Playing Matters Recruitment Topic v3

Playing Matters is a group that values playing wins from SteamGifts. We hope to create a respectable and dependable platform to unite friendly and passionate gamers.
Our group is not so much about making giveaways, but about enjoying what we already have and sharing fun with like-minded people. We aim to create a friendly and enjoyable atmosphere in our group.

We fully encourage fun little chats to take place in our group giveaways. Additionally we have our own Discord server for our members to make new friends and enjoy each other’s company while also enjoying our wins.

Before applying to join our group, please make sure that:

How to apply:

If you meet the requirements mentioned above and want to join, reply to this topic stating that you are applying to the group and tell us a bit about your favourite SG win. It doesn’t have to be much - maybe a sentence or two.

Creating a BLAEO account is not required but we’d still like you to post the link to your profile if you have it, whether you use it actively or not.

We will have a look at your profile(s) and contact you in due time.

We hope to see you among us. Have fun winning games and playing them!

Please don’t send friend requests to mods or admins.

If you don't receive a direct reply within 7 days, your application is likely under consideration. Also, if your application is rejected please don’t allow this to break your spirit. Instead use it as a motivation to discover and enjoy new games among your SG wins. Who knows, maybe your next favourite game is right around the corner.

5 years ago*

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Reserved for additional info

5 years ago

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We emphasize that our group is oriented into beating possibly all wins. Not just trying/starting won games and dropping them. Beating games is not about just getting 25% of achievements. Majority of games unlocks 25% of achievements way before being beaten and such dropped wins are not what we are looking for with our requirements. We have to look into each applying account personally.

While for members of PM the maintenance rule will be checked using Kelnage's scripts plus by periodically looking into playing statistics (to counter cheating etc.), when we are checking accounts of a person who applies to the group, we wish to see more than 50% of wins beaten. If account has less than half of wins taken a good care of or if this percentage is unclear for us, we will prefer the future member of PM to play more of their wins first before entering our small community, where mostly everyone exceeds our minimal requirements by a decent margin and deserves similarly responsible and passionate winners.
We are totally not in hurry to make our group bigger.

We'd like to emphasize also that entering our group while winning games outside of the group which remain not played, will not be taken lightly. An honest person should learn to control own appetites and possibilities. While we don't have specific formal rules regarding members' wins outside of PM, our group is created for people who believe that playing SG wins is the only correct approach to received gifts and who acts correspondingly and consistently to it (with the only relaxation regarding very old wins, which are still encouraged to be given a decent try). Our group formal rules are only a projection of our ideas, not the other way around. Everyone who wants to join, please seriously consider if you are up to our standards and course.

5 years ago

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I don't think I really understand what you mean to say about giveaways outside the group. Do you not like them in general or do you mean members should strive to beat those at all times too?

5 years ago

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I believe it's the latter... Members should strive to play all games won on SG regardless of whether the game was won within this group or not.
(yes, replying to last year's comment :P)

5 years ago

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That's so last decade. smh

5 years ago

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To clarify, the requirements to join and stay in the group is that you have played 50% or more of your wins with 25% or more of the achievements completed.

Once you are in the group, you must beat any games you win inside the group within 3 months, in addition to maintaining the overall more than 50% of wins played.

So as a group member you are welcome to make giveaways that are open to outside groups, and you're obviously welcome to win games outside the group, you just have to make the effort to keep up with your wins.

5 years ago*

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Hi can you check what are my stats?
They should be low but im triyng to play more of my wins

5 years ago

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Achievement Rates ≥25% complete: 11.4% (5/44), completed: 0.00% (0/44)

5 years ago

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Hi again, can you check my stats?
I finally have a blaeo:

5 years ago

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Achievement Rates ≥25% complete: 40.7% (24/59), completed: 6.78% (4/59)

5 years ago

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Thanks FrozenShiver! Good to see I made some progress since last time. I will keep working at it 😁

5 years ago

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You are welcome, have fun :)

5 years ago

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Hi I would like to apply, I think I meet your requirements. Here's my BLAEO account, I don't use it regularly enough but I'm still active. I have a bad habit of starting games then never finishing them, I'm trying to remedy it by finishing my won games. Right now I'm participating in Play A Game You Won On Steamgifts Month event which helps a lot with that. I enjoyed a lot of my won games, my favourite would be Okami HD. It gave me the joy of experiencing an epic tale that lots of JRPG back in the day had, and I love that it has so many references to Japanese mythology and culture. I'm familiar with quite a few of them from manga anime and it's fun to see how the game used them, like the canine warriors being literal dogs while Yatsufusa isn't.

5 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

5 years ago*

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Hi, you are still below our minimal requirements.
When recruiting a new person, we prefer to see at least half of wins beaten.
Have fun with your wins and hope to hear from you in future!

5 years ago

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Hi, I'd like to apply.

My favourite win was probably my most recent one - Dead Cells, it was really high on my wishlist. It was a win from Playing Appreciated, and I'm currently trying to beat this game.

