemies close-bye to throw the crab on them. But I might add some enemies later that you can kick/pant in direction of other enemies, we'll see.
What duckface? :)
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Started working on the next level, here's a screenshot of the starting location and an article for those who wanna read about me making several levels from one tileset:
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Do you think there will ever be a Mac port for the games? I'd love to play but, unfortunately, I don't have a PC atm.
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Sadly I don't expect that to happen anytime soon.
Unlike for example Linux, where I can run a vbox with Ubuntu LTS, install dependencies and tools, then compile through a virtual network to create a Linux build directly from my Windows machine...without even restarting, switching computers, paying anything... for Mac I'd need not just own a genuine Mac hardware (and recent at that), but also a developer account that has a yearly price and I hear they made it even more complicated recently on top of all that... with some verification for the files by Apple, not really sure how it works... It's just something I can't even think about at this point.
Maybe one day in the future I have the funds and access and I just use the existing source to compile all my games for Mac too, but for now default is "Windows and Linux only".
That said, maybe there is a way to run Windows/Linux games on Mac, not sure... Or maybe some streaming service that lets you play owned games on another device? Sorry.
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I heard of this today apparently works on M1 Macs too and there's a free trial, compatibility database like for wine and... Steam should work. You might want to give it a go and see if it's worth $29.95 depending on how well does it work for you.
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Thank you! Unfortunately, I have an Intel chip make as I didn't want to try the m1 chip from the launch.
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There's something in the wind for you mac gamers: (for all games)
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Drawing a background house for the new level
A preview of the level and the house in it:
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A short video that compares GnC1 graphics with GnC2 (in development), focusing on caves/mines later in the video:
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Want to try out the current alpha-build, see what the game is slowly becoming and provide your opinion to the developer? Request access to a Steam playtest right now and you might be invited between 15th and 30th of this month:
It's completely free and done through steam, you don't have to download anything from a 3rd party website, join anything or whatever.
Also added a few giveaways to the 1st reply in the thread.
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I'm not 100% sure about benefits to the developer. There should be some, and are rumored to be, because the more "interactions" game has (wishlists, followers, wishlist conversions) the better it should be "ranked", shown to more people... but no one knows exactly anymore.
I know that day1 of release is important because the more it sells, the more people will it be shown to on the frontpage of the store and so on... and the more wishlists game has, more chance some of those people will buy it on day1... or at least get a notification that the game has been released. But not even all the people who wislist the game get these notifications.
Steam has been very confusing lately, with all the changes they've been making. For example, when there was playtest for gnc2 in May, I made a "cross-promotion post" on gnc1 store page (because that's the only type of post you should use for this now)... which you don't see on the store page. Weird, right? Looking at the stats, out of 2500+ game owners, only 34 got the banner shown in the game hub. 0 people got it in the news, email, whatever... What's the point of that type of post then if no one will see it? God knows... and that's just one example.
tl,dr; more wishlist should be beneficial but I'm not sure what exactly does it do and what changes might yet come in the future.
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I can only say, you're doing a good thing in some way, for yourself and developers, feel free to continue. It's just hard to know what direct benefit could be, indirect is clear (you as an interested party being notified of sales, release and so on). Sorry I couldn't help.
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Will this answer the burning questions left by GnC1's ending?
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Thread for the latest game (2024)
Thread about 2023 Goblin and Coins II below
I guess it's time to officially present to you, the amazing SG community, a sequel to Goblin and Coins (which was developed here, in front of your eyes and with your help with testing and suggestions).
Goblin and Coins II
It's a 2D pixel-art platformer in development... by me. I've took in all the comments, feedback, critique for GnC - from here, steam reviews, forum posts, emails, you name it - and tried to make a better game than the first one, while still being true to the roots of what it is - a simple and fast platformer with a silly story.
Now I feel like it's ready to be shown here, and I'll be thankful for your time and potential feedback.
Here are some videos. Not attaching any screens as there's many on the Steam page.
Coming soon / April 2023 release trailer:
It's been a year since release, see the latest update about it in this reply.
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