Hey copeyb/76561198841696981,
for starters, read before acting, seems you avoided some hits here on SG narrowly.
Cancle your request to join the group on Steam, until you qualify. When you qualify, post at the end of this thread and reference your comment above.
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Damn. I was tired from work and forgot there was an "open" posting from here.
Will send you a friend request on Steam in a second.
Edit: Invited.
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I would like to mention that this group used to have at least one page of giveaways for each day but since people started listing giveaways that start in 2 or more weeks, there are very few per day. Has anyone else noticed this? Maybe gifters see 3 pages of giveaways and think they are too many but in reality they are very few. What are people's opinions on this?
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True. Some people that gave a lot have stoped doing so or left Steamgifts all together. There will be better and worse times giveaway wise. Imho, just be patient.
Edit: October had on average 10 GAs each day. That's still fine imo.
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by your request, here are my giveaways for this moment :
Hearts of Iron IV
Sudden Strike 4
We Were Here Too
Gremlins, Inc.
Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes
Metal Gear Solid V: the Phantom Pain - DLC definitive something something
Hard Reset Redux
Darksiders II Deathinitive Edition
The Dwarves
Cities: Skylines
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But the website says: my request has been refused (in Chinese, I don't know what English exactly says)
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Because you requested to join the group 2 weeks ago without posting here.
I will send you a friend request on Steam in a minute.
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Have a question,Opp
I'm already a member of the group(unlucky).But I would like to gift a few games to the group(nothing special-2 games I now I will never play & 1 game I already own) to the group rather then normal on the site.Decent games,not asset-flips or such
But,the problem is my CV is only 2.11 ATM.You don't have to put my name in gifters(if that is possible),I will not join gifters giveaways.I just want to give a game to somebody who will MAYBE play it,not some asshole who will just take & then root in his/hers library
Is that even possible?
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there seems to be some misunderstandings.
Every member is allowed to create giveaways.
"Unlucky" members are allowed to enter all group giveaways.."Open to gifters/all" just allows gifters to entere these giveaways too. There are no "gifter only" giveaways!
So feel free to create your giveaways. I suggest to make them last for more than 24 hours, so every unlucky member has a chacne to enter them.
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So,I can make a giveaway so only members of the group can enter?
I thought that you had to be level 3 to apply for a gifter-my mistake
So,then OK-3 giveaways coming in a few minutes
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Everyone can create group giveaways.
Gifters are people who won more than 7 giveaways, but want to stay in the group. The special rules only apply to those.
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Thank you for clearing that out for me-now I know
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Hey harutgamer,
please elaborate on your request and show me that you understand the rules that would apply to you in the group.
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My steam gift = 9 Month
i win 36 gifts
my previously won game activated in my account
my all wins activated in my account
but i win 8 gifts or more((
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Based on what you have written, I can not invite you.
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Hey bugzee567,
as I told you last time you asked to join as a gifter, please fix your non activations and multiple wins first.
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You can see the giveaway creator on the list of your wins: https://www.steamgifts.com/user/bugzee567/giveaways/won/search?q=sword
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Not yet. Most of your giveaways have been of "no value games" (games that are or have been free). Poke me again as soon as there have been 7 of reduced or full value.
Edit: Invited.
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Gifters, please read the October 2023 information: https://www.steamgifts.com/go/comment/XBsHs5q
A group for people that have won 7 or less games on steamgifts.
The idea is to help boost morale and help make things a bit more fair and friendly for everyone.
How to apply:
"game details"Steam account to public (games, playtime, groups, friends) - linkRules of application normal membership:
(1a) Your steamgifts account needs to be at least 2 months old. (It has to say 2 months or more on your profile.)
screenshot on how to check join date
(1b) In case your account is less than 2 months old -
you need to have 7 or more completed giveaways on steamgifts (You gave away 7 or more gifts of reduced or full value)
You need have won no more than 7 gifts on steamgifts (0-7 wins is ok, 8 or more will disqualify you).
You need to have your previous wins on steamgifts activated in YOUR account (steamgifts rule).
You are not a documented scammer (e.g steamrep)
It is your first time around on Steamgifts and you have not deleted your account in the past. There might be exception to this, talk to me (in a comment here). New rule April 2023.
Remember to sync your Steamgifts after being invited.
Once you've won 8 gifts or more -
You need to leave the group and remember to sync your Steamgifts. If you want to stay as a gifter, see below, request your promotion on Steam after your 8th win or ahead of time.
Gifter membership
Gifters create giveaways for group members.
Gifters can only enter 'open to gifters' giveaways and only IF they have a +7 gift difference in group. screenshot check yours here No description => not open to gifters!
Be at least level 3 on steamgifts
Have at least a give/sent ratio of 1:1 in numbers ignoring "no value games sent
4.1 If you have many recent giveaways of asset flip or similar games that are overpriced and just not yet set to zero value, you will probably be denied from being a gifter. If your only giveaways for UL7 are "overpriced trash" every couple of months, please change the quality of your giveaways or leave the group. Updated rule Jan 2024.
Make at least one GA per week in case your in-group gift difference is under +7 until you reach that mark
5.1 Create at least one group (exclusive or share) group giveaway every 6 months. If you create a lot of giveaways in general, but only exactly one UL7 giveaway each 6 months, please post a link in the giveaway thread on Steam, easier to find your last giveaway.
Must keep an in-group VALUE difference bigger than 0
Mention you want to be a gifter when you post below.
After you are in the group, check the threads & announcements (even the old ones) on Steam.
Read: https://www.steamgifts.com/go/comment/XBsHs5q
Group giveaway guide - when you create a giveaway and someone wins DON'T deliver gift until:
(unless it was open to gifters / multi group giveaway and the winner was from another group/whitelist)
If you request a new winner, because the winner is no longer in the group, ask for a screenshot first, so you have proof when he/she left the group.
When its time for you to leave the group:
How do I sync my profile?
Like this
How do I check my steamgifts join date?
Like this
Can I enter to win a gift for my friend / family / brother / cousin / dog / pet gerbil?
Gifts have to be activated in your account. This is a steamgifts rule.
If your friends want to join, have them apply here.
You don't have to enter all group giveaways - Remember you only have up to 8 gifts so choose wisely!
Its actually much preferred if you only enter giveaways for games you actually want.
Can non gifters create giveaways for the group?
Regular members can also create group giveaways for each other. Actually this is encouraged.
Can I join the group as both gifter as normal member?
You can join the group as both, or become a gifter once you have won the gift quota.
I have more than 8 wins but not all wins are from the group, do I still have to leave?
Yes, the win count refers to your steamgifts account, it is not group specific.
I have to leave the group but still have ongoing group giveaways I am part of, can I still win those?
No, if you have to leave please exit all ongoing group giveaways you are a part of.
We get very angry when we have to perform dozens of re-rolls on people that left / were kicked from group days ago and still "win" group giveaways.
I am a gifter but have less than 8 wins on steamgifts, can I enter group giveaways for normal members?
yes, once you reach 8 or more wins you become a full 'gifter'. Until then you can enter all 'normal' group giveaways.
For gifters: Only enter group GAs, if the GA is "open to gifters" and your gift difference is >= +7. Please refrain from using UL7 GAs to store points.
"Open to gifters" does not exclude unluckies. Members with less than 8 wins are allowed to enter all group GAs.
If a giveaway says "open to all", unluckies and gifters can enter
Group giveaways list
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