5 years ago

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Since our minimal recruitment requirements are satisfied with a couple of very short games while a number of longer games are not beaten, we would prefer you to have taken care of more wins before you could apply :3
Ideally, when recruiting a new person, we prefer to see at least half of wins beaten - and these wins not being picked among the shortest wins while the longer, bigger games are being left not played.

You have been doing good to your wins so far, wish you fun with the rest!

5 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

5 years ago

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You are currently way below our minimal recruitment requirement.

≥25% complete: 19.2% (89/464)

While you have beaten quite a good amount of your wins, with so many wins total it would take much more time and effort. Hopefully you will find yet a lot of great games among your wins.

5 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

5 years ago

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Hey! I would like to join your group <3
My favorite game I won here is 100% Orange Juice. It was my first win that brings a lot of fun and good friends, and I'm still playing it!
Here's my BLAEO account

5 years ago

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Hi, you are currently below our minimal requirements. Your wins need more love!

5 years ago

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Hi again :)
Can you check my stats if that's enough?
Thanks for your time.

5 years ago

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Stats look just a bit above (basically 1 win) our minimal requirements. Haven't looked at anything else at this point. We require minimum half of wins being beaten, and having an approach in future consistent to playing the wins.

≥25% complete: 53.3% (8/15),

5 years ago

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Hello, any chance to join?
I'm not sure about my favourite SG win, probably it's Tropico 5 or Dungeons 3 (too bad that this one have the achievements bugged and I notice too late that a lot of them did not unlock... ).

5 years ago

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Is it ok to keep giveaways restricted to level three, or do you require no restrictions on giveaways?

5 years ago

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We require no restrictions - this is a guideline. If you absolutely want to exclude someone particular, use black list. Otherwise, all our members who would take part in a giveaway are interested in giving to the win their best effort, and deserve friendly treatment.

If GA is shared to a million of public groups, of course, use your wit, but we strongly prefer all our group members having same access to all giveaways shared to our group. This is part of group idea.

5 years ago

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Greetings. I'd like to apply. Here is my stats:

Avg. Achievement Percentage 67.3%
Games with ≥1 Achievement 74.9% (155/207)
Achievement Rates ≥25% complete: 56.0% (116/207), completed: 36.2% (75/207)

My BLAEO profile. I use it mostly for categorizing my games and not so often.

As for my favorite win, it is very difficult for me to choose one thing, because many of the games I won are very good. Therefore, I will name 5 games in various genres :)

  • Third-person shooter - Spec Ops: The Line. Behind the apparent simplicity lies a very deep history.
  • Horror - Alien: Isolation. The best game about Aliens, in my opinion. It is very close in spirit to the first two parts of the original moovie, in which Alien is an almost invulnerable killing machine, “The Perfect Organism”. And all that remains for the protagonist is to hide, be afraid and pray that he will not find him.
  • Visual Novel - Root Double-Before Crime * After Days-Xtend Edition. A magnificent story, the development of which is very interesting to follow, but somewhat delayed, in my opinion.
  • Slasher, jRPG - NieR: Automata. Overall the game is absolutely mind-blowing. The visuals are beautiful. The music is epic & astounding (Damn, I still use one of the game tunes as a ring sound on my phone :)
  • Another jRPG - Tales of Berseria. Amazing story, although it's kinda grindy, but it's jRPG after all :D
5 years ago*

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

3 years ago

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Thank you :)

3 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 months ago.

5 years ago

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Can you check my stats? Just out of curiosity, I hope that's ok and thank you for your time.

I also appreciate groups like this but I have a feeling I don't qualify, my game completion rate overall is good (of those games that I start playing) but it's a slow process and I haven't paid much attention to the SG wins for the first half of my membership here on SG. Recently more, but it's going slow and I also have a big backlog from buying bundles, and even more if I include my non-Steam games.

5 years ago*

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Achievement Rates ≥25% complete: 19.4% (25/129), completed: 19.4% (25/129)

5 years ago

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My favorite sg win is Stardew valley I have spent more 100 hour playing this amazing life and farm simulator game
My BLAEO account:
Can I join?

5 years ago*

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Hello,I wanted to ask if I could get access to the website.I am not eligible for the group ATM but I would really like to see my progress in the future :).

5 years ago

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Hi, I'm unaware of any websites owned by this group. You may be looking for this.

5 years ago

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Sorry for the confusion.Thanks for the link :)

5 years ago

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Hello, can I join?

I don't use scripts and don't know what percentage I have. But I've played all 4 my gifted games. I'm entering only those GA which I really want to play, that's why I have very few games won =)

Also I am the member of "Playing Appreciated" group, maybe that will mean something, as far as they require wins to be played in a month, not three :)

I guess my favourite win is "ENIGMA" - that was a wonderful story with very beautiful pictures, I really enjoyed playing it despite I'm not a pro with VN ))


5 years ago*

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"Played" may not mean "beaten". Had a look on your first win, there is still a lot of story-related achievements locked.

On recruitment stage we prefer to see more than half of the wins beaten, and also having more than minimally required statistics per script (to be maintained also at all times while being a member of PM).

Your total statistics is still below our absolute minimal requirements. Maybe you may consider joining in future after more wins and/or after deciding to give a second chance to your wins which are not finished.

5 years ago

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I think my states are okay? I don't really know so sorry about that. And yes, I would like to apply for the group.

My favourite win probably is Cook, serve delicious, I spend too much hours because I was hooked trying to get all the achievments and that type of games are really my thing.

5 years ago

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Hello, I'd like to apply, and to know my stats.
My favourite win is FIREWATCH.

5 years ago

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Your stats are still below our absolute minimum requirements:

≥25% complete: 38.9% (7/18)

Not bad, but still some ways to go.

5 years ago

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Hi, I've finished a couple of wins since then, I think I can join now. Maybe?

5 years ago

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You did a fine number on a few more wins but you are still on the fence of absolute minimal requirements. We would prefer to see more as a base.

5 years ago

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I've played one more game... If im still on the fence, can i play a win without achievements? (Sniper Elite btw)

5 years ago

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Hello again, I've played yet another one with achievements since my last reply.

5 years ago

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Thanks for the update. We're a little busy processing applications at the moment (many of the mods were away for the holidays), but your application is under consideration and we will try to get back to you.

In the meantime, we encourage you to keep making progress with playing your wins (and playing a win without achievements, such as Spiner Elite, absolutely counts), and to make a BLAEO profile if you have not already done so.

Thank you for your patience and understanding. :)

5 years ago

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Totally forgot to reply sooner. I've joined BLAEO and finished Sniper Elite. Thank you.

5 years ago

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I am applying to the group and my favorite steamgifts win is oxenfree because its touching, occasionally funny and but not scary even its a horror game.
btw I cant login to BLAEO because it says " Looks like you are not a group member ... right now this site is members only."

5 years ago

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This is pretty weird. I am also not a member of the BLAEO steam group, but I can enter the site without problems. Have you used this site before? I mean, you need to ask to be added to the site here in order to use it.
Also your stats are still below the minimum requirements:

≥25% complete: 40.3% (25/62)

So maybe you may consider joining in future after more wins would be beaten.
I'm not a group moderator, but I guess they'll say you the same.

5 years ago

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5 years ago*

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The last slash in your link is needless. Also, it's the same link I posted above :)

5 years ago

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Hi, I'm not sure my stats are enough but if it is, I would like to join. I am playing almost all my latest wins. I'll play the previous ones when I finished new ones.
My favourite win is "11-11 Memories Retold". The story was quite good and art and visual was extraordinary. I totally recommend the game for those who likes to play games with good story.

5 years ago

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Games with ≥1 Achievement38.9% (7/18)
≥25% complete: 27.8% (5/18)
completed: 0.00% (0/18)

5 years ago

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Thanks for the stat info. But I don't get it "completed:0.00". I finished the games I played. On the other hand, I am not a guy who want to finish %100 achievement. So can you please tell me what is completed? How do you evaluate it? Should I have %100 achievements?

5 years ago

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First - I want to say I'm not moderator of this group, I just checked your stats.

And about your question - this script checks only how much achievements have you obtained, so yes in this case completed = 100% achievements, but If I remember well, in this group we are trying to beat our wins, what means completing main story, but it is impossible to check it by script.

5 years ago

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Oh okay thank you. So "≥25% complete: 27.8% (5/18)" is enough to join the group? I guess that seems legit :)

5 years ago

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Unfortunately not. From group requirements:

We are interested in members who played more than 50% of wins with 25% achievement completion. For members with fewer than 10 wins, 80% played for games with 25% achievement completion is required to join.

I'm not a group moderator, but I guess they'll say you the same. Sorry

5 years ago

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Thanks for the info anyway.

5 years ago

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Hi itekin, thank you for applying. Sorry about the delay in getting back to you, we've been really busy with real life stuff recently.

Anyway, the minimum requirement to join and stay in PM is that you must have played more than 50% of your wins with at least 25% achievement completion. Currently it seems that you have only achieved the 25% achievement rate in 25% of your SG wins, and thus do not qualify.

But we are glad to hear that you're playing your wins, encourage you to continue doing so, and you are welcome to re-apply in the future once you've made more progress. Something that may help you tackle your SG backlog is the BLAEO site where you can make a free account and create a plan of attack. :)

Good luck!

5 years ago

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I'm not applying. I just wanted to point out a typo in rules page

To verify that the game is finished, story related achievements will be checked by the winner and mods.

Probably meant gifter instead of winner.

5 years ago

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Right. Also found another typo.

Thank you!

5 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

5 years ago*

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≥25% complete: 65.0% (106/163), completed: 27.0% (44/163)

5 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

5 years ago

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Not with the group, but accodring to their rules the minimum requirement is of 50% of played wins with 25% of completed achievements (see here )

5 years ago

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Hello, if I am correct I should be compliant with the requirements and if that is tru I would like to join. Thank you

5 years ago

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Hi, just wanted to give you an update - the mods have been backed up with the holidays and real life recently, but everything looks good so far, and we should be in touch with you soon. Thanks for your patience and understanding. :)

5 years ago

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No problem. Recently I was using my free origin month so I was inactive on steam. Thank you

5 years ago

